Calm Down Dearest
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Calm Down Dearest: Chapter 4

K - Words: 2,275 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 14, 2015 - Updated: Dec 14, 2015
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Kurt feels the dull ache in his head first. Waking him into a stream of almost consciousness, where he knows he's awake, faint street noises creeping in and rattling the ache, but his limbs don't want to believe it yet. He's comfortable, apart from the growing head ache, in fact he can't remember his bed ever feeling this comfortable. He feels warm, not stuffy, just the right side of hot and a soft cool breeze confirms his feet must be hooked out of the end of the comforter. He lets out a contented sigh and starts to stretch out his muscles before opening his eyes, but something heavy is stopping him from arching his back. Curious, Kurt squints his eyes open, heaving in a sharp breath when the faint sunlight tries to burn out his retinas, the dull ache turning into a sharp stabbing sensation.


He stills while the pain subsides again, slowly opening his left eye to peer over his shoulder. Then he has to open his other eye, wide, to take in his surroundings more closely. The night stand with an ornate golden trophy, the huge oak chest at the foot of the bed, the deep green wall paper and more importantly the drop dead gorgeous man spooned up behind him. Kurt gulped down his squeal, so as not to wake the other inhabitant of the room, realises this is not his bed. More importantly, unless some smuggled it in and placed him in it during his sleep? This wasn't his house either.


Blaine! He suddenly remembers, the curly headed cutie, snoring softly into his back is called Blaine. Fuck. He came home with him. He came home and slept with him. A perfect stranger. And now he's lying in bed beside him and the stupid vintage clock is ticking its way towards ten o'clock…. Fuck! Violet will be home in little over an hour, Kurt mentally kicks himself for going home with a stranger to have sex and not taking note of where the hell they were going.


Gently he turns himself onto his back and reaches towards his pants, thankfully lying discarded right beside the bed, so he can get his phone out of the pocket without waking Blaine. Once he successfully grabs it, he shimmies out from the cocoon of raspberry, and alcohol filled, smelling man and manages to get out of the bed without waking the beast or too much pain. At least he didn't have any pain to prove he bottomed, Kurt silently prayed for the small virtue of having no pain in his ass to make this anymore difficult.


Grabbing up as much of his clothes as he can find, and really what is the need for two shoes? Years of hopscotch in the playground have prepared him for this moment, he creeps out in to the hallway. After opening doors, one to a bathroom and two with closets hidden behind them, he finally finds a door into the backyard. Praying no neighbours are watching him he shuffles into his pants, wincing at the thought of his soiled underwear lying up in that bedroom, before looking up the number he needs and dialling.


“Hey it's me, I need a no questions asked favour!”




 It takes fifteen minutes for the metallic red mustang to pull up on the street corner Kurt had skulked out to, fifteen minutes in which several teens had walked past throwing knowing glances in his direction. Kurt all but dove into the car once it reached the kerb, exhaling a long sigh of relief as it pulled off again, the driver letting out a snort.


“Don't Bas!” Kurt groaned, looking round for the water he had asked for.


“In the glove box…” Sebastian sings happily as he stops at a junction, looking over with a smug grin. “Sooo, who's the lucky guy?”


Kurt rolls his eyes as he reaches in for the water. “I said no questions asked, is this no questions asked?”


“Oh come on! You ask me to pick you up, in one of the wealthiest areas of Lima might I add, you're clearly doing the walk of shame and I'm not allowed to ask who this mystical being is?” Sebastian asks, trying to hide a laugh as he continues driving. “All I'm asking for is a name…”


“I don't want to talk about it! God, standing on that street corner was humiliating enough…”


“Sheesh! That bad?” Sebastian sucks in a breath between his and shakes his head. “I told you Kurt, if you needed to let off steam I know this guy who…”


“I didn't need to let off steam! And it wasn't bad, well what I can remember anyway, he just did something to me…” Kurt sighs to himself again thinking about Blaine and his eyes, and how perfect it all could have been in another life.


“So you sneak out this guy's house and call me to come get you because he ‘did' something to you? Likely story, what was it? Couldn't get it up? He was teeny tiny? It was green? –“


“Green? Please tell me you've never touched a green one?!” Kurt squeaks a little more than he meant to, he can't help that he's sheltered. “I just couldn't, I mean…how could I stay to wake him up, tell him I'm the father of a teenager? It's just not, it's not how you get a guy to stick around, you know?”


“I did!”


“Yeah because you never wanted that kind of relationship with me…”


“I was a seventeen year old prep school boy, I wanted that kind of relationship with every gay guy I met!” Sebastian adds smugly, stealing a quick glance in Kurt's direction.


“No, you were just horny, that's not a relationship, which may be okay for you? But it's not what I want…it's not what I've ever wanted.” Kurt sighs looking out the window at passing traffic in the next lane.


“Well over a decade down the line, still best friends, who bicker and bitch at each other but never have sex. Sounds like any normal marriage to me!” Kurt reaches over to slap him on the head. Hard. “Ouch! Okay, okay! I give!  Jeez for a guy that got laid for the first time in, I don't even know how long, you sure are bitchy this morning.”


