May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Kurt got to school relatively early, coffee cup in hand he sat in his car for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do. Music had always been his vice, he'd give anything right now to go to the music room and just let everything out through song, but he couldn't because Blaine would be arriving any minute and to be honest he was the last person he wanted to see right now. Speaking of Blaine, he better go into the school before he showed up and noticed Kurt in his car.
Kurt made his way into the school, having no where to go he decided to just go to his first period class early. Thank god the door was unlocked. He made his way to the seat and sat down. He had about twenty minutes before school actually started, hopefully Blaine didn't get here early enough and go looking for him. Before he could get lost in his thoughts his phone rang. He made sure to check who was calling before he answered, hoping it wasn't Blaine.
He sighed in relief when he noticed it wasn't Blaine but suddenly began to panic when he realized it was his dad. Kurt answered his phone praying his dad didn't figure out that he had left in the middle of the night.
"Hi dad."
"Hey buddy, missed you at breakfast this morning, how's the project going?"
"Sorry, I forgot to tell you last night I had to leave early. And it's going good, I don't think I have to come to school early again, we got a lot done today."
He hated lying to his dad, hopefully he wouldn't have to do it much longer.
"It's okay kiddo I got your note. Just wanted to check in before classes started. I miss you son, feels like neither one of us has been home lately. How about dinner and a movie tonight, my treat."
"I know and I miss you too dad, and that sounds perfect, exactly what I need actually."
"Okay I should be home around five we will go after than, love you son, have a good day at school."
"Love you too dad, cya tonight."
Kurt was excited about hanging out with his dad tonight, it's been forever since they've had a night to themselves and his dad always knew how to make him feel better. At least that's one thing he had to look forward too.
Just than his cell phone buzzed, it was a message from Blaine.
(Blaine) Hey where are you? You forgot your back when you left this morning, figured you might need it for your classes today. Meet me in my office quickly before the other students get here.
Shit, he didn't even realize that he had forgotten his bag. Now he had no choice but to see Blaine.
(Kurt) Thank you, I'll be right there.
Kurt walked quickly to Blaines office, a few students and teachers were starting to come in, hopefully he could use that to his advantage. He knocked on Blaines door.
"Come in," Blaine yelled.
Kurt took a deep breath put on a fake smile and walked in, but left the door open.
"Hey you," Blaine said taking a step towards Kurt.
"Hi, thanks for my bag I didn't even realize that I didn't have it."
"No problem, are you sure your okay?"
"I'm fine, Blaine, I'm just tired." Frustration evident in his voice.
"You can't call me that here Kurt, you know that."
"Look, I'm sorry Mr. Anderson, can I have my bag now I need to get to class, and students are starting to come in now."
Blaine took another step toward him and went to put his hand on Kurt, but Kurt flinched away and took a step back, "We can't do that here," he whispered.
"Kurt, I'm sorry, you're right, anybody could walk by and see, heres your bag," he said as he handed Kurt his bag.
"Thank you, I guess I'll see you later in class."
"Of course, and remember Kurt if any of the jocks give you a hard time, come to me immediately."
"Yes sir," Kurt said as he walked out the door.
"Oh and Kurt, I'd like you to stay after class today. We need to discuss our plan about talking to Mr,Figgins about what happened on Friday."
"I can't today sir, I have plans with my father I have to go straight home."
So that was a half lie, he did have plans with his dad tonight but not until later on. But the thought of having to face Blaine when his emotions were all over the place, plus talk about the jocks was something that he would avoid forever if he could.
"Kurt this is important, cant you call your dad and tell him you are going to be a few minutes late, it won't take long."
"No I can't Sir--he Umm made reservations I can't be late." he stuttered.
"Tomorrow, we will talk tomorrow," Kurt said before he rushed out of the classroom as fast as he could, before Blaine could ask him anything else.
Blaine knew Kurt was lying, but he couldn't figure out why. He also couldn't figure out why Kurt acted so nervous around him. What happened from the time they went to bed until now. He was starting to think Kurt was regretting all of this. He was still determined to wait it out, give Kurt until after school to be honest with him.
It was a long day for Kurt, he was exhausted. He spent his entire day avoiding jocks and Blaine, but before he knew it, he was walking into his music class, the one place where he knew he couldn't avoid Blaine. When he walked in, Blaine was occupied, getting an ear full from Rachel about god knows what. Blaine glanced at.him when he came in and gave him a smile, Kurt gave him a small smile back and went and sat in his chair.
Kurt avoided giving Blaine any kind of eye-contact. He opted on not participating today claiming he was too tired.
Blaine was getting sick of it. Kurt had avoided him all day, and now in class he literally sat there and has done nothing. Every form of contact he tried with Kurt was just shot down. Whether Kurt liked it or not he would be staying after class today.
The bell rang and Kurt was out of his seat and almost out the door when he heard Blaines voice and his name being called, "Kurt can you hang back for a minute please."
