Don't Believe in Happy Endings
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Don't Believe in Happy Endings: Chapter 10

E - Words: 3,640 - Last Updated: Aug 23, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 37/37 - Created: Dec 06, 2012 - Updated: Aug 23, 2013
1,122 0 6 0 1

Author's Notes: Okay so I'm gonna go full cheesy mode today, just a little warning. I've now written and uploaded 10 chapters of this story and I can't believe the support I've gotten this far. ...Nearly 3000 veiws, 20 reviews and.. 19 people have favorited this..What. I can't.Thank you all soo much!!Like really, I dont think any of you really understands how much all this actually means to me. I can't do much more than to just say 'thank you' again and again, but I sort of wish I could. Like if I could send flowers and chocolate to every single one of you guys, I totally would.. But yeah, I can't.. So I'll just have to do with keep saying thank you. 'Cause you're all wonderful.Blah. Now that's done. Sorry but I had to. ;) And I know I said there'd be a while till the next update, but I somehow managed to get this chapter done before Sutarday. (Obviously, since it's Friday....)


“He’s gorgeous!”

“That guy’s scary…”

“He’s a fag, guys, don’t worry, he can’t do anything.”

“Oh my god. I wish I was a guy. I love him.”

“He’s so sexy!”

“I hate him…”

“How does he do it? I like fear him and love him at the same time…”

“He’s such an idiot, thinking he’s so cool. Dumbass.”

“He’s freaky. I’d stay away from him if I were you.”

  Kurt was going insane. He was so tired of everyone talking about Anderson, which Kurt had started calling him; Frodo was getting a bit old. Everywhere he went, it was all the same.

Oh Blaine this and Oh Blaine that. Urgh.

He couldn’t see where all the hype came from, really. All he saw was just a guy that was too short and had too curly hair. That was all. So why did he get so much attention?

Now, just to be clear, it wasn’t the attention that Kurt was jealous of. He was pretty glad he didn’t get that much attention all the time. It was just the way it was so easy for the other boy to… get people to know him. He’d just been at the school for about a month. Everybody knew he was gay. Everybody knew he was the size of a Hobbit.

But still everybody seemed to respect him in some strange way. Kurt guessed that it probably had something to do with his family name. Maybe his family owned some big company that he just didn’t know about because he didn’t care.

If that was the case, he would just have even more troubles tolerating that kid.

 Anyways, Kurt couldn’t be too grumpy. Because it was just about 24 hours until Halloween. Which was good. He’d looked forward to that day for too long. And maybe a little too much. Because this was Noah Puckerman’s party. The fucking Glee Club would be there, and probably a whole lot of other losers too. But he’d stayed sober for almost two long weeks now, and that was not acceptable in the world of Kurt Hummel.

So it didn’t matter that he’d be in a house full of idiots, he would just have to ensure that he’d be too drunk to be able to acknowledge them.

“Hey.” Quinn said, appearing by his side.


“You’re weird today.”

“I am?”
“You seem happy.”


“So, you gonna tell me why?”

“It’s Halloween tomorrow.” Kurt shrugged and Quinn held back a little laughter.

“You’re looking forward to that thing way too much.”

“I know.”

“But if you weren’t excited about free alcohol, you wouldn’t be you.” she smiled.

“Shut up.” he muttered, rolling his eyes, trying not to smile.

“I meant that in the nicest way possible.” she told him innocently and Kurt hit her a little playfully on her arm.

“D’you know who’s gonna be there?”
“No, not more than that everyone from Glee club will probably show up.” Kurt muttered and Quinn made a grimace.

“I really don’t feel like going…“

“Okay stop. You promised me to come. It was hard enough convincing you the first time, so please don’t make me have to do it again.”

“But –“

“No.” Kurt shook his head. “You’re coming with me.”

“The rest of the Skanks will be there why –“

“You know I can’t stand them.”

“I know.”

