March 7, 2013, 10:19 a.m.
March 7, 2013, 10:19 a.m.
Willford things returned to normal, after the arrival of Dalton’s food, feeding the population was guaranteed, and so Burt could stay calmer. No, he could not, because as a parent, he was worried about Kurt, because Sebastian was someone very dangerous. It had happened a long time ago, when Kurt had completed ten years, the school had planned a trip to the kingdom of Clar, not far from Willford, when Sebastian tried to kidnap Kurt, but thanks to the guards who were accompanying the students, he was stopped and failed to complete his plan.
Now, Sebastian could try again, but Burt did not let that happen. The worst part of this whole situation between them is that Burt did not know the real reason why Sebastian hated him so much, could be because of the war, but not enough to so much hatred and revenge.
Burt would have to be prepared for anything, because the last thing he would let is Sebastian do anything against Kurt, because Kurt was worth more than any kingdom, more than anything.
Two weeks after the incident of food, Kurt was sitting on a bench near the roses he cultivated, thinking of all the things that were happening when Rachel arrived.
"Hi Kurt! I see you're taking care of your roses. They are very beautiful! "
"Hi Rachel, thank you. Today I was missing them and decided to see how they are. "
"You sure are doing a great job! So Kurt, I came in here to give you this. "Rachel said, handing a small beige color letter.
"Who is?" Kurt asked intrigued.
"I do not know Kurt, the man who delivered did not say where it came from."
"Thanks Rach, later I'll see who it is." Kurt took the letter and left side of his gardening tools.
"You're welcome Kurt! I need to go back to school now, we'll talk later. Bye! "
"Bye Rach." And so Rachel goes away and leaves Kurt caring for his roses.
Once Kurt ends with the last roses, he keeps his tools, takes the letter and goes to his room.
There he sits on his bed and opens the letter.
I know you do not know me, but I need you to be aware of some things that are happening. My name is Blaine Anderson, and some time ago I learned some plans involving Sebastian Smythe and the Family Kiehl. I know you're engaged to Chandler Kiehl, but it's happening very bad things that involve you. Sebastian along with the Family Kiehl are planning to enter the Willford congress, and the way they achieve this is for you marrying Chandler, so there will be someone to know everything that happens in your kingdom. You must be wondering how I know this, but I swear on my life, all I'm saying is true.
I grew up with Sebastian, my parents died trying to save me, but I ended up getting stuck in the realm of Dalton. Not only me, but there are others like me who are condemned to live here forever. I hope you really believe in my words, because I put all the truth that I have them.
Please do not marry Chandler, or else your future will be with sadness and loneliness. I know well how to be alone, and even though I do not know, you must be a very special person.
I hope you believe me, and please do not tell anyone I sent you that letter. If Sebastian discover, he is capable of kill me.
Be careful.
Blaine A.
Kurt was stunned, it is as if the floor was falling. So many events in so little time. Marriage, the problem with food and now this letter. Everything was so strange, so wrong. And somehow, in the words of Blaine, Kurt believed that Blaine did not know how or why, but just felt it was true.
What if Chandler was like this?
Sebastian could do something, but the family Kiehl would?
What if Chandler force me to marry him?
There were so many 'What if' that Kurt got lost in his thoughts and fell asleep.
Three days after Kurt has received the letter from Blaine, the Kiehl family came for a visit in the castle of the Hummel-Hudson. As the three entered the great hall doors, Kurt watched every detail he could, trying to find something that confirms the words of Blaine.
Burt went in their direction.
"Hello! How nice to receive you again! "
"Burt Thanks, we appreciate your hospitality." Joseph said with a big smile on his face.
Chandler came to Kurt, brought Kurt’s hand up to his mouth and kissed lightly.
"Hi Kurt, I was longing for you." Chandler said looking directly into the eyes of Kurt with a look of intense.
"Hi Chandler." Kurt replies with a tone a little cold, but not trying to show total disinterest in him. Chandler knew something was wrong, but decided to leave that for later. And so they came and were settling into their rooms.
Later, everyone was sitting in the huge dining room table, when men went into certain subject.
"So Burt, we need to know when is the wedding of our kids so that we begin to plan."
Marriage? What do I do now? Kurt thought.
"Truth Joseph, I was thinking in the first week of spring. What do you think Kurt? "
What do I say? Think Kurt, think.
"Um, I don’t know."
"And you Chandler? It would be good that date? "Burt said.
"For me, Mr. Hummel, I would marry Kurt tomorrow." Chandler said looking directly into the eyes of Kurt with a half smile.
Kurt did not know whether to be happy or angry. Chandler could be telling the truth or be acting as well.
"So Kurt? It's your wedding and you do not solve anything. You can see that this date is good for Chandler, but what about you? It has another date would you like? "
How about never? Kurt thought.
"I think we better talk about it later Dad. Then we see these details. "
"Ok son, whatever you want."
