May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Blaines alarm went off at two thirty just as planned. He looked down at Kurt who was sleeping peacefully, he could lay here forever just looking at him, but he had a plan and a schedule to stick to. So he slowly started waking him up putting gentle kisses all over his face.
"Come on. Sweetheart time to get up."
"Mmm no school today sleep in," he mumbled.
Blaine laughed, "I know there is no school today but I have something planned and we have to be out the door in a half hour, forty five minutes at the latest."
Kurt opened his eyes, "What time is it?" he groaned.
He knew Kurt was going to be mad when he found out the time, "Two-thirty."
"Are you insane, I'm going back to sleep wake me up when the sun is at least up," he said as he rolled over.
"I'm leaving here at 3:15 at the latest if your not up and ready and waiting at the door by than I'm leaving without you, and trust me when I say this you won't want me to leave without you, because you will be stuck in this apartment by yourself until Sunday night when I get home."
Kurt shot up, "What? Where are you going?"
"Aghh if you want to find out you have to get out of bed," as he leaned over and kissed Kurt.
"Get up, get showered and dressed and ill meet you at the door, bring the bag of clothes you brought here with you."
"Yes, Sir." He replied as he climbed out of bed.
Kurt rushed through his shower and got dressed quickly, it was probably the fastest he has ever gotten ready he was done by 2:55 and was standing in front of the door waiting with his bag, eager to find out where they were going in the middle of the night. The only hint he got was they weren't going to be home until Sunday.
Blaine walked into the hallway and noticed Kurt standing there by the door waiting with his bag. He laughed noticing how quickly Kurt had gotten ready.
"Eager are we?" he said as he pulled Kurt by the waist into him.
"Anxious to know what you have planned, Sir."
"I'm still not telling you, you will find out when we get there."
"You are so mean, Sir" Kurt said sticking out his tongue at Blaine.
"And you're adorable, and you've been a very good boy. We are actually ahead of time by like fifteen minutes, and I can think of something we can do in those next fifteen minutes," he whispered into Kurts ear seductively.
"And wh-what's that," Kurts breath hitching as Blaine sucked along his neck.
"Mmm, I'm going to suck you baby, and I want you to cum down my throat," He said as he continued his administration's on his neck while un buckling his belt, quickly pulling down his pants.
Before Kurt could even comprehend what was going on Blaine had sunk down and taken him in his mouth. He let out a loud moan.
Blaine pulled off, "I want to hear you sweetheart, you're allowed to touch, I want you to fuck my mouth." Kurt was feeling like he had no control of his life right now, and as much as he loved being in control of Kurt he wanted Kurt to have control too, and he had no problem allowing him to take control right now.
Kurt didn't move, he wasn't exactly sure what to do, well he knew what to do, it's just Blaine has always taken control of anything sexual that they have done. He's never had control in the bedroom. It clued in just than, Blaine was giving him the opportunity take take control right now where as in every other part of his life he had none. Before he could think anymore Blaine squeezed his hips encouraging him to move.
So he did, slowly at first. It felt amazing to have Blaines warm mouth around him, eager and willing to take everything Kurt had to offer him. He slowly picked up his pace, going deeper on each thrust in. He grabbed the back of Blaines head and moved his head to match his own movements. Blaine moaned around him which sent shivers all up his spine.
"Fuck, Sir, you feel amazing around me, so good." He moaned.
He quickly got lost in the sensation, and with Blaine giving him all control, just turned him on even more. He fucked into Blaines mouth hard and fast hitting the back of his throat, and before he knew and it and probably too quickly he could feel the tightening in his balls.
"Sir, I'm I'm going to cum. Fuck!"
On the next thrust in Blaine swallowed around him and that's what set him off. He came into his mouth shooting right down his throat, Blaine swallowing every lost drop. When he started to go soft in his mouth, Blaine pulled off.
"Fuck Kurt, that was amazing," he said as he helped tuck him back in and pull his pants up, coming back up and capturing Kurts mouth was his, allowing him to taste himself on his tongue.
Kurt moaned into the kiss, and moved his hands down to graze over Blaines crouch who was extremely hard, but before he could do anything else there was a hand on his stopping his movements.
"Nope, that was just about you sweetheart, no need."
"But I want to return the favor Sir."
"Maybe later, that was just about you right now okay, and besides we have to get going its 3:15" He said with a wink.
They got into the car and headed out, but first stopping at the Lima Bean to grab coffee and some breakfast. The music played quietly in the background, and they sat there in silence. Enjoying how the outside world was so peaceful right now. If only it could be like this all the time, Kurt thought.
He knew Blaine wasn't going to tell him where they were going so he didn't bother asking. But he did want to know where his cell phone had disappeared to, and if he didn't have his phone how we're the detectives going to get ahold of him.
"Sir, may I ask a question?"
"If you're going to ask me where we are going, the answer will be no," Blaine said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"No, Sir its not that. I was just wondering what you did with my cell phone?"
"It's at home."
"What do you mean it's at home, how are the detectives suppose to reach me Sir if we are not going to be home to answer it?"
"I called your dad during your punishment yesterday and told him how your phone was going insane. So he called the detectives and asked them to call his phone with an update and not yours because it was going to be off. When your dad hears anything he will call my phone. I just want you to have a carefree, relaxing weekend without your phone, okay sweetheart."
"Thank you, Sir," Kurt said as he reached for Blaines hand and held there.
For the next few hours not much was said, they were content on enjoying the calmness and peacefulness of each other, something they really haven't gotten since they had gotten together. Kurt had no idea what Blaine had planned for the weekend but he made a promise to himself to forget everything that has been going on and just to enjoy whatever he had planned.