“So please just be a good girl and do as you're told for once?”

“I don’t know…” Quinn mumbled, faking her inability to make a decision.

“Pretty please?”

“Okay, okay! Stop it with the begging, it’s freaky.”


Quinn’s eyes widened as Kurt hugged her. Like, he actually hugged her. Hugged.

What the hell?

“Who are you and what have you done to Kurt Hummel?” she muttered, a smile tugging at her lips.

“So I can’t be happy without you hatin’ on me, eh? Tanks a fucking lot.”

She shrugged nonchalantly, giggling on the inside.

“I hate you.”

“Hate you too.”


“You go anything planned for tonight?”

“No, not really actually. There’s this one thing I’ve been ‘invited’ to, I guess. But I dunno, the guy who’s throwing the thing is sort of a… dumbass, I guess it the right word.”

“Then come hang with me and the boys?”

Blaine snorted. “Really?”

“Yeah, why not?”

“Sorry, Sebastian, but I don’t really feel like spending Halloween with the Dapper Dalton Boys.”

“Why the hate on them all of a sudden? You didn’t seem to have that much trouble with them before?”

“That’s because I had to be nice to them ‘cause of that freaking ‘cero tolerance’ thingy. But Dalton have no power over me anymore. I’m free from their shitty baby rules and I don’t have to pretend to be some dapper-ass acapella boy anymore.”

“Oh so now you’re mocking the National show choir champions too? What’s gotten in to you?”

“Grow up.” Blaine grunted and pushed Sebastian off of the bed, laughing evilly as the boy hit the floor with a little ‘umpf’.

“Honestly, come with us tonight. It’ll be fun.”

“Oh yeah? What’re you gonna do that’ll be so epic then?”

“I won’t tell you. You’ll have to come along if you wanna know…” Sebastian whispered, crawling back up on the ruffled bed.

“Don’t give me those eyes, asshole.”

“You know you want to…”

“Want to what? Hang with you tonight or fuck you again?”

The brunette smirked slyly.

“Hmm… Both.” he coed in a husky voice and Blaine stifled a moan.

“You’re really naughty today, Smythe.”

“Don’t blame me.” Sebastian muttered, pretending to be offended. “It’s your fault for being so damn sexy with your eyes and your hair and your abs and your… fucking everything…”

“Assho –oh god.” Blaine whined as the other boy made his way up his chest, kissing and licking his tanned skin.

“Like I said… Naughty...” he breathed as he felt the taller male’s hand travel higher and higher up his thigh.


“Don’t be so hasty.” the shorter mumbled with a tiny glint of a smirk.

“I meant, come with us.” Sebastian murmured against Blaine’s jawline.

“I don’t know...” he managed, trying to keep himself from getting… too excited

 “Fucking hell, Blaine, you’re really stubborn aren’t you?” Sebastian grumbled and sat up. Blaine shrugged, feeling a little cold at the loss of contact.

“Please? Please, please, plea–“

“That so won’t work with me.” Blaine shook his head. “All it does it turning me off to the idea even more.”
“Fine.” Sebastian grabbed his phone from where it lay on the nightstand, checking the time.

“Call if you change your mind then?” he asked, suddenly standing up.

“I guess.” he tilted his head. “Why’re you leaving?”

“Need to go home and eat and stuff before I’m meeting up with the guys. And I’ll have to shower too, I’m gross.”

Blaine grinned. “Hm. Wonder why…”

“Call. You’ll regret it if you don’t.”


When he knew that the Sebastian was out of the house, Blaine sat up and rubbed his face.

He already knew what he was going to do.

And it had nothing to do with either Sebastian or Noah Puckerman’s ‘party’. Not that it was anything epic he had in mind, he was just planning to stay home, actually.

Ever since his mother had been hospitalized, his sleep and stuff had been so messed up so he was completely exhausted. And Halloween was a night where everyone else was out somewhere else, so the neighborhood would hopefully be quiet for once.

