July 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
Kurt linked hands with Blaine as they entered the coffee shop. This was a new thing for them and it just felt so good. Hed wanted to hold hands, many times, but their complicated friendship truly hadnt given him permission to do it... until now. Of course, Kurt wished it wasnt quite in the circumstances that it was at the moment, but holding hands gave them both solidarity and strength... and boy, were they going to need it.
Kurt had returned from his shower to find Blaine sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes a little red rimmed. Blaine was still completely naked, not having even given a thought to getting dressed, so Kurt realised things couldnt be good. Apparently Blaines mom had decided to surprise both her boys this morning by arriving bright and early at Coopers door to take them both for breakfast, only to met with a bewildered Cooper who had a half dressed young lady hanging off his arm… and no Blaine.
To his credit, Cooper immediately guessed what Blaine was up to, having noticed a spark between his brother and Kurt, and had valiantly tried to get his mom to meet them at the coffee shop in an hour… giving him a chance to get hold of Blaine. But his mom was having none of it. Shed muscled her way in to Coopers apartment and planted herself firmly on the couch and that was where she was going to stay until everyone was ready to go. Coopers overnight guest had discreetly left, leaving Cooper to come clean about the fact that Blaine wasnt actually there and try and make the best of a bad situation.
Cooper and Mrs Anderson were already seated when they went inside the coffee shop… and Blaine was at least grateful that his dad was at a business meeting and wasnt there to cast any more disapproval over Blaine than he was already going to get from his mom. His mom had insisted that Kurt come along and meet her, so Blaine had a good idea how this was going to go.
"I cant tell you how angry I am about all this," was the greeting Blaine got as he and Kurt went over to join his mom and Cooper at the table. "Youre lucky were meeting in a public place because ideally, Id like to give you a piece of my mind…. and rest assured, if Id been this cross with you and it had been ten years ago, I wouldnt have hesitated to put you over my knee, no matter where we were." Blaines face flushed, listening to his mom, and he looked over at Cooper who just raised his eyebrows at Blaine with a bemused expression on his face.
Mrs Anderson may be a small lady, but what she lacked in size, she made up for in ferocity. "Just sit down… the pair of you… and Cooper," she turned to him, "you go and order Blaine and Kurt some breakfast while I talk to them a little more."
She then turned to Kurt who realised that his fingers were still intertwined with Blaines.. and he was glad of it. "Kurt," she stated, a little less angrily, "Im giving you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you didnt know what Blaine was up to.. you always seem like a nice young man whenever Ive spoken to you."
"It wasnt Kurts fault," Blaine interrupted, before Kurt was forced to either deny or confirm the situation. He didnt want Kurt getting in to any trouble over this. It had been all him, and he was happy to accept the blame.
"Dont. Interrupt. Me." Mrs Anderson hissed loudly, causing a few nearby customers to turn their heads. "I beginning to see your father is right. You need the discipline of an academic course for college … all this arty stuff is filling your head with bad behaviour.. and no son of ours is going to behave that way. Your father thinks Boston would be the best place for you to study and Im starting to agree with him. Ive tried to support you in your choices but youve thrown it all back in my face."
"Sorry," Blaine whispered feeling near to tears. Kurt squeezed his hand in silent reassurance which should have made him feel better, but somehow made him feel worse. Kurt would never want to date him now, not after hed had a public dressing down by his mother, who was treating him like a small child. Anyway, he had a feeling that his trips to New York were going to be coming to an end and if he was going to fulfil his dream of studying music and theatre here, he was going to have to start planning if it was going to be without the support of his parents. Either way, his dreams of him and Kurt being a couple were slipping away, bearing in mind that he still had a few more months of school to go yet.
Everything calmed down a bit after Cooper arrived back with coffee and pastries, his mom actually managing to hold down a civilised conversation with Kurt. Blaine couldnt help feeling a little happy though at his mothers balking when Cooper had to think hard for several minutes about what the name could be of the young lady hed had staying the night. Kurt bravely took the opportunity to give Blaine a comforting kiss on the cheek while his mom was preoccupied glaring daggers at Cooper.
Mrs Anderson took a moment to slip away to the bathroom and both the men tried to reassure an obviously upset Blaine. "Youre an idiot," Cooper offered helpfully. "You should leave the irresponsible behaviour to me. They expect it from me… but definitely not from you. But Im sure theyll come round… moms always had a soft spot for you. Its your big puppy eyes.."
