The Bond We Share
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The Bond We Share: Memories

E - Words: 1,049 - Last Updated: Nov 03, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Aug 14, 2012 - Updated: Nov 03, 2012
663 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: My chapters will be getting longer, I swear :X


*~ Welcome to the Sadie Hawkins dance! Have fun! ~*

Blaine Anderson smiles to himself while passing the sign on his way out of the dance. He turns his head to look at the boy he had just spent the evening with, the smile still on his face.

"Well, is it safe to say that you enjoyed yourself tonight?" Eric says with a breathy laugh. Blaine responds with a beaming smile and an excited nod.

"I had a wonderful time tonight! And may I say that you have quite the dancing skills!" Blaine says while nudging Eric with his elbow.

Eric lets out a rumble of laughter and says "Oh yea right! Were you and I at the same dance tonight? I am pretty sure my best dance move was the robot, and that robot needed an oil change!"

Blaine laughs and says "Oh come on! You don't give yourself enough credit!”

Eric looks at him with a small smile and says "Thank you, Blaine. Not just for the compliment on my awkward dance moves but for the whole night. I really had a great time."

"I did too. Thank you for accompanying me tonight." Blaine says with a genuine smile and a mock bow. Eric rolls his eyes and smiles at Blaine. They link arms as they walk down the sidewalk on their way home, talking more about the night they just had. Everything was perfect..... Well.... Almost...

"Well look at what we have here boys! Looks like a couple fairies seem to have forgotten their places!" A rough voice says from behind the boys.

 Eric and Blaine turn to look at the source of the comment.

When they turn, they see a group of four guys in dark sweatshirts with the hoods pulled up over their heads.

"Listen fellas, we don't want any trouble" Blaine says with his hands raised and palms forward in a surrendering gesture.

"Hmm.. Apparently you do. You brought the trouble by you and your little boyfriend here flaunting around your little homo disease!" one of the other hooded members says.

"I think we need to teach a little lesson. What do ya say boys?"

Blaine starts to say something.. Anything, that will ease the figures starting to crowd around him and Eric, but it's too late.

Before he can even move to get away, Blaine is being shoved to the ground so roughly that it makes his head spin.

Blaine tries to stand up to get to Eric but is sent back to the ground by a hard kick to his side. Blaine cradles the injury and slowly crawls away... The last thing he hears is a scream, dripping with pain, before a hard kick to the head sends his world to black............ Forever........


Blaine startles awake and lands in a sitting position in his bed, breathing heavy and drenched in sweat. He feels around, running his hands up and down his comforter, feeling the familiar and safe material, just to make sure that it really was all a dream.

He reaches over to the left and fumbles around with various objects on his nightstand before finding his clock. He presses a button and the clock reads out 2:30 AM in a computerized voice. Blaine lets out a small disappointed sigh and lies back down in his bed.

It's been a while since Blaine has had that one certain nightmare. But whenever it happens, Blaine can't seem to fight the sickening feeling of complete and utter helplessness inside.

Blaine lets his thoughts of his upcoming day take him away from his nightmare. He attends Dalton Academy for boys in Ohio.

Blaine absolutely loves the school he attends. He has the most amazing and understanding teachers and an unbelievable group of friends..... But....Things are still pretty inconvenient for him...

It's been awhile since the accident and don't get Blaine wrong, he has become pretty adapted to his world being completely black. He has come to have a daily routine that everyone in his life seems to have taken on as well. His parents and friends are helpful.. Sometimes a little too helpful, but he knows they mean well.

Blaine currently uses a typical cane that most blind people own to maneuver throughout his daily life. It helps... For the most part.... Unless of course you're in a crowded hallway and you may or may not have hit a few shins in the process of going to class..

Blaine has always wanted a Seeing Eye Dog after the accident happened, not only for the better travel ability, but also for the company... A friend who will be with him, every step of the way in this crazy little adventure of his... And if this friend so happens to be a personal foot heater at the end of his bed then, well, isn't that just icing on the cake.

Tomorrow is one of the most exciting days for Blaine since the accident. A family in Lima, which is only a few hours away from where he lives, has been raising and training a Seeing Eye Dog and she just passed her certification test. She has also been assigned to be his new pair of eyes.

Blaine lets himself smile as he thinks more about his future partner in crime. He reaches over to his bed side table and opens the drawer. He pulls out a letter that he received personally from the institute the family runs through. The letter is written in Braille.. A nice touch, seeing as that was one of the first things he had to get used to and learn.

Blaine skims his fingers over the letter before reaching the end sentence that tells the name of the trainer and the dog...
Kurt Hummel and Emma.

Blaine puts the letter back into the drawer and lays back down, putting his arms up and behind his head. Blaine drifts off to sleep only a short time after resting his head on his pillow. Who cares about that nightmare? Nothing is going to bring him down, not with the amazing and life changing day he is about to stumble upon...


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