May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Blaine woke up to the sun shining in his face. Groaning he tried rolling over until he realized that he was being held down. Blaine had rolled onto his back sometime in the middle of the night and Kurt must have followed. He had his head resting on Blaines shoulder, one arm draped over his stomach and their legs were intertwined. Blaine looked down at Kurts face and just took him in. The beauty of him. He looked so peaceful and content while he slept. Blaine was so in love with this boy. Waking up to Kurt in his arms was the best feeling in the world.
Today was going to be a long day. I need Kurt to tell me what happened yesterday, plus I still have to follow through with his second punishment. I decided I would get up and make breakfast for the both of us, we were both going to need it. As carefully as I could I slipped out from underneath Kurt and watched him move around a little bit, before grabbing my pillow and snuggling into it. Kurt is perfect, Blaine thought as he walked away.
Blaine went into the kitchen remembering he didn't have a lot of food in his house and desperately needed to make a trip to the grocery store. Rummaging around in the cupboard he found a box of pancake mix, and decided that I would do. So he friend up some pancakes, cut up some fruit and put them on the plates. He decided for today Kurt could have breakfast in bed.
Walking back in the room, he placed the tray of food on the table beside the bed, and sat down beside Kurt. Kurt was laying on his stomach and the bed sheet was low covering from the waste down leaving Kurts entire back exposed. Even though Kurts back was, littered in bruises some worse than others, Kurt was still beautiful. Blaine lightly traced his fingers down Kurts back and back up, making small patterns along his way. Kurt started stirring a little bit, slowly waking up.
"Mmm feels so good," Kurt said sleep evident in his voice. "Don't stop Blaine--I mean Sir, sorry."
Blaine chuckled, "It's okay sweetheart, how did you sleep?" Blaine asked as he leaned down and kissed the back of Kurts neck.
The minute Kurt felt Blaines lips on the back of his neck, it went straight to his groin. It was the most amazing feeling in the world and Kurt didn't want Blaine to stop. So before Blaine had the chance to pull away, Kurt put his hand on the back of Blaines head holding him there, "God Sir, feels good."
Blaine was surprised when Kurt grabbed the back of his head and held him in place. Anytime Kurt touched him his body reacted, and this was not exception. Kurt thought he was in control, so Blaine was going to change that. He grabbed Kurts hands and gently held them above Kurts head, leaning down he whispered into Kurts ear, "I asked you a question sweetheart, answer me." He than sucked Kurts ear lobe into his mouth, earning a gasp from Kurt.
"Mmm fuck, I slept, I slept, Ughh I slept better than I have in months sir," Kurt struggling to form a sentence.
Blaine continued sucking on Kurts ear for a few more seconds before licking down behind his ear, to the back of his neck and down the middle of his spine to the top of Kurts briefs, before making his way back up. The noises coming out of Kurts mouth was sinful. And he wanted to hear more. "Roll over Kurt," Blaine said in a dominating voice.
Kurt shivered and rolled over, and the minute he did he launched himself at Kurt and went in for a kiss. The kiss started off slow, but Blaine wanted more, so he licked his way into Kurts mouth, and Kurt accepted it immediately. Blaine straddled Kurt and pinned his arms above his head not giving Kurt much room to move. But he liked it like this he liked being in control and the sounds coming from Kurt he knew that Kurt was enjoying every minute. When air became a necessity Blaine pulled away from Kurt but instead of stopping he attached his mouth to Kurts neck. He slowly made his way across Kurts throat and down his chest. Coming up to Kurts nipple, he lightly flicked his tongue over it.
"Fuck Blaine," Kurt nearly shouted thrusting his hips up.
Blaine moaned at the feeling of Kurts hard cock against his thigh.
"Please sir I need more, agh fuck Sir please do something."