Apart from the subject of the table, Joseph looked at Irinis as if sharing some thoughts with her. His anger was evident when Kurt did not give much importance to this issue. Realizing this, Kurt could see that anger was not only so, but also because they wanted to have news to tell Sebastian, could not be anything else. That only made Kurt get smarter, but he knew he had to make a decision.
Later that night, Kurt was lying on his bed reading, as always, when Burt came.
"Hi son, can we talk?"
Kurt lifted a little and leaned against the headboard.
"Sure, Dad."
Burt went to the bed and sat on the end of it.
"Kurt, why would not you decide on a date for your wedding? Is something wrong? "Burt was straight to the point.
"Yes Dad, something's wrong. I do not know if I want to marry him, I love him. We're good together, but as friends, and not want to marry someone I don’t love, dad. "
Burt looked at his son, understanding the situation.
"I understand son, really, but that marriage would be very good for our kingdom. Besides having another realm as our ally, you would have someone to love you and make you happy. Have you noticed that don’t have many people gays in our kingdom? Thus, not many options are left for you son. And besides he is from a good family, he is very handsome. "Burt said laughing a little.
"I know dad, but my future is at stake. I do not want to be stuck with someone for the rest of my life. "
"Son, like your dad, I need to advise you. Think about it, this marriage can be so good for you and for our kingdom. And I would not want to see you alone forever. "
"I'll think good dad, stay calm."
So Burt gives a light kiss on the forehead of Kurt and leaves.
The situation was far worse than Kurt thought. The problem is that he had no idea what to do.
The next day, Kurt found Family Kiehl seated at the table, along with the rest of the family. Kurt goes to the table and sits on the side of Rachel.
"Good morning."
All return with a good morning, minus Chandler.
"Good morning, Kurt, did you sleep well?" Chandler said looking at Kurt.
"Yes Chandler." Kurt replied quickly.
So all ate breakfast easily and talking about different things. After breakfast, Chandler asks Kurt to go with him on a walk in the garden. Not long after, the two are sitting on the bench near Kurt’s roses.
"Is something going on Kurt? You are cold, distant from me. "Chandler asks puzzled.
"No, it's okay." Kurt says, trying to get off the subject.
"Kurt, I know you better than that answer me what is happening?"
"Okay I'm not certain of some things."Kurt said looking at his hands in his lap.
"And what are those things?" Chandler gets a bit worried.
"Well, one of them are my feelings for you."
"You do not like me?" Chandler asks with a bit of anger in his words.
"No. I like you and I care about you, but I do not know if I can give back at the same level as you. "
"Then you do not love me?"
"Can I be totally honest with you?"
"Sure Kurt." Chandler was totally worried, plans were going bad.
"No, I really like you, but not enough to be love." Kurt says, trying to show sincerity.
"But still you are willing to marry me, right?" Chandler asks, pretending as if he hadn’t heard the words of Kurt.
"Chandler, how can I marry you if I did not love you?!" Kurt asks indignantly.
"Not all marriages are for love Kurt. After a while, you could love me. I'll make you so happy Kurt. "
"I’m sorry Chandler, but that's not what I want for myself, much less for you. I know it will hurt you, but I can’t marry you. "
So Kurt up and goes into the castle and leaves Chandler full of anger and hatred.
Chandler also enters the castle and goes to his parents' bedroom. When he gets there, finds his father sitting in a chair talking to his mother lying in bed.
"Father, mother, we have problems."
Both Joseph and Irinis, were frightened.
"What problem dear?" Irinis asks, lifting and getting near Chandler.
"I just talk to Kurt and he told me he won’t marry me."
"But how so? Suddenly? You asked why? "Joseph asked indignant and very angry.
"Yes, he told me he doesn’t love me and think this is reason enough to cancel our wedding."
"No, you can’t let Chandler, you have to get him to marry you or our plans won’t work."
"I even argued, but it was not enough, it is well settled father. I do not think I can change his mind. "
"This is bad Chan, need to do something." Irinis says.
"We'll have to think of something." Chandler says.
"We have only one exit, go to Dalton and talk to Sebastian. He should has something in mind. Let's find something. "
Later that day, Kurt and Chandler announced the news. Everyone was scared, especially Burt.
At bedtime, Burt went to Kurt's room.
"I know dad, I'm not going back."
"But Kurt, after all we talked you does not want to marry Chandler? Think son. "
"No dad, I know it was important for the kingdom, but I won’t do it me or Chandler. It will be better that way. "
"Look son, I know you do not love it, but think about it, please."
"I thought dad, I won’t marry him. And I will not change my mind. "
"Ok �son, you know what to do. Good night. "Kurt could feel the disappointment in the words of Burt.
Although it cut Kurt's heart, he would continue in his opinion. Even if it is insane to believe in someone he never saw or knew, it seemed the right thing to do.
aweome!finally kurt told Chandler he wont be marring him XD now to wait for Blaine :)
Yeah sweetie, Kurt is realizing the situation. Soon, Kurt and Blaine will meet...Thank you for reading!XD
Yes don't marry that bastard Kurt he is evil Marry Blainey ;))
Hahaha I loved it!