After putting on a pair of sweat pants and a big comfy t-shirt, Blaine shuffled down stairs to make himself something to eat. Only his body didn’t crave food, it craved sugar. So instead he just opened the fridge and plucked out a bucket of chocolate ice cream and made his way to the living room, crashing on the sofa. He turned on the TV and kicked his feet up on the low coffee table, eating the cold ice cream directly out of its bucket.

This was just what he’d needed, he decided when he’d somehow managed eating up all the chocolate ice cream and watched billions of TV programs he didn’t even know anything about.

It had been ridiculously long since he’d just let himself relax and be a teenage boy, he hadn’t really had the time to. So it was really nice now when he finally did.

It didn’t take long before Blaine was passed out sleeping like a baby in the middle of the living room. Snoring and drooling, tossing and turning, looking pretty unattractive for once. But he was asleep. So things were good. Or better at least.


“Where are they?” Kurt groaned, hugging himself to protect him from the cold air. “They said they’d be here by now.”

“Stop whining. There’ll be here any minute.”

“But –“

Shut up.”

“Fuck you. I’m inpatient, okay?”

“Oh, really?” Quinn rolled her eyes.

The two were standing outside their… house, waiting for Santana and Brittany to come and get them. They would’ve just taken their car, but it wasn’t big enough for all seven of them, and the rest of the Skanks thought that they should all get there in the same ride, of some reason. Maybe it was kinda smart, since Quinn wouldn’t drink and she got their in Santana’s car, she would have to drive all of them home without even be able to protest. So it was a pretty smart move, he guessed.

“Finally.” he groaned when he saw the black car appear down the street.

“Hey.” Brittany beamed at them as her girlfriend backed the car up on the dead lawn outside the house.

“Took you guys long enough.” Quinn mumbled as she closed the door and Kurt made a noise in agreement.

“Sorry. We sort of got stuck in… traffic.” Santana mumbled from the driver’s seat.

“Riight, traffic.” Kurt smirked as he looked at their ruffled hair and the many hickeys all over Brittany’s pale neck. “Damn that traffic for making you late.”

“Shut up Hummel.”

“So, we’re gonna pick up Sheila and Mackie too, right?” Kurt heard Ronnie’s voice ask from behind him and spun around, a little more than surprised that she hadn’t noticed her sitting in the car’s big trunk.

“Yeah, don’t worry.” answered someone but Kurt wasn’t entirely sure who it was.

   “Woha. Place’s packed already.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Obvious.” Santana muttered and grabbed hold of her girlfriend’s hand, not wanting to lose her in the mess of already not sober teenagers.

Once they’d reached the inside of the big house, a huge spread over Kurt’s face.


It almost felt like he’d established something really big, like succeeded with inventing something really important or something. Now that wasn’t the case, at all, but really, he didn’t care. He would just let himself be childish and enjoy himself.

He didn’t care that probably more than half of the people there hated him and wanted his head on a pole, he didn’t care that all the hot guys were straight, he didn’t care that he was in Noah Puckerman’s house. He didn’t care about anything. And it didn’t take long before he was too drunk to even be able to care, even if he’d want to.


Blaine stirred to life and sat up in the sofa, getting a bit dizzy at the sudden movement. He looked around dazedly, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he let out a sigh in frustration.

That it has to be so fucking hard to get some rest in this fucking neighborhood!

He stood up carefully, knees creaking, and walked over to the window, trying to spot the source of the loud music.

Of course there’d be someone throwing a spectacle somewhere near here.

What had he been thinking when he thought everyone would just fuck off to some other part of the town? That would never happen. Stupid boy.

Blaine stomped up the stairs, almost looking like a comic figure by the way he overdid every movement. He went to his room to put on the pair of jeans and the blood red t-shirt he’d wore earlier that day.  When that was done he was out of his room and tore the bathroom door open, only to slam it shut behind him with a lot more force than needed. He walked over to the mirror and crabbed a comb, trying to get his hair back to look at least somewhat decent and after just a couple of minutes, he was standing outside the big white house. His leather jacket was zipped up almost to his chin and he looked pretty damned pissed.

