May 7, 2012, 8:44 p.m.
May 7, 2012, 8:44 p.m.
* * * *
Of course, no one is home. Blaine tries to put on a brave face as he asks the maids to stay out of his room for a bit, but Kurt can see past the facade. Blaine hates how his parents don't seem to care enough to stay with him. It's evident in the slump of his shoulders.
Blaine pulls Kurt to his room and they hesitate briefly because it's the first time they're entering it as a couple. They grin at each other and go inside.
The room itself is wide and neatly decorated, with satin curtains and polished wood and a large queen-sized bed in the middle. Of course this is the only piece of furniture Kurt cares about right now.
He waits for Blaine to drop his satchel and jumps him, locking his arms around Blaine's neck and sliding their lips together. “I missed you so much today,” he breathes between kisses. “I just never want to let you go.”
“That's fine.” Blaine tangles his finger through Kurt's hair, applying slight pressure that sends a thrill through Kurt's spine.
I want him. The thought courses through his veins again and again, heating up his insides. His mind goes blank and the sheer desire to feel Blaine's skin in ways he never has before becomes overwhelming. His feet move of their own volition and his hands work on Blaine's buttons. “The fucking blazer,” Kurt curses under his breath.
“Whoa.” Blaine gently pushes Kurt's fingers away. “Don't you think we should wait?”
The question is so awkwardly simple and direct, Kurt is momentarily speechless.
“I mean, we just got together.” Blaine smiles lopsidedly and brushes over Kurt's cheek. “I don't mean this in a bad way, baby.”
“No.” Kurt is surprised at the volume of his voice. “I want to.”
“Kurt, I don't want you to regret anything. We shouldn't move too fast.”
Dropping his arms and huffing out a sigh, Kurt falls back on the bed. “Is this you being protective again?”
Blaine flashes another crooked smile. “Maybe.”
“Listen, I know what I'm doing. What about that time you climbed through my window and pushed me against a wall?”
Blaine blushes and Kurt falls back on the bed, gazing at the ceiling. “It's okay though, we don't have to. I just... you know... really wanted a little more.” He says it matter-of-factly and with a slight shrug of his shoulders, as though the incredible need building inside him was something he could easily overlook.
“Kurt, don't make me do something I'll regret,” Blaine pleads. He climbs onto the bed and lies down next to Kurt. “Because this will stay with us forever.”
Kurt bolts up and grabs Blaine's face. “Babe! You said 'will'!”
Blaine smirks. “Sure did.”
Laughing, Kurt slings his arms around Blaine again and kisses him forcefully. The shift in weight makes Blaine fall on his back and Kurt instinctively straddles his waist, working on the buttons and slipping off the blazer.
Blaine simply stares at Kurt as he strips off his own shirt and reveals his chest. Reaching out with trembling fingers, Blaine carefully touches the warm skin. He starts running his fingers up and down, gazing in amazement as he traces the curves and dips of Kurt's chest.
Kurt smiles and seizes Blaine's hands. Trailing soft kisses down his arm, he moves up to Blaine's shoulder and breathes into his ear. Blaine shudders. “I... more...,” he groans brokenly.
Kurt pulls Blaine's shirt away and hesitates, drinking in the flawlessness of Blaine's torso with hungry eyes. Then he leans down and nips at Blaine's lower lip, sliding their naked chests together. The sensation of skin again skin has them both releasing shuddering breaths and Kurt can feel Blaine's hardness against his thigh. He moves down to the belt, undoing the latch and curling his fingers around the zipper.
The zipping sound echoing through the room sounds a million times louder because even the shallow breathing has stopped. This is a moment of pure gentleness. Kurt doesn't want to do anything wrong because like Blaine has said, This will stay with us forever.
He smoothly slides the jeans and boxers downwards, then does the same with his own pair of jeans. His body trembles with need and he crawls forward on all fours, layering himself on top of Blaine.
“Come here,” Blaine whispers, hooking a hand around Kurt's neck and pulling him in for a kiss. “You drive me so fucking crazy.”
Kurt moans and thrusts his tongue past Blaine's lips, tasting the wet cave of his mouth.
And slowly, almost thoughtlessly, he starts rolling his hips.
A synchronized groan escapes them both and lust takes over. Kurt moves down and up, his tongue repeating the same motion vigorously. Warmth shoots through his belly; sweat breaks out on his back. In a flash, they're both breathing heavily and when Kurt opens his eyes, Blaine's are still screwed up tight. He draws away from the kiss and stills his hips. Blaine's eyes shoot open and he utters a broken complaint.
