Let Me Love You
Burt Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Burt

E - Words: 1,708 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
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Author's Notes: Next chapter will be up in the morning. Review!

Kurt made it home about a half an hour before his dad was due home. He felt exhausted from the lack of sleep from the night before, but he had felt so much better after his talk with Blaine. He felt like he got somewhere with him today and felt like they could move forward from here. Thinking of Blaine he remembered that he had to call him to let him know he made it home safe. He dug his phone out of his pocket and dialed Blaines number.

"Hi sweetheart," Blaine answered.

"Hey, I made it home safe."

"Thanks for calling me and letting me know, what are you doing?"

"Just freshening up my dad should be home soon and then we are heading out for dinner."

Blaine sighed, he wished that he could have this kind of relationship with his father.

"Hey, you okay?" Kurt asked feeling the change in the air.

"Yea I'm okay, was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Just my dad, I wish that we could have the same relationship that you and your dad have."

"Well your dad is an idiot."

Blaine chuckled.

"He is Sir, he's the one who is missing out."

"I know, it just sucks"

"You know my dad would love you?"

"You think so?"

"Of course, because I love you, and you are amazing."

"You sure he won't want to kill me once he finds out our age difference and that I'm your teacher?"

"It might be hard for him at first but he will come around. You will just have to turn on your charm."

"Sweetheart I don't have to turn anything on, it just comes naturally."

Kurt laughed, "conceited much?"

"Maybe a little," Blaine said laughing back.

"Before you go, I just want to make sure we're okay?" Blaine asked.

"We are good, our talk helped, I feel so much better now."

"Good baby, we will work through all of this okay, I'll never give up on us or on you."

"I know we will, and I'll never say goodbye to you," Kurt whispered into the phone.

"Do you think you could meet me before school tomorrow or during your lunch break? We need to talk about going to Mr.Figgins, we can't hold off much longer."

"I know, and yeah I can, meet you in your office at 7:30?"

"Perfect, now go and have fun with your dad, call me before you go to bed sweetheart."

"Okay, I love you Blaine."

"I love you to sweetheart, I'll talk to you soon."

Kurt hung up the phone just as his dad came home.

"Kurt buddy, you down there?"

"Coming!" Kurt yelled back.

He ran up the stairs to greet his dad.

"Hey buddy, you ready to go?"

"Yup, let's go, I'm starving."

The ride to the restaurant was relatively quiet. It had been so long since him and his dad just hung out together. Even though school had just started he had been busy a lot. And now that his dad was running for congress he had to travel a bit, leaving Kurt alone for short amounts of time. When his dad wasn't traveling he would be at the garage. He was also pretty sure that his dad was seeing someone. He often came home later than usual and come to think about he had just seemed so much happier than usual.

Once they made it to the restaurant and got their seats and ordered their food, did his dad finally start talking.

"So what's going on bud, how school? You seem pretty occupied lately and tired."

"Schools a bit hard this year, harder classes since it's my last year here."

"Anything else going on?"

Kurt wanted to tell his dad so badly about Blaine, he hated all the lying, he just wasn't sure how his dad would take dating his teacher.

Kurt put his head down and sighed, "No, nothing else."

Burt knew when his son was lying, and right now he was lying.

"Kurt, you know you can tell me anything right."

He looked up at his dad, " I know, I just don't want you to be mad."

"Unless you killed someone and are hiding their body in your closet or something, I won't be mad."

Kurt laughed, "Omg dad, no I don't have a hidden body in my closet."

"Well than that's settled, tell me what's going on."

Kurt took a long breath before he muttered out, "I'm kinda seeing someone."

"Your seeing someone? As in dating someone?"

"Yes as I'm dating someone."

"Are you happy?" Burt asked.

Kurts head shot up, he wasn't expecting that to come out of his dad's mouth.

"Yes, I've never been happier," Kurt smiled.

"Than I'm happy for you, tell me about him."

This is the part of the conversation that I had been dreading. How much of Blaine should, I actually tell him about.

"Umm what do you want to know?"

"Where did you meet him?"

"At school."

"Whats his name?"


"When did all this become official?"

"Officially this weekend, but we've been talking for weeks now, since school started."

"I thought you were at home sick in bed all weekend?" Burt raised his eyebrow looking at Kurt.

"I was--"

Burt cut him off.

"Don't lie to me Kurt."

"Fine, I was with him all weekend."

"You mean alone, his parents let you stay all weekend?"

"Not exactly," Kurt muttered.

