Talk to Me (Rewritten)
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Talk to Me (Rewritten): Chapter 5

E - Words: 4,734 - Last Updated: Jul 02, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Mar 10, 2015 - Updated: Mar 10, 2015
236 0 0 0 0

A/N: Special thanks to clocklockworks on for giving me one of the best reviews I've gotten on this story!

I'm sure you're all dying to get on to this chapter considering what happened at the end of the last one, and I'm tempted to make this A/N last super long to stall you from reading, but I can't think of anything to say, so here you go!

Warnings: Self-harm, rape

Pretty please review!


    Blaine was surprised when he heard Kurt talk, but even more surprised when he felt the soft lips of his roommate's against his own. At first he was too shocked to respond to the kiss, but soon Blaine was moving his lips with Kurt's, enjoying the feel of soft lips pressed against his own. When the tip of Kurt's tongue hesitantly touches Blaine's lips, he opens his mouth, deepening the kiss, enjoying the feel of Kurt's tongue against his own.

    Blaine is upset when Kurt breaks the kiss and leans away from him. He slowly opens his eyes again and sighs happily when he sees Kurt looking at him with what looks like peace on his face. Blaine smiles at seeing the red tinge to the other boy's cheeks.

    “So…” Kurt says, and Blaine's smile widens when he hears Kurt's voice again. Blaine loves Kurt's voice because it's so beautiful and perfect, but he loves it even more because he knows that for Kurt to be able to talk to him, he trusts him so fully.

    “Yeah,” Blaine says, leading Kurt to his bed. “I'm just gonna jump right out and say it. I like you, Kurt.” The shorter boy smiles up at Kurt, hoping his reaction is a good one. When he sees Kurt smile, he knows it is.

    “I like you too,” Kurt says, looking away from Blaine with a blush on his cheeks. Blaine is so happy he could scream. But he won't, that might make the situation a little awkward. He just can't believe that Kurt likes him. Kurt actually likes him. Blaine feels like he's floating as he takes Kurt's soft hand and grasps it in his.

    “I'm glad you trust me, Kurt,” Blaine says, hoping the comment won't make his roommate close off on himself again. It doesn't because Kurt nods and scoots closer to Blaine, resting his head on the boy's shoulder.

    “I''m glad I trust you, too,” Kurt says, his tone light. “I haven't had anyone to talk to for a while, and I'm glad I can talk to you.” Kurt wishes he could be with Blaine forever, but he knows Blaine probably will get tired of him after a while. He tells himself not to focus on those thoughts and just threads his fingers together with Blaine's.

    “Do you… um,” Blaine laughs, awkwardly. He's never properly done this with anyone. He had sworn off love for a little while after an awkward performance at a Gap which he had hidden in the recesses of his brain and which Kurt will never find out about. “Do you wanna be my boyfriend?”

    Kurt blushes. He's never done anything like this either, albeit for different reasons than Blaine, but that doesn't matter right now. “As long as you'll have me,” Kurt says, a little breathlessly. Blaine smiles and kisses Kurt's hair.

“Of course, baby,” Blaine hopes he's allowed to say that, and with a quick glance to Kurt's blushing but happy face, he exhales in relief, knowing he hasn't crossed a line.

After checking the clock Blaine swears and says, “It's late, Kurt. We should probably get to bed.” Kurt nods and lets go of Blaine's hand sadly. After changing into his pajamas and crawling into bed, Kurt whispers a goodnight to Blaine before flicking the light off.

Thirty minutes later, Kurt sits up in his bed again. “Blaine?” he whispers across the room, hoping his roommate isn't asleep yet. He sees Blaine roll over from his position on his stomach and look up drowsily. Kurt feels bad for disturbing him, but he'll get over it.

“Yeah, babe?” Blaine says, sleep evident in his voice. He knows he should be maybe a little annoyed at Kurt, but he's not. He sits up and looks at Kurt, hoping everything is okay.

