Talk to Me (Rewritten)
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Talk to Me (Rewritten): Chapter 7

E - Words: 4,457 - Last Updated: Jul 02, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Mar 10, 2015 - Updated: Mar 10, 2015
256 0 0 0 0

A/N: Hey! I took a little longer for this chapter, so I apologize for that. I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: violence, underage drinking (not heavy), smut (I think it counts as smut???)

Please enjoy and review!



    The next two months are relatively tame. Sebastian is still a douchebag and Kurt has a few nightmares, waking Blaine up in the process. Blaine talks Kurt out of cutting multiple times, and Kurt ends up cutting a few times, as well. Blaine only knows about a couple of those times, Kurt refraining from telling his boyfriend, not wanting him to worry about him. Kurt has refused to talk to anyone but Blaine, his father, and eventually, Trent. He'd spoken his first words to the boy during one of their study sessions last month.


    It kind of just happened. Kurt didn't say anything significant, didn't have some breakthrough thought that he wanted to physically tell his friend; he just realized that he'd become comfortable enough with Trent that he trusted that the boy wouldn't hurt him. Trent had asked him what he'd gotten for one of his algebra problems and instead of writing his answer down like he'd

usually do, Kurt had spoken.


    “Seven plus eight i over two,” Kurt said. Trent froze and stared at Kurt for what felt like hours but was probably only thirty seconds. Kurt tensed under Trent's gaze, hoping that his friend wasn't upset with him for something.


“Oh my god, Kurt!” Trent said, smiling widely. “Your voice is so cute!” Trent was surprised by Kurt speaking to him, but didn't let it show after he finished staring at Kurt. “So, what did you get for number three?”


And that was that. Trent didn't ask Kurt personal questions or force him to explain why he wasn't talking and decided to start then. He just accepted it and moved on. Kurt was glad that Trent didn't focus on it; it made him feel much better about his decision to talk to Trent. Up until now, Kurt hadn't let himself talk to anyone else.


“Um… hi,” he's awkward and kind of quiet, but he doesn't care, and neither do any of the Warblers who are looking up at him with mixed looks of awe and surprise. Kurt looks over at Blaine who is looking at him with so much pride that his heart hurts. “I'm Kurt Hummel, as you all know, and um, I'll be singing “Not the Boy Next Door” for my audition.”


Kurt takes a deep breath, anxiety settling deep within his stomach. You can do this, he tells himself, even though he doesn't really believe it. This is the first time he's spoken in public, to anyone other than the three people he's allowed himself the comfort.


And, surprisingly, he's loving it. He's belting out his best notes, singing for an audience for the first time since his freshman year in high school and he actually feels alive. Adrenaline is pumping through his veins and he barely registers the awestruck looks of the Warblers around him. All Kurt knows is the song and his voice and how good he feels.   


And then the song is over and he's out of breath and the anxiety is back. He doesn't register the cheers of the Warblers because he's fast-walking out of the rehearsal area and trying not to hyperventilate. Oh, god, why did you let yourself do that? Kurt doesn't regret talking, no, he's glad he did that, glad he finally let himself open up. He just regrets singing in front of that many people, letting himself become so vulnerable, so raw, letting them hear that part of him, the part that he's tried so hard to suppress for three years.


He feels an arm touch his shoulder and he jumps, turning behind him with wide eyes. “Baby, it's me…” He hears Blaine's voice and lets out the tension in his shoulders, stepping closer to his boyfriend. “You were amazing in there, baby… What happened?”


Kurt makes himself calm down and get his breathing under control before saying, “I'm sorry… that's the first time I've spoken to anyone but you, Trent, and my dad since my freshman year. I haven't sang like that for three years, Blaine... I just… I got anxious and nervous and scared…” Kurt laughs self-deprecatingly and wraps his arms around himself.


“I understand. You did wonderfully though, babe, the Warblers absolutely love your voice. There's a spot for you if you want it.” Blaine absolutely adored Kurt's voice and knowing that his boyfriend was strong enough to finally speak to the Warblers made Blaine love his boyfriend even more. The moment he'd heard Kurt's angelic voice singing his heart had swelled and he had to try hard not to cry.


“I'd love to be a part of the Warblers,” Kurt smiles, kissing his boyfriend sweetly before walking back to the Warblers' rehearsal room with Blaine hand in hand.



    Kurt lays down on Blaine's bed next to the boy as he does his English homework. “I'm so bored,” he says, turning on his side to face Blaine. Kurt is bored. And half-hard. But too nervous to tell Blaine that. They'd never done anything more since the day Kurt had that anxiety attack in front of Blaine. Blaine had been amazing at letting Kurt lead, but now Kurt was ready for a little more. Not a lot, but he knows he could let Blaine touch his ass at least.


