May 26, 2013, 8:43 a.m.
May 26, 2013, 8:43 a.m.
Blaine found himself waiting in line outside the movie theater with Sebastian standing next to him gabbing away about the latest Warbler shennanigans. They had decided to see the new release of Jurassic Park 3D, nothing romantic or really emotional. It felt nice just to be out again with someone, for Blaine at least. Out of nowhere Sebastian reached out and took Blaine's hand in his own. Blaine looked over at Sebastian who was now just watching Blaine. Surprising Blaine didn't pull away. This felt right. Not as good as with Kurt, of course. But still, right. He gave Sebastians hand a squeeze and they moved forward to pay for their popcorn and drinks, but as Blaine went to grab for his wallet Sebastian already had out his credit card. "Maybe next time, Killer. This is on me." Sebastian smirked down at him and squeezed Blaines hand as they headed into the theater. The previews had just started and the theater darkened as they got into their seats. Sebastian moved their intertwined hands over Blaine's lap, tracing patters gently over Blaine's thigh. Half of Blaine wanted to stop Sebastian, but another part of him wanted to keep doing that forever. It felt so wrong, but so right. I mean, he was single now, and hell if Sebastian wasn't cute at the least. So what was the harm. He felt all of his blood run south as Sebastians fingers gently brushed up against the now-growing bulge in his pants. Sebastian then took the sweater he was wearing and placed it over their laps and moved his fingers to unbutton Blaine's trousers. Blaine bit his lip in attempt to stop moaning from the release. "Seb.." Blaine whimpered out as Sebastian began palming Blaine's fully hard erection as he whispered into Blaine's ear. "It's okay Blaine..let me take care of you." He then contined to palm, massage, so many things with his hands, whatever he could do to Blaine's cock. Blaine knew he couldn't stop his moans anymore so he leaned into Sebastians ear and whispered. "Seb..bathroom now.."