July 1, 2012, 5:27 a.m.
July 1, 2012, 5:27 a.m.
Tuesday mornings are the worst.
Blaine's forehead is flat on the table and it would be buried in his lunch had good old Santana not pulled it away at the last second. Mercedes is patting his shoulder soothingly and Brittany has started a long list of unicorn jokes, even though none of their comfort seemed to affect him in the least and he's made that quite obvious.
But he's come to appreciate the immediate bondage to all his fellow Glee clubbers. They accept him wordlessly and maybe that's a foolish thing, but Blaine's glad for it. Friends are never a bad thing to have.
“Mind telling us what's wrong?” Santana asks pointedly. “You've been hitting desks with your head all day.”
Blaine's shoulders slump as he pulls himself upright. “Nothing. I'm just... confused.”
“I--” Blaine breaks off as he spots Kurt entering the cafeteria. Shit. He was hoping he wouldn't have to face the music today, but it seems like lately things haven't gone the way he planned anyway.
It's not like he knows what he's doing. He's great at acting it out and putting on a brave face, at least until Hummel breaks down his facade by catching him off-guard, but most of the time he's pretty good at composing himself.
He doesn't even want to think about what went down in the locker room yesterday. And he can't believe who it went down with.
The one kid in school he can't tolerate.
Speaking of, Kurt seems to have taken a different approach to the whole issue because he's confidently striding up to the table and pulling out a chair. “Mind if I sit here?” he says directly to Blaine's face. It's ridiculous because these are also Kurt's friends and of course the whole Glee club always sticks together and Blaine doesn't have a say in where Kurt gets to sit anyway. So he gives a grumpy nod.
“Thanks!” Kurt says with fake delight. “So, guys, have you gotten to know our new friend Blaine here already?”
The girls stare at him. “Uh, Kurt? He's been here for a while now...”
“Exactly!” Kurt beams. “And I got to know him a little yesterday...” - he pauses deliberately and looks at Blaine - “...and he's so nice. He's just so nice you guys.”
Blaine growls. So that's how Kurt's going to play it. Bastard.
“Maybe we should talk privately--” he begins, but Kurt's already pulling out his next move.
“For example, I found out how sweet Blaine is. He'd never turn his back on someone. He'll always stick around and talk things out, no matter how precarious the situation--”
“Oh, ha-ha. Very funny.” Blaine gulps as he realizes he said that out loud. Kurt smirks at him. The girls turn their heads as though they're watching a tennis match and that's the moment Blaine acknowledges that if he wants to win this game, he actually has to play.
“I learned a couple of things about Kurt too yesterday,” he says smugly and the corner of Kurt's mouth turn down. “So many things. For instance, he loves riding.” Kurt flushes beet red. Success.
“I never knew you were into horseback riding!” Brittany exclaims.
“Well, I...,” Kurt stammers.
“Not finished.” Blaine folds his hands. “He has these sensitive spots around his wrists and they turn red very easily, oh and they're also pretty dry. Might want to put some lotion on that sometime.” He cocks his head and grins.
“Maybe we should talk... privately,” Kurt says in a hushed voice, pulling down the sleeves of his cardigan before rising from the table and making his way out.
“Excuse me, ladies,” Blaine says with a bow. “And don't forget to close your mouths at some point during the next hour.” And with that, he leaves the flabbergasted Glee girls and follows Kurt out into the hall.
Time to face the music.
A steady stream of students is rushing past them and Kurt's keeping his voice as low as possible as he pulls Blaine aside to hiss, “You're a jerk!”
Blaine shrugs him off and leans against the wall. “What did I do this time?”
“What you did? You took my--!” Kurt eyes the passing students and lowers his voice even further. “You took my virginity and then left without a word!”
“I didn't,” Blaine says simply. “I told you that we weren't an item and that you did good. Clarification and praise, what more do you want?”
“Oh, cut the crap, Anderson.” Kurt crosses his arms and narrows his eyes, typical bitch-face. “Yesterday really mattered to me and I want you to tell me what the fuck we are.”
Blaine threw up his arms. “Why does it matter?! We don't need to have a name for--”
“Yes, yes we do.”
“Because...,” Kurt falters, clearly hating himself for not having an answer. “I... we... this is confusing for me and I just want to know, okay? If we fuck but we're not together, are we just... fuck buddies?”
Blaine smirks. “I think that would require the 'buddy' part and we clearly don't have that down yet.”
Kurt's voice softens. “Well, then, you tell me.”
“I don't know,” Blaine admits. “And I stand by what I say: we don't need a label. If you want proof, I have a little story for you. I never came out as gay because a) I'm not and b) nobody cares, and if you want to know why it's because I don't choose to limit myself to a category. I don't choose a lifestyle and then go by its rules.”
“You must be an excellent boyfriend,” Kurt says dryly.
Blaine ignores him. “Listen if you want an answer just look to your heart.” He's surprised at the kindness in his own words, but he can feel their truth and he knows this is exactly what Kurt needs. “Act on instinct. Do what your heart, mind or body desires. If that's the only rule you live by, I guarantee you'll make yourself happy.”