    The kiss starts out slow. Blaine doesn't kiss back at first, eager to finish his homework, but when Kurt doesn't let up on the kissing, he gives in and soon he's kissing Kurt eagerly. Kurt runs his tongue along Blaine's bottom lip, moving closer to his boyfriend as he kisses him. Blaine lets Kurt go as far as he wants as fast as he wants, content to be in his boyfriend's arms.


    He's surprised, though, when Kurt moves on top of him and straddles his hips. “Wha--what are you doing?” he asks, slightly out of breath. He's thoroughly enjoying Kurt's position on top of him, but he wants to make sure that Kurt is comfortable as well.


    “Oh… uh, if you're not comfortable, I can just--” Kurt starts moving off of Blaine, but a pair of strong hands on his hips keeps him in place. Blaine shakes his head, so Kurt leans down to kiss his boyfriend again.


    This time when the kisses start getting deeper, Kurt doesn't pull away. He does something Blaine had never imagined he'd do. Kurt takes Blaine's arm and places his hand on his ass. “Kurt,” Blaine lets out a half-moan, half-confused statement. He doesn't question Kurt, though, when the boy starts kissing him again. The kisses are slow and passionate, Blaine's hand is still on Kurt's ass, and Kurt is actually enjoying himself.


    Kurt slowly moves his hand down to the hem of Blaine's shirt. He doesn't take it off, not yet. He lets his hand move under the shirt, exploring Blaine's torso, moving his hand up and tentatively feeling Blaine's chest and ab muscles. He maps out his boyfriend's torso, remembering Blaine's pleasure spots, feeling proud of himself when he elicits a few gasps from the boy under him. Kurt surprises himself by rolling his hips down onto Blaine's hips.


    “Fuck, Kurt,” Blaine moans, closing his eyes and trying hard not to buck up into his boyfriend's hips. Kurt smiles, somewhat seductively (although Blaine doesn't think he's going for that look), at his boyfriend before he rolls his hips down again.


    “Is this okay?” Kurt asks, hoping Blaine says yes. It's taken Kurt a long time to become this comfortable with someone, so he hopes he doesn't have to stop now. He rolls his hips down once more and gasps, looking down at Blaine with hopeful eyes.


    “Fuck, Kurt, this is perfect,” Blaine says, squeezing his boyfriend's ass. Kurt leans down to kiss Blaine, entwining his tongue with the other boy's. He thrusts his hips into Blaine's and starts unbuttoning the other boy's shirt. “God, Kurt, I love you.”


    “I love you, too,” Kurt says, breathlessly. He kisses a line down to Blaine's clavicle, sucking a dark hickey into his boyfriend's skin. Kurt pulls Blaine's shirt off completely and admires the view of his boyfriend's torso. “You're beautiful, baby,” he says before kissing Blaine's chest. Blaine thrusts his hips up in hopes of getting Kurt's hips rolling against his again.


    “Can… can I try something?” Kurt asks, looking down at Blaine somewhat self-consciously. Kurt doesn't know what he's doing when he comes to sex, but Blaine's seemed to enjoy what he's been doing so far, so Kurt wants to try something else.


“Of course you can, baby,” Blaine says, kissing his boyfriend. Both he and Kurt get a little distracted by kissing, tongues entangling together. Blaine gasps when he feels a hand palming his erection through his jeans. “Kurt, fuck… you-you don't have to do this if you don't want to.”


“I want to,” Kurt says, and in that moment Blaine didn't think Kurt could have been any sexier. He moans wantonly, throwing his head back as Kurt unzips his jeans. Kurt cautiously grasps Blaine's member after he pulls down the boy's pants and undergarments. He doesn't look at it, worried he'll freak out with the sight he's greeted with, but he's okay with what he is doing, happy actually. To know that he can bring his boyfriend pleasure in this way is something that Kurt is very proud of himself for being able to do.


He starts stroking his boyfriend's cock slowly at first, rubbing his thumb over the head, collecting precum at the tip. Kurt gasps when Blaine moans, looking up at his boyfriend with a sheepish smile. “Fuck, Kurt, you're doing so well, baby,” Blaine says, hoping to reassure his boyfriend. Kurt smiles, going back to the task at hand, quite literally. He speeds up his strokes, thrusting his clothed erection on the bed next to Blaine's leg, not caring how it must look to Blaine. He's horny and he's going to let himself cum with his boyfriend.


