The Better Part of Me
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Better Part of Me: Chapter 11

T - Words: 1,557 - Last Updated: Sep 28, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Jul 26, 2012 - Updated: Sep 28, 2012
909 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry for the angst of the last chapter!hope this makes up for it :)

When Blaine left Kurt behind at the Planet, he went home as fast as he could to pack up his things. But once he got there, the enormity of what was happening began to hit him.

He was leaving Metropolis. He was leaving Kurt. He was going to be alone again.

But he had no other choice.

At that moment Blaine was shaken from his thoughts by a siren just outside of his building.

There was a moment of indecision, a moment where he hesitated. But as long as he was able to, Blaine would still jump to help anyone that needed it.

Changing quickly into his suit, Blaine rushed out to see what the problem was. Apparently someone had tried to loot the shop across the street. Blaine found them already being taken into custody by the police while Captain Lopez, dressed in a Metropolis Special Crimes Unit vest over her uniform, oversaw the scene and spoke into her cell.

“Yeah, everything i clear over here, I’ll head down your way and bring some back-up to Jackson.”

When she hung up, she turned and found Blaine watching the proceedings.

“Superman! Glad to see you. We gotta talk.”

“Captain Lopez. How is the city taking.. everything?”

“Honestly? Could be better. Mostly nobody has panicked yet, a few lone nutjobs like this guy, but I figure my guys can handle them. And then you and your little buddy at the Planet can figure out the big picture, got it?”

“My... I, um, don’t know who you’re talking about, Captina Lopez.” Blaine stammered.

“Yeah, right. Listen, Hobbit, I got some advice for you.”

Blaine blanched.

“What did you just...”

She lifted a finger to silence him. “Eh-eh, nope, Auntie ‘Tana’s talking now, formerly-four-eyes.” She stopped to look around and make sure no one was listening, then took a step toward Blaine.

“Anderson...” She said quietly, “I ain’t dumb. But that’s not what we need to talk about. What we gotta discuss is your obvious boner for your elf-like ‘partner.’ And the fact that Hummel wants to get into your super shorts just as badly. Your sexual tension has the potential to blackout the power grid. Getting you laid is a civil service, Supes.”

Blaine was stunned. “I... um...”

“Let me guess, you haven’t told Fancy Pants that you like to play spandex dress-up in your off hours?”

“Um... well, no, but... it’s complicated...”

She sighed. “It’s really not. Alright, I’ve got a little story for you. Once there was this cop, the biggest badass to come out of the Slums. And this cop rose through the ranks pretty fast, since nobody wanted to mess with someone who kept razorblades in her hair. But then she met someone. Someone special, got it? And suddenly keeping the city safe wasn’t as important as keeping that person safe. And how would they be safe if they were dating a cop? Cops are targets, cops go out and they put their lives on the line. How could you put someone you cared about in danger by getting them mixed up in that, by making them love you and then, possibly, leaving them one day if some asshole pulls a gun? So don’t think I don’t get it, Supes. Because I do.”

Blaine felt a rush of sympathy for the brash Captain. “So... so what did you do?”

Santana reached into her pocket and pulled out a photo, looking at it with a loving smile. Then she gave Blaine a glare.

“See, trying to stay from someone because you love them? That’s dumb. It hurts you, it hurts them. If you don’t let yourself love, then what do you have to keep fighting for? You’ll get lost or overloaded or burnt out. But having someone to come home to...”

Santana handed the picture over to Blaine. It was two women laughing at a beach, hugging each other. It was first time he’d ever seen a real smile on Santana’s face as she beamed at the woman next to her, a blonde with the sunniest smile he’d ever seen.
“Her name is Brittany.” Blaine could hear the love in Santana’s voice. “She used to work at Star, but she can be a little.. eccentric, so now she’s got her own lab in the city. People think she’s stupid, but they just underestimate her. She’s the smartest person I’ve ever met. She’s what keeps me going, the reason I can come out here and work my ass off for this city. Because keeping Metropolis safe means keeping her safe. She knows the risks in dating a cop, and she doesn’t care. Said she’d rather be with me than not.”

She grabbed the picture back from Blaine.

“Trust me, Hobbit. And trust him. Love is worth the risk.”

Blaine was speechless.

“Captain Lopez... Santana... I.”

“Just thank me and go find your boy. And when you adopt your first Asian love child, name her Santana.”

Blaine stammered his thanks and turned to fly off.

“Oh, and don’t forget to save the city, Short Pants!” She called after him.

