Summer Nights
Chapter 1 Story
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Summer Nights: Chapter 1

T - Words: 2,016 - Last Updated: Jan 10, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Jan 10, 2015 - Updated: Jan 10, 2015
145 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

New chapter coming soon! Thanks for reading

"It wont be so bad, Kurt. There will be kids your age there working, so youll have someone to talk or mainly just complain to." Burt said as he grabbed his keys off of the kitchen counter. Kurt lazily walked down the stairs and groaned.


"You know I hate kids, Dad. Why did you get me THIS job? Why couldnt I be a barista at the Lima Bean?" Kurt said.


"Hey, kid. Its a summer job. Youll only have to go to this place for two months." With that, Burt walked out of the house and into his truck.


Kurt tried to wake himself up with coffee, but that didnt work. He absolutely DID NOT want to work at a daycare all summer. It was 6:30 am, and the daycare opened at 7:15. Even though he dreaded going, he didnt want to show up late. He got into his SUV and looked in the mirror to check his perfectly sculpted hair.


As he pulled into the parking lot, he saw multiple mothers unloading their children. It was upsetting for Kurt to see the sight. It reminded him of the little bit of memory he had of his mom. Kurt shook the feeling off and parked. He made it to the front door and sighed, "I totally could be asleep right now."


Kurt checked in with the owner of the place and made his way down the long hallway. He searched to find the room with ages five and up. He wouldnt be able to watch small babies and put himself at risk to get spit up on. He saw a room for teenagers and immediatly scrunched his nose up. "What the hell, why cant they stay home alone?" Kurt said under his breath.


When he found the room, he casually walked in, hoping that no one he knew was working with him. He walked in to find an unfamiliar face. He mentally cheered. This guy was really cute too. He had short curly hair and hazel eyes that could make you melt. He was short, but who cares? This man was GORGEOUS.


Kurt was quickly brought back into reality when the boy greeted him with one hand out to shake and the other holding a overgrown toddler.


"Hi! Im Blaine!" The man said. Kurt stared into his dreamy eyes. They could totally put him into a trance. And that name. Blaine was about the sexiest name Kurt could think of, besides Jared, maybe. Jared was always a name Kurt loved, and he would possibly name one of his adopted children that in the future. He realized he had been stalling and completely forgot that Blaine said anything.


"Oh, hi! Im Kurt." he said shyly. He shook the hand being held out infront of him. It was really soft and there he goes again with his thoughts. He realized he held on longer than neccesary and quickly pulled his hand back.


"So, youre here for the summer too, huh?" Blaine said as he set the younger boy down. Kurt nodded and looked around the room. "Is this the only kid right now?" Kurt said. He observed the brightly painted room hoping he didnt look too stupid.


"Ah, no. Theres a little girl hiding somewhere, " Blaine then leaned in, "I think shes scared of boys." Kurt laughed and turned back around.


He walked past Blaine and called, "Sweetheart? You can come out, Ill make sure the other boys leave you alone!"


He saw a plastic doll house move a couple of inches, so he moved it out of the way to find a beautiful ginger girl. She looked up at Kurt with a depressing frown on her face.


"Hi there! Why are you hiding?" Kurt said in a very high pitch tone.


"Well, I-I dont l-like the boy i-in the r-red shirt" She quietly said. Kurt smiled and turned his head to look at the little boy who was currently picking his nose.


"Boys stink, dont they?" Kurt said with a bright smile. The little girl nodded her head and the smallest smile showed on her face.


"Here. You and I can play dolls if youd like?" Kurt said reaching his hand out. The little girl hesitated at first, but then grabbed on to his hand.


Blaine stood behind them with a smirk on his face. "How come she doesnt like boys, but she will agree to play dolls with one?"


Kurt smiled, "Because I dont stink like the rest of the boys."


Blaines mouth dropped, "I do NOT stinkl!" He crossed his arms and pouted.


"Says you."


The girl laughed at Blaine and made faces at him.


"Hey, thats not very nice! And for the record, I dont stink so HA!"


Kurt laughed at the sight, but then saw the little boy looking a bit lonely.


"Hey, whats your name, buddy?" Kurt said as he bent down to be eye level with the boy. Blaine couldnt help but to look down at Kurts butt. He honestly didnt mean to, but it was just right there.


"Luke.." the boy said shyly. "Well Luke, have you met... Wait, whats your name?" Kurt asked the girl.


"My name is Gracey!" she said more enthusiastically.


"Well Luke, this is Gracey." Kurt introduced. Gracey smiled and grabbed Lukes hand and pulled him to the toys.


"I think I like him now!" Gracey said cheerfully. Well, that was a huge mood swing.


Gracey and Luke began to play together, so Kurt backed off. He walked back to where Blaine was, so maybe he could get a chance to talk to him.


"They are so cute." Blaine said as he watched the kids play.


"You like kids?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded and smiled.


"Why else would I be here?" He asked.


"I dont know. Im only working here so I can pay for gas and clothes and things of that nature." Kurt replied, leaning against the wall.


"Oh really? How old are you?" Blaine asked.


"Seventeen, you?"


"Right back at ya. What school do you go to?"


"William McKinley High. Its a horrible place." Kurt said, admiring Blaines smile.