    Kurt feels himself grow harder with every moan Blaine lets out. He strokes Blaine's cock faster at a particularly desperate moan, timing his thrusts with the stroke of his hand. He kisses Blaine in the midst of a moan, wimpering desperately as he works his boyfriend to completion. “Just like that Kurt,” Blaine moans breathlessly.


    Blaine, although barely able to think, feels quite prideful about Kurt's ability to do this. Not that his boyfriend is great at giving hand jobs, which he is sure as hell thankful for, but that Kurt feels comfortable enough and trusts him enough to be able to become this vulnerable with him, to let himself do this. Blaine's heart swelled just when Kurt let him touch his ass, but for Kurt to be able to share this with Blaine is almost to much for the boy.


    Kurt's motions speed up, and then Blaine is cumming, shouting

“I love you, Kurt!” as he lets go onto Kurt's hand. Kurt's thrusts onto the bed cease and Kurt freezes, moaning loudly as he climaxes. After getting over the aftershocks of his orgasm, Kurt grimaces, getting up to wash his hands and change pants.


    He lays down next to Blaine on the bed, smiling lovingly at his boyfriend. “I love you, baby,” he says, kissing his boyfriend sweetly.


    “I love you, too,” Blaine says, smiling, the happiest he's been in a very long time.



    It's Kurt's fifth Warbler rehearsal, two weeks after letting himself come closer to Blaine, figuratively and literally. Kurt had just finished his audition for a solo, thankfully with no anxiety attacks this time.


    “I can see why you didn't talk before,” Sebastian speaks up, hollering at Kurt from across the room. “You have such a girly voice it's so high pitched.” Sebastian smirks at Kurt as the boy freezes in his spot, becoming uncomfortable in an instant.


    “Sebastian, stop,” Blaine says from his place next to Kurt. “No one appreciates your comments, Kurt's voice is beautiful.” Blaine hopes Kurt doesn't listen to Sebastian. He knows how hurtful the bullying can be, he really does, but he hopes Kurt knows that what Sebastian is saying is not true and never ever will be.


    “The guy's a freak, Blaine, I don't understand why you can't see that,” Sebastian says, glowering at the shorter boy. “First, he refuses to talk, without giving anyone an explanation, mind you, and then, he does talk, just randomly deciding he'll grant everything the gift of his… melodious voice, and then once he does he has some weird panic attack in front of everyone. He's obviously just doing this for attention. You saw how confident and full of himself he was when he was singing.”


    Kurt backs away from Sebastian, hoping the boy will stop talking soon. He doesn't want to cry or break down in front of the Warblers, and he especially doesn't want to do so in front of Sebastian, but he can feel tears forming on the edge of his eyes. They're starting to blur his vision, too.


    “Leave him alone, Sebastian,” Blaine says, glaring at the meerkat-faced boy. Blaine doesn't know what to do about Sebastian. He doesn't know why the boy is being like he is to Kurt. Kurt hadn't done anything to him; it just seemed like Sebastian's hate had stemmed from nowhere the moment he laid eyes on Kurt.


    Sebastian moves closer to Kurt. “Why, Blaine? We all know he's just a freak,” Sebastian says, almost growling at Kurt. He swiftly pushes on Kurt's chest, sending the boy tumbling into the wall behind him.


    And then, Kurt's not at Dalton anymore. He's back at McKinely, a swarm of red jacket wearing football players surrounding him, having just been shoved into a locker.


    “Please, don't hurt me!” Kurt pleads, hoping the neanderthals will spare a beating just this once. He'd gotten through the day so far without any locker shoves, dumpster tosses, or slushie facials.


    The jocks laugh before one of them--Kurt doesn't even know their name--shoves Kurt more roughly into the locker, pinning his shoulder back. The first punch is expected and Kurt tries to brace himself. That doesn't stop the pain, though, as the sound of skin hitting skin is heard echoing through the hallway.


    Kurt winces when he feels a blow to his stomach, leaving the breath knocked out of him. He hears more laughter of the jocks and grimaces when he feels a booted foot kick his leg, making him fall down to the floor. More kicks and jabs to his stomach leave him moaning in the fetal position, hoping that anyone will come and save him. He hears hateful words and homophobic slurs shouted to him from left and right, and Kurt grimaces. The words always left more painful scarring than any of the physical blows ever did.


    After one sharp kick to his head, Kurt finally passed out.


    “Kurt!” Blaine calls, knowing his boyfriend is having a flashback the minute he sees the far off look in Kurt's eyes. “Kurt, baby, come on. You're safe, you're at Dalton, everything is okay.”


