May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Kurt and Blaine woke up just before lunch, a little bit disappointed that they had slept so long which didn't give them any time to explore some more of the city, but didn't complain about it because they had an amazing night together and an even better weekend together. They both had a quick breakfast and grabbed coffees for their long journey home.
The car ride was quiet and tense. Kurt was worried about what was going to happen at school tomorrow and wondered if the detectives had done anything about it. Come to think of it Kurt hadn't heard anything from the detectives at all this weekend.
"Blaine, have you heard anything from my dad this weekend?"
Blaines sighed and tried to figure out what to say, he knew what Kurt was implying.
"Blaine...what do you know?"
Blaine didn't want to have this discussion in the car. He knew Kurt would probably break down or have a panic attack and he wasn't prepared to deal with it in the car on the middle of the freeway.
"We will discuss it when we get home sweetheart."
"Discuss what exactly Blaine."
" I said we will talk about it when we get home."
Kurt was becoming pissed off, if Blaine had known something why didn't he tell him? How long has he known about whatever was going on?
"Blaine answer the damn question, please don't lie to me."
"Do not talk to me that way Kurt, and I haven't lied to you about anything, I'm telling you we will talk when we get home."
"So whatever it is your keeping from me, how long have you known for?"
"Kurt I'm not going to say it again, we will talk about this when we get home and not on the middle of the freeway, and because I think it's best your dad was there for the conversation."
"So my dad knows too, give me your phone Blaine."
"For what?"
"Well clearly your not going to answer my questions, so I'll call my dad and he will tell me."
"No he won't Kurt, he will tell you the same thing I just did, we will discuss it when we get home, now enough."
"Blaine either answer me or give me the damn phone." Kurt screamed.
"That's enough, I don't want to hear another word out of you this entire car ride, got it?"
"Dead serious, you can take the rest of the ride and think about how you just treated me again. If I tell you we will discuss it when we get home than we will discuss it when we get home. I only have your best interest at heart Kurt and I don't think telling you while we are driving is the smartest to do. So not another word."
"Yea well maybe if you told me when you found out we wouldn't even be discussing this, now would we," Kurt muttered under his breathe not meant for Blaines ears.
Blaine heard every word, and was becoming pissed at how Kurt was acting.
"I'm giving you until the count of three Kurt to apologize and mean it, for what you just said. For being rude and disrespectful, or I will pull this car over and punish you."
"I'm not apologizing for anything, you weren't supposed.to hear it."
"Yea well I did, whether or not I heard it doesn't matter Kurt...One."
Kurt crossed his arms, "No."
One last chance Kurt.
"I said no!"
Once Blaine was able to, he pulled off the freeway and into a parking lot. He got out of the car and walked to Kurts side and opened the door. Kurt sat there staring at him in shock couldn't believe that Blaine actually stopped the car.
"Get out of the car Kurt."
"I'm not getting out."
"I said get our of the car."
"And I said no!"
"You will either get out on your own or I will help you out, your choice sweetheart," Blaine said through clenched teeth.
"Yea and what would people think if they saw you dragging me out of the car, don't think for one second they wouldn't call the police when it looks like your abusing me." Kurt regretted what he said as soon as he said it.
Blaine looked at him in shock. Is this what he thought this was, abuse? He had never abused him physically, emotionally or verbally, and he never would...or had he? They had rules and punishments that they both had agreed on, so that way the relationship wouldn't become abusive. That one statement made Blaine question everything.
"Blaine I--"
"You know what Kurt just save it, I don't want to hear it, let's just...let's just go."
He closed Kurts door and made his way to his side of the car climbing back in, and started driving. Not saying a word to Kurt.
"Blaine please say something, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that."
"I said save it, not another word Kurt." He said heartbroken evident in his voice.
The rest of the car ride was awkward and uncomfortable, the radio wasn't even turned on. Kurt hadn't meant to say that, he was just pissed off. He didn't know what kind of punishment Blaine was going to give him but he was already embarrassed at the fact that people could see him getting punished. He should of just listened and got out, Blaine always explained his punishments first, and if Kurt didn't like it he could use his safe word. He didn't even give Blaine the opportunity, and worst of all he accused him of being abusive and yet that was further than the truth.
After the longest car ride of both of their lives they pulled up infront of Kurts house. Blaine got out of the car wordlessly and grabbed Kurts bags, helping him carry them to the door.
"Are you...are you coming in?" Kurt asked timidly.
Blaine couldn't even look him in the eye, "No, I need to go home. I have to get ready for school tomorrow."
"But you said that we would talk when we got here."
"Your dad knows what's going on, he can tell you. I just hope you know that when you find out that you realize that I only ever had your best intentions Kurt. I didn't tell you when I found out because I wanted you to enjoy your weekend...Clearly that was a mistake on my part. So I'm sorry for that."
"Blaine please don't do this, don't leave. I don't think I will be able to do this on my own."
"You can do this your stronger than you think, and you won't be alone you have your dad...and as much as I'm hurt right now, ill still always be here Kurt, I'm never going anywhere. And as much as it's going to kill me to be away from you tonight, I just can't be here right now. I need some time. I'll call you tomorrow."
"Blaine...please." Tears streaming down his face.
He grabbed Kurts hand, "I love you...always, that will never change." He said as he turned back around to walk to his car, trying not to cry. It killed him to see how heartbroken Kurt was right now.
"Forever," Kurt whispered.
Kurt stood outside crying as he watched Blaines car take off down the road, and stayed there after he couldn't see it anymore.
"Kurt is that you?" Burt asked as he opened the door.
Kurt turned around and flung himself into his dad's arms, "Dad..." he sobbed.
"Kurt, hey buddy what happened?"
"I think..I..I screwed up dad. I think I lost Blaine. I I think he's leaving me," he said inbetween sobs.
Burt pulled his son into the house away from his neighbor's prying eyes, and held his son close and let him cry, trying to figure out what could have gone so wrong for Blaine to leave him. One way or another he would find out the truth, the entire truth.