The Bond We Share
A Whole New World Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Bond We Share: A Whole New World

E - Words: 2,674 - Last Updated: Nov 03, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Aug 14, 2012 - Updated: Nov 03, 2012
522 0 6 0 0

Hi guys! So I updated early! I hope to still update this Saturday too but I just couldn't help but write this chapter sooner! I would love to hear what you guys think so if you like it please review!! Love and hugs!

Kurt walked down the halls of McKinley with an extra bit of pep in his step. It’s been over a week since the ‘study date’ at the Hummel’s house and what happened that night is all that has been running through his head.

It wasn’t the most ideal night but the ending was better than he could have ever imagined... Well, one little detail would have been better if it wasn’t for that perfect timing of thunder.

What’s even more exciting for Kurt today is that he gets to spend the weekend visiting Blaine at Dalton.

Blaine has his own room due to the fact that he has Emma so it’s perfect for visitors…. He’s a little nervous to say the least… A weekend in the same room with the boy he secretly loves…. Wait… What? No.. That can’t.. Oh boy… Anyways…

Kurt has heard so much about Dalton and it will actually be nice to witness it firsthand. And spending a full weekend with Blaine… Well that’s enough said.

The plan worked out perfectly. He told his dad that he was spending the weekend at Mercedes house because they had a school project to work on.

That of course led to Kurt having to tell her everything before she agreed to it. At least he got an “Ooooo, my boy is gettin his lovin on!” instead of a judgmental comment about Blaine’s vision. He could always trust Mercedes. She just understood. Maybe he could tell everyone about Blaine… I guess it all depended on the upcoming weekend.

As Kurt came rounding the corner to his locker, he was brought back to reality when two hands collided with his side and sent him flying into the row of lockers next to him. As he went back, the side of his head hit a pad lock and brought stars to his vision. Kurt fell to the ground as he tried to control his breathing. When he looked up he wasn’t surprised to see Karofsky and Azimo walking off laughing.

“Where’s your dog, Hummel? It’s so much easier to give you a proper beating with it gone” Karofsky spat as he walked away. That was one of the worst things with not having Emma around. Kurt brought her to school almost everyday so she would learn to work in a school setting. With her gone, the Neanderthals had a free ticket to him now… And it was getting worse.

As Kurt stumbles to a standing position he almost falls again from dizziness when the side of his head starts to throb. He brings his hand up to message the source of the pain when he feels a giant bump starting to form in the spot where it connected with the lock.

Kurt lets out a sigh and winces as he rubs the spot the wrong way. ‘Only a little longer’ Kurt thinks to himself. This weekend away at Dalton is much needed. He just hopes Blaine is as excited as he is


‘I was so close, so close. I didn’t really expect the night to go that way. I didn’t really expect for me to just come out and be like ‘oh yea, I see people by using my hands like some sort of creep’. It just kind of happened and I am sure as hell glad it did.

The picture in my mind that was Kurt was something I wasn’t expecting. His features were feminine with the perfect mix of masculine. He was beautiful and just the mere thought that this person could even have feelings for me… Well let’s just say I am shocked.

But his skin…. It felt like velvet underneath my finger tips. And his hair… It was… wow….

And with my hands on his face, I felt him lean in and was he going to kiss me? I have never kissed anyone! That could have ended badly… What if I missed and kissed his chin or something?? Oh my god… But his lips….. They were so soft and plump and damn that thunder! So close that I could just-’

“Blaine………. Blaine? Blaine!” Wes said as he lightly shook Blaine by the shoulder. Blaine startled out of his thoughts and put his hands up in defense then raised them back down when he realized where he was.

“What? Oh, Wes…. Sorry man… I guess I kind of zoned out there for bit” He says with a chuckle and large spot of a crimson blush on his neck. Wes, trying to control his laughter patted him on the shoulder, giving him a silent signal that it was no big deal.

“You were gone for quite a bit there bro. Thinking of anything in particular?” He asked with a knowing smile and a mocking tone in his voice. He knew exactly who Blaine was thinking of. He hadn’t stopped talking about Kurt for weeks now.

“Uhh… Nothing really, just… homework” He says. Blaine curses internally because he knows Wes can see right through him. Thank god both he and David are going home for the weekend.

“Yea… homework on what subject? Does is start with a ‘k’ and end with an ‘urt’?” He says with a huge smile on his face as he tries to control his laughter.