Kurt chuckled. "I know all about those big puppy eyes… " He reached up to brush a few stray curls off of Blaines forehead. "Im sure your mom will come round… I mean your auditions are in a couple of weeks. Surely shell let you go to them. Im sure studying in Boston was just an empty threat to frighten you…. plus isnt it too late to apply anywhere else?"
Blaine shook his head as his mom began to make her way back across the shop. "Theyve already made me apply there as well.. I agreed for a quiet life, never intending to go. Once my dad gets to hear about everything…." Blaine tailed off as Mrs Anderson came and sat back down.
By some miracle and some sweet talking by Cooper, for which Blaine would thank him later, it was agreed that he could have a few hours back at Kurts to gather all his things together as he wouldnt be coming back to Kurts apartment any time in the near future. Mrs Anderson was going to visit a couple of stores and then as soon as his father was finished with his business they would all head back home together.
The atmosphere was a little melancholy as Blaine linked his fingers in Kurts while they walked slowly back to Kurts apartment. It had been a hell of a morning and after last night being just so special, it seemed even more of a let down. "Im so sorry Kurt.. about everything." Blaine turned his head to look at Kurt as they walked. "God knows what you must be thinking right now."
"I think youve done enough apologising for now, Blaine," Kurt smiled back at him. "Im sure weve all done stupid things…. although Im surprised youd even consider doing something to get on the wrong side of your mom…"
Blaine chuckled… even though nothing funny sprung to mind about the events of this morning. "You never really think youll get found out.. and if you think my moms fierce… well, you should meet my dad…"
Kurt nodded. He wasnt looking forward to meeting Blaines dad… even if that seemed like a remote possibility right now.
"Kurt?" Blaine asked, shaking Kurt from his thoughts. "I.. um.. want you to… um… will you make love to me…?" His face blushed prettily.
"Oh Blaine!" Kurt sighed after a moments hesitation. "I dont know if thats a good idea.. youre upset.. and youre minds all over the place at the moment. I want your first time to be special.. not when youre in the middle of some emotional turmoil."
"No," Blaine stated as they entered Kurts apartment building, "Ive never been more sure of anything in my life." he swallowed the big lump in his throat. "I want my first time to be with you, Kurt. Im not expecting you to stay here in New York and wait for me while I finish school… but I know that theres definitely something special between us… so please?"
"There definitely is something special between us," Kurt agreed as he opened the front door. "Its been a long time since Ive felt like I feel when Im with you Blaine…."
"Please.." Blaine whispered. "I dont know how things are going to turn out… and while Im definitely going to try and still come to New York and follow my dreams, if my parents wont support me… or I cant afford to support myself, I just dont know. I want us to share something special between us… something no one can ever take away.." Blaine hadnt realised he was crying until he felt tears running down his face.
"Okay.." Kurt said quietly, gently wiping away some of Blaines tears with his thumb. "Let me take care of you…."
Kurt led Blaine into the bedroom, fully aware that their time was limited, but he wanted to be sure they were both doing the right thing, for the right reasons. Sure, he was experienced sexually, but it had been a while since hed been in a relationship.. and not being one for hook ups and casual sex, he certainly didnt treat committing to someone that way, lightly. And then there was Blaine who definitely didnt have a lot of sexual experience… and deserved his first time to be special.
"Stop thinking so much.." Blaine said softly as he reached to undo the top two buttons on Kurts shirt, exposing milky white skin that he immediately wanted to place his mouth on. He really wanted this, and while he might not have experience, he wasnt about to let that hold him back. "I.. um.. Ive got some supplies in my bag. Ill just go and get them…" Blaine blushed as he moved away over to his bag. "Youve probably got some too… but I didnt want to assume."
Kurt smiled, undoing the rest of the buttons on his shirt. "Lets not put them to waste then…"
Blaine returned with condoms and lube, placing them on the pillow, a little unsure where the best place to put them was. Noticing that Kurt was now down to his snug black underwear, the worry went out of his head and he began to quickly remove his own clothes… blushing as he felt Kurts eyes on him. Kurt moved in close as soon as Blaine was down to his underwear as well, reverently running his hands over Blaines shoulders and down his back. "Youre gorgeous," Kurt sighed taking in Blaines compact toned body, admiring his beautiful olive skin.
Blaine moaned softly as Kurt kissed along his jawline, slipping his hands inside Blaines underwear to caress his ass cheeks. "Shall we lose these?" Kurt whispered, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of Blaines briefs, desperate to remove the offending item.