Kurt closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, holds it in, waits...
Blaine stares at him, the creamy skin and chestnut wave of hair topping his delicate head. He's surprisingly beautiful when his face is relaxed like this. Blaine sighs and shakes himself.
“You done?”
“Don't rush me.” Kurt holds up his hands, eyes still closed.
“I wasn't rush--”
“Yes, you were. When you say 'listen to your heart' you can't possibly expect me to do so in five seconds.”
Blaine rolls his eyes. “Way to kill the moment.”
“Again with the patronizing.”
“Again with the fighting.”
Kurt's eyes snap open and he fixes his stare on Blaine, biting his lip and obviously judging him.
“What?” Blaine snarls, hating the way Kurt drags his gaze over his features.
“Santana's having an after party tomorrow,” Kurt says, lowering his voice. “It's only for the afternoon and this time it's at Puck's house, but maybe, just maybe, me and my heart, mind, and body will be there. And maybe one of the three will have decided by then.” He steps closer and for the briefest of seconds Blaine can feel Kurt's breath on his lips. “And then we'll see who does the horseback riding.”
Blaine doesn't have time to react. Before any of the students could notice their intimate moment, Kurt steps around Blaine and disappears down the hall.
Blaine has a plan. It's not the kind he usually follows through with but it's a plan nonetheless and he needs one if he wants to win against Kurt. He doesn't really know what game they're playing and what winning means in this context, but he's determined to do it anyway. If only for pride.
Half the Glee club is gathered in a circle around a spinning bottle, some of them laughing hysterically and others emptying last Saturday's remaining drinks.
“I love after parties,” Puck sighs, hooking an arm around Santana's waist.
Blaine rolls his eyes. Can't the dude just decide already?
Rachel crawls forward and gives the bottle a sloppy spin, grinning stupidly when it points towards Puck. She approaches him and Blaine barely catches Santana's relieved sigh as she scuttles away from his arm.
Then his gaze drifts past her and lands on Kurt, who's also smiling fondly at Santana's reaction. Something sharp twists in Blaine's gut and he suddenly feels the need to start the plan immediately, to do what he's been planning to do all night.
He waits for Puck and Rachel to stop kissing before yelling, “MY TURN!” and spins the bottle with much more force than needed. It propels off the carpet and bumps against Sam's knee, causing a series of gasps to ripple through the crowd.
“Well, you know,” Finn says into the sudden silence, “he can decline if it's dude and dude. Or girl and girl.”
“Which is ridiculous,” Kurt comments. He shoots Blaine an impassive glance and motions towards Sam. “Go ahead.”
Blaine bristles. He did mean to propel the bottle towards Sam but only to make Kurt jealous. Now that he doesn't care, what's even the point of--
“Come at me, bro!” Sam barks loudly, reeking of alcohol.
Blaine sighs. Let's get this over with.
He pulls himself across the circle on all fours and leans into Sam's private space, who's grinning like a fool and immediately slings his arms around Blaine's neck. Blaine lets out a small grunt of discomfort as Sam hauls him close and crashes their lips together. Reluctantly, Blaine starts moving his lips and sucks on Sam's swollen mouth, earning cheers from the circle.
“You go, Blaine!” Santana calls from across the room and Mercedes draws out her signature, “Daaaaaamn.”
The boys seem hesitant at first, but eventually they too join in the cheering, clapping hysterically as Blaine drags his tongue across Sam's lips. After several wet seconds they part and Blaine's about to crawl back to his spot when Sam catches him by the hips and pulls him back beside him.
“Stay,” he breathes into Blaine's ear.
Blaine knows Sam is too drunk to know what he's doing and it's probably better not to traumatize or embarrass the kid in front of his friends, but then he sees Kurt's expression – just that one shocked second before he schools his face back into something resembling indifference – and it's enough for Blaine to make his decision.
“I'll stay,” he tells Sam in a whisper and moves closer to his leg, flashing Kurt a look with just the right amount of sass.
By the time the first few people have fallen asleep Sam is busy rubbing Blaine's thigh, leaning in to breathe hot air into his ear or whisper to him how horny he is. Every time he does Blaine tries to catch Kurt's eye and every time he succeeds it's so worth it.
Kurt seems flustered; at a loss for ideas. Perhaps even a bit frustrated judging by the displeased frown permanently stuck on his forehead.
“Maybe we should go upstairs...,” Sam drawls into Blaine's ear, ripping him back to the present.
Blaine nods and throws a pointed look in Kurt's direction before leading Sam towards the corner, not the stairs. He throws him against the wall and starts sucking on his ginormous lips, forcing himself to stay still while Sam desperately tries to fit his hands into Blaine's ass pockets.
“Okay, very funny,” Kurt calls from behind him, but Blaine refuses to listen. “Hilarious. You succeeded in not only grossing everyone out but in the process confused the hell out of poor Sam. You know he'll he suffering the ramifications tomorrow--”
“Make him stop talking!” Sam whines and pulls Blaine tighter.