Because he’d just been woken up after falling asleep on the living room couch. And that wasn’t okay.

Blaine took a step toward the garage, only to stop himself when he remembered that his baby was still in for repair after that asshole Hummel had smashed his damn tires, and after leaving it in the parking lot over the night… it wasn’t really nice looking once he’d arrived to school the next day, to say the least.

So instead he started walking in the direction which the sound came from, having no idea just how far it was.

But for once he was lucky, it only took him about five minutes to walk. But holy shit the music was loud. And there were a lot of people. Now Blaine was usually not the one having a hard time with a lot of people, or not loud music either, but this was almost ridiculous.


Wait what?

He turned around hesitantly, in case it wasn’t him whoever it was meant.

“Dude! You came!” Okay, it was him they wanted to talk to.

“I –Yeah. Guess I did…” he muttered.

This was Puck’s place? Well okay, this thing was bigger than he’d expected from a guy like him.

But he hadn’t come to actually party, or whatever, he came to yell at them to turn down the fucking music. Just like a 70 year old, grumpy man would do.

But before he was able to, he got dragged into the big house, Puck having to elbow his way through the drunken crowd.

“What are you doing?”


“What are you doing?” he jelled, trying to over voice the loud music.

Puck didn’t answer. He just grinned and took a firm grip around the shorter’s wrist and dragged him yet further into the crowd, almost making Blaine feel a little claustrophobic at the way everyone seemed to push back even harder against them once they’d been pushed aside for the two boy’s to be able to reach their destination, whatever that was.

Suddenly he was sort of dragged and then pushed by a pair of sweaty hands so he stood in front of Puck, and he groaned when he saw just who he’d been lead to.

Oh fucking hell. I should’ve known.

“What the fuck, Noah?” he hissed in the teen’s ear and got a confused look in respond.


“Why’d you bring me to him of all people?”

“Aren’t the two of you like, boyfriends or something?”

“What?” Blaine looked around, he was just about to say that. Who stole his line? Or word, more like it but still… Who was it?

“What, what? Why’re you so angry?”

Blaine watched as Kurt’s jaws clenched.

“Where’d you get the idea of us being –boyfriends?” he asked then, voice slightly slurred and hard to catch over the ridiculously loud thump-a-thumpa.

“Well… you’re –both gay and sort of similar looking and –“

Blaine rolled his eyes and turned to the bigger teen with a smile on his face.

“When have you ever seen the two of us together?”

“I –uhm…”

“Exactly.” he said matter-of-factly. “So now if you excuse me, I’m gonna go.”


“Cause this sucks.”

“Really, dude? This is the best thing ever.” Blaine turned around at the sound of an unknown voice clearly talking to him, just to be forced to tilt his head more than a little big upwards to be able to see the other boy’s face. Holy shit he was tall.

“I’m sorry, who the fuck’re you?”

“Finn! Come back here!” a high-pitched, annoying sounding female voice called and the awkward looking boy, Finn, if he’d heard it right, shuffled away from him.

Shaking his head, Blaine turned around to leave, but halfway out, he of some reason decided to stay. Because he wouldn’t be able to relax even if he tried once he was home, so he could just stay here instead. At least there was booze here that no one would notice missing if he took some, unlike how things were at home.

So he elbowed his way through the loud crowed once again, but this time he was alone at least, or you know, not alone, but not accompanied by anyone. He got yelled at for pushing people numerous of times, but that happened everywhere where there were a lot of drunken teenagers, or adults too for that matter, in a small area.

He failed big time trying to find an empty seat of any sort, but then he reached the staircase with a sign ‘Fuck off’ attached to a string that was so thin and worthless looking he was surprised no one, seemingly, had disobeyed.