"What do you mean not exactly Kurt?" Anger evident his voice.

"He doesn't live with his parents."

"So he lives alone?"


"What kind of parents allow their teenage son to live on their own."

Kurt put his head down, how was he suppose to tell his dad that he was dating his teacher, this wasn't going to end well.

"Kurt what's going on? What aren't you telling me?"

"Dad please don't make me say it."

"Kurt how old is Blaine," Burt pushed.

"Dad please..."

"Kurt answer the question."

"27" he whispered.

"27!" Burt yelled.

"Dad please calm down, your heart."

"My heart is fine Kurt. 27, 27, are you serious, what kind of 27 year old is still in high school...?"

"He's my teacher."

Burt was livid.

"Your teacher Kurt?! You do realize how wrong that is and illegal. What kind of sick pervert--"

Kurt cut him off, " Don't call him that, he's not a pervert."

"Well what am I suppose to think when my seventeen year old son tells me that he is seeing his twenty seven year old teacher, your teacher who let you sleep at his house all weekend...alone."

"Dad its not what you think. I love him," he whispered.

"Kurt you don't love him."

"You don't know him or anything about our relationship, I love him dad, and he loves me back."

"Of course I don't know anything about him, you've been lying to me Kurt."

"We just made it official this weekend. And how am I suppose to tell my dad that I'm dating my teacher?"

"Exactly Kurt, if this relationship wasn't wrong you would have no problem telling me that you had a boyfriend."

"It's only wrong in the eyes of the law, to us its anything but wrong. We are perfect for each other dad, he's perfect for me. And I'm sorry if you don't approve but I'm not breaking up with him, I love him and for the first time in my life I'm actually genuinely happy."

Burt took a second to take everything in. When did his son grow up so fast? He could tell that Kurt was happy, happier since the death of his mother. He also knew that Kurt didn't just let anybody in, so for him to let this guy in he has to be pretty special. He might not like the situation, but he was willing to try for his son.

"You do know how much trouble you guys can get in, if your caught."

"I know, which is why we have been really careful."

"Who else knows about this?"

"Just you, and we would like to keep it that way."

"Are you sure about this buddy?"

"I've never been more sure about anything in my life."

"I want to meet him."

"What?" Kurt asked, shocked by the turn of events.

"Look Kurt, I'm not really okay about this, but I can tell that you love him and I can tell that he makes you happy, so I'm willing to try. But I want to meet him first."

"Your not going to kill him are you?"

Burt chuckled, "Let me meet him first, I will have my shotgun on stand by though just in case."


"I'm kidding Kurt, relax. See if he can come over tomorrow for dinner. I want to discuss how he let my under age son sleep at his house unsupervised."

"Dad there's a reason why I ended up sleeping over, and it's not what you think."

He was telling the truth, he didn't just sleep at Blaines to have sex, although that did happen, but he would never tell his dad that, or else he would use the shot gun.

"Tell me than, Kurt, tell me why my seventeen year old son spent the night at his older boyfriends house."

"Can we just leave it at what you know right now, I promise I'll tell you why, but I was wondering if Blaine could be there with me."

"Okay, I'll wait, but I want to know everything tomorrow night. No more lies Kurt."

"I promise dad ill tell you everything tomorrow."

"Good and just to let you know I plan on having a long talk with the two of you tomorrow, there's going to be rules, Kurt."

"Dad that's not fair."

"Kurt I think I'm being more than fair here."

"Your right I'm sorry."

"Okay that's enough for tonight. Let's go catch a movie."

They didn't discuss Blaine the rest of the night, enough had been said during dinner and Kurt was sure a lot would be said tomorrow. Right now they just enjoyed their time together.

When they got home Kurt went to go to his room to get ready for bed and to call Blaine, before he did he grabbed his dad and pulled him in for a hug, "Thank you dad, I love you."

"I love you to son," Burt squeezed back.

Kurt ran down to his room and rushed through his bedtime routine and climbed into bed, anxious to talk to Blaine. He layed down and called him. Blaine picked up on the first ring.

"Hi sweetheart, I missed you, how was your night?"

"Hi, I missed you too, and it was a great night."

"That's good sweetheart."

"Blaine I have something to tell you."

"What is it baby, you can tell me anything."

He took a deep breath and said, "My dad knows about you, about us, and he wants to meet you...tomorrow."

He waited a few seconds for Blaine to respond.

"Blaine...Blaine are you there?"

Kurt was met with silence, what if he screwed everything up?


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