Blaine flew away, trying to hold in his laughter.


Blaine was nervous. He knew he needed to talk to Kurt. Santana had been right about one thing: he needed to be honest. But he knew he couldn’t stay in the city, as much as it hurt him. He couldn’t be selfish anymore. Kurt deserved the truth and the city deserved to be safe. Blaine wished he could have some sort of happily-ever-after with Kurt, but at least he’d be honest with Kurt about his feelings and why he had to leave. It would still hurt, but wouldn’t Kurt rather know why he was being abandoned?

Blaine found him right where he expected to: on the roof of the Daily Planet, sitting underneath the giant rotating globe.

Blaine landed softly, watching as Kurt held his head in his hands, a familiar file folder at his feet.


Kurt’s head popped up, his eyes red and tired.

Neither man moved for a moment. Blaine’s eyes went to the folder. Kurt looked to it and back at Blaine.

“I... I know. I know everything.”

Blaine sighed.

“I’m so sorry Kurt. But that means you know that I have to leave. I’m...” he took a shuddering breath. “I’m a danger to Metropolis.”

Kurt stood and closed his eyes. He sighed heavily, then looked into Blaine’s eyes.

“No, I mean... I know everything. Blaine.”

Blaine froze like a deer in headlights.

“I....” He was once again speechless. He had a vague flash of touching Kurt’s shoulder on the rooftop a few days ago, then again in bullpen that day. He wanted to slap himself in the face. First Santana, now Kurt. Having two identities was a lot harder than Blaine had anticipated. Maybe he should’ve taken an acting class.

Kurt took a step forward.

“I understand, I guess, why you never told me. But... Blaine, I’m not going to tell anyone. I meant it when I said you’re my best friend.”

Blaine didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Kurt, that’s not... that’s not why... I was trying to keep you safe.”

Kurt looked confused. “What are you talking about?”

“I just... knowing who I am could put you in danger. I always trusted you, but I was trying to protect you. Especially since you seemed to have... feelings for Superman. And he can’t, you know... He just can’t.”

“But Blaine, you are Superman.”

“Sometimes. But he’s more like a job. He’s what I am. Blaine Anderson is who I am.”

Kurt started to laugh quietly.

“Um, Kurt, are you...?”

“Blaine, do you know why I came to see you earlier? When you gave me that ridiculous goodbye? I was coming to tell you that I didn’t really love Superman. He was just... a crush. An unattainable guy I could fixate on to keep my heart safe. But I realized that... I love you, Blaine. I trust you. And I don’t... I don’t trust easy. I trust Burt because he was the first person to give me a shot. I trust Mercedes because we’ve been friends for years. But you... fuck, I trusted you completely from day one, Blaine. And I don’t care that you can fly or benchpress a plane or are more famous than The Beatles when you put on that cape. I care about Blaine Anderson, the guy with no fashion sense, who thinks bowties are the only viable accessory. The guy who likes cinnamon in his coffee. The guy who likes to jump on furniture when he’s excited and who never stops singing in the car and who loves Gregory Peck and Gene Kelly movies. I love you, Blaine Anderson. And I really needed to tell you that.”

For a moment neither man moved or spoke, eyes locked on the other’s. After a beat that seemed to last for eternity, Blaine spoke.

“Thank goodness.”

He moved forward so fast that Kurt only had time to take a breath before Blaine’s lips were on his, Blaine’s hand cupping the back of Kurt’s neck as Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s shoulders.

Even though Blaine had seen and done more than any man on Earth, had flown to the upper reaches of the atmosphere and run across water just to feel the rush of the wind, nothing that he had ever done or felt compared to the feeling of finally kissing Kurt.

Kurt, it can be assumed, would have felt a similar sentiment if kissing Blaine had left him with the higher brain functions necessary to move beyond internal keyboard smashing.

End Notes: I figured I'd end on a good note because of how I ended last time ;)Next update should be Wednesday!Reviews are like hugs! (and I love hugs)


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Wugniemdjakdnciskdylsksh omg them kissing reduces me to nothing more than external keyboard smashing. That was so adorable. And I love Santana, she's this awesome woman who kicks ass and takes names, but still has a soft spot for the people she really cares about.

This is amazing! I love Santana! I'm so happy Kurt knows and that they kissed.

SPEAKING OF KEYBOARD SMASHING ughndhkhssfkkfsHk great chapter, I loved seeing the softer side to Santana :)!

Bsjshsjaka fields yes. Good. They kissed. Lalalala