Let Me Love You
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Let Me Love You: School

E - Words: 3,147 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
135 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: ...Don't hate me!

Kurt pulled into his driveway and quickly text Blaine to let him know he was home.

(Kurt)-Hey, just pulled into the driveway, I made it home. Miss you already xoxo

Kurt let himself into the house and made his way to the kitchen so he could start dinner for him and his dad who should be arriving within the next hour. Kurts phone started ringing, looking down at the phone to see who was calling he smiled when he saw Blaines name.

"Hi," he answered.

"Hi sweetheart, glad you made it home safely, but I asked you to call not text, id rather hear your voice."

"Sorry, sir, I'll call the next time."

"It's okay, I miss you already, I just got home and it's not the same without you here," sadness evident in his voice.

"Ughh I know how you feel, it's going to be a long night."

"You'll be fine sweetheart, you will have your dad there to keep you company and I'm sure you have homework you have to finish."

"Yay you're right, I'm just about to cook my dad and I dinner, I'm going to spend some time with him and catch up, than finish my homework."

"Okay sweetheart, I'll let you go so you can finish cooking. Have fun with your dad and make sure you finish your homework."

"Yes sir."

"And Kurt, call me before you go to bed, don't forget sweetheart."

"I won't, the last thing I want to hear before I go to sleep is your voice."

"Me too baby, I'll talk to you soon, I love you."

"I love you too Sir, bye"

"Bye baby."

The night dragged on for both boys, both desperately wanting to hear each others voices. Blaine tried to keep himself occupied. He worked on the assignments he would be handing out this week. He cleaned his house, he searched the Internet for nothing important. No matter what he did it didn't help make time go faster. He was trying to be patient while he was waiting for Kurts phone call, he didn't want to interrupt his time with his father or his time doing homework. But the later it got the more impatient he became. He had almost dialed Kurts number at least ten times, but decided not to at the very last second.

At around 11:50 he opted on texting him.

(Blaine) Hey baby, it's getting pretty late, are you almost done with your homework?

Blaine waited another 20mins before he sent Kurt another text.

(Blaine) Kurt? I'm going to assume that your taking a shower or finishing up your homework, call me as soon as you get this please.

Blaine got up and started pacing. Why wasn't Kurt calling him back? He knew the rules, he just signed the god damn contract that day. What if something happened? Every worse case scenario went through Blaines head. He had enough of the waiting game and dialed Kurts number.

The answering machine picked up, "Kurt its Blaine please call me back when you get this, I'm worried about you."

Kurts alarm went off at 6:30. Groaning he rolled over and shut it off. Why do I feel so gross? He thought. He looked down and realized he was still wearing the same clothes as the day before. He must have fallen asleep when he was doing his Chemistry homework. Shit! He fell asleep, and he didn't call Blaine. He jumped off his bed and ran to his desk retrieving his phone. He went to go dial Blaines number when he realized that he had 14 missed calls, 18 text messages and 5 voice mails, the last one coming in at 5:15 this morning.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Kurt cursed out loud. He knew Blaine was going to be pissed, he broke a rule. He dialed Blaines number and Blaine picked up on the first ring.

"KURT, are you okay? Why didn't you call me last night what happened."

"Blaine I'm okay, I am so sorry Blaine. I must have fallen asleep when I was doing my calculus homework,I didn't even realize that I was tired."

"You fell asleep, you fell asleep," Blaine said repeating himself clearly trying to keep his cool.


"First of all its Sir, not Blaine, second of all I can't believe you just fell asleep, Kurt. I was worried sick about you all night, I haven't even gone to bed, and now I have to go to school all day and teach on no fucking sleep."

Blaine knew he was pissed, he was tired, he stayed up all night worrying about Kurt to find out he had just fallen asleep. He was starting to lose his temper and needed to calm down.

"Sir I -"

"Kurt save it, I really don't want to hear it right now, I have to get ready for school, I'll see you there."

"Wait, Sir," Dial tone, Blaine actually hung up on him.

He knew that Blaine would be upset, he honestly didn't mean to fall asleep he didn't even realize how tired he really was. The weekend he had was amazing but at the same time it was equally physically and emotionally draining, and it clearly caught up to him. It's not like he chose not to call Blaine, it really was just an accident.

He was pissed that Blaine would just hang up on him, not even allowing them to figure this out together. It wasn't right, and Kurt was hurt that Blaine would treat him like that. He decided that he would confront him when he got to school. He rushed through his skin care routine, and not wanting to break another rule he grabbed an apple as he rushed out the door. He wanted to get to school early so they would have a few minutes to talk before class began.

Kurt made it to school in record time, he had about fifteen minutes before the other students would start arriving, hopefully that would give him and Blaine enough time to talk.

