The Bond We Share
The Start of Something New Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Bond We Share: The Start of Something New

E - Words: 1,959 - Last Updated: Nov 03, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Aug 14, 2012 - Updated: Nov 03, 2012
700 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! :)


Kurt!! Bring Emma inside! They’re going to be here soon!" Burt yells to Kurt, who is playing fetch with Emma in the back yard.
"Dad, can I just have a few more minutes.. Please.." Kurt says back, trying to hide how sad he is. Burt knows that look all too well to not notice it.
"Ok" Burt says back, a small sad smile on his face.

Today is the day... The one that Kurt has been dreading.. Emma is about to leave and it takes everything he has to not break down right then and there in the backyard.

Kurt ventures over to the hammock and lays down, watching Emma play fetch with herself.

 He lets his eyes fall shut and tries not to fall asleep, let’s just say it was a rough night of no sleep…

Everything is running through his head. How is Emma going to manage without him? Who is this person that's taking his best friend away? For the love of wicked, they better have at least one fashionable bone in their body. That's the worst part... He knows absolutely nothing about this person... Not even their name. All he knows is that whoever they are, they live only a couple hours away.

Meanwhile, inside, the doorbell rings. Burt thinks about calling Kurt to bring in Emma but then puts that idea aside. The least he can do is give Kurt as much time with Emma as he can.
He opens the door, surprised to see a young boy, definitely Kurt's age, wearing dark glasses and his two parents.
"Well, hello there!" He says in an upbeat voice.

The older woman responds first, a bright smile on her face "Hi! My name is Laura Anderson. This is my husband Chris, and this is-"
"Blaine Anderson. It's a pleasure to meet you sir" Blaine says with a polite smile and a nod, cutting his mother off. He is more than capable of introducing himself.

"It's great to meet all of you, my Name is Burt Hummel, please come in" He says while moving from the door.

Burt Hummel? That's strange; Blaine thinks. I could have sworn the name of the trainer was Kurt. He puts that thought aside and follows his parents into the house, holding his mothers arm for support. 

Blaine doesn’t really like to rely on others but he knows that some things are just impossible for him to accomplish.

"So are you the man to thank for training our new little member of the family?" Laura says to Burt, a smile stretched across her face.
"Ahh, nope, not me. I could never have put in the countless hours; I would miss too many football games." Burt says with a laugh. Chris Anderson now for the first time speaks; his voice is stern sounding... Judgmental almost? "Well if not you, then who?"

Burt looks at him curiously and then turns to look out the window. He notices that both Kurt and Emma are now lying in the hammock.

"My son is the one to thank, his name is Kurt. He was always begging me for a puppy. A friend of ours told us about the institution and well, how could I say no? The only hard part was convincing Kurt to not bedazzle Emma’s leash” He says with a laugh.

“He looks to be about the same age as you Blaine." Burt says with a smile.

Ahh, that makes so much more sense Blaine thinks to himself. He doesn't know why, but a small smile crosses his face.

Burt continues and says "He and Emma are outside in the backyard. Kurt was getting in a few tosses of fetch with her before you came."

"Well we would love to go out and-" Laura starts to say before Blaine cuts in.
"Mom, is it ok if I go out, you know, without you?" He says to her with a pleading look. Laura looks at him and smiles.
"Sure, Hun."

Burt watches as Laura walks Blaine to the back door and tells him roughly how many footsteps it is before he reaches the hammock where Kurt is.

Blaine smiles and thanks his mom before entering the back yard. He counts the exact number of footsteps his mom had told him.
Emma notices Blaine coming and perks her head up.

"What is it, girl?" Kurt says, his voice muffled by his slight nap, eyes still closed.
Kurt goes to reach for her but Emma is up and off the hammock so quick and with a force, that it causes Kurt to flip over in the hammock and land on his stomach with a loud thud.

"Ugh... Emma, gosh, was that really necessary? This whole knocking me down thing really needs to stop" Kurt says, still not noticing Blaine standing there, petting a very excited Emma.

Wow.. That might have been the most stunning voice Blaine has ever heard. It was higher in pitch for a boy, he wouldn’t consider it feminine..Just, unique, exquisite and... Wonderful. He tries to imagine a face to match that perfect voice.

"Well, I'm pretty sure if she could talk to you she would be apologizing, or drooling all over you. Maybe a little of both?" Blaine says while trying to hold in his laughter.

Kurt looks up finally and scrambles to his feet. He takes in the boy who just spoke... He was beautiful.. More than beautiful... Is that possible?

