Jan. 30, 2013, 2:40 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2013, 2:40 p.m.
"What's wrong? Where's the fire?!" Finn bursts into my room, holding a bat in his hands defensively. I almost laugh at him, but then I think of why he thinks something's wrong.
"Nothing's wrong, Finn. I was just... I just had a nightmare. I'm fine," I lie, struggling to smile at my step-brother.
Finn looks at me, suspiciously, but then says, "Oh, okay. Well, if you need anything, just call."
"I will, Finn." Finn leaves the room and I throw the covers off me and rush to my en-suite. I open the cabinet and take out my relief. I press the blade into my hip, adding just enough pressure, tugging and pulling just enough to draw blood. I do so five more times on the same hip and then the other one.
"Kurt? You ready yet?" I hear Finn stomp down the steps, and near my bathroom. Shit. He knocks on my door. "You okay, dude?"
"Uh, y-yeah, Finn. Fine. Just... go back upstairs, I'll be there in a sec," I say, scrambling to get all my clean-up materials out of the cabinet. In my haste, I drop the shard of glass in the sink, making it crack in several places. "Fuck."
"You sure, you're okay, Kurt?" Finn asks again.
"I'm fine, Finn, just LEAVE!" I yell at him impaciently.
"Jeez, dude, I just wanted to make sure you were alright," He says, sounding hurt. If I wasn't still uncharacteristically pissed off at him, I might feel sorry.
"I said I was fine, Finn! And don't call me dude!" I yell again. "Please, just leave," I say, in a softer, but still angry, tone.
Once I hear him clamber up the steps, I start tending to my wounds. I don't bother bandaging them, since most have already stopped bleeding. I put the glass and clean-up stuff back in the cabinet and go get clothes on.
After getting wierd looks from Finn in the car on our way to school and then suffering through English with neanderthals, I decided to do something I don't normally do-skip second period to go get the coffee I missed in the morning. So now, having drunk my grande nonfat mocha, I walk into school again feeling slightly less PMS-y. I begin to walk to my locker to get my stuff for third period when I notice Karofsky walking in a hallway extending off of the one I'm in. I pretend I don't notice and keep walking, hoping Karofsky doesn't see me. Of course, I never get what I hope for.
"Hey, Hummel!" He says, walking up to me. I try to ignore him, but then he says, "I miss you wearing your more flamboyant clothes. These ones don't flatter your ass." I feel his hand brush up against my said ass. I tense up and stop walking.
"Please, David, don't do this," I say, trying to put as much emotion in my voice as possible.
"Oh, you know you like it," He replies, with a devilish glint in his eyes. He pulls me into a nearby bathroom, one that I know is rarely used. I whimper as he pulls me, his grip far too tight. He opens the door and shoves me in. I feel a tear roll down my face as I realize that I can't stop the inevitable. I close my eyes, waiting for David to do something to me, but he doesn't. I slowly open my eyes to see him staring at me with a wicked smile on his face.
"David, I... please, just-" I start to say, but then he cuts me off.
"Take off your clothes."
I choke on my response, and David just laughs coldheartedly. "Wh-what?" I stutter.
"I said, take off your clothes!" He replies, angrily. "Obviously you fairies can't understand simple commands."
I cry more as I do what he says to do. "You're so sexy, Hummel." I watch as he takes off his clothes. I almost gag. "On your knees. Now, Hummel," He says.
"Please, Dave, don't make m-"
"Suck it," He says, shoving his dick in my face. I whimper, but do as he says, taking his dick in my mouth. He moans in pleasure. I try to pull back, but he just pushes my head further forward. I choke, but he doesn't notice. Eventually, he starts thrusting into my mouth, sounds of pleasure coming out of his. He pulls his dick out of my mouth, and I discreetly take my phone out of my pocket. David pushes me roughly on the cold, hard floor and then turns me over. He shoves his dick into me and I type numbers into my phone while he's distracted. Karofsky thrusts harder and harder as the phone on the other line rings and rings.
"Hey, baby," Blaine says on the other line.
"Help me," I whisper. "Get my dad, hurry!" I hear Blaine try to ask questions on the other end, but I cut him off with one word. "Karofsky." Then, the other line goes dead. I slip my phone back in my pocket and try not to concentrate on what's happening to me.
Blaine's POV:
I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I see that it's Kurt and answer it. He's lucky that I could answer it. I had to make a quick trip to my locker; otherwise I'd still be in third period. "Hey, baby," I say. I hear a wierd sound in the background... a sex sound. I start to say something to Kurt about it, but his next words make me stop.
"Help me. Get my dad, hurry!" He whispers.
"Oh, my God, Kurt, where are you? Why do you need help? What's-"
"Karofsky," Kurt says with a sob. That fucking bastard. I hang up the phone and dial another number as fast as possible.
"Hello, Hummel Tire and Lube, how may I help you?" I hear Burt on the other line.
"Burt, it's Blaine. Kurt's in trouble. Come quick!" I say. I hear the shuffling of clothes in the background and realize Burt must be changing from his work clothes.
"You're at school, right?"
"Yeah, hurry!" I exclaim. Burt hangs up and I dial a third number.
"911, what's your emergency?" The operator says. Her voice is too fucking perky to be a 911 operator. It brings my mood even lower to know that no one really cares what my fucking emergency is. Especially not this perky daisy.