“Mhmm… Wait, no… No it doesn’t! I didn’t hear you an-”

“Blaine! Chill! I was just busting on you!” Wes says as he doubles over clutching his stomach from laughing so hard. Blaine moves and tries to swat the boy laughing based on where he can hear the sound coming from but misses. He lets out a sigh and sits back down.

“So when does Kurt come?” Wes says as he sits back down next to Blaine. Blaine looks over in the direction of the boy with a gracious look for stopping with the laughter.

“He comes tonight and he is staying until Sunday
afternoon….. I’m kinda nervous, Wes… This is all really new and he is staying in my room with me and what if he gets creeped out and annoyed with having to deal with me for more than a few hours and…”

“Blaine… from what you have been telling me, Kurt seems like a pretty special guy. Has he ever once made you feel like he gets annoyed with you because of your vision?” Wes says with a sincere tone.


“Well then alright. Stop second guessing yourself and just follow your heart… Do you like him?” He asks inquisitively

“Honestly, Wes… I don’t think I have ever cared for someone so much….” He says with a smile and a blush when remembering about that night at Kurt’s house.

“Then this weekend you need to tell him how you feel… No second guessing, no insecurities…. It all comes outta the closet….. That… Didn’t come out right..”

Blaine starts laughing uncontrollably and Wes hits him on the side of the arm.

“Hey!” Blaine says through little chuckles.

“You know what I meant, asshole…” He says with a pout on his face. Blaine controls his laughter and bends down and grabs hold of Emma’s harness.

“Thank you, Wes… It really means a lot.” He says as he waves goodbye to his friend and exits the class room.


“So…This is the famous Dalton Academy” Kurt says as he takes in the surroundings of the private school. The marble pillars and floors and the lush dark wood of the classrooms as they pass. It’s regal and elegant and far from the looks of McKinley.

“The one and only” Blaine says as he walks hand in hand with Kurt down the hallways.

“It’s beautiful”

“So I’ve been told” Blaine says jokingly. He squeezes Kurt’s hand in reassurance that he was only kidding. Kurt smiles and squeezes back. This sends a tingling sensation through Blaine’s hand.

It’s late when they get to the school. They went out to a nice pizza place around the corner for dinner, and there is not a person in sight. The school is peaceful and relaxing in the evening glow of the sunset.

“What’s on the agenda for the rest of the night?” Kurt asks with a smile on his face as he watches Emma take the lead through the winding school hallways.

“I was thinking we would stay in and have a movie and popcorn night” He says with a smile and a slight blush on his cheeks.

“I love that idea” Kurt replies. They make a right turn around a corner and Emma sits in front of one of the dorm rooms.

“Yea… So… this is my room” Blaine says shyly as he searches for the door knob and opens the door to let Kurt in. Kurt smiles warmly as the door swings open. The room is the essence of Blaine.

It’s warm and comforting, just like him. He notices the keyboard and stack of books sitting on the table, written in brail of course. The bed was covered in a navy plush comforter and tons of pillows. The TV was large and had a stack of every Disney movie imaginable next to it. Kurt notices that the movies were in order alphabetically, obviously to make it easier on Blaine to find the one he wants.

“It’s wonderful Blaine… It’s so you” Kurt says still looking around the room.

“Really… Thanks” He says ducking his head to hide the embarrassingly large smile on his face. It doesn’t go unnoticed.

“You… Uhh can set your bag down anywhere…. M-my bed is rather large so I was thinking we could just share it… I... I just didn’t w-want you to sleep on the floor…. But if you’re uncom-“

“Blaine…. I don’t mind at all” He says as he touches Blaine’s right arm and squeezes in reassurance.

“Ok…” Blaine says, he can feel the heat creeping up the back of his neck. Blaine reaches down and lets Emma off her leash. She immediately goes to the bed and jumps up and knocks all of the pillows off. Kurt watches the whole time and starts to giggle.

“She kicked all the pillows off, didn’t she?” Blaine asks with a smile on his face. Kurt controls his laughter and walks over to her and kisses her head.

“You’re such a silly girl. You obviously have been hanging around Blaine too long” Kurt says to Emma.

Blaine fakes shock and puts his hand over his heart before saying “She was being weird the day I got her… I ‘m pretty sure she got that from you”

“Thems fightin words, Anderson” Kurt says as he walks over to stand directly in front of Blaine. Blaine takes a quick breath when he figures out that Kurt is quite close to him.