Kurt smiles at the pet name coming from Blaine's lips and says, “Could… could you maybe sleep in my bed tonight? I just… I can't get to sleep, and I was wondering if maybe… maybe the nightmares would stop if you were there,” Kurt hopes Blaine comes over to his bed. It's humiliating enough as it is, asking Blaine this question. “You don't have to if you don't want to, I know it's stupid, I'll just--”

Blaine cuts Kurt off by kissing his lips, Kurt having been too involved in second guessing himself to notice Blaine move over to his bed. Blaine crawls into bed with his boyfriend, burrowing under the covers and pulling Kurt down, wrapping a protective arm around the boy. Kurt smiles and leans into Blaine, sighing happily. “Is this okay?” Blaine asks.

Kurt kisses Blaine's cheek before responding. “Perfect.”


    Kurt wakes up in Blaine's arms feeling more refreshed than he has in a long time. Blaine is snuggling into the back of his neck and Kurt can feel the boy's even breathing and the hair on the back of his neck stands up. He smiles and turns to face his boyfriend. His boyfriend! Kurt's never been able to say that before, and for once, he's excited about something. He can't wait to walk down the Dalton halls and proudly hold his boyfriend's hand.

    That probably won't happen at first. Even if Blaine does want to come out into the open about their relationship, Kurt doubts he'd be able to walk into the Dalton halls knowing how many stares he would get from the various Dalton boys. The Warblers alone would probably go haywire. Either way, if Blaine is willing, Kurt wants to try to be open about their relationship. He knows he keeps too many secrets already, and he doesn't want Blaine to think he's ashamed of him.

    Blaine starts shifting next to him, and Kurt watches as his roommate wakes up. “Hello, sleepyhead,” Kurt says, smiling at Blaine's cute groggy morning look. Blaine leans in for a kiss and Kurt puts a hand up to stop him. “Morning breath, he explains before getting up to fix his hair and brush his teeth in the bathroom.

    Blaine sighs, shaking his head lovingly at his boyfriend. Blaine's still feeling euphoric from last night. It's one thing for Kurt to kiss him, but for him to like him back makes Blaine feel like the most amazing person in the world. He's so honored that Kurt would even talk to him, let alone love him. He hopes Kurt wishes to make their relationship public, but will wait eons for the boy to be ready. He sincerely believes that after he gets to know Kurt better as more than a friend that he will fall in love with the boy.

    “Kurt, you'll need to be ready in fifteen minutes. We slept late… I hope you had a good night's sleep,” Blaine says, brushing through his curls and gelling them halfheartedly. Seeing as he didn't wake up to Kurt shifting or shouting out in the night, Blaine assumes Kurt slept well, but he still wants to check in with his boyfriend and make sure their sleeping arrangement was okay.

    “I slept better than I have in years, Blaine,” Kurt replies honestly, poking his head out the door of the bathroom, smiling at his boyfriend struggling to get his left shoe on. After coifing his hair one last time, Kurt steps out looking radiant even though he's only in his Dalton uniform.

    “Are you going to talk to others, Kurt? I understand if you choose not to,” Blaine says, gauging his boyfriend's reaction. Kurt shakes his head, a reply Blaine was expecting.

    “So, um… How do you feel about… telling people, about us, I mean?” Blaine says, looking questioningly at his boyfriend. “I mean, we don't have to if you're not comfortable, I'll wait as long as you need, I'd just rather--”

    “Blaine,” Kurt says, cutting his boyfriend off by kissing him. “I'd love to be open about our relationship in public, as long as you're comfortable with it. Let's just… hold hands and wing it, okay?” Kurt can hardly believe what is coming out of his mouth. The idea of going out in a hallway, full of Dalton boys, holding hands with Blaine makes him anxious, not because he's ashamed to be with Blaine, but because he doesn't want that attention put on him. Kurt knows he's well on his way to falling for Blaine, and fast.

    “That's great, baby,” Blaine says, kissing Kurt's lips tenderly. Kurt sighs happily, kissing his boyfriend back with fervor. Blaine runs his tongue along his boyfriend's lips, and Kurt allows him entry, their tongues mingling before they both pull away, knowing they need to get to class.

    “Ready?” Blaine asks, holding out his hand for Kurt to take. Kurt threads his fingers together with Blaine's and nods, preparing himself as best he can for the onslaught of stares he and Blaine are sure to receive. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, smiling when Blaine squeezes his hand in support.