"I'm at William McKinley High School in Lima; my boyfriend's in trouble, probably being raped," I say, urgently. I hear the woman on the other end say, 'Oh, my God' before she can stop herself.
"Okay, just stay calm," The lady says, even though I can tell she's not. "I'll send an ambulance and some police, okay?"
"O-okay," I say, trying to stay calm.
"Do you want me to say on the line, sweetie?" The woman asks. I say no and hang up. Then I realize that I have no idea where Kurt is. Shit. I start thinking of ideas of where someone would fucking rape someone in this school when my eye catches a door. A door to a bathroom that no one uses. I don't know why I know, but I do. I know that Kurt and Karofsky are in there.
I start making my way to the door, but then the bell rings and I can't, due to swarms of teenagers all around. I hear the mains doors open and see burt followed by two cops and two EMTs walk in. Burt sees me and heads over. The swarms of teenagers that were blocking my way suddenly all quiet down and watch, lockers and books untouched.
"Where is he?" One of the policeman asks.
"I think he's in there," I say, pointing to the door. I follow them as they walk to it. They push it open and I see Kurt on the floor, currently with Karofsky in him. I rush forward and shove Karofsky off him. I see Karofsky scramble to get his clothes on. Once I make sure Kurt is okay with Burt, I stand up.
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I yell at Karofsky. He looks up at the police in fear and turns to me. I see that a lot of the students in the hallway are now gawking at the scene unveiling before them.
"Your fairy boyfriend deserved it, homo," Karofsky sneers. I feel rage take over my whole body and lunge for Karofsky. Burt holds me back, but doesn't stop me from yelling at him.
"NO ONE DESERVES TO BE FUCKING RAPED, YOU BASTARD!" The cops to my right pull Karofsky up and I see one of them handcuff him. They both look at him in disgust. The EMTs are now tending to Kurt. I hear them talking about getting Kurt onto a stretcher, after I see him struggling to get up. Then I hear another familiar voice.
"What is going on here?!" Principal Figgins asks.
"I'll tell you what's going on here," I say. "Karofsky here, has raped and bullied Kurt." I see Principal Figgins eyes goes wide in surprise and then they turn angry.
Then, Mr. Shue and Ms. Pillsbury shuffle through the group of kids. "Oh, my gosh!" Ms. Pillsbury exclaims. I see her start crying as the EMT comes back with the stretcher. I notice that Kurt has been covered up, thankfully, and I run over to him.
"Kurt, baby, can you hear me?" I ask him, kneeling down next to him and the EMT. He nods. "I am so, so sorry this happened to you. I should have protected you more, I should have been there for you."
I see Kurt try to talk, but he only gets out a few stammer before bursting into tears. "We gotta get him to the hospital," An EMT says. I nod and let them put Kurt on the stretcher.
"Wait," I hear Kurt say as they start to wheel him out. "I want B-Blaine."
"That you, kid?" One of the EMTs says. I nod. "Unfortunately, non-family members aren't allowed to see rape victims when they go in for examination, but you can talk to him now. Probably see him after school."
I nod and then move to stand next to Kurt. I take hold of his hand. "What is it, Kurt?"
"I... I love you," He says. I feel tears prick the edge of my vision, happy that at the end of this terrible thing Kurt still loves me, even though I didn't protect him, didn't save him from Karofsky.
"I love you, too."
Then, the paramedics leave the school, the cops and Karofsky not far behind, all getting stared at by gawking teenagers as they passed.
Aww poor Kurt. Finally Karofsky's gonna get what's coming to him =)
Haha. Yeah :) Anyways, thanks so much for reading!!!!
Come on write more!!!! Hurry I'm inpatient !!!!! Omg please! This is just perfection...!!!!
I'm smiling so much right now! To hear one of my stories is perfection is... so awesome... I'm just always so insecure about that which is why I love your guys' reviews so much :P
Omg, thank you SO much!!! I'm glad you like it!! And I actually thought that I needed to make it more detailed, lol... guess not :P
Yay Blaine to the rescue!! This is so detailed I was actually shaking at times. Great job!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! Please post soon! <3
blaine's feeling guilty that he couldn't save kurt from being raped seems a little unfounded. blaine did everything he could do, considering that kurt contacted him during the attack. i hope that kurt points this out to blaine to help try to alleviate that guilt. i loved the fight between karofsky and the ND boys. i was completely satisfied with puck breaking his nose. you can't imaging how much i CHEERED when mike kneed him him in the balls. way to go mike! somebody needs to permanently damage karofsky's manhood, if you know what i mean ;)
Lol, thanks so much! :) I love writing that kinda stuff because I hate Karofsky so fucking much :P
I feel so bad for Kurt but I am glad that he realized that he didn't have to put up with Karofsky and that he could reach out for help. I am so glad that Blaine was able to get Burt and then had the sense to call 911 even though he was worried about Kurt. It was nice to see Karofsky get taken away by the police and to see that no matter what happened to him, Kurt still loved and wanted Blaine with him. I am looking forward to reading the next chapter.
Thank you so much!!! I'm glad you like it, let alone read this!!! :)
Oh my god I am soooo fucking happy that Karofsy got fucking caught!!!!! If he hadn't I would not have been able to function!! Please post the next chapter soon!!!!
I'll try, I'm going away for Thanksgiving, so I won't be able to update this week, but I can finish writing the chapter in the airport
Please update soon! This is good :)
swell that escalated quickly.... and now everyone knows....