Blaine thrust his hips down, he could feel Kurts dick rubbing against his own, and it was an amazing feeling. He slowly started a slow rhythm rocking his hips down while Kurt thrust his hips up. Blaine leaned down and captured Kurts mouth again and kissed him with everything he had. He took Kurts bottom lip between his teeth and gently pulled. "Fuck Kurt you feel amazing, are you okay with this?" As much as he loved what they were doing and as much as he didn't want to stop he had to know that Kurt was okay, and he wasn't pushing him into anything.
"Yes sir, please don't stop, you feel so good, please sir, I'm more than okay I promise sir."
Just as Blaine was going to continue going, everything about last night came flooding back, and he remembered that Kurt didn't use his safe word. How was he suppose to trust him enough right now to use it if it became to much. He couldn't trust it, he didn't trust Kurt right now, and as much as his dick was telling him to keep going his head was telling him to stop.
"Shit, fuck. Kurt we have to stop", Blaine said rolling off of Kurt and onto his back. Blaine layed there trying to slow his heart beat, and catch his breath, and trying to rid the raging boner he had going on.
Kurt layed there trying to figure out what happened. One second Blaine wanted him the next its like he completely shifted to off. Kurt felt so rejected at the moment. He tried so hard not cry, but couldn't help the tears that slowly made their way out down his cheeks.
Blaine looked over at Kurt and realized he had started crying. Blaine pulled him into his chest immediately, and held him.
"Hey, Shhh Kurt, baby what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
Kurt sniffled, "No sir you didn't hurt me. Am I not good enough for you, why did you stop?"
"Oh Kurt don't ever think you are not good enough for me, if anything I'm not good enough for you. Kurt I want you so bad, so bad. The noises you make, how sexy you are drives me insane Kurt. I do want you baby, and it's so hard for me right now to not just have my way with you."
Kissing Kurts forehead he let out a sigh. "Kurt I had to stop, because last night you didn't use.your safe word when both you and I know you should have. I don't trust you enough right now to believe that you will use it if we went to far, do you understand sweetheart?"
Kurt thought for a minute. Last night during his punishment, he never thought it was too much, it was the exact opposite, he knew he deserved to be in the corner. What made him lose it was knowing that he had to tell Blaine about Davids threat. The thought of Blaine being disappointed in him overwhelmed him, and because he screwed up so many times in one day, he thought that he wasn't a good sub and that Blaine wouldn't want him anymore. The only thought at he time in his head was that he had to finish his punishment so Blaine knew that he could be good, he didn't want to fail again. Using his safe word last night didn't even cross his mind.
"Kurt I asked you a question." Blaine said pulling Kurt out of his thoughts.
"I'm sorry sir, I was just remembering everything that happened last night and I wanted to make sure I understood before giving you a truthful answer. Sir last night, standing in the corner wasn't too much for me, I knew I deserved to be in that corner and my only thought was of finishing my punishment so you would be proud of me."
"Than what happened Kurt? You started hyperventilating,Kurt,that just doesn't happen for no reason."
Kurt sighed, "I didn't tell you everything that happened it the locker room with David. He didn't just steal my first kiss."
Blaine stiffened, what the hell else did David do to him? "Kurt what else happened?" Blaine asked through gritted teeth.
"Sir, I'm sorry I didn't tell you when we first talked about everything, and that's what got me so upset last night. I felt so guilty from keeping it from you. I wasn't honest with you and I knew you would be disappointed in me, and I thought that once you found out you would think that I wasn't a good Sub and you wouldn't want me anymore because I already screwed up twice that day." Kurt said in between sobs.
Blaine pulled Kurt closer, "Kurt look at me please."
Kurt looked up at Blaine.
"Kurt I may get disappointed in the things that you do, but that's why we have punishments. I punish you and when your punishment is done, all is forgiven, the slate wiped clean. Your not perfect Kurt, nobody is and we are all bond to mess up once in awhile. That doesn't mean I'm going to think that your not a good Sub. No matter what you do Kurt I will always want you. I am so in love with you, Kurt. I love you and I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Whatever it is you have to tell me, just do it. We will work through it together, like we will with everything else in our lives. Together Kurt, always together." Blaine leaned in and gave Kurt an encouraging kiss.
