Let Me Love You
The Contract Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: The Contract

E - Words: 1,780 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
137 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Review :) I'll try and have another chapter up tomorrow morning.

Kurt was bending over playing with the taps trying to get the perfect temperature for their shower, when he felt a pair of strong arms embrace him.

"You are so beautiful Kurt," Whispered Blaine, "I don't think you realize how much."

No matter how many times Blaine had complemented him the past few weeks he couldn't help but blush. He had never been complemented before, in fact the complete opposite. From the time he could remember he was made fun of for the way he dressed to the way his voice sounded. Every time Blaine would compliment him it made him feel a bit better about himself and he almost believed it.

He turned around to face Blaine, "You know your not so bad yourself, and you better watch how often you tell me it might start going to my head."

Blaine laughed, "I only speak the truth sweetheart, and I'll tell you every single day how beautiful you are, and if it starts going to your head ill just have to put you back in your place," he spoke seductively.

Two could play at the teasing game, he thought recalling Kurts earlier comment about punishment, he smirked.

"Let's get in the shower, we both are in dire need of one and I'm starving."

They climbed into the shower together, Blaine allowing Kurt to step into the water first. He grabbed a sponge and lathered it in soap. He started rubbing Kurts shoulders make a path down Kurts stomach and both legs, "Turn around baby, I'll clean your back."

Right at this moment Kurt had never felt so loved and cared for before. Blaine was being so gentle with him. He loved how Blaine wanted to take care of him, and he was more than willing to allow him too.

Once Blaine was finished cleaning Kurt, Kurt returned the favor, taking his time. He wanted to take this memory with him for the rest of his life. Although this could have turned sexual so easily in a way he was glad it didn't. They didn't need sex in this moment. It was perfect without it. He's never felt more calm or relaxed than right now.

Once they both were completely washed, dried and dressed they made their way to the kitchen to get some breakfast. The entire time they were eating they were touching in some capacity. Their feet tangled under the table, hand holding when the could, gentle kisses here or there. It's like they both knew that after today touching would become limited, so they did it now as much as they could, never taking one second for granted.

As soon as they were finished eating Blaine went and grabbed his and Kurts contract. He knew it would take a bit to go through everything. He wanted to know how Kurt felt about the few rules they already made, and wanted to add some more. He wasn't going to rush this process, but he was hoping they could finish early so he could spend a little more time with Kurt before he had to leave, just holding him.

"Okay, let's get started sweetheart, how do you think this weekend went? Anything you would change about it?"

Kurt knew he wouldn't change anything about what happened this weekend, not even the punishments. Even though it hurt, it's what he wanted, and Blaine was fair the entire time. He loved having a set of rules that he had to follow.

He looked at Blaine and held his gaze, "I wouldn't change anything that happened this weekend, it was perfect, punishment and all. I loved the rules you gave me."

Blaine smiled, he was so happy Kurt was okay with everything. The next few hours was spent discussing the rules, adding rules, and going over punishments. When they had finished the final contract and both had signed it, neither one could take the smiles off their faces. Kurt and Blaine read over the contract one more time, mesmerizing every word.

The Official Contract between Dom, Blaine Devon Anderson and Sub, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel.

This contract can be revised at any time once both Sub and Dom have discussed everything and once 24 hours have passed giving both enough time to fully think it over. At anytime the Sub or the Dom can leave the relationship, no discussion is needed if they feel like they have to terminate this contract. The following list of rules are to be followed daily even if the Dom is not present in the Subs life.

Rule 1- Honesty- You must be honest at all times. A half truth is never okay and will result in punishment. This will only work if we are truthful with one another. Always be honest about everything.

Rule 2-Names- You must always call me Sir, Blaine is fine once in awhile, I will correct you if I see fit. I will call you Pet unless I feel like calling you something else. During school hours you are to address me as Mr.Anderson.

Rule 3-Respect-You must always respect my feelings and the feelings of others. Being rude, yelling or putting someone else down is not okay. You may always approach me when you are upset or angry but always in a respectful manner, if not it will result in punishment.