    When Blaine sees Kurt's recognition come back and he knows his boyfriend is no longer confined in the realm of his flashback, he takes Kurt into his arms, holding his boyfriend close. “Baby, you're at Dalton. No one can hurt you here. You're not at McKinley.”


    Kurt nods, glad that his boyfriend is able to be with him after his flashback. He looks up at the Warbler boys, hoping they don't think too poorly of him. “I'm sorry…,” he self-consciously lowers his head, hoping that the Warblers aren't annoyed with him.


    “It's okay, Kurt,” Wes says, smiling reassuringly at the broken boy in front of him. The rest of the Warblers nod, agreeing that Sebastian has behaved appallingly.


    “Wow, okay, guys, take the freak's side,” Sebastian says, crossing his arms and glaring down at Kurt menacingly. The shaken boy winces a little at the death stare, bracing himself for the boy in front of him to lash out in violence.


    “Sebastian, just give it a rest, will you?” Blaine says, getting up from his place next to Kurt. “No one agrees with you. Kurt is amazing and wonderful and I love him. He's half the man you'll ever be. And he is most definitely not as much of a freak as you say he is.” Sebastian steps away from Blaine, knowing that the boy is incredibly angry and figuring that he doesn't want to get punched in the face again. He knows he'll have to target Kurt in ways that don't include verbally insulting him in front of his boyfriend.


    “Alright, alright,” Sebastian says, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “I'll try to be nicer to the freak.” After another glare from Blaine, Sebastian sits down, quietly, thankfully not saying anything more harmful.


    “Are you okay, baby?” Blaine says, kneeling down to look at Kurt again. Kurt nods, albeit a little shakily. He's still slightly frightened from his flashback, tense and waiting for anyone to strike him or kick him.


    “I was b-back at McKinley, Blaine,” he says, looking up at his boyfriend with big, frightened eyes. He hopes Blaine doesn't dislike him now for being so afraid of a little shove into a wall. Kurt knows he shouldn't be as affected by the things Sebastian says and does to him, but he is, and he can't help it.


    “I know you were, baby,” Blaine says, kissing Kurt gently on the mouth. “But they can't ever get you again. You're safe here. None of those neanderthals know where you are, and you never have to go back to McKinley again.” Kurt nods, standing up and exiting the rehearsal room with Blaine.


    Meanwhile, Sebastian is sitting in his seat, smirking at the information he's just acquired. So, Kurt used to attend McKinley High School.



The music in the bar is loud, but not overpowering. The Ohio gay scene isn't really hopping, at least, not like the gay bars and clubs Sebastian has been in before. Those ones had loud music with deep, thumping basses that shook the entire building, with flashing lights and sweaty, half-naked men dancing on each other everywhere you looked. This one, the closest gay bar Sebastian could find in relation to Dalton was a dingy establishment, but one that had plenty of attractive looking males. It was called Scandals, a name with Sebastian actually approved of.


Sebastian doesn't drink after the first beer he orders, hoping to find an attractive male to take home with him. He gets on the dance floor, shaking his ass, wanting to attract someone to fuck the tension out of him. It's been awhile since his last casual fuck, so he hopes he can find someone soon and get out of here.


His thoughts are interrupted when he hears a gruff voice order a beer. A gruff voice that may have been the sexiest voice he'd ever heard. He looked over in the direction of the bar and was slightly disappointed to see that it was only a big, probably inexperienced, teen wearing an unflattering baseball cap and a red letterman jacket.


A red letterman jacket that just so happened to read ‘McKinley' on the front. Sebastian automatically swerved to sit down at the bar next to the teen, ordering another beer with the intent of only taking a few sips. “Hey,” he says, glancing at the boy sitting next to him.


“Uh, hi,” the male says, taking a swig of his beer. Sebastian hides his grimace at the unattractive gulping and tried to smile a little seductively at the teen. Sebastian desperately hopes he can find dirt on Kurt Hummel from the boy sitting next to him, either something horrible that he can tell the Warblers or something that he can use to blackmail Kurt with. Maybe something big enough to get Blaine to break up with him or get him to break up with Blaine.


“I'm Sebastian,” he says, a sly grin on his meerkat face. “Who might you be, handsome?” Sebastian holds out a hand for the boy to take, holding back a wince as he feels the boy's clammy, meaty hand in his.  