“What are you gonna do about it, Hummel?” He says to return the fire. Kurt brings his hands to hover over Blaine’s torso.

“I’m gonna tickle you”

“Wait, wh-“ That’s all Blaine can say before Kurt’s hands are on his sides and are giving no mercy. Blaine laughs hysterically and tries to stop Kurt’s hands with his own.

“Kurt… Stop…. Can’t….. Breathe!” He says as Kurt continues to attack. All of a sudden Blaine’s legs give out and He and Kurt go tumbling to the floor with Kurt landing on top of Blaine. Both boys are inches away and the tickling stops.

“Hi…” Kurt breathes out

“Hi….” Blaine says in the same breathless voice. The world seemed to stop until Emma barks with concern and brought both boys back to reality.

“How about that movie?” Blaine says with an embarrassed laugh. Kurt smiles warmly down at him before getting up off of him, grabbing his hand in the process and hoisting him up as well.

“What movie shall it be?” Kurt says as he scans the movie rack. Blaine hadn’t let go of his hand and stands beside Kurt.

“Disney?” Blaine asks with a childlike look on his face. “I love to listen to the music and who doesn’t love the stories” he adds.

“Do you have Aladdin?” Kurt asks as he looks at the movies in the “A” section. Blaine snorts before responding.


“I’ve always had a crush on Aladdin” Kurt says as he looks over at Blaine.

“Well, Aladdin it is” Blaine says with a smile on his face. Kurt finds the movie and pops it into the DVD player and presses play.

“I’m sorry that Emma is so rude and kicked all the pillows off” Blaine says as his foot comes into contact with one.

“We can just use her as the pillow and share. She is already at the top of the bed” Kurt says with a small giggle.

Blaine doesn’t make a move towards the bed when he realizes what they are going to be sharing as a pillow let alone that they are sharing the bed for the weekend.

“Come on Blaine, I don’t bite” Kurt jokes as he grabs Blaine’s hand and drags him over. Blaine laughs and settles down and rests the back of his head on Emma’s stomach like Kurt for their pillow.

Both boys laugh and comment on the movie as it goes and of course sing along to all of the songs. Blaine has seen all these movies before the accident so it’s easy for him to make a picture of it in his head.

His nerves haven’t even come out yet and he thought they would with the position they are in but everything is just so easy with Kurt. A whole new world comes on and Kurt’s voice is a perfect match for Jasmines part. Blaine could listen to Kurt sing his whole life. It’s now or never.


“Yes” Kurt responds as he looks over towards Blaine.

“I… This is all new to me so bare with me… You’re amazing Kurt… You make me feel things that I didn’t think were possible to feel… You treat me like I’m normal… Like I am not some kid who can’t see…. Like I’m just me, just Blaine… I know I don’t deserve you… but I want this… I want you… I want you and me…. I know that you probably don’t want a guy who can barely walk without help bu-“

Blaine’s speech gets cut short when Kurt leans over and gently presses his lips to Blaine’s. The kiss is soft and gentle and Blaine gasps quietly when he feels the sensation of Kurt’s lips on his for the first time. It’s perfect and everything that it was imagined to be.

Before Blaine really starts to respond, Kurt is pulling away slightly and cups Blaine’s cheek with his hand.

“Kurt…” Blaine says with shock and pure happiness in his voice.

“I want everything with you, Blaine. You’re nothing less than perfect to me.”

Blaine’s eyes start to water from the beauty that is Kurt. He leans in and meets Kurt halfway until their lips connect. It’s even more amazing than it was the first time. Their mouths move together in a perfect rhythm as they fall deeper into one another’s embrace.

Neither notices the scene playing on the TV where Aladdin and Jasmine share in their first kiss on the balcony.


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What a sweet story! I love it! Your writing is really made me forget they are just fictional characters!! Thank you!! Looking forward to more!!

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the kind review and thank you for reading! :')

Yay, Kurt and Blaine are together. I can't wait to see what happens next.

I KNOW RIGHT? It seems like it took forever! More klaine cuteness is ahead and maybe some angst. Who knows ;)

"I want everything with you, Blaine. You're nothing less than perfect to me." that was just - perfect :)

Hehe thanks for reading! That's one of my favorite lines. So very caring Kurt :) <3