Nov. 3, 2012, 8:30 p.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 8:30 p.m.
I think that's what has Kurt taken back the most. Blaine isn't just one of his girl friends. Blaine is an actual guy. Kurt is so used to people at school pushing him around and spitting hate for being who he is, for the way he looks and dresses.
That's what makes Blaine so special; he has the ability to judge a person primarily on their personality and actions... Not on their looks... Even though Kurt wishes more than anything that Blaine could see what he looks like.
Kurt ducks his head and smiles, "Deal".
Blaine's face turns into a beaming smile. That simple action makes Kurt's stomach do flips. Let's just say not only was he excited to tell Blaine everything... Well, maybe he can stay clear from some of the school stuff... But he was also excited to learn more about Blaine Anderson.
When they reach their table, Emma goes under it, lying in the space between the two boy's feet. She wasn't going to move from that spot, not when both boys were rubbing each of her sides with their feet.
"Well, what would you like to know?" Kurt says to him with a smile on his face. Blaine takes a sip of his coffee before responding.
"Anything.. Everything" He says. He can feel the heat of his blush creeping up his neck. 'Ok, Blaine... Calm down.. You can do this. You don't even know if Kurt is gay... It's not like this is a date or anything'.. Although he really hopes it can be someday..
"Give me a little help here, Blaine" Kurt says with a laugh and a mocking tone to his voice. 'Please, just don't ask me about school' he thinks to himself, subconsciously rolling his right shoulder where it recently had been slammed into a locker.
"Your dad said to me that we are about the same age. What's your school like?" Blaine asks.
Damn.. "Umm... My school is fine.. J-just your average high school I guess." Kurt says, the discomfort clear in his voice.
Blaine picks up on that instantly of course. "Kurt... Why do I feel like this is a sore topic for you?" he says, the concern and care clear in his voice.
"I'm not the most favored kid at McKinley.. Let's just say that" He says with a breath he didn't realize he was holding.
"That doesn't make any sense.. I've only just recently met you but you seem like such an amazing person" He says with a kind tone.
Kurt let's out a small laugh, "They don't accept who I am.. Most of them choose to show me how much they don't accept me by shoving me against the lockers almost everyday."
Blaine's face reflects the pain that Kurt feels everyday but the confusion of why this happens still there as well.
"I'm gay, Blaine... I am the only out gay kid at my school... I feel alone at school, I feel alone in this whole state of Ohio" Kurt finally says, to get that little detail out of the way. Kurt looks to see the reaction Blaine has. The typical disgust and hate that others get when they find out, but instead, there is a small smile on his face.... That's a new one..
"You're not alone, Kurt" Blaine responds with a shy smile. Kurt grips his coffee a little tighter in his hand... Oh my gosh...
"So you're-"
"Yes, I'm gay." Blaine says with a light chuckle. Kurt lets an embarrassingly huge smile spread across his face. Thank goodness Blaine can't see him.
"Oh, yes!.... Oh no, I didn't mean it like 'Oh yes!', I meant it like yes, I knew I wasn't the only one. I-"
"Kurt! Calm down I knew what you were trying to get at." Blaine says cutting him off from his rather long ramble.
Kurt's face turns as red as a tomato and he ducks his head in embarrassment.
"What's your school like?" Kurt says, changing the subject.
"My school is amazing... I go to Dalton Academy." Blaine says.
"That's the private school in Westerville, right? I heard they have zero tolerance for bullying." Kurt says with excitement clear in his voice.
"That's the one" Blaine says. They both stay silent for a minute, drinking their coffees.
"Do people know about what these kids do to you?" Blaine asks. Kurt shuffles his coffee around from hand to hand, not really wanting to tell Blaine the answer.
"They just walk by without so much as a second glance" He says. Blaine ducks his head shaking it from side to side slightly.
"I'm so sorr-" he says before Kurt cuts him off. "It's fine, Blaine. I'm used to it." There is no need to get upset, he thinks. You're sitting here with a boy who has been through a hell of a lot more than you have... Kurt wonders exactly what that something is.
"Well you don't have to be" Blaine says with sadness... "You can ask me about it, you know"
Kurt sits back in his chair, a little shocked by the comment. His heart beats a little faster because Blaine feels comfortable enough to tell him about something that is so personal.
"How did it happen?" Kurt asks voice barely above a whisper.
"I didn't always go to Dalton... I transferred after the incident... My old school was having a Sadie Hawkins dance and I asked one of my friends to go with me... He was also the other openly out gay kid at my school.. We were walking home and these guys came out of nowhere and beat the living crap out of us.." Blaine shifts slightly before he continues.
"I got pushed down and landed a hard kick to the back of the head... Next thing I know, I'm waking up to the sounds of hospital machines but it's all black.."
Kurt wipes away the few tears that have formed in his eyes and reaches his hand across the table to grab Blaine's. Blaine tenses slightly at the action but then relaxes under Kurt's touch.
"Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me that" Kurt says.
"Thank you for listening" Blaine responds with a laugh. Kurt doesn't realize that his thumb has been stroking the back of Blaine's hand for a bit. He pulls his hand back suddenly embarrassed.
"Why don't we talk about something a little more uplifting" Kurt says in a rush.
Blaine blushes and says "Sounds good to me, but I think I might need another coffee". Kurt laughs and tells Blaine he is going to get it this time.
The two spend the next few hours talking about... Well... Everything. Their likes and dislikes, music, movies, hobbies.
"I had an amazing time with you, Kurt" Blaine says with a smile as they leave the shop, Emma by his side and leading the way. Kurt smiles at him before speaking.
"I did too. Can we maybe do this again...? Soon?" He asks with hope.
"Hear let me give you my cell phone number"
Kurt puts the number in his phone under Blaine. "Can I see your phone? I am going to put my number in for you" Kurt says back.
"It might confuse you, it’s mostly voice operated so that I can work it and not have to see it too."
Kurt manages to get his number into the phone with only a little help from Blaine.
"So... soon?" Kurt repeats. Blaine smiles at him and says "Soon" before his ride pulls in and Emma leads him over to the car.
Kurt gets into his car and heads home; he just pulls into his driveway when his phone goes off.
Text from Blaine: Would you like to go for a walk with Emma and me Tuesday after school? We can meet you at your house :)
Text to Blaine: Absolutely. :)
Kurt puts his phone away and smiles as he walks into his house and then groans when he remembers that it's only Sunday.
Aww, Kurt and Blaine are so cute together. It is good that Kurt realizes that he is not the only openly gay person in Ohio and that he has someone that can relate to him. I look forward to seeing how the relationship will progress.
Aren't they? I just love their relationship! I am so glad you like the story and thank you for the kind reviews! :)