"Oh. Well, I attend Dalton Academy in Westerville. I know what youre thinking, why on earth would I be in Lima if I go to a school two hours away? Well, I live here in Lima, but I absolutely hate public schools. I cant handle the bullying."


"Why would anyone bully you? You seem really great!"


Blaine laughed for a couple of seconds before his face turned down.


"Well... I mean.." Blaine stumbled on his words.


"You dont have to tell me. I was just curious" Kurt said polietly.


"Im gay." Blaine said bluntly. Both of the kids heads shot up into the air and looked at Blaine.


"What does gay mean?" Gracey asked so innocently that it killed Blaine.


"Oh, uh.. It means that youre happy!" Kurt said. Luke giggled, "No, it means a boy likes another boy!"


"Do you like him, mister?" Gracey asked Blaine. Both Kurt and Blaine looked at each other with their mouths open, completely speechless.


"Well, uh.. I like him as a friend. Hes a really cool guy!" Blaine said and Kurts stomach dropped with dissapointment.


"I like him as a friend too!" Gracey said with a wide smile. The kids contined with their playing and Kurt and Blaine went back to their conversation.


"So am I..." Kurt whispered.


Blaine smiled even though he already knew Kurt was gay. No straight man would be that fashionable or high pitched.


"I thought I was the only one..." Blaine said softly. Kurt looked down at his shoes and smiled.


"Apparently you were wrong." Kurt said as he looked back up at Blaine.


After lunch time, a few more kids Luke and Graceys age came in for the rest of the day, so Blaine and Kurt had a little more on their plate. Blaine really wanted to see Kurt outside of work, but he didnt have the time or guts to ask him. He felt like it was WAY too soon and that he could ask anytime this summer, so why today?


Blaine watched Kurt play with the kids for a straight hour. There is no way Kurt hates kids if hes having so much fun with them. Blaine thought Kurt was beautiful. Everything he did was so mouth watering. The though of him caused Blaine to become so distracted.


Both teenagers sat quietly on the couch in the tiny room. There were barely and space between them because of the size of the couch. Forchunetly for both of them, it was the only seat avaliable. Blaine felt really nervous around Kurt, but knew that there was probably no absolute chance between them.


"Hey... Blaine. Can I ask you something?" Kurt whispered to not wake the sleeping children during nap time.


"Yeah, of course." Blaine whispered back even quieter than Kurt.


"I know that this may be a little too soon, but I was wondering if youd like to hang out, maybe meet for coffee before work tomorrow?" Kurt said shyly.


Blaine raised his eyebrows and felt a jolt of excitment go through him. He honestly couldnt believe what he was hearing. Kurt was beautiful and so kind. Blaine only wishes he could ask him on a real date without it being too weird. He gulped and nodded.


"Yeah, sure. 7 oclock at the Lima Bean?" Blaine whispered with a huge smile painted on his face.


"Sounds great," Kurt said as his stomach filling with butterflies, "And Blaine? Thanks. I really never get to hang out with anybody. Especially with another gay man. Its really exciting to actually spend time with someone like me."


"Same here. I think spending time with you is awesome. I finally dont feel alone in this anymore. So.. Thank you.."


"So, can I get your number so I could text you sometime? Thats not too weird, is it?" Kurt asked quietly.


"Of course not. Here, lemme see your phone." Blaine said with his hand held out.


Kurt pulled his Iphone out of his pocket, unlocked it, and opened his contacts. He handed Blaine the phone and sucked in a bunch of air. Blaine put his number in and happily gave it back.


"Hey, its 2:30. My shift ends at 2:50. What about you?" Blaine asked.


"Same time I think." Kurt said as he stood up.


"Oh, cool! Would you maybe want to get lunch with me at Breadsticks, on me?" Blaine said as he stretched his short legs out.


"Ill have to check with my dad, but I doubt he minds. Sure, and please let me pay for myself. I dont want to take your money."


"Oh, come on. Im trying to be a polite gentlemen. Let me pay." Blaine argued.


"Ugh, fine. If you insist."


They woke the children up for the next workers to watch, then headed to Breadsticks. Kurt was nervous as hell. He had never gone on a date, or what ever this was. He just didnt want to screw this up. He liked Blaines personality and he seemed like a really great guy from what hes seen today.


Blaines fingers trembled as they gripped the stearing wheel. He had never met another gay guy. He thought that he was the only one in Lima and that he would never get to have a relationship until hes in college. That terrified him the most, too.


Kurt was the first to get to the resturant, so he waited for the dapper hazel eyed boy to arrive. He waited in his car and took a deep breath. His thoughts all mashed together and before he knew it, Blaine was tapping on his window, setting him free from them.


"Hey! I didnt know if you were here or not so I just waited out here." Kurt said as he opened his door.


"Its alright, I just pulled up a minute ago." Blaine said cheerfully.


Kurt slammed his door shut, and the boys made their way inside. Blaine kept glancing over at Kurt, loving that he has a new, GORGEOUS friend who also happens to be just like him.


"Kurt?" Blaine asked.




"Im really glad I met someone like me. Id be totally lost without someone with this certain problem to just be there with me as I try to make it through high school. So thanks for not ditching me or calling me names. I appreciate it." Blaine made it really clear to Kurt how much he wanted to hang out more.


He clearly likes him.


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