Kurt ran into the school and to Blaines classroom. He stopped for a second and straightened out his clothes and caught his breath, than knocked on the door.

"Come in," a tired voice responded.

Kurt walked into the classroom. Blaine was sitting there with a cup of coffee, dark circles around his eyes, and maybe a little bit blood shot. When he saw Kurt he stood up and turned around, and started to write the lesson plan on the board.

"Sir," Kurt began. "Sir I'm so sorry about last night. I didn't mean to worry you, honestly. I didn't realize how tired I was and I must have fallen asleep."

"Well at least one of us got sleep." Blaine muttered.

"Blaine please turn-"

Blaine cut him off. "It's either Sir or Mr.Anderson while we are at school, Mr.Hummel, now if you would excuse me I have to finish preparing for my class."

"Sir please don't do this."

"Out, Kurt!" He said pointing at the door.

Kurts eyes welled with tears, he's never seen Blaine so angry before.

"But, Sir-"

"I SAID GET OUT!" Blaine yelled.

Kurt turned and left the room. Once he made it to the hallway he collapsed to the floor and started sobbing. He had never seen Blaine so angry, even when he was being punished, he was never angry. This Blaine scared him, this Blaine he didn't like. What if all of this was just a huge mistake, what if accepting Blaine as his Dom was a mistake. He didn't deserve to be treated like this. He wiped his tears as best he could and stood up and made his way to his locker. He decided that he can't be with Blaine if he was going to treat him like that. Out of all the people that scared him, he never thought Blaine would be one of them, he's suppose to be his safety blanket, and right now he wasn't, and that scared him even more. He had no.idea what he was going to do.

The minute Blaine screamed at Kurt, he regretted it. Fear flashed across Kurts eyes, and he had caused that. He never wanted Kurt to be afraid of him. He didn't mean to yell. He knew Kurt was telling the truth when he said he had fallen asleep, he should have just forgiven him, it didn't even deserve a punishment. He couldn't fault Kurt for being tired, it's not like he deliberately decided not to call him. If anything he was happy Kurt got a good night sleep, he didn't want Kurt to be up all night missing him. He was just so tired, and he knew that it wasn't an excuse. He fucked up, he fucked up big time. And the worse part is, is Kurt probably felt like he wouldn't be able to come to him if the jocks started picking on him again. If something bad happened to him today it would be all his fault. He had to find Kurt before he got to class, he had to apologize.

Blaine ran out of the room and straight to Kurts locker. Kurts face was red and his eyes were swollen, clearly he had been crying.

Lucky for him the hall ways were still empty, but he knew he didn't have much time before the other students would start coming in, so he ran over to Kurt.

"Kurt," he said hesitantly.

"Can I help you Mr.Anderson?" Kurt asked not even bothering looking at Blaine.

Okay he deserved that.

"Kurt I am so sorry for yelling at you, I shouldn't have, baby I am so so sorry."

He tentatively reached his hand over to place on Kurt, but he pulled away.

"I don't want to talk to you right now, and you made it very clear you didn't want to talk to me either."Kurt said in a defeated voice.

"Please Kurt, I really am sorry. Sweetheart please look at me."

When Kurts eyes met Blaines, Blaine swore he never seen him look so sad before even after the bullies beat the crap out of him. His heart broke into a million pieces at that moment. He had caused this.

"I didn't sign up for this," Kurt said. "I never thought for one second that I would be scared of you. But what you just did--it wasn't okay, you scared me Sir." Kurt said trying to hold back his tears.


"No let me finish. You scared me in there. That's not the Blaine I fell in love with, that's not -- that's not the Blaine that I want to be with. I am so sorry for not calling you last night, but I didn't do it on purpose and even if I did, I didn't deserve that. Right now I feel like I made a mistake--I feel like I made a mistake with you. And it hurts me so much to have to say that let alone feel it, because I am so in love with you. But I can't, I can't be with someone who scares me. I love you Blaine, but right now I need time to think, so please leave me alone."

Blaine was crying, he could feel Kurt slipping between his fingers. He fucked up so bad. Kurt was scared of him, he was doubting their relationship, and it was all his fault.

"Sweetheart please don't do this," he begged.

"Blaine just--just leave me alone," he said as he slammed his locker door shut and walked away.

Blaine was going to run after him, but realized the hallway had filled up with students. He tried to discreetly wipe away his tears, and went back to his classroom. He didn't even have time to think about happened because the bell rang and the students started coming in.

It seemed that wherever Kurt went, Blaine was there. In between classes, in the cafeteria during lunch. He made sure he was always around somebody knowing that Blaine wouldn't approach him if he was. He really didn't want to talk to him, he needed to think, he needed time.