Blaine was surprised that Kurt hadn't realized where he was going the closer they got, or if he did he was extremely good at hiding it. About a half an hour outside of New York Blaine pulled over. Kurt looked at him, wondering what was going on. For this to have its full effect Blaine had to do something drastic. So he smiled at Kurt as he pulled out a blindfold and ear plugs from his back pocket.
"What are those for, Sir?"
"They are for you, do you trust me?"
"Of course I do, Sir."
"So I'm going to put the blindfold on you, we are almost there but I don't want you to see anything yet."
"And the ear plugs?"
"I don't want you to hear anything either, without them you will be able to figure out where you are, and that would just ruin the surprise."
Kurt laughed, "Okay you can put them on."
"This is going to be a different experience for you sweetheart you won't be able to see or hear anything, so if you feel like you are going to panic or if it's just too much use your safe word ok baby."
"Yes, Sir, and it's red."
Blaine smiled, "Good job, I'm going to put them on now okay."
Once the blindfold and earplugs were in and he triple checked to make sure Kurt couldn't hear or see anything he continued driving.
At first Kurt had been a bit nervous about letting Blaine completely block out all of his senses, but once he had did it he felt a surge of calmness over take him. He felt so at peace and relaxed it felt amazing. He had read about sub space before, and wondered if this is what it felt like. He had always been curious about it and definitely wanted to try it one day. When he gets the chance he was going to have to tell Blaine how much he enjoyed the ear plugs and blind fold, and maybe they can do it again when things become to stressful and crazy.
Blaine kept a good eye on Kurt the rest of the drive making sure he was okay. He showed no signs of being uncomfortable if anything Blaine thought he may have fallen asleep.
He drove into New York, remembering how much he loved this city, how much this city meant to him. And he couldn't wait to see Kurts reaction when he realized where he was. He couldn't wait to show Kurt every where he loved, and he definitely couldn't wait to start making memories of their own. The one place he wanted to show Kurt first before they went anywhere else, was Times Square. It looked better at night time all lit up, but he knew Kurt would appreciate it and love it just the same. And besides they had the entire weekend, they could always come back at night to see it.
Once he had found parking, he turned to Kurt. He kept the music up a bit hopefully to drown out the sound of the taxis honking and the bustling of people walking by. He had to take out one of Kurts ear plugs so he could tell him they were there.
He pulled one out, which had startled him, "It's okay sweetheart, it's just me. We are here now, but we have to walk a little bit, so your going to have to lean on me for support, the blind fold can't come off yet."
Kurt smiled, "Okay Sir I trust you."
Blaine knew that the ear plugs would do nothing to block out any noise once they stepped out of the car because New York was always so loud, so he pulled out his IPOD.
"I'm going to take out the early plugs quickly and replace them with headphones okay baby, and I'm going to turn the music up loud. Give me a thumbs up when it's up load enough for you without hurting your ears okay."
"Yes Sir."
He quickly put the ear plugs in Kurts ears and turned it on. Kurt instantly smiled when he heard what song was playing. Blaine had chosen, "Come What May." He slowly turned the volume on the headsets making sure not to hurt Kurt. When Kurt gave him a thumbs up he stopped. He jumped out of the car and ran over to Kurts side helping him out.
He kept Kurt as close to him as possible, avoiding the thousands of people that were running around and walking way to fast and not paying attention. Surprisingly he was able to get him to Times Square without one person running into them. Maybe it was because Kurt was wearing a blindfold people were a bit more cautious, realizing that he was about to be surprised.
Blaine stopped them right in the middle of Times Square, and grabbed both of his hands in his. Kurt squeezed them back in response, a smile never leaving his face. Blaine took the ipod from Kurt and turned it off, carefully taking them out of his ears. He leaned in and whispered, "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Are you ready for your surprise sweetheart?"
"Yes I'm so excited please take off the blindfold, Sir."
Blaine laughed, "Okay baby, here we go, keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them okay?"
"Yes Sir."
Blaine slowly took of Kurts blindfold, "Open your eyes sweetheart."
Kurt slowly opened his eyes and allowed them to focus for a minute. After being in the dark for so long it was extremely bright. Once his eyes came into focus, and he realized where he was he stood frozen on the spot.
"Kurt baby, you okay?"
"You--you brought, you brought me to New York?" He asked in shock, but before Blaine could even respond Kurt spoke again.
"I'm in New York, you brought me to freaking New York. Oh my god Blaine I'm in NEW YORK!!"he said as he threw himself into Blaines arms unable to contain his excitement anymore.
Blaine laughed, "So it's a good surprise?"
"Oh my god Blaine, it's the best surprise. I can't believe you planned this! And we get to stay all weekend?"
"All weekend."
The look of pure happiness and joy on Kurts face right now was amazing, and right at that moment he promised himself that he would spend everyday of the rest of his life making Kurt this happy.
"And the best part is," he said to Kurt, "I can start living up to my promises."
"What promises?"
"To kiss you wherever and whenever you want."
Realization crossed Kurts face, and he smiled.
"We can be ourselves here sweetheart, no hiding. Nobody cares here."
"So I can do this than?"He said as he captured Blaines mouth, deepening it quickly.
Blaine pulled away, "Mmmhmm anytime you want, but let's keep it PG, come on," he said as he laced his fingers through Kurts,"Let's go drop our stuff off at the hotel and than we can head out."
"Okay okay let's go, move those hobbit legs,Sir, so much to do not enough time."
Blaine burst out laughing at Kurts comment and how excited he was, "Yea sure make fun of my hobbit legs, don't forget that this hobbit brought you to New York."
He held Kurts hand tighter enjoying the fact that he could do this. He led him to the direction of the car, excited to spend his weekend in the city he loved with the man he loved even more. Besides all the crap going on at home, his life couldn't get any better right at this moment, and this is just a taste of what their future could be, what their future WILL be.