Kurt was prepared for the stares, but was not expecting what he and Blaine received. Virtually no one was looking away from Kurt and Blaine's joined hands. Kurt tenses, imagining the thoughts of those staring. Thoughts like wow, why is Blaine dating that freak? and I thought Blaine had better taste than that. Blaine squeezes his boyfriend's hands, looking at Kurt with concerned eyes. ‘You okay?' Blaine mouths. Kurt nods, smiling reassuringly at his boyfriend. Sure, he's tense and on guard, terrified of being slushied, punched, or thrown into a locker, but subconsciously he knows that no one at Dalton is going to hurt him.

It seems like hours before Kurt and Blaine reach their first period class, where, thankfully, people are respectful enough to try to conceal their ogling. Kurt and Blaine sit in their respective seats. Blaine whispers something to Trent and then the boy excitedly squeals and smiles at Kurt. “I'm so happy for you,” he says, winking at Kurt. Kurt blushes and thankfully isn't expected to respond to Trent as the teacher requests the class' attention soon afterward.

The stares thankfully die down before lunch, although Kurt is still tense as he and Blaine walk into the cafeteria. They walk up to the Warbler table and immediately all eyes are on them. “Kurt and I are together,” Blaine says, rather bluntly, as he sits down and begins to eat. Kurt blushes and looks to the floor. Most of the Warblers cheer, aside from Sebastian who sneers from the other side of the table.

“Why are you dating that freak?” he says, looking at Kurt like he's a piece of dirt on his shoe. “He can't even talk to you, Blaine.” Kurt tenses hoping Blaine isn't going to tell people that he's been talking to him. Blaine notices this and squeezes Kurt's hand under the table.

“We care about each other, Sebastian, something you know nothing about,” Blaine retorts. Kurt nods, smiling a little bit at the floor. Blaine smiles at Kurt, giving him a peck on the cheek and making him blush.

“Of course you do,” Sebastian says, smirking. “Like anyone would care about that freak. He doesn't deserve you, Blaine.” Sebastian smiles at seeing tears start falling from Kurt's eyes. “He doesn't deserve anyone.”

Kurt starts writing something on his board, which he had pulled from his bag when he stepped up to the Warblers' table, but then erases violently before standing up and running away from the table. “Why the fuck would you do that, Sebastian?!” Blaine yells angrily. “Was one punch in the face not enough?”

Blaine starts toward Sebastian, hand already clenched into a fist, but a gentle hand on his elbow stops him. He looks down to see Wes frowning up at him. “Go to Kurt, Blaine. Make sure he's okay. We'll deal with this.” Blaine nods before rushing out of the cafeteria to his dorm.

Kurt rushes into his dorm and immediately heads for the bathroom, scrambling to look for his blades. His hands are shaking and when he finally locates one, his hand slips and it falls to the floor. Before he can pick it up, however, Blaine rushes into the room. Kurt disregards him and starts scratching his arms with his nails, not worrying that he's not drawing blood, just needing the pain to distract him. Blaine rushes into the bathroom and grabs Kurt's arms, preventing him from scratching them up anymore.

Blaine looks at his wounds before realizing they're not too major and kissing each and every one of Kurt's scars on his wrists. Kurt's tears keep flowing and he turns to bury his face in Blaine's shoulder. “Shh, it's okay, baby,” Blaine says, hoping to comfort Kurt enough that his tears stop. “Nothing he said was true, I promise.”

Kurt shakes his head, disbelieving Blaine's words. “Yes, it was,” he moans into Blaine's shoulder, tears ebbing away. Blaine rubs his hand comfortingly on Kurt's back.

“Kurt, look at me,” Blaine says, pulling Kurt's chin so that Kurt is looking at him. Kurt wipes away his remaining tears, sniffling and looking at Blaine. “You're perfect, okay? Nothing Sebastian says will ever change my opinion of you. You deserve so much more than me, okay? Not the other way around.”

