Sept. 28, 2012, 10:52 a.m.
Sept. 28, 2012, 10:52 a.m.
It was Blaine’s first day at The Daily Planet and he was a bundle of nerves. Sure, performing solos in front of an auditorium full of people, that was a piece of cake. Even leaping tall buildings and outracing trains was easy for him. But going into the heart of the news world and having to face down a group of hard-boiled journalists, having to impress his new colleagues and not seem like a total loser - now that was hard.
Thankfully the elevator to the 38th floor was lined with mirrors, so Blaine took a second to make sure his carefully planned and executed First Day Outfit was still pristine. Polished black loafers, crisp gray slacks, white button-down, a blue blazer with red piping, all topped off with his lucky red and blue striped bow tie. Blaine adjusted his thick, black-rimmed glasses and patted his gelled down hair, smiling at his immaculate reflection. Four years at a boys’ private school had taught him how to dress well and look polished, grooming habits he had continued while cobbling together his journalism degree from various institutions around the globe and which he knew would help him in the professional world.
When the elevator stopped, Blaine took a deep breath and exited into the Daily Planet offices, unsure of what this day would bring.
Kurt had a love/hate relationship with the Daily Planet bullpen. He loved the hustle and bustle of the offices, televisions blaring the 24-hour news cycle (which lately had all been focused on sightings of the Metropolis “Superman”), reporters and copy editors yelling across cubicles and desks, a general fast-pace that reflected the city they covered. Kurt loved city living and loved being its source of information. What he didn’t always love were the idiots that often surrounded him at work.
“Finn, will you please stop staring at Rachel’s ass for five minutes and get this copy down to Artie? Finn!”
“Huh? Oh, sorry, Mr. Hummel. What was that?”
Kurt sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose and trying not to slap anyone. “I said, take this Superman piece down to Artie. I need some facts checked and the deadline is tomorrow. Think you can do that, Jolly Green, or do I need to have Rachel Berry walk there in front of you like a dangling carrot?”
Finn blushed and stammered, “N-no, I, uh, I got it,” grabbing the paper from Kurt’s hand and quickly rushing off.
“Jesus, who ever thought hiring a former football player as an intern was a good idea? Too many hits to the head.” Kurt mumbled to himself.
“HUMMEL!” Kurt heard his editor-in-chief’s voice echo across the bullpen from his corner office. “Get in here, NOW!”
Kurt ran to his boss’s office, ready for a new assignment to sink his teeth into. Covering the city beat was great, but Kurt was an investigator first and foremost and he yearned for a new challenge. He had sent Burt a memo about really delving into those rumors and sightings of a flying strongman. Kurt was the first to write about him and was the first one to call him Superman, and he was desperate for more information on this mysterious hero.
He gracefully slid into Burt’s office to find his perpetually baseball-capped boss standing with a well-dressed but rather short man with an obvious hair-gel addiction. Actually, strike the well dressed, as he seemed to be wearing a garish bow tie. Kurt quickly stifled a bitchy comment regarding the man’s lack of fashion sense and moved his attention to his editor.
“Excuse me?”
The two men looked over at Kurt, the younger one greeting Kurt with a shy smile.
“You called, Chief?”
“Kurt Hummel, I want you to meet Blaine Anderson, the newest addition to the Planet.”
Kurt was a little confused, why would he need to meet some new hire? But the man was looking at him with a look of sincere pleasure at meeting him that he could not help but reach out his hand to shake his.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Hummel. I’m a big fan, I’ve read all your articles.”
“Oh, well thank you. And please, call me Kurt.”
The man’s smile grew even larger, something Kurt hadn’t thought possible. It lit up his whole face, his hazel eyes shining from behind his thick and unfortunate glasses.
“You can call me Blaine.”
“I’m sure I can.” Kurt replied with a smile. He turned to his editor. “Um, Chief, what’s all this about?”
“Well Kurt, Blaine here has a lot of talent as a writer, but he’s still pretty green. I figured you can show him the ropes around here since you’re my top reporter.”
Kurt wasn’t fooled for a second by Burt’s praise. “And by ‘show him the ropes’ you mean?”
“I mean that Blaine here is going to be your writing partner.”
“WHAT!” Kurt exploded, loud enough that Blaine took an involuntary step back, but Burt held his ground. “Partner? No, Burt, I don’t do partners.”
“Well you do now. We’re all team players here at the Planet.” He put his hand on Kurt’s shoulder and said quietly, “Kiddo, this isn’t high school. You can’t be the solo star here. I need you to do this for me, okay? This Blaine kid could be great; he just needs someone to show him how it’s done. Please, for me?”
Kurt couldn’t stand it when Burt looked at him like that. His editor was more of a father to him than his own had been, and of course he wanted to help him, but a partner?
He looked over at the new guy. “Fine. Anderson, come with me. Since we’re working together you can help me get some info on this Superman guy everyone’s been talking about.”
Blaine opened his mouth to respond, his eyes wide, but Burt beat him to it.
“Kurt, just stick to your beat for now, alright? Try not to put Blaine in danger, the Planet’s insurance is high enough with your constant death-defying.”