“I'm just mad at myself, I mean why did I have to go home with him? He was…god, he was so charming and handsome and I couldn't play it like a decent human being? I had to sleep with him, then sneak out in the morning without a note, or leaving my number-“


“Yeah, you're a horrible human being. Now on to my problem, if I promise to call a guy whilst he's giving me oral do I have to deliver on the promise?”


“Oh my god!” Kurt laughs in disbelief, why he's shocked he's not sure. “You are the most disgustingly immoral person on the planet...Don't call him. EVER! Better for him to be disappointed now than when he's invested!”


“Okay, now you've told it like it is, talk to me about Vi's punishment.” Sebastian peers over his wayfarer's to really examine Kurt, watching him hold in another long sigh, his muscles tensing.


“God, I almost forgot I have to become sober enough to deal with the joy of parenthood.” Kurt take another glug of water to clear his mind. “I don't know what to do with her, I mean, I already confiscated her phone. Which she took surprisingly well, but I don't wanna go in too hard, you know? One thing I always remember about dad is that he always heard me out, don't get me wrong he was a hard man at times, but only when I really deserved it.”


“I get you, it's her first real teen rebellion too, and maybe a serious heart to heart will be all you need to get her back on the right path. If you think about it, she is just coming into her teenage years, all those hormonal mood swings, changes to her body, can't be easy to handle.” Sebastian whistles low between his teeth, pulling into Kurt's Street. “And I'm not saying you aren't an amazing father, because you are, but sometimes a girl needs a woman figure to talk too. You know?” he pulls up outside Kurt's house and cuts the engine, turning to Kurt face on.


“I guess, maybe I'll just remind her I'm here, so she knows she can talk to me.” Kurt shake his head, unclipping his belt and leaning over to kiss Sebastian on the cheek. “Thanks for, well everything, I'll see you Tuesday?” Kurt asks reaching for the handle to push open the door, and starting to climb out.


“Sure thing dirty stop out…”


“You know this colour totally trashes a classic car right?” the finger Sebastian flips makes Kurt smile as he slams the door shut to head inside.




“Okay, tell me, why you thought skipping school would be a good idea Vi?” Kurt Is sitting under the comforter, with Violets legs draped over his own, picking at imaginary lint on her side.


“Dad!” She whined, high and breathy, the way only a product of Kurt Hummel could. Rolling her eyes almost right back her head.


“Don't dad me!” Kurt argues back, not as forcefully as he could, knowing that would only make her clam up. “I let you stay with your Grandma and Grandpa until today like you asked, and considering what you have been up to? I think that's rather generous don't you?”


“Why were you getting out of Uncle Bas' car when we got here? Did you sleep over?” She peers over at him, under those long eyelashes, interest piqued.


“I think you'll find that I'm the parent here, meaning I get to ask the questions.” Violet at least has the decency to look embarrassed. “Vi? I only want to help you. Is that girl bothering you again? The one from gym class?”


“No, I told you she stopped after I hit her” she bites her lip to stop herself from laughing.


“I still don't find that amusing, even if she did use some choice words about me. Violence is never the answer. But, that isn't what we're talking about. How many times have you skipped?”


“Only a few days, I swear! I don't know why they made such a big deal about it.” She huffs out, blowing the strands of hair out of her face.


“They're making a big deal because school is a big deal, like it or not you have to go and get an education Vi, I taught you better than this.”


“Dad I only skipped because we are having to dissect animals in our lab class, okay? I don't want to do that! I didn't even want to take the stupid class in the first place!” Her eyes narrow towards Kurt, as if to say it was all his fall for suggesting that she did take it, which it kind of was. “Miss Locke wouldn't let me sit out so I just stopped going in on days that I knew we would be doing stuff.”


“Vi, why didn't you just tell me? I could have written a note, or come in and spoken to your teacher. You've missed all of your other classes, how are you even going to catch up?” Kurt could admit, that if he was in his daughter's position, he would have done the same thing. That doesn't mean he'll admit it to her though.


“I got Jamie to cover for me, he took notes and got my homework assignments. I've not fallen behind. I swear!” Violet reaches out to cup Kurt's hands in her own, throwing her best puppy dog eyes at him and watching him, waiting for the verdict. She knew that he fell for it every time.


“Well, since you haven't let it affect your studies, I will stick to just your cell phone being confiscated for now. Plus, your uncle Finn is going to take you in on his way to work so you have no excuse to be late, or absent. But! If your head teacher tells me any different to these few times, you will be in big trouble. Do you hear me?”


“Seriously? I'm not one of uncle Finns first graders! I don't need an escort!”


“Violet, you seem to be under the misconception that this is a choice, which it is not. You will be dropped off each day, and you will go straight to Grandpas shop after school. Where I will pick you up, is that clear?” another eye roll and a sigh is directed at him, but there is also a nod. “Good, I do love you, you know?”


“I love you too,” she leans in to hug him, burying her head under his chin to play with his sweater, the same way she has always done since she was born. After a content silence she speaks out again. “Soo, why didn't you stay at home last night?”


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