Kurt nods and hugs Blaine, snuggling into his boyfriend for support. Thank you, Blaine,” Kurt says, letting Blaine pick him up and carry him to his bed. “I appreciate everything you've ever done for me.”

“You have no idea how much you mean to me,” Blaine says, laying Kurt down and kissing his forehead. “No afternoon classes for you today, okay? I'll tell your teachers you're sick. Just get some sleep, baby.”

Kurt nods, already dozing off. Blaine kisses his boyfriend's forehead once more before leaving Kurt to sleep in what he hopes will be peace.


The rest of the week passes by rather uneventfully, aside from Kurt having a nightmare on Wednesday and Sebastian being a jerk on Thursday. Kurt decides it's best that he doesn't go to the next Friday night dinner, still recuperating from the last one. Burt approves of his decision, knowing that Kurt will need time to get used to the idea of his father dating again.

The Saturday evening is Kurt and Blaine's first real date. Blaine had asked Kurt out by singing “Teenage Dream” and handing Kurt a bouquet of red roses after the heartwarming performance. Kurt automatically nodded yes to the date, albeit a little tearfully.

Blaine had driven them to the restaurant in comfortable silence, soft music playing through the speakers of his car. The restaurant was a cozy Italian place on the outskirts of Westerville, providing Kurt and Blaine with the private location they'd both enjoy for a first date. They were seated at a booth in a secluded part of the restaurant, the dim lights setting the perfect ambience for a first date. Kurt is impressed with Blaine's elegant choice in dining, but as soon as he looked at the pricy items on the menu he protested, not wanting Blaine to spend that much money on him. He wasn't worth it.

Blaine, knowing Kurt's train of thought by now, takes his boyfriend's chin so that Kurt is looking at him. “You are worth every penny,” he says, looking at Kurt with the utmost care. “I promise. A little splurging on someone I care about isn't going to break my bank.” Only until Blaine knows that Kurt understands does he let go of Kurt's chin, going back to examining the menu.

“Do you want me to order for you?” Blaine asks, looking at Kurt across the table, knowing his boyfriend is still uncomfortable with the thought of communicating verbally with other people. Kurt nods and points out what he wants, spaghetti bolognese with a side salad, before thanking Blaine for caring.

“I'll do anything for you, Kurt,” Blaine says, reaching across the table to hold Kurt's hand. “You're one of the strongest, most inspirational people I know.” Kurt blushes and smiles at Blaine across the table.

“I'm only strong because of you,” Kurt half-whispers, surprised at how much Blaine cares about him. Kurt is slowly falling in love with Blaine, a path that he knows is dangerous but one that he can't make himself stop. One that he doesn't want to stop. Blaine smiles at his boyfriend and winks as their waitress comes to take their orders.

“Ravioli for me please, and only the best spaghetti bolognese for my gorgeous boyfriend,” Blaine says, looking lovingly at Kurt, who blushes at Blaine's comment. The waitress smiles as she takes their menu and pours more water in their glasses.

“You too are just adorable,” she says, smiling as she writes their orders down. “Anything else?” After the boys shake their heads, the waitress leaves to put in their orders.

“I'm so glad you kissed me that day,” Blaine says, leaning his head on his arm and looking at Kurt across the table. “I don't think I'd have ever taken my head out of my ass and told you about my feelings if you hadn't.”

Kurt takes a sip of his water and then replies, “I'm glad I did, too. Otherwise I wouldn't have such a fantastic boyfriend as you. I was worried that you wouldn't like me back.” He looks away a little shyly, not used to talking about his feelings very often.

“Why wouldn't I have feelings for you?” Blaine says, taking Kurt's hand in his again. “Anyone would have to be blind or stupid not to fall in love with you.”

“F-fall in love?” Kurt stutters, almost choking on his water. As much as he cares for Blaine, they've only been together for five days, not nearly long enough to be forming feelings that strong yet.

“Well, not yet at least, but I know that I will, after some time,” Blaine says, blushing a little. It's the first time Kurt has seen Blaine blush, and he vows to make Blaine do it again more often. Kurt nods, understanding Blaine's notion, and then the waitress comes back with their food.