“Don't... stop!”
“Honey, shhh...” Kurt brushes a damp curl from Blaine's forehead. “Let's take this slow..."
Blaine makes another whining sound and shifts his hips, aching for the satisfying pleasure. “We are taking this slow, I--” But his words are muffled by Kurt's lips.
Kurt takes his sweet time kissing Blaine, longing for him to feel taken care of – and as Blaine finally relaxes in his arms he sighs happily, pulling away slowly. “Are you ready for this?” he whispers.
He sits up, still straddling Blaine's hips, and rocks his body forward. The sudden friction is so intensely satisfying, Blaine grabs Kurt's arms and holds on tight, arching his back and driving his head into the pillow.
“God Kurt! That feels so good!”
Rapidly increasing his pace, Kurt sucks in a breath as another wave of heat ripples through his body. It gathers between his thighs and he grinds downward, rubbing and scraping their erections together.
Blaine lets out a long keening sound and his fingers dig deep into Kurt's bicep.
“So...close...,” he grunts, bucking his hips.
Kurt tries to push Blaine down, wants to tell him not to come yet, but the seconds his hands press against Blaine's chest the movement makes them both explode with ecstasy. Kurt cries out and flops against Blaine's stomach, twisting their legs together one more time as their bodies convulse over and over in the wake of their joined orgasm. The warmth spreads through Kurt and heat rushes in and out of his body. Slowly, the spasms turn into shuddering and finally, even those subside.
They collapse onto the bed, clutching each other close as their lips connect again and again.
“I love you,” Blaine practically sobs. “I love you so much.”
Kurt ruts their bodies together one last time and tangles himself around Blaine. He reaches down and pulls the sheets over their naked bodies.
“I love you too.” The words are a whispered promise and the moment is so perfect and beautiful, Kurt wants to bury his face in Blaine's chest and cry. Instead, he says, “I hope we weren't too loud.”
Blaine laughs breathlessly. “Right now, I really don't fucking care.”
* * * * *
Turns out, Blaine's wish to be left alone is heeded – not one of the maids pokes their head in. Feeling peaceful and free of worry, Blaine holds Kurt for a long time. He drifts in and out of sleep, waking only to smile at Kurt and hug him a little tighter.
Then Kurt breaks the silence.
“For round two, I want to try something different,” he says with eyes downcast, tracing little patterns over Blaine's arms.
“Okay,” is all Blaine can reply, feeling his face heat up. “What did you have in mind?”
Kurt disentangled himself and reaches down to caress Blaine's manhood. Blaine shivers and flails with his hands in search for something to dig his fingers into, settling on Kurt's shoulders. Kurt's frame shakes with quiet laughter as he disappears under the covers and Blaine barely has enough time to bite into the pillow when Kurt's mouth is suddenly around his cock.
“Oh my God!” He clamps down harder on the stuffing as Kurt's tongue flicks out and rolls around the base. “Kurt!”
Blaine spreads his legs, trying to make it easier for Kurt to reach him. But he feels a pair of restraining hands on his hips as Kurt licks and teases at his throbbing erection and he struggles and squirms underneath the covers, trying desperately to receive the maximum attention of Kurt's tongue.
An electric feeling pulses through his spine. Blaine claws at the pillows as Kurt's mouth closes once more around the hot flesh of Blaine's cock. His toes curl and he tries to thrust forward, but Kurt's hands are firm on his hips and he can only twist and muffle his screams as Kurt sucks harder and harder.
Then the pressure is released all at once and Blaine bucks his hips furiously as the red-hot wave of ecstasy consumes his body, making his fingers tear into the pillow as Kurt blows him to an orgasm. Blaine trembles and releases his grip, pupils blown wide as Kurt emerges from the sheets with a smirk.
“That's it. Just wanted to try that,” he says jokingly and caresses Blaine's cheek. “You look shocked honey.”
“That's... that was...” Blaine breaks off, trying to compose himself. “You... wow.”
“I know.” Kurt snakes his arms around Blaine's waist and nuzzles into the base of his neck. “You ripped a hole into the pillow, by the by.”
Blaine smiles and rests his chin on top of Kurt. “Right now, I couldn't care less.”
wow that just hot. look forward to next one...