“Dave… uh, Dave Karofsky,” the boy--Karofsky--says. Karofsky is slightly taken aback. This is at least his fifth time at Scandals, the resident gay bar of Lima, Ohio, and he's never had a guy approach him like this once. He'd always gotten drunk alone, complained to the bartender about being a fag, complained to the sleazy guys playing pool in the back about Kurt, and then complained to the bouncer about being gay some more. Not once had any other guy, especially not a guy this attractive, taken any interest in him, and because of this, Karofsky was a little taken aback.


“You go to McKinley, do you?” Sebastian asks, eyeing the red and white jacket. Karofsky throws a hasty glance to the bartender, hoping he hadn't overheard Sebastian talking about his high school. Sebastian rolls his eyes at Karofsky's wariness. If the guy hadn't wanted anyone to know he was a minor, he probably shouldn't have worn a high school letterman jacket to a bar. “Don't worry, I'm in high school, too. A senior.”


“I'm a senior, too,” Karofsky says, not knowing whether Sebastian is trustworthy or not. After a probing glance from the boy next to him, Karofsky then says, “And, yes, I go to McKinley.”


Sebastian smirks, already knowing he can get information on Kurt from this guy. He just has to act like he actually cares about what he has to say, maybe flirt a little here and there, and then, voila, Dalton will be back under his reign in no time. “Well, I was wondering if you knew anything about Kurt Hummel.”


The boy next to Sebastian immediately tenses, and Sebastian takes that as his answer. “Why? What did he tell you about me?!” Karofsky half-shouts, immediately getting defensive. If Hummel had said anything about him, he'd be screwed. He can't let anything that he'd done get out to the public. Nobody can know about how faggy he had been.


“Whoa, easy there, he never said anything about you. I just want to know what he was like at his old school,” Sebastian says, wondering what it is that Kurt could have said about the boy next to him that would have been so bad. “He's kind of a little bitch,” Sebastian tags along to the end of hi sentence, hoping it will get Karofsky to trust him more.


Karofsky smirks at Sebastian's opinion. “Definitely. He's a slut, too. Fucked me more times than I can count and then went on to tell everyone that I was the one who hurt him because I didn't want a real relationship. I don't do that girly shit. We'd both agreed on casual fucks, and he just had to grow feelings for me.” Karofsky hopes his story is believable, and he's pretty sure it is by the triumphant look on Sebastian's face.


“What about how he never talks?” Sebastian asks, wanting to know more about the mystery of Kurt Hummel. Of course the boy was a slut. That didn't surprise Sebastian. The fact would be a great thing to tell Blaine so that he'd see through his boy toy and finally realize who Kurt Hummel really was.


“Oh, he's still doing that?” Karofsky inquires, laughing. “That's because of me, too. The little cockslut figured that if he'd stop talking, I'd realize my undying love for him. Doesn't make much sense to me, if you ask. He knew about much I loved hearing him scream my name, and he figured that if he deprived me of it, I'd come to him and declare my love.”


Sebastian laughs with Karofsky, his suspicions confirmed that Kurt was just a little bitch with no real problems of his own. “Oh, he's talking now. He kept up the silence for a few months, but two weeks ago, we finally got to hear his girly voice.” Karofsky lets out a sharp, gruff laugh, although he's slightly angered that Kurt is now talking again. He should be the only person allowed to hear Kurt's voice. “Found himself a boyfriend, too. Don't know how he did it.”


Karofsky tenses and glares into his beer bottle. “What?” the boy asks, through gritted teeth. Sebastian repeats his sentiment again and Karofsky grows angrier. “The little bitch moved on that fast?” How dare he? Karofsky thinks to himself. Only he is entitled to Kurt's body. Only he is allowed to fuck ruthlessly into Kurt's tight ass. No one else is allowed to have him.


“Yup,” Sebastian says, taking a sip of his beer. He sees how angry Karofsky is getting, and he loves it. “They're probably fucking by now, too, if what you've told me is correct. They're roommates so they're probably fucking like rabbits every night.”


“Where is he?!” Karofsky demands an answer, staring daggers into Sebastian. “That cockslut is mine,” the bigger boy says possessively.


“Oh, he's at Dalton academy in Westerville, Ohio. I'm sure he would love it if you dropped by,” Sebastian says, smirking. This just keeps getting better and better. First, he gets dirt on Kurt Hummel, and now this guy wants to come to Dalton and wreak havoc in the boy's life.


Karofsky takes another swig of his beer, finishing it off, a plan already formulating in his head. Well, I'll just have to pay my favorite fag a visit.


A/N: Sorry if you hate me! We're finally getting to the substantial parts in the story! Again, sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Pretty please with cherries on top review!


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