Blaine let all of his classes out about five minutes early. He waited outside of Kurts classrooms in hopes of catching him by himself so he could talk to him, but he was always with someone. He tried texting him a few times but of course they went unanswered. During lunch Blaine went to the cafeteria looking for Kurt. He found him easily sitting with the other glee kids. He had to get his attention, so he decided to call him, to ask him to meet him in the classroom. He watched Kurt as he took out his phone to see who was calling. Blaine watched him as he hit ignore and shut his phone off and put it in his pocket. Blaine was devastated. Than he remembered that Kurt had his class right after lunch. He knew exactly what he needed to do.

Kurt was dreading going to class after lunch. He had class with Blaine, the last person he wanted to see right now. He thought about skipping, be in the end decided not to, he didn't need that to reflect on his record especially since he was applying to colleges this year. He took a deep breath and walked into the room, keeping his head down, walked to the very back of the room and sat down, he didn't notice Blaine sitting at the piano.

"Okay guys I'm going to start off today's lesson by singing you guys a song."

Kurt glanced up and looked at Blaine. He looked awful, exhausted. He felt bad for him he really did, but he still needed time.

Blaine started playing the piano, and softly started singing.

(Side note: If you can head over to YouTube right now...just clink on the link. I found a video that goes with this song and it's all about Blaine and Kurt, it's really sweet. This song is called I won't give up by Jason Mraz. Rachel also sand in on Glee as well, her version is beautiful too. Anyways here's the link to the Blaine and Kurt video, http://youtu.be/DUfghxiahBk )

When I look into your eyes

It's like watching the night sky

Or a beautiful sunrise

Well, there's so much they hold

And just like them old stars

I see that you've come so far

To be right where you are

How old is your soul?

Well, I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space

To do some navigating

I'll be here patiently waiting

To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn

Some even fall to the earth

We've got a lot to learn

God knows we're worth it

No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily

I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make

Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use

The tools and gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake

And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend

For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn

We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in

I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not, and who I am

I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up, still looking up.

Well, I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)

God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)

We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)

God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

Kurt never heard Blaine sing so beautifully. He knew the song was meant for him, and it was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for him. But he meant what he said, he needed some time. Away from school, away from Blaine. It was all becoming too much, he felt like he was suffocating, he just needed to breathe.

He grabbed his things and practically ran out of the room. He needed out of there, out of the school.

Blaine chased after him this time, not caring about what his students would think. He had had enough of Kurt ignoring him all day, he just wanted to talk, he needed to talk to Kurt.

Blaine caught up to Kurt in the parking lot by his car.

"Kurt stop!" He demanded.

Kurt fumbled with his keys trying to get his door open, "Please just leave me alone Mr Anderson," He whispered. "Thank you for the song, but that doesn't change anything, I still need time."

"Kurt please don't do this, please, let's just talk about it."

"I said I need some space please just give it to me, give me tonight at least, we will talk tomorrow."

Blaine reached out to put his hand on Kurts shoulder the minute he touched Kurt, he heard the one word he never even considered Kurt saying at this moment. The one word where Kurt knew he would back off, the one word that stopped everything.

"Red," Kurt whispered.

Blaine immediately removed his hand, tears rolling down his cheeks. Kurt wouldn't even look at him.

"Okay," Blaine said taking a step back in defeat, "I'll leave you alone. Can you please just text me when you get home so I know you made it there."

Kurt nodded.

"I love you," Blaine said as Kurt closed his door and drove off.

Blaine stood there as he watched the car disappear. He couldn't believe that just yesterday around this time they were wrapped in each others arms, happy, like nothing could touch them, to this, twenty four hours later. Both of them heart broken, both of them sorry.

Blaine still had a class full of students that he had to get back to. So he plastered on the biggest fake smile he could and walked back into the classroom.

Kurt didnt know how he had made it home, he doesn't even remember half of the drive. He couldn't stop the constant flow of tears. He made it to his room and flopped down on his bed and pulled out his phone to send a quick text to Blaine.

(Kurt) I made it home safely, please don't message me today or call, I'm shutting off my phone, I'll see you tomorrow...i still love you don't forget that.)

Kurt hit sent, turned his phone off and tossed it to the side.

Blaine had just gotten home when he received Kurts text. There was no point in responding Kurts phone was off.

He was so exhausted, he made it to his bedroom and flopped down face first on the bed, and started crying. He just screwed up the best thing that has ever happened to him, and he wasn't sure if Kurt would come back. He eventually cried himself to sleep, exhaustion taking over.

It was was pitch black outside when he was awoken to banging. What the hell is that he thought.


Blaine realized it was coming from the front door. Who would be at my door at one in the morning? He made his way downstairs rubbing the sleep out of eyes, and slowly opened the door.

"Ku-Kurt, what are you doing here?"


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