April 3, 2012, 5:44 a.m.
April 3, 2012, 5:44 a.m.
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Chapter 5
Kurt was oddly reminded of Bella in New Moon when he called over Rachel and Mercedes. Feeling depressed, losing friends, finally asking them to hang out and being swept away by a tsunami of enthusiasm because you finally stepped out of your protective shell.
The girls arrived around 7 and dumped their duffel bags and sleep-over-equipment in the hallway.
“Oh my God, Kurt, you don't know how happy this makes me!” Rachel started chattering. “I'm so glad to finally get away from my dads. Maybe we can stay up all night, if your par-- if Carole isn't home.” She cringed at her slip of tongue, but Kurt dismissed it.
“Girls, no pity party. I'm fine.”
“We've been worried about you.” Mercedes linked an arm through his and dragged him downstairs. “You've been kinda pale – even for a white boy.”
“Girls...,” Kurt warned.
Rachel hooked her elbow around Kurt's other arm and said, “We won't pester you. We just don't want you to think we don't care.”
Kurt flinched internally as guilt settled in his stomach. Something about the way they veered away from dangerous topics such as his dad... it was an underlying message he hadn't caught before. They weren't ignoring him, they were distracting him.
The guilt melted and gratefulness took its place.
After settling into the mountains of pillows and blankets, Rachel and Mercedes started probing Kurt on crushes. Kurt just sighed and dismissed each question. The one thing he hadn't been concentrating on was finding his big love. He liked to believe it would just happen one day.
The second he finished his thought, a shift in the air behind Rachel caught his eye. He squinted and his heart dropped to his stomach as a familiar shape became visible.
The wings appeared first, sliding into view as though someone had opened a curtain. Lines drew themselves through air, outlining his slender body and color flushed through him. His face became visible last and an evil smirk contorted his features.
“Oh no.”
Rachel and Mercedes caught Kurt's stare and whipped around, then looked back with eyebrows raised. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing. I saw a spider.”
Kurt mouthed what are you doing before refocusing on the conversation. If he didn't look, maybe Blaine would leave.
“So anyway, I have something big to tell you guys,” Rachel said, smiling softly.
Blaine stepped behind her and imitated her exact pose, tilting his head and planting his hands on his chest, obviously very touched by what she had to say.
Kurt stifled a snort.
“Finn and I are dating again.” Rachel opened her eyes and looked from Kurt to Mercedes, expecting surprise. “This is probably very sudden for you guys, right?”
Blaine hopped over to Mercedes, mimicking her hell to the no face and looking Rachel up and down.
“I'm sorry Rachel, but nobody really keeps track of you and Finn anymore,” Mercedes said.
Blaine waved a finger through the air and snapped, and Kurt clamped a hand over his mouth.
“I can't believe you two!” Rachel looked visibly upset and her voice became slightly squeaky. “I just announced my new relationship! The least you could do is pretend to care.”
Standing behind Rachel again, Blaine pretended to draw imaginary strings from her arms and legs like a puppeteer. He flailed with his hands in exact sync as Rachel and the illusion was so real, Kurt barked out a laugh.
Both girls turned on him and Blaine jumped in the middle, the exact same angry expression on his face. Kurt opened his mouth and laughed with all his heart, throwing his head back and letting the tears run down his cheeks.
The girls, despite their confusion, had to join in because come on, they hadn't seen Kurt laugh in ages and it was so infectious and wonderful, they toppled over and cackled with him.
After the laughing fit seized, they lay on the ground with chests heaving and Rachel leaned forward to press a kiss to Kurt's cheek. “I like you when you laugh.”
Kurt smiled and wiped away a tear. Any signs of tension had evaporated and he felt bright and happy but when he sat up to thank Blaine, the angel had disappeared.
They fell asleep during Titanic, the dull sounds from the TV mingling with the snores and quiet breathing. Kurt's arm was draped over his face and a tired smile lingered on his lips.
“Kurt.” The word was spoken with a quiet urgency. “Kurt, wake up.”
It was a male voice and Kurt's subconscious recognized it. He rose slowly, blinking against the darkness.
Two almond-shaped eyes glittered as the TV flashed and there was no mistaking the panic they repressed.
“Is something wrong?”
“Walk with me.” Blaine looked haunted as he pulled Kurt to the kitchen; his eyes flitted everywhere.
Kurt didn't feel like walking, so he sat demonstratively on the counter. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“I'm sorry I woke you.” His brows pulled together and the pain in his voice was so different from happy Blaine, Kurt's heart clenched painfully. “But hear me out. Remember what I told you about appearing whenever you need me?”
Kurt nodded.
“There's this other side to it. I can't always watch over you, so when you're in danger, my body is pulled towards yours by this overwhelming need to protect you.”
Again with the Twilight references, Kurt thought.
“So,” he continued, “just now, I was called.”
Kurt frowned. “I wasn't in danger.”
“Yes, you were. You were about to have a nightmare.”
His blood ran cold. “Wow, that's... wow.”
Blaine looked so lost, Kurt had to come over and touch him. “Are you okay?”
“Me? Of course I'm okay – it's you I'm worried about...”
To think that days ago, Kurt was contemplating suicide on a daily basis and now he had a guardian angel who talked to him and made him laugh and saved him from nightmares... Touched, Kurt pulled Blaine into a hug. His chin rested on top of Blaine's head and his arms snaked around his shoulders, brushing against flawless skin and feeling it so intensely because it was something Kurt doubted to be real, yet he was reminded with every touch that it was.
This beautiful boy with wings who shuddered at the thought of Kurt in danger was real.
This story is FANTASTIC!! And I just happened to see that you were needing a BETA, so if the position is still available, I would LOVE to, if you want me to. I am a bit of a grammar nazi, so I think I could do a good job, not that you'd need it because there are very few mistakes. Let me know:) I can't wait for the next chapter!:)
.....I've been waiting forever and NOTHING IS HAPPENING!.Okay, sorry. I had to like... fanboy for a second there.Pretend that didn't sound rude, because I'm just awkwardly sitting here wondering what's going to happen next. :/