His hair was dark black and contained an enormous amount of hair gel, but it was adorable on him. He was wearing a nice pair of red pants that rolled at his ankles and hugged in ALL the right places, a sleek black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. He also noticed the black sunglasses... Oh... This must be Emma's new owner and was that a bowtie? Oh yes, yes it was.

Kurt was pulled out of his thoughts when the beautiful boy spoke again.
"Uhh, you there?" He asks with a laugh.

Kurt brushes the grass and dirt off his pants and straightens his hair... Why was he doing that?
"Y..Yea, I'm here" He says in a breathy laugh.

"My names, Blaine." He says reaching his hand out.
"Kurt" he says while grasping the hand and shaking it.

"Gosh, looks like love at first sight." Kurt says while noticing Emma. She is sitting on Blaine's right side, as close as she can to him. It's like she just knows... Like she is drawn there.

Blaine laughs, "It's just my dapper and charming appearance." he says and reaches down to find Emma he searches in the air for a bit until he finds her and rubs her ears.

"Hey there, girl" He says with a smile.
"What does she look like?" He asks with excitement in his voice.

Kurt smiles, Blaine looks like an excited 5 year old on Christmas.
"Well, she is a white lab but she has one spot of black fur at the base of her tail on the left." Blaine laughs at that.
"She comes up to about your thigh, height wise. She has a dark brown nose and big black eyes. She has a fit body, not too skinny and not too pudgy." Kurt ends with a laugh.

Blaine looks at the direction of the voice. He hopes that he is looking at the boys face and not somewhere else, that would become awkward. He was kind of shocked, Kurt just described Emma with detail that it gave Blaine a perfect picture of her in his head. Most people would just say she looks like a lab... But not Kurt.

Blaine smiles and says "She sounds beautiful."
"Yea, she really is. Not just in her looks, but her personality too." Kurt says with a little sadness in his voice. His eyes start to water and he lets out a sniffle.

"Kurt, are you-"
"Would you like to play fetch with her? It's her favorite game." He says, cutting Blaine off. He knew what he was going to ask, he just couldn't answer without letting out all his emotions.

Blaine let's it slide..... For now.
"I would be honored to." He says with a smile.

“Hold on a sec, I am going to grab her ball.” Kurt says.

 Kurt leaves for a minute to find Emma’s pink tennis ball. He walks back over and grabs Blaine's hand and puts the ball on his upward facing palm. He doesn't realize that he lets his hand rest on Blaine’s for a minute too long before Emma barks.

They both pull back, a little startled and a slight blush on both their cheeks.
"Ok, just turn to the right and throw it. That way you won't break a window." Kurt says with a laugh
"Thanks for the heads up.. That would have put a damper on the day." He responds with a large smile.

They stay out in the yard playing fetch with Emma for a few minutes,  Kurt telling Blaine if she catches it in her mouth or not. They feel comfortable around each other... Like they have been doing this for as long as they can remember.

"Blaine! It's time to head out, Hun!" Blaine's mother yells from the back patio.
"Ok, Mom!" He says in response. He goes to say something to Kurt but stops when he hears sniffling and Kurt beginning to talk.

"Alright, girl. We've had our little dance here. You're going on to a new, bigger adventure now with Blaine. You're going to be ok. Blaine... is.. he is very special. You will both take care of each other, I know you will. I love you so much, Emma. And I am going to miss you... More than you will know." Kurt can't help it now... Full on tears are coming down his cheeks.

"Kurt?" Blaine says slowly. "I am not going to keep you from her." He says with a genuine smile on his face.
Kurt looks up at him, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand. "Really?"

"Of course... Kurt, I would never make you say goodbye to her." He says

Before Kurt realizes what he's doing; he's up on his feet and wrapping his arms around Blaine, hugging him tightly.
Blaine is frozen for a second but automatically brings his arms around Kurt's waist to return the hug.

Kurt pulls away suddenly and looks at Blaine, a slight blush creeping up his neck.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn’t even warn you." He says with embarrassment. Blaine laughs.
"It's ok... I didn't mind” a blush appearing on his face after he says it.

They stand there for a few seconds, Kurt starts to ask Blaine something and then..

"Would you like to get coffee? Tomorrow? Uhh… With me?"... Smooth Blaine, he thinks to himself.
"I would love to!" Kurt says with a little too much excitement in his voice.

"Great!! Uhh I mean, that’s great, how does 3ish at the Lima Bean sound?"
"Sounds perfect.. We should probably get inside." Kurt says with a shy smile.

Blaine reaches his hand out and with a blush says "Do you mind? I.. "
Kurt looks at him and then back down to his hand and cuts him off from explaining, "Not at all"

They head back into the house, hand and hand with Emma in between.
Both looking forward to getting to know each other a little more tomorrow.


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