July Fourth! Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Chicago: July Fourth!

T - Words: 1,141 - Last Updated: Mar 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Jul 05, 2012 - Updated: Mar 27, 2013
731 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Here is the next chapter! Yay! Okay, Enjoy!

It had been a few weeks since Blaine had moved in with Kurt. And even though Blaine said he was doing fine after the break up, Kurt knew he was lying. Kurt heard him cry himself to sleep every night and could see that his smile never reached his eyes like it used to.

It reminded Kurt of the time before he and Blaine dated. Blaine was head over heels in love with one Sebastian Smythe. Sebastian wasn't the nicest of people, but Blaine couldn't get enough of him. They were always together, studying, watching TV, and making out. That was one thing Kurt wished he never walked in on. 

After three months of dating Blaine told Sebastian he loved him, and surprisingly Sebastian said it back. Blaine was floating on cloud nine. But not everything can be a fairy-tale. 

One day Sebastian just ended things between them. He didn't explain why or anything, he just left Blaine on the side of the road. The next week he had a new boy toy on his arm.
Blaine wouldn't get out of bed for days, and he was always crying. He looked like a lost puppy. It took Kurt and Wes two weeks of constant nagging to finally get Blaine to get out of his dorm room. They all went to Scandals and had a really great time. Even Blaine. He seemed to forget why he was sad. 
After that night Blaine was back to his normal happy self. Kurt knew what Blaine needed now, to just let loose and have fun. July fourth was just a few days away, and he had the perfect idea.

"Blaine! Don't make any plans for the fourth we already have something!" Kurt yelled from the kitchen. Blaine came out of his room with just a pair of sweats in again. It had been happening a lot lately. Kurt's breath hitched and he immediately turned down to his coffee. Thank god Blaine didn't seem to notice. 

"'..hy.." He said as he shoved a piece of toast in his mouth. Kurt rolled his eyes. 

"First off, talking with your mouth full not attractive at all. Second, we have something planned." 

"We?" Blaine said raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, WE are going to a party."


Kurt smiled up at him then back down to the newspaper he was reading. Yep, this party would get Blaine out of his funk.

Kurt decided not to go with the usual colors for July fourth. He always thought they were tacky so he went with grey skinny jeans and a white v-neck, covered by a teal vest. Teal was different than blue Kurt thought. "Blaine! Come on!" 
Blaine however decided to go with every tacky color in the book. He was wearing blue shorts, a red polo and a white vest, matched with red, white and blue beads around his neck. Kurt let out a little laugh.

"What? This is July fourth!! You have to dress up!" 

"Okay, whatever, are you ready?" 

"Yea, you look fantastic by the way." Kurt blushed at the compliment. It wasn't every day it happened to Kurt, so when it did it always made him a little happier.
"Thank you. You look fine in all your tackiness." Kurt said raking his eyes down Blaine's body. Blaine just laughed and then headed toward the door.

The ride to the party was mostly quiet except every so often when one of them would start humming to the song. Soon they arrived at the gravel parking lot to which Blaine gave Kurt a confused look.

"The party is in that field over by the lake over there." Kurt said pointing.
The party was already in full swing when the two arrived. It was decorated with balloons and streamers and and other patriotic things. Music was blasting all around them. Kurt could smell the burgers on the grill, which made him realize just how hungry he was.

"Wanna go get some food?" Blaine asked.

"Its like you read my mind." Kurt replied with a shy smile.

They went and loaded their plates then took a seat at a table right off the lake. The breeze was cool, but felt amazing in the warm night weather. They were joined by some of Kurt's friends who instantly hit it off with Blaine. They were all laughing and making jokes. 

Blaine seemed to really hit it off with Shane. They were flirting back and forth. And even though Kurt didn't have those feelings for Blaine anymore, he still felt a little jealous.

it was starting to get dark when everyone at the party moved toward the lake. The fireworks were going to be going off soon. A crack filled the air and everyone looked up. A big white circle filled the night sky. Soon there were fireworks going off every few seconds. It was beautiful.

When the show was over Kurt turned to find Shane and Blaine in a kissing position. Well that's awkward. Kurt left them going to get another drink, he was definitely going to need one. 

"Kurt!" He heard his name and turned to find Jacob running toward him. 


"So I see Shane found a new man." 

Kurt scrunched his face in displeasure. "It would seem so."

"Not to happy about it?" He asked.

"Could care less actually." 

"Okay." Jacob shot back in a sarcastic tone.

"Seriously! If they want to date or get it on or whatever they can, neither is my property."

"Ah but they both are your ex's." Before Kurt could say anything back Blaine came running up behind them. Shane was no where to be found which Kurt was thankful for.

"Ready?" Blaine practically yelled.

"Yep, lets go." Kurt said monotone. 

"Are you alright Kurt?" Blaine asked sounding concerned.

"Peachy." Before Blaine had time to ask more questions Kurt went over to the car, starting it, and then leaving.

The entire drive home Blaine was on his phone. Texting what Kurt assumed was Shane. Kurt shouldn't be surprised those two hit it off, they were both alike. Shane was attractive. He was tall, had dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. He likes football, and other sports. But he was also romantic and enjoyed cuddling. He also liked Disney, which was one thing Blaine LOVED. They were practically made for each other. 


"What?" Blaine said.

"Are you texting Shane?" Kurt asked again.

"Oh, yea, he is really great." Kurt just hummed in agreement as they pulled up to the apartment.

"You sure you're okay Kurt?" 

"Yes Blaine I'm fine. Goodnight."

"Uh night?" And with that Kurt fled to his room. He got ready and then laid down staring at his ceiling, when something clicked. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts.

To: Shane
Shane. We need to talk.

From: Shane
Kurtie :))

To: Shane
Don't call me that. You lost that privilege when you cheated on me. We need to talk so meet at the usual place tomorrow at

From: Shane
Alright Kurtie see you tomorrow ;)

Kurt rolled his eyes. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. 


End Notes: Dun DUN DUNNNNN!!! Whats gonna happen?! Oh Snap! I dont know, but jk because i DO know. Review and let me know your thoughts! Please and Thank you!


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I feel bad for Kurt...two of his ex's! I can't wait to see what happens, this is so good!