March 7, 2013, 10:19 a.m.
March 7, 2013, 10:19 a.m.
The cloud of concern had parked in the life of the Hummel-Hudson; since the abduction of Kurt, all had lost color, and the one who suffered most was Burt. He tried to avoid this all his life, and now his worst nightmare had come true, and worse, he could do nothing to save him.
The day after the kidnapping, Burt writes a letter to Sebastian, with the hope that he turned loose his son or his revenge against him.
Kingdom of Willford�����������
I know you're with Kurt to get to me, and be happy, because you got it. If you wanted me feel desperate, hopeless and afraid, congratulations. Kurt has nothing to do with this senseless revenge, if you want revenge, do against me, not against him. Here's my proposal, I trade places with Kurt, he delivered safe and I get instead. Do not hurt Kurt, if you want hurt someone, do with me.
Burt Hummel
Kingdom of Willford
With this letter, Burt believed that Sebastian would agree to the proposal, it was very tempting. Such an action showed how Burt loved his son and how he was willing to save him, to give his life.
After the first meeting, Kurt was fascinated with this boy, in all aspects: voice, beauty, eyes, and many other things.
Blaine was lost in the ocean of Kurt's eyes, he had seen other blue eyes, like Chandler, but those were special, were unique. After some time looking at Kurt, Blaine decided to speak.
"Um, I think you kind of know me, that I was sent that letter." Blaine said a little embarrassed.
"Yeah, I guess so." Kurt said with a small smile.
"I'm glad you believed me, I did everything to get you rid of it," Blaine says pointing to the cell, "but did not get much. If continuing, Sebastian might suspect something. "
"Thank you Blaine."
Thanks Blaine, I hope you always speak my name. Blaine thought.
"You know how long I'll be here? I want to leave here. "
"I do not know Kurt, Sebastian did not tell me his plan. He just told me to take care of you while you were here. "
Take care of me? Kurt thought.
"Oh, I figured it. Thanks for taking care of me Blaine, I really appreciate it. "Kurt said blushing.
"This is the least I can do for you, especially for being in this situation." Kurt gives a little smile and look away.
"Well, I guess you must be hungry, I'll get you something to eat."
"Sure, thank you!" Kurt smiles and Blaine gets out of the dungeon.
Reaching the kitchen, Blaine finds Jenny cooking Sebastian’s breakfast.
"Hello my dear!" Jenny said happily.
"Hi Jen!"
"What are you doing here so early?" Jenny asks puzzled.
"I came to get something to eat for the boy who came yesterday."
"Oh, the �Willford boy?"
"Yes, he must be hungry."
"Here, take these for him." Jenny said Blaine giving some fruit, a piece of bread and a bottle of water.
"Thanks Jen!" Blaine kisses her cheek and leaves.
Leaving the kitchen, he finds Sebastian entering the dining room.
"Taking food to the prisoner?" Sebastian asks sarcastically.
"Yes, he woke up a little and he's hungry." Blaine tried to be totally cold.
"He said something?" Sebastian asked curiously.
"He asked when he would leave, and I said I had no idea."
"Great Blaine. Go bring him food later I'll talk to him. "Sebastian goes into the kitchen and leaves Blaine alone in the room.
Great, he kidnaps and now wants to talk. Blaine thought.
Blaine goes to the dungeon lost in his thoughts. Once there, he finds Kurt sitting on the floor leaning against the bed. He is perfect.
"Kurt, I brought some food for you." Blaine said opening and into the cell.
Kurt got up and went to Blaine.
"Thank you Blaine."
"Not much, but it's what I could get." Blaine said trying to explain.
"Blaine is great. Stay calm. "Kurt said giving a reassuring smile to Blaine.
Blaine smiled and sat beside him.
For a while they were there, talking about various things and knowing each other.
Last few hours, Blaine was talking to Kurt, but outside of the cell, when Sebastian arrives in the dungeon.
"What a beautiful moment! I see you've met my dear Blaine. "Sebastian said sarcastically.
"Well, Kurt I think you should be asking yourself why you are here, right?" Sebastian said approaching the cell, where Blaine and Kurt were.
"I believe so." Kurt says with a tone completely cold and angry.
"Then I learned that you canceled your wedding with Chandler. Why did you do that? "
"None of your business." Kurt responds coolly.
"Uhh, it seems we have someone here nervous!" Sebastian opens the cell and comes very close to Kurt, getting inches from his face. Blaine twitched, wanting to do something to protect Kurt, but knowing he could not do anything.
Sebastian grabs Kurt's neck tightly. "You better tell me, Kurtie, because your dad would not be happy if your beautiful son die don’t you think?" Sebastian says trying to get all the hate for his words.
"I do not love him, do not want to be stuck with someone I do not like to the rest of my life." Kurt said with hatred.
Sebastian releases Kurt's neck, getting impassive about the answer.
"Um, that's really bad. Well, I'm going straight to the point. You have two options: first, you have saved, marries Chandler, and all gets calm again and �second, you stay here, �suffers a little accident, as well as your family, and the Hummel-Hudon suffer for the rest of their lives. And then what do you think? "Sebastian concludes with a cheeky smile.
Kurt turns white with fear. Doing anything with him was not as worse as his family. He is silent for a while, not knowing what to do.