    “This looks wonderful, thank you,” Blaine says politely. The Italian food looks mouthwatering, steam billowing up from each plate. Blaine takes a piece of ravioli and blows on it before taking his fork into his mouth and moaning. Kurt tenses a little and hopes Blaine doesn't notice. At the same time Blaine's moan makes Kurt uncomfortable it also does something to him that's never happened before.

    Kurt distracts himself by taking a bite of his meal, loving how his food tastes. “This is wonderful, Blaine. Thank you so much for taking me here.” This time it's Kurt that takes Blaine's hand, rubbing his thumb into his boyfriend's callused palm.

    “Only the best for you, sweetheart,” Blaine says, smiling at Kurt. He's ecstatic that Kurt is enjoying the date and can barely contain his joy at Kurt's comment. He knows Kurt deserves the best in the world, and Blaine hopes that one day he can take Kurt to Italy himself. It certainly wouldn't be a problem with the amount of money his family had.

    Blaine's father was a doctor, a pediatric surgeon, and his mother was a successful lawyer. Already set for college, Blaine has enough money to spare to send Kurt to Paris any time he wanted, multiple times. Blaine would give Kurt the world if he asked. Hell, Blaine would give Kurt the world even if he didn't ask. The only thing Blaine could possibly want right now is for Kurt to be happy.

    After both boys had finished their meals, the waitress came back with fresh tiramisu winking and saying the dessert was “On the house.” Blaine thanked her profusely for both the free dessert and the excellent service, making sure to give her a generous tip.

    After receiving the Italian dessert, Blaine and Kurt had taken turns feeding each other, Kurt enjoying the cute aspects of his relationship. “I think you should come to my next Friday night dinner,” Kurt says quietly, after the tiramisu is finished. “I know it seems a little early for you to be meeting my dad, but I think it's only fair that if I meet his new love interest, he meets mine.”

Blaine nods, understanding Kurt's reasoning. Although Blaine is a little intimidated by the prospect of meeting Kurt's father, he's honored that Kurt would care for him enough to want him to meet his father. Blaine also wants to address something that Kurt may or may not agree with regarding his father. “I was wondering, Kurt, that maybe since you'd talked to me first in your sleep, and then talked to your dad in your sleep, and then started talking to me, that maybe… maybe you'd want to talk to your dad? You don't have to if you're not comfortable with that, but I'm sure your father would love to hear your voice, even if you only say one thing to him and that's hello. Please don't think I'm pressuring you in any way though, because I promise that is not what I'm doing.” Blaine stands up and sits next to Kurt, placing his hands over Kurt's.

Kurt nods, understanding what Blaine is saying, although not completely confident enough to talk in front of his father again. “I'll think about it,” Kurt says, smiling at Blaine, who smiles proudly and kisses his boyfriend softly on the lips.

After paying the bill and thanking the wonderful staff of the restaurant, Kurt and Blaine make their way back to Dalton, stomachs filled and minds in happy places.

Back at the room, Blaine places soft kisses on Kurt's neck, trailing up before finally kissing Kurt's lips. Kurt whimpers a little, tongue trailing Blaine's lips before his boyfriend allows him entrance. Blaine leads Kurt to his bed so that they're laying down side by side, never breaking the kiss he and Kurt are deeply involved in. Kurt places and arm on Blaine's chest before Blaine breaks the kiss to breathe. Kurt peppers kisses on Blaine's jawline before kissing Blaine's lips again, loving the exhilarating feel he gets when he kisses his boyfriend.

Kurt never thought kissing could be like this, warm and soft and nice. All Kurt had ever known of kissing is cold and full of hate and pain. But kissing Blaine is like nothing he's ever done before, and he loves it. Kurt loves the feel of his boyfriend's lips against his.

Blaine's hand is on the small of Kurt's back, pulling Kurt towards him, bringing their chests together. “Mmm, Kurt,” Blaine says, breathlessly, before kissing Kurt passionately. Kurt brings his hand to rest on Blaine's cheek, deepening the kiss. Blaine's tongue and his intermingle, but the kisses aren't sloppy and wet, their passionate and beautiful.

