Feb. 15, 2013, 2:43 p.m.
Feb. 15, 2013, 2:43 p.m.
Kurt was confused. He didn’t know what to think. What to do. Everything he had believed in had changed completely. Maybe it was his fault. He had never asked or listened, he had just assumed. He had always assumed Blaine had had sex with another guy. And now he knew it had just been a kiss. But was it just a kiss? Was a kiss more forgivable than sex? Was it forgivable at all?
Kurt was so confused that he didn’t listen to Finn talking. Maybe it was because he hadn’t really understood Finn was leading Glee Club now.
Now and then he felt Blaine’s eyes on him, they were burning holes into his body and sending shivers down his spine. Should he forgive Blaine? Was it that easy? Was forgiving even a conscientious decision? Or did you have to just let it happen eventually? So many questions and he didn’t have any answers.
Somewhere on the edge of his awareness he heard Finn talking about pairing people up to sing Christmas duets together. He would draw both partners and the song they would have to sing. He still stared off into space while Tina and Ryder were drawn to sing “Last Christmas” together, Unique and Joe for “Extraordinary Merry Christmas” and Brittany and Marley for “Do You Hear What I Hear?”.
He only listened up when Finn drew “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” as the next song. Images of Dalton Academy filled his head, winter, Christmassy decorations, a fire, and most importantly: Blaine. Beautiful, heavily flirting Blaine. Tears welled up in his eyes. How happy they had been! How in love! How much they had had ahead of them!
Then Finn said “Kurt.” Kurt looked up and was about to ask what Finn wanted when he realized Finn had read his name. Which meant he was to sing “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”. He wanted to jump up and tell Finn he couldn’t sing that song when Finn drew the second name, his duet partner.
Finn looked uncomfortable as he looked up and slowly said: “Blaine.”
Kurt froze. He could feel all eyes on him and knew that everyone, the whole Glee Club, was staring at him and Blaine.
He wanted to say something, protest, and yet didn’t want to. Would he want to sing that song with someone else? Never!
So maybe he should just go with it. It was just a song, after all. It couldn’t be too hard to put your emotions away while singing a song.
After being picked for that song, he couldn’t concentrate on anything else going on during Glee. All his thoughts were focused on Blaine, and the memories just wouldn’t stop appearing in his mind. He had been so in love with Blaine back then, and he began to realize how much he still loved him, if not even more. Despite what he had done. They had gone through so much together, had grown so much. Kurt wasn’t so sure anymore if that was something he wanted to give up any longer.
Besides, Blaine didn’t really do anything as it seemed. Maybe he should’ve listened to him earlier. It would’ve saved him a lot of pain.
But even if he forgave him, what should he actually do? Just walk up to Blaine and say “I forgive you”? He was sure that would be weird.
A few minutes later, he realized that he was just nervous. Nervous to admit his feelings to Blaine, to admit that he had maybe made mistakes too.
He didn’t talk much to Blaine after that, they just agreed on meeting at Blaine’s house later that afternoon to practice their duet. Not awkward at all. Note the sarcasm, Kurt thought to himself.
Still, he showed up in time. They exchanged awkward and slightly uncomfortable Hellos and went up to Blaine’s painfully familiar bedroom.
“So…” Blaine started. “I know this is really awkward.”
“Can we just start practicing?” Kurt felt a bit bad for interrupting whatever Blaine was about to say and for being so distant, but he was really nervous and uncomfortable in Blaine’s presence. He had the absurd hope that it would be easier if they just started singing.
Blaine looked at him. Kurt could see him swallowing. “Alright” he said then and pressed Play. The familiar first notes sent shivers down Kurt’s spine. He took a deep breath and started singing.
Neither of them knew how it happened, but it became an almost exact replica of the first time they sang this song. The music made both of them forget about everything else but each other and they were flirty and just like they used to be.
When the song ended, they found each other face to face, their noses only inches apart. Kurt inhaled sharply, which didn’t help at all, because he could now smell Blaine’s scent, that he had gotten so used to. Oh how he had missed him.
Without thinking further about it, he leaned in, just a little bit.
No words were needed between them. Blaine understood. He crossed the last few inches that were left.
And then there lips were touching.
Kurt could feel it all the way down to his toes, the tingly sensation he got every time Blaine kissed him. He sighed, but it came out more like a moan. He didn’t mind though, and Blaine didn’t seem to either. They wrapped their arms around each other and continued kissing, like there was nothing else in this world.
When their lips separated, they stayed in each other’s arms for the longest time, just leaning onto each other happily. Then they took a step apart, just enough so they weren’t hugging anymore, but never letting go of each other’s hands.
“So what does this mean?” Blaine asked, the worry obvious in his eyes, although there was also a happiness that Kurt hadn’t seen since he left for New York.
Sometimes he still couldn’t believe that he could have such an impact on that boy. What had he done to deserve him? And why had he ever even considered letting him go?
“I forgive you” he said. It was silent except for their breaths, still a bit faster than usual. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you earlier. We both made mistakes, but I’m certain that we can work this out together. This isn’t over, it will still be difficult for us, with me in New York and you here, but if you’d take me back, I really want to give us another chance.”
“Kurt” Blaine breathed. “I don’t care how far apart we are. We will find a way. I love you, I love you so much, of course I’ll take you back! I never gave you up in the first place.”
“You didn’t” Kurt said with a light smile. “I was the one who gave up on us. Because I was too proud and hurt in my pride to listen properly. I should be asking you for forgiveness.”
“There is nothing to forgive you, Kurt. Let’s put this behind us and make sure something like that never happens again in the future.”
“The future” Kurt sighed happily.
“Our future” Blaine clarified and leaned over to kiss him lightly. Kurt put his hands on Blaine’s face and made the kiss last longer than Blaine had intended to.
“That sounds perfect to me.”
This was really good. I was so excited to see that you had updated and it was definitely worth the wait. I love seeing the boys happy and in love.
I'm so glad that's what you think! I was scared no one would want to read this anymore since it's been such a long time and so much has changed since then...Well, thank you for reviewing again, you made my day! :)