"Well, I will not stay here all day. I'll give you three days, think Kurtie, there are many lives involved. "Sebastian says, leaving the cell, satisfied.
When Sebastian comes out, Blaine goes to Kurt, who was standing in the middle of the cell, and embraces him.
"Sshh, calm, everything will be ok." Blaine tries to calm him.
Feeling safe, Kurt doesn’t hold anymore, and ends up crying.
A day without Kurt, the Hummel-Hudson family was in a moment that never had passed, so much sadness, that routine had changed completely. Burt had forgotten about his business, had no energy to do anything, just wondered what Kurt might be experiencing. The others tried to comfort him, especially Carole, but nothing helped.
That night everyone went to bed worried about Kurt, a whole day without him was enough time for Sebastian to do something stupid.
Later that night, Sebastian received the letter from Burt.
" Oh �Burt, how beautiful, trying to save your baby, sorry I do not do deals where I lose. I hope you suffer every minute away from your child and see what I suffered. "Sebastian says with much hatred in his words, and in tears. For a long time he did not cry, the last time was when his father died.
The next day, the routine remained the same; Blaine brought breakfast for Kurt, they talked for hours, and night, Blaine went to sleep near the bars, trying to show that Kurt was not alone.
Kurt did not know what to do, have no idea if risked his life or his family. Who wants to cheat, Kurt would never do his family pay for a selfish act like it. In fact, he already knew the answer, he was just afraid to admit.
But what Kurt did not know was that Blaine had a plan, a plan to take not only Kurt, but himself, because he knew he had fallen in love with that boy with blue eyes and skin as white as snow. And maybe if Blaine got out of there, he could have a chance to ask Kurt in dating. It was a possibility, even if remote.
On the second day, the situation was the same in the castle of Willford, everyone was sad and hopeless. In the morning, Burt asked to call the captain and officers.
"Sir, do you need anything?" The captain asked.
"Yes, I want you and your guards mount guard at the eastern border of the kingdom; anyone who wants to join, let me know, and do not let go until I say."
"Yes sir, as you wish. Excuse me. "Captain goes and leaves Burt heartbroken.
Even Burt doing it, not stilled his heart, because he knew it would not help much in trying to save Kurt, but he had to try something, anything. It would be worse if he stayed there; just waiting the days goes by.
Kurt woke up early that day and realized that Blaine was not there. Where is he? He thought.
Few minutes later, he hears a loud noise coming from the door. Suddenly, the door opens suddenly, and he sees Blaine, with a big bag on his back and a piece of wood.
"Blaine! What is it? "Said Kurt totally scared.
Blaine runs to the cell and opens quickly.
"Come on Kurt, we have to get out of here, fast!" Blaine opens the cell and pulls Kurt towards him.
"What are you doing? Anyone can see! "Kurt tries to show some reason for Blaine in the middle of the whole situation.
"No Kurt, no one will see. All are still sleeping and Jenny, the cook of the castle, placed oil extracted from some roots that makes a person sleeping in Sebastian’s food. We have to get out fast! "
Blaine pulled Kurt towards the exit and the two ran for the stairs. When managed to leave the castle, Blaine looked back and saw that huge castle where he had lived all his life and remembered the things he had lived there. Kurt came close to Blaine and placed his hand on Blaine’s shoulder.
"There is only suffering Blaine, let’s go to the place where you will be happy."
Blaine looked at Kurt, and then the two were into the forest, on course for Willford, hoping that nothing would go wrong and they could reach safely.
Later that day, Sebastian woke up much later than usual. When he left his room, went to the kitchen to eat something and discovered that it was time for lunch.
"Good morning Sebastian." Jenny says.
"Good morning. You've done lunch? "He askes without exciting.
"Yeah, you want me to serve?"
"Yes. Where is Blaine? "
Jenny thought about what I would say, and worse, she did not know.
"He-he went into village to buy some herbs for me."
"It's time?"
"No, it was not long ago."
"Right, before lunch I'll go talk to the prisoner." When Sebastian was rising, Jenny said.
"No! He is sleeping. Blaine took him to lunch and saw that he was asleep. Why do not you talk to him later? "Jenny tries not to spend the concern she was feeling for her words.
"Um, it can be. I'm very hungry. Speaking of food, the food I ate yesterday was strange, with different taste. "
Jenny gets embarrassed. "I think it was because I put the herbs. It was not to your liking? "
"Not much, but that's okay." Sebastian said coldly.
When Sebastian finishes his lunch, a guard rushes in the kitchen.
"Lord, I have very bad news to give you." The guard said quickly.
"What happened?" Sebastian was scared.
"The prisoner escaped."
Sebastian did not believe in those words, hatred overtook him. There was no way he fled, not alone. Someone had helped, and that someone would pay for the betrayal. He would look for Kurt no matter where he was, but he'd get Kurt back. Sebastian was a kind of person that doesn’t like to lose anything, mostly, when is about a person who he likes. The worst part is that he was liking Kurt and it’s not a good thing.
OMG!! I never thought Sebastian would fall for Kurt!! wow what a twist!! :)
Yeah, neither did I! But, feelings change, and it will be a lot of surprises! Thank you for reading and reviewing...XD
Yessssss way to go Blaine and Kurt ran aways great now be together