“He's just leaving,” Blaine mumbles against Sam's lips, leaning in his forehead and accelerating his breathing as though he were having a hard time keeping calm.
“Stop this right now,” Kurt says darkly, and suddenly a hand clamps down on Blaine's shoulder. “And come with me.”
Blaine smirks. “Later, Sam.” And with that he stumbles away from the wall and follows Kurt, ignoring the whispered “No, come back!”s from poor, confused Sam.
“What do you even think you're doing?!” Kurt whispers furiously. His voice is hoarse with the strain of keeping it down and his eyes twinkle dangerously. But there's something else there, something like... lust.
“I was enjoying myself some man-love, thank you very much,” Blaine replies casually.
“Sam is not gay and if he were--”
“Stop labeling everyone by gay or not gay. You sound like a broken record.”
“Fine,” Kurt hisses and locks the door. The bedroom is spacious and the king sized bed and flat screen practically scream My Dad's a doctor, but Blaine doesn't have enough time to dwell on that.
Kurt splays his hands over Blaine's chest and pushes him firmly against the wall. He starts sucking on that little bit of skin below Blaine's chin, nipping at the fine tendons. Any chance of escape is blocked as Kurt presses their bodies flush together, imprisoning Blaine with his broad frame and strong arms.
“I've been waiting all night to do this,” he whispers around a patch of Blaine's skin. “Kissing Sam was a dirty, dirty move.”
“Well it worked,” Blaine replies breathlessly. His head rolls back and thuds against the wall. His breathing quickens and he grabs fistfuls of Kurt's shirt, just to have something to hold on to. “But aren't you a little inexperienced to be moving this quickly?”
Kurt freezes. “What's that supposed to mean?”
Blaine drums his fingers impatiently – the lack of Kurt's tongue on his skin is sharp and unpleasant, like stepping out of a warm shower. “You've only done it once, that's all, but I don't mind! Now can we just--”
“I'll let you know that experience means nothing in this scenario,” Kurt retorts and captures Blaine's lips in a fierce kiss, slipping his tongue inside and mimicking the rhythm with his hips. Blaine tears his mouth away so he can cry out as Kurt slips a hand inside his jeans.
“I'll show you what it means to move fast,” he growls, rubbing his thumb down the length of Blaine's erection. Blaine buries his forehead in Kurt's shoulder, forcing down another cry.
Then Kurt drops down. Blaine rests back his head and tries to slow his breathing, but it all goes to hell when he hears the little zip. His hands fly to Kurt's hair as his cock is engulfed by Kurt's warm, wet mouth, the tongue swirling around tender skin in such heavenly ways, it's all Blaine can do not to scream.
Kurt's hands hook around the the loops of Blaine's pants and holds him steady while he sucks and licks him closer to orgasm. Blaine focuses on the cool, steady wall behind him, but there's a fire in his veins and ecstasy slowly creeps into his senses. He tries to thrust his hips but Kurt pins him against the wall and skillfully moves his tongue up and down Blaine's throbbing cock, eliciting a long, strangled moan from Blaine.
But before he can come, Kurt draws away and leaves his manhood cold and aching, but then Kurt's warm lips are back on his and they move in the sweetest ways, leaving him dizzy and happy. Then Kurt's hand slips into the back of Blaine's jeans and a finger slowly pushes against his entrance, probing the tight space and exploring it and then he starts stretching the ring of muscle and Blaine once again finds himself twitching and breathing and crying out again and again. Kurt's lips catch him and wrap him in softness while he stretches Blaine's hole.
The whole scene is different from anything they've ever had before. It's not hate sex and it's not them being stupid teenage boys, it's Kurt taking care of Blaine, owning him, like he said he's wanted to the entire night. It's so sweet and special that Blaine can't help but whimper, and the feeling of Kurt's fingers in his most sensitive area, the way their lips move in a quiet dance, their bodies grinding and the sweat dangling from their skin...
Blaine comes with a silent scream, his breath choking as he thrashes against Kurt. His eyes roll back inside his head and the ecstasy explodes underneath his skin. For a few seconds he doesn't even know what Kurt is doing, but then he catches a glimpse of Kurt stroking himself to his own orgasm, and he comes with his mouth open and eyes shut.
Blaine slides down the wall and Kurt falls on top of him, still shuddering from his orgasm. They eventually arrange themselves so that they're both with their backs to the wall, panting and basking in the aftermath.
“What the hell was that,” Blaine whispers.
“I thought you weren't one to question that,” Kurt says quietly, then he stands up and fumbles furiously with the lock before opening it and finally slipping outside. A few quiet seconds pass before he pokes his head back in and say smugly, “You were good, by the by.”
And then he disappears.
OMG, PERFECT!YOU'RE AWESOME! I love this thing they've got going on :DUpdate soon? <3
ohh SWEET REVENGE! :PWhat now? hehe