And then Blaine's hand travels down further, to the swell of Kurt's ass and at first it's wonderful, but then, all of a sudden, the hand isn't Blaine's. It's bigger. Harder. Rougher. And Kurt is pushing Blaine away frantically, lost in a world of hatred and pain.

“Don't touch me, please!” Kurt says, terrified of the looming figure in front of him. Karofsky slaps him across the face and Kurt whimpers, terrified of what his bully is capable. “Please, stop!”

Karofsky doesn't seem to hear Kurt's pleas as he roughly pulls down the boy's pants, and then thrusting into him violently. “No!” Kurt says, struggling to get away from the bigger boy. “Please, no…” Kurt feels like his entire body is being split in two, tearing right down the middle.

“You love this, faggot,” Karofsky says harshly, spitting in the terrified boy's face. “You were born to fuck like this.” Kurt shakes his head, tears coming to his eyes. Karofsky lands a swat on Kurt's ass, making the boy cry out once more. Karofsky thrusts harder and faster, drawing pleasure from the boy's cries of pains.

“Stop it, please!” Kurt screams, scrambling to get away from the boy assaulting him. “I don't want this, you're hurting me!” Kurt keeps crying out, but he knows it's no use. No one is going to come help him. This is his life, and it will be his life for many years to come.

Kurt cries out as Karofsky climaxes inside of him, feeling disgusting and used. Karofsky throws his limp body away from him, making Kurt cry out one last time before blacking out.

Blaine doesn't know what is happening. He felt that everything was going great. He and Kurt were passionately kissing, chests drawn close together. But then Blaine had moved to place his hand on Kurt's ass and Kurt had violently flinched away, pushing Blaine in the process.

When Blaine looks at the boy after getting over his shock, Kurt seems to be lost in a different world. “Don't touch me, please!” A distressed cry comes from the boy's mouth, but Kurt doesn't seem to be directing it to Blaine, rather someone that seems to be in Kurt's own mind, a terror from his past maybe.

Kurt whimpers again and then Blaine hears the boy say, “Please, stop!” His heart breaks for the boy in front of him, cowering on his bed, triggered for some reason by Blaine putting his hand on his ass. Blaine notices tears coming down from Kurt's eyes and realizes he should do something to help his boyfriend.

“Kurt!” Blaine says, trying to get his boyfriend's attention. Kurt doesn't seem to be registering that Blaine is talking to him, stuck in whatever horrors he is seeing in his head. Blaine is afraid to touch him after what happened.

He hears more cries coming from Kurt and then a passionate, “Stop it, please! I don't want this, you're hurting me!” Blaine desperately wants to know what is happening to Kurt and how he can stop it, but he doesn't know how. Blaine is hopelessly helpless and he feels terrible.

“Kurt! You're at Dalton! You're safe!” Blaine says, sternly, hoping that his message gets through to Kurt through whatever horrible thing is happening to his boyfriend. Blaine is terrified. He doesn't know what's happening. Should he get help? Should he try to get Kurt out of whatever is happening? Should he just wait it out? Blaine doesn't know.

After crying out a few more times, Kurt seems to be coming back to the real world. His eyes seem to recognize more of the world around him, but he still seems held back by whatever that was that happened. “Kurt?” Blaine says, hesitantly, moving closer to his boyfriend.

“Blaine?” Kurt says, blinking back to reality. Oh no, Kurt says, knowing what has happened. He's had flashbacks before, of course, but never have they ever been in front of a person he knew. In front of his boyfriend, of course, because he'd never had a boyfriend before. He felt humiliated and he knows it's time to explain to Blaine more about his past.

“Kurt,” Blaine says, lovingly even though he's confused. “What the fuck was that?”


A/N: Ooooh! I hope you enjoyed that. I have the rest of this story planned out, I just don't know what's going to happen in every chapter. I do know, however, that Blaine is going to meet Burt in the next chapter and that Kurt will explain what happened in his past to Blaine. :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I liked writing it, although it was somewhat hard.

I'm sorry if the making out is awkward. I don't have any experience with tongue because I hate having things fill my mouth because of a situation similar to that of Kurt's.

Anyways, pretty please review! :)


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