Kurt didn't even turn around but replied, "I told you I can't."
"I said wait Kurt," he demanded.
Kurt turned around and walked back into the classroom and sat down. Blaine waited for everyone to leave before closing and locking the door.
"Kurt please tell me what's wrong, I know your not just tired, you've been avoiding me all day," Blaine pleaded.
"Nothings wrong, I'm just tired."
"Kurt stop lying to me, you've been lying to me all day, you've broken so many rules today I'm beginning to lose count."
Kurt sucked in a deep breath, he had been caught lying, Blaine knew. He started shaking and felt his breaths coming out faster.
Blaine knew the signs immediately, Kurt was about to have another panic attack, and he needed to get it under control before it got out of hand like the last time.
He ran over to Kurt and dropped to his knees in front of him. He grabbed both sides of his face and brought his face to his, forehead to forehead.
"Kurt sweetheart, look at me baby."
Kurt looked at Blaine trying desperately to catch his breath.
"That's it baby, just keep looking at me. You're doing so good baby, just breath. Your okay Kurt. I know you lied to me today sweetheart, but I'm not mad okay, I promise I'm not mad."
Kurt listened to what Blaine was saying and tried to hear if there were any signs of anger in his voice. When he couldn't is when he was finally able to calm down and breath.
"Good boy baby, I'm so proud of you. I love you so much sweetheart."
Kurts breathing turned back to normal after a few minutes.
"Hey, there you are, are you ready to talk now?" Blaine asked.
Kurt wasn't ready to talk, but he knew Blaine wouldn't let him leave without an explanation, and the longer he kept it from Blaine the worse it was going to get.
"I'm scared of you and I don't trust you," Kurt blurted out.
Blaine was shocked, "It's this about what happened yesterday?"
Kurt nodded.
"Sweetheart I thought we moved past that, I apologized, you said you forgave me."
"I did forgive you Blaine, and that hasn't changed."
"I don't understand sweetheart, your going to have to explain yourself, a bit better."
"I Umm...I had a dream about you last night, actually a nightmare to be more specific."
"Kurt I--", Kurt cut him off.
"Let me explain, just listen."
Blaine nodded his head.
"I had a nightmare last night about you....you had me pinned against the wall and you were just screaming at me. Usually it's about the jocks yelling at me, but this time it was you. I know that all you did was yell at me to go, and I forgave you for that, you have to believe me. Usually after I'm being pinned to the wall I get beat up, in my nightmares and in reality. I know you didn't hit me, but I guess somewhere in my subconscious you screaming at me made me associate screaming with a beating. I tried to go back to sleep but every time I closed my eyes you were there yelling at me."
Blaine grabbed Kurts face, "You know that I would never lay a hand on you right, I would never be able to forgive myself if I did."
"Part of our punishment is a spanking, aren't the two the same, what's the difference," Kurt asked.
"You know that there is a difference between a spanking and being beat up. Kurt when I spanked you I didn't do it to physically hurt you, we discussed it first and you agreed to it. What those jocks do to you is complete opposite from your punishment. They have no rights to put their hands on you."
Kurt looked down, "I know, I'm just having trouble separating the two right now. I just had a panic attack because I was scared that you found out the truth, I was scared of the punishment and I was scared of the way you would react."
"Sweetheart I would never put my hands on you out of anger. Even during our punishments I would never give you one until I was in the right frame of mind. If it makes you feel better we can take spankings out of our list of punishments for now, until your comfortable...until you trust me again."
Kurt blinked back his tears, "You would do that for me?"
"Ohh sweetheart come here," Blaine said pulling Kurt into a hug, "Of course I would. We both have to be on the same page here, I would never force you to do something your not comfortable with, ever."
Kurt sobbed into Blaines shoulder, "I'm so sorry Blaine."
"Shhh you have nothing to be sorry for."
"But I lied to you."
"Sweetheart its okay, I'm a little be upset and I was mad today because you did lie to me, but I understand why you did. I'll do whatever I can to earn your trust back, I don't ever want to hurt you sweetheart."
"Thank you, sir."
"I know you lied to me, more than once today, but I'm going to let the punishment go just this once ok sweetheart. You've been through enough these past two days. But you need to promise me Kurt, that you won't shut me out. If you are feeling scared, or if you have another nightmare, promise me you will come to me. Let me help you."
"I promise," he whispered.
"So do you really have plans with your dad, or was that a lie too?"
" Crap, what time is it? I really do have plans, he wants to go out for dinner and a movie."
"It's quarter after four."
"I have to go, I'll call you later?"
"Okay, just text me when you get home, let me know your safe."
"I will." Kurt leaned in to.give Blaine a kiss on the lips.
"I love you," he said as he pulled away.
"I love you too sweetheart, have fun with your dad."
Just as Kurt was almost out the door Blaine yelled, "We will get through this."
And he was right, eventually they would get through this.