Kurt grinned. “Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, Chief! And I’m still around to write about it. Nothing can stop this fearless journalist.”
Burt laughed. “One thing you don’t lack, Kid, and that’s courage.”
Kurt smiled softly at his boss, then turned on his heels and walked out.
“Let’s go, Anderson. We’ve got work to do!”
Blaine shook himself quickly, trying to follow what had just happened. He gave a quick, “thank you for your time, Sir” to his new boss and quickly ran out of the office to catch up with Kurt.
“C’mon, Anderson! If you want to make it at the Planet you need to learn to keep up.”
“Oh, uh, sorry Mr. Hummel.”
Kurt didn’t turn around; he just kept walking briskly towards his desk and hoped that Blaine would follow.
“I told you, it’s Kurt. If you’re going to be working with me then you’ve got to learn to listen and follow my lead. Got it?”
Reaching his cubicle, Kurt finally turned to face Blaine, sizing him up to try and get a read on him.
Blaine simply grinned at Kurt, but unlike most Metropolitans his smile seemed sincere.
“Um…” Kurt was momentarily stunned by Blaine’s eager expression. “I guess we should go find the next big scoop, huh?”
Blaine laughed. “Sure, sounds swell!”
Kurt blanched. “Swell? Really? Jeez, that and the bowtie, where are you from, the 1930s?”
Blaine’s smile never wavered. “Nope, close though. A small town in Ohio. Westerville.”
“So, small-town boy tries to make it in the big city.” Kurt could feel his inner bitch about to let loose. “All the crowds, all the noise, and now you’ve been partnered with the most flaming homo on staff. Almost enough to make you run back to your little farm town, huh?”
Blaine’s eyes widened and for the first time his smile dropped. As soon as the words left his lips Kurt regretted it. After years of people underestimating him as a journalist because of his sexuality and propensity for high fashion, Kurt was used to being on the defensive with his biting remarks. But as mad as he was to be saddled with a partner he shouldn’t have taken it out on Blaine, even if was a little quiet and bland. He tried to come up with something to say as an apology when-
“Oh, um, not really. That’d be kind of hypocritical of me.” Blaine replied nonchalantly with a small smile. He then gave Kurt a wink.
Wow, Kurt thought, he’s actually got a personality under all that hair gel.
“Oh. Well then, I guess we’re on the same team- PAGE! Same page. C’mon, Westerville, we’ve got work to do.”
Kurt turned back to his desk to grab his notes on his latest story when he heard her.
“Oh, hi! You’re new! My name’s Rachel.”
Kurt turned back around with a groan to find Rachel Berry standing flush with Blaine and batting her eyelids at the obviously uncomfortable man.
“Back off, Berry. He’s not interested.”
“Oh, now you can’t know that for sure.” She purred back. “Hi, I write for the society pages. You know, celebrities and things like that. I’m practically a star myself, and I always have my finger on the pulse of Metropolis’ elite. And you are?”
Blaine coughed. “Um, Blaine Anderson. Nice to meet you.” He pulled his hand and offered it to Rachel to shake. “I’m new here. The Chief having Kurt show me the ropes.”
“Right, so hands off, Rachel.”
“Oh Kurt! I didn’t know you were the jealous type.”
“No, I’m not! We’re not… It’s… shut up, Rachel. He’s not interested in you, he’s gay, and he and I have work to do. Go bother somebody else for a change.”
Rachel stuck her tongue out at Kurt and then turned back to Blaine.
“Pity,” She said, eyes racking over Blaine. “You’re kind of cute, for a little guy. You could use less gel, though.” She patted him on the head before bouncing off to her own desk.
“Ugh, she’s insufferable. I worked in the same section as her when I was first hired and escaping that damn gossip beat was my happiest day on the job until my Pulitzer nomination last year. Honestly, that girl drives me nuts!”
Kurt turned back around to his desk when they heard a sudden commotion from across the bullpen.
Kurt’s head snapped up immediately. He whipped around to face Blaine.
“Um, alright Westerville, I need you to stay here and do some… research! Get me the history of the building and whatever major projects they’re working on right now. You know, context and filler.”
He expected a fight or at least some resistance, but Blaine just nodded with wide eyes. “Um, right, yeah research. Better hurry!”
Blaine quickly ran off, leaving Kurt stunned for a moment. He shook himself quickly, grabbing his coat and running for the door.
“Finally!” he mumbled to himself. “Superman is sure to be there.”
As Blaine ran for what he hoped was a supply closet, his mind was a blur.
Shoot, shoot, I need to find a place to change and a fire escape or something.
Luckily he found a closet with a grimy window. Closing his eyes and focusing, Blaine could hear the sirens and honed in on their source. He quickly stripped off his blazer and shirt, revealing the skintight and brightly colored costume beneath.
Please, he thought as he flew off towards Star Labs, please don’t let me look ridiculous.
This is amazing, I love it. I can't wait for more!
Yay the swell quote! That is one of my favourites, haha. Sorry. I'm a superman fangirl too and this fic is clearly off to a great start ;)