Rule 4- Meals- Three meals are required daily, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks in between are not necessary but encouraged. If his rule is not followed I will supervise each meal if I have to. Skipping a meal is not okay, you are to find time for each meal.

Rule 5-Homework-Homework is to be completed every single day.You are require to keep a B average at all times. If you are having difficulty in a certain class, ask for help. Projects for all classes are to be handed in on time every time and not to be left until the last second.

Rule 6-Communication- You are to call me everyday as soon as you get home from school so I know you made it there safe. If you have plans after or before or on weekends I need to know about them. You are to call me every night before bed as well. If I think that your safety will be put into jeopardy or don't think it's okay for you to go out, I will have the final say in what you do.

Rule 7-Safety- If your life is ever threatened you are to tell me immediately. If the bullying starts again at school you are to tell me immediately. It's okay to interrupt my class, I expect you to, as soon as it happens.

Rules are open to change at anytime once the Sub and the Dom has discussed it, rules can be added at any time.


Punishments will always be discussed before hand. As your Dom I will explain to you exactly why you are being punished and what punishment will be appropriate. What kind of punishment will be decided by me. We will stick to the basic safe words. Green your ok, Yellow slow down, Red stop. They are allowed to be used at anytime, and you are expected to use them if you need to. Punishments can be added and taken away once discussed by both Dom and Sub. I will tell you before the punishment starts how long it will last for, you will always know what's going on. Below is a list of punishments that can be used at any time.


Corner Time

Writing Lines


Orgasm Denial

After each punishment there will be a discussion. If I feel like you haven't learned your lesson additional punishment can be added. I will push you through some punishments, and you are EXPECTED to use your safe word.

I promise to always be the best Dom that I can be. I will never intentionally hurt. I will only ever want what's best for you. My decision is final in he end. You are expected to follow all rules at all times weather or not I'm present. If a rule is broken when I'm not around, I will expect you tell me at the first opportunity you get. Rules and punishments can be changed at any time.

Signed, Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson

Blaine made two copies of their contract, one for each of them to always have. He looked a Kurt, "I love you sweetheart, and I really can't wait to start living this life with you."

"Me too, you're amazing."

"Now come on we have to leave in about an hour, I have to drive you back to your car, and I want to spend this last hour holding my incredibly sweet, sexy boyfriend," Blaine said as he pulled Kurt to he bedroom.

They layed down on the bed facing each other, looking into each others eyes and savoring every second they had left together. They kissed each other soft and slow, mapping each others bodies, capturing and remembering every single moment they spent together. Time flew by way to quickly and before they both wanted to they were in Blaines car on the way back to the school.

The parking lot was empty, thank god it was Sunday because they just wanted to stay in each others presence as long as they could, without the fear of being caught.

Blaine pulled Kurt over on to his lap and held him close, "I'm going to miss you so much sweetheart."

"I'm going to miss you to, Sir, I don't want you to let me go," Kurt said as he held on tighter.

"I'll never let you go sweetheart," Blaine said pulling Kurt into a passionate kiss.

Breaking off from the kiss, "Okay baby you really have to go now."

Kurt sighed and reluctantly got out of the car and walked over to his, Blaine following him.

"Call me when you get home baby, let me know you got there safe,". He said pulling Kurt into a hug.

"Okay, I love you, I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye sweetheart," as he turned away walking back to his car.

Blaine sat in his car for a few minutes and watched Kurt drive off. Tonight is going to be a long night he thought to himself. He didn't know how he was suppose to go back to his apartment without Kurt there. His life had been so lonely for so long, until now. Kurts presence at his house made him actually want to be at home, something he hasn't felt in years. He sighed and started he car, one day he thought, one day I won't have to go home to an empty house. The thought of the future, a future with Kurt filled the void that he was feeling right now. He drove home feeling a little bit better than he had felt a few minutes ago, and was looking forward to Kurts phone call.


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