“It’s gonna happen sooner or later.” Blaine muttered to himself as he ducked under the lazily put up scheme and started to climb up the stairs.

Once he’d reached the top of the what for a moment felt like endless stairway, he was left with an option to enter four different rooms. A bathroom, guest room, Puck’s room or the boy’s parent’s room, Blaine guessed.

 Okay so…It would be sad to sit alone it the bathroom the entire evening, so that one was out. He would feel awkward in the parent’s room, and he didn’t really feel like he wanted to know what Puck’s room looked like. Probably filled with posters of naked women, Blaine thought.

So the tired boy walked across the short hallway and opened the door to the guest room almost completely, expecting that it would be empty. So he got a little surprised when he was greeted by two half-naked, moaning girls. He recognized them from school immediately. They were two of the girls in the that gang that called themselves ‘The Skanks’, one of the many things he thought was ridiculous at his new school.

“Leave.” grunted the slightly darker female, not even bother to look up from where she was kissing the other girl’s stomach. Just a tiny bit shocked, Blaine closed the door behind him. He’d at least expected the two of them to yell at him and call him a perve or something, not just barely acknowledge him.

Not giving the hardly existing reaction any more thought, he walked over to what he almost knew was Noah’s room, judging by the many signs and pictures decorating the wooden door. This time he opened the door a little more carefully, not wanting to interfere something else. But this room was empty, apart from the clothes and schoolbooks spread all over the floor.

He reached alongside the walls to try and find the light switch and once he’d found it and turned on the light he looked around the room.

It was almost ridiculous how the room followed just about every stereotype there was about football playing high school boys. It was blue. Really blue. There was a little shelf filled with trophies from won football games and an even smaller shelf filled with books about a meter away from it. The room was over all pretty damn dirty, used underwear and old pizza boxes placed at random places. And, of course, just as he’d though, there was a big poster of a woman bending over a shiny car, dressed in a barely existing bikini, trying to look sexy, but ending up just looking stupid according to Blaine.

He chuckled quietly and shook his head as he sat down on the boy’s bed, the covers decorated with Star Wars figures.

What a damn stereotype… He thought to himself and lay down on the surprisingly comfortable bed. He closed his eyes but was unable to even relax, the music still being disgustingly loud in his ears. But he was at least able to think a little bit, but had barely figured exactly what about before he heard the door squeaked open and he looked up. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows slightly when he saw Kurt standing there, cheeks tear stained, if he didn’t get that wrong.




End Notes: Dun dun duuunn... I guess. Yeah, sort of a cliff hanger thingy.. I just had to. Mainly 'cause I've written all of that today, (-the first 200 words or so) so I'm sort of exhuasted now.But yeah. Hope you guys liked it and.. sorry if it seems like I'm begging but, your reviews really help me to write more and stuff.. They're sort of.. inspiration for me or something, I guess. So I really appreciate it if (and when, to all of you who've already leaft a/a few reviews) you take the time to.... No presure, just saying. ... Blah. Sorry..What.Is.Up.With.The.Fucking.Font?


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fricking amazing like always i just wish this book could go on forever and ever your doing such an amazing job i just love this update as soon as you can pleaseRATING:100000000000000

Haha oh I think it will go on just about forever. I'm so glad you think so! And I will, but now it'll probably be a while till the next chapter, but you never know.Thank you for reading!!

You always end with frickin' cliffhangers ARGHHH!! I DEMAND MORE UPDATES!!!!!

I do? Haha, haven't thought about it. And your wish is m comand. ;) But it'll take a while.. Sorry. :3Thank you for reading!

Ugh, I feel like I've waited for this Halloween party for as long as Kurt and you end it right fucking there :( NOT FAIR. Eagerly awaiting next update <3

Haha I'm sorry ;) I'm writing on it, but not as much as usualy, since I have visitors and stuff. But there'll be much goodyness to read from here on!