Let Me Love You
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Let Me Love You: First Encounter

E - Words: 821 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
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I got to school thirty minutes before the bell even rang. From the looks of the parking lot I was one of the first ones here. I just couldn't sit at home anymore. I was too anxious and too excited to start teaching. I walked into the school and was looking around trying to find the classroom when I heard a piano playing and the most beautiful voice i have ever heard. I followed the voice and came to a room, clearly the music room and peaked my head in not wanting to disturb whoever was singing. There sat at the piano facing the door was the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. He was pale, but not sickly pale, he had a hint of blush on his cheeks. His chestnut brown hair was perfectly done. His posture was perfect and the way his fingers danced easily across the keys. But it wasn't just his looks that had pulled me in, but his voice. So pure and so full of passion. I could hear the hurt come out, and more than anything at that moment I wanted nothing more but to wrap him in my arms and take away all of his pain.

"What are you doing Blaine?" I thought to myself. You can't be thinking about him like that he's a student and clearly a minor. While I was having a eternal battle with myself, I failed to notice this boy had stopped playing and was looking at me curiously.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to interupt you as you were playing." I said as I slowly walk into the room. "I'm Bl--Mr. Anderson I'm the new music teacher here," holding my hand out to shake his.

I could see the blush rising on this boys face at the realization he had been caught singing. He looked at me for a few seconds eyeing me cautiously before raising his hand to meet mine. "Hi, I'm Kurt, Kurt Hummel," he said looking directly into my eyes, as our hands made contact. The minute they did I felt an electrical charge go right up my arm, I never felt that before and I didn't want to let go, so I didn't i probably held on longer than I should have, but I got lost in those blue eyes. So full of passion, hurt, betrayal. His eyes alone told me so much, and I wanted nothing more to peel those layers back and find out everything I needed to know about this boy.

"Umm, Mr.Anderson, I kinda need my hand back," snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly retracted my hand placing it on the back of my neck laughing a little bit, "I'm sorry, I got lost in my head there for a minute." "It's okay," Kurt said. "So your the new music teacher than? Are you even old enough to teach you don't look very old to be a teacher." I start laughing, "I'm twenty five, and thank you for assuming that I'm younger I'm going to take that as a compliment, and this is my first day of teaching." "Ohh very first day, are you nervous?" "Maybe a little bit, but I think im more anxious than anything, just want to get my day started, how long have you been at this school Kurt?" "three years." He said and lowered his head. "So this is your last year, your a senior, than?" "Yea I am, cant wait to get out of here," he muttered under his breathe. I heard what he had said but decided to leave it for now, he had to trust me first before he let me in and tell me why he was so upset. "Well you have an amazing voice Kurt and you play the piano beautifully, I'm going to assume that you will be taking music this semester?" "Yes Sir, I have you fourth period." The minute Sir came out of his mouth tingles ran up my back. I always pictured my sub calling me sir or master, and hearing it come out of Kurts mouth just did something for me, and I wanted to hear it again.

"Mr. Anderson!" Kurt shouted. "Are you okay?" "Oh yeah sorry got lost in my head again.". " A little advice," Kurt said as he was grabbing his bag and headed for the door, "Try not to get lost in your head during class, they will eat you alive," he said laughing. "I'll see you fourth period, Sir." Before I had a chance to respond Kurt was gone.

Just talking to Kurt for five minutes had left me wanting more. I wanted to know everything about him, I wanted to make him smile most importantly I wanted him to submit to me. I want to give him everything. The only thing keeping us apart is our age difference, and most importantly I'm his teacher and he's my student, it can't happen.

End Notes: Comment and Review :)


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This was really good. Their first encounter was amazing and I love that Blaine just wanted to get to know Kurt and to make him happy even though he knew he shouldn't since he was his teacher. I can't wait to see what happens next.

aaaahhhhh!!!! =D