"You love me?" Kurt stuttered.
"I do, I love you so much baby."
"I love you too." Kurt said smiling.
Blaine leaned in and gave Kurt a gentle kiss.
"C'mon baby, tell me what happened." Blaine said once he pulled away from Kurts lips.
Kurt just wanted to get this over with so he let it all out. "After David has missed me he told me that if I told anyone that he would kill me."
"Kurt why didn't you tell me!" Anger evident in his voice.
"That's a serious threat that you just don't sweep under the rug, Kurt."
Kurt sat up and grabbed Blaines hands, "please please Sir you can't say anything, you can't tell anybody."
Blaine sighed, "Kurt we just can't let this go. I've seen what he's done to you. Hell Kurt look at your body. You know that given the chance he can follow through, you have to take this seriously, we are going to the principal on Monday, and if he does nothing about it we are going to he cops."
Kurt was sobbing now, "please Blaine, please don't do this. What if he comes after me?"
"Kurt, you have to trust my judgment on this. I know what's best for you, and what's best for you is for you to come forward, we need to put a stop to this. The only way I can protect you Kurt is if we tell the principal or the cops. I can't be with you every second of the day at school Kurt."
"No Kurt this isn't up for discussion anymore. I'm your Dom, incase you've already forgotten. I'm doing this, and so are you. Please trust me on this."
"Okay, I trust you Sir" Kurt said leaning in to give Blaine a quick kiss on the lips.
Blaine kissed the top of Kurts head, "I love you so much sweetheart and I promise to keep you safe, David will never hurt you again. And thank you for telling me. One more question before we discuss your punishment. Why didn't you use your safe word last night?"
"To be honest, I didn't even think to use it. I didn't want to use it. All I could think about was finishing the punishment, so you would be proud of me. I just wanted you to be proud of me for a few minutes before you were disappointed in me again. Honestly sir I will always use the safe word if I really need to. Last night was just a lot I guess, not because I was standing in the corner, I was just so scared to tell you."
"Don't ever be scared to tell me anything. Like I said we will work through everything together okay baby?"
"Yes sir."
"We have to discuss punishment Kurt, you still have one to make up from yesterday and now this. What do you think is a fair punishment?"
"A spanking, Sir?"
" I think you're right sweetheart. I'm going to spank you for being disrespectful yesterday, and for not telling me the entire truth about what happened with David. I'm also going to make sure you do know how to use your safe word. I need to know you will use it when you have to. So I'm not going to give you a set amount of times. I'm going to spank you until you can't take anymore Kurt, and I expect you to use it, do you understand?"
"Yes sir."
Blaine leaned down time give Kurt a kiss but stopped just before his lips touched Kurts, "And once you prove to me that you can use your safe word, then maybe we can pick up where we left off earlier." Blaine said grabbing Kurts face and bringing him in for a heated make out session.
Blaine pulled away panting, and one look at Kurts face could tell he was in no better shape.
"Cmon baby let's get up, I cooked us breakfast, but we got side tracked. Get up, shower if you like to, and I'll meet you in the kitchen, I'll, reheat this."
"Yes sir." Kurt stood up and tried to hide his problem in his briefs, Blaine noticed and walked, over to Kurt.
"Enjoy your shower sweetheart, you can touch yourself all you want, but your not allowed to cum."
Blaine pulled back and winked at him and turned around and walked out the door.
Kurt groaned, "he's going to be the death of me," he said out loud.
Blaine peaked his head back into the room. "Oh ill leave out a pair of clean underwear for you, when your done your shower only put those on and meet me in the kitchen. After breakfast we will start your punishment."
It's going to be a long day thought Kurt, as he walked into the bathroom.