"Please Kurt," Blaine breathed, wrapping his arms around Kurts neck. "Yes please… and you too."
Blaines whole body was on fire.. and although he wanted to feel Kurt inside him, he also wanted another chance to taste and suck that beautiful cock that was standing to attention, dark against Kurts ethereal pale body. They lay tangled together on the bed, exchanging soft gentle kisses, the urgency slowly building, until Blaine pushed Kurt onto his back and purposely began licking and sucking his way down his body. An experimental suck to the tip of his cock and Kurt was crying out.. "Oh god Blaine… yes…"
Kurts fingers tangled in Blaines curls as he sunk down over Kurt, humming softly at the feel of Kurts hands in his hair. "Blaine…" Kurt gasped pulling on his hair, "Im not going to last if you carry on… You know if you still want to… do what you said…"
"You can say it.." Blaine smiled pulling off with a loud smack of his lips. "If I still want you to fuck me… and the answer is.. yes I do.."
Blaine was impatient. Not usually, but he was today. He wriggled and writhed as Kurt gently and carefully prepared him. "Im ready, Im ready. Please Kurt. Please."
"It shouldnt hurt if youre properly prepared," Kurt whispered, leaning down to pet Blaines lips, "And I really want this to be good for you." Blaine just groaned, his balls aching unbearably and well… if anyone touched his cock hed probably come on the spot. He said as much to Kurt, hoping the other man would realise how desperate he was… and while he appreciated that Kurt was taking extra good care of him he couldnt stop himself begging…. "Plee..ase fuck me.. plee..ase. Kurt now please.."
Kurt chuckled quietly as he (eventually) rolled on the condom that Blaine had unwrapped and had ready and waiting, and hed barely finished lubing his cock under Blaines wide staring eyes, before Blaine was climbing into his lap and sinking down over him. "Careful Blaine…." Kurt said pointlessly. Fully sheathed… they rocked together, moaning softly, their arms wrapped round each other as they got used to the feel.
"Please dont let this be the last time we do this…" Blaine sighed as he began cautiously moving up and down with a gentle rhythm. "This feels so good."
Kurt shook his head, kissing into the curve of Blaines neck. "Im not giving you up Blaine. I cant…"
It was all over too quickly….. Kurt grasped Blaines cock, moving his hand to the same rhythm as Blaines more frantic rise and fall. A few sharp twists of Kurts wrist and he was coming, pulsing around Kurt, who already desperate since Blaine first poked his magic little tongue out and licked over Kurts slit, was unable to hold on any longer.
There was a joint shower and then so little time before Blaine had to gather up his belongings and they were tearily pressing their lips together at Kurts front door. "Text me… all the time…" Kurt said through his tears.
Blaine nodded, pressing their lips together again. "I promise.."
Arriving at Coopers apartment, Cooper managed to make him feel worse by enveloping him in a big bear hug. Whilst he appreciated the silent gesture he was already struggling to hold it together. Luckily Mrs Anderson, back from her shopping trip, was busy bustling about as she impatiently waited for her husband to arrive with the car so they could head back home, and so didnt manage to notice Blaines obvious distress.
"Are you okay Blaine?" she did ask kindly as if nothing out the ordinary had happened that day, when they did eventually head out to the car. "Only you look as if youve hurt yourself… are you limping?"
Blaine couldnt bring himself to turn his reddened face round to look at Cooper as he heard him laugh heartily, just mumbling something to his mom which he hoped would keep her happy.
A few days back at home and Blaine couldnt work out if the news of his misdemeanour had spread to his father or not, but there were a few more mentions of Harvard and Boston at meal times which made him realise theyd obviously been discussing him one way or another. It was obvious that if he was going to go to New York, it was probably going to be without the support of his parents… and that was going to mean needing a scholarship.. and a job…. probably more than one job.
His mother had agreed that he could still go to his auditions in New York… currently NYADA and Tisch… fortunately both on the same day, or else he had a feeling he wouldnt have been able to attend both… and Blaine was exhausted as he tried to work hard enough to not only get offered place, but also a scholarship. He hoped at least his mom might give in and let him do what he wanted, even if his father refused, but he wouldnt count on it. Hed been surprised in the first place when shed been supportive of his wish to study music or theatre… but knowing his parents they were probably hoping it was just a faze and that he would come round in the end and suddenly decide that he wanted to study business.
After one stressful dinner at home where his father expressed his desire to see Blaine having a good career in one of the big banks and his mother hinted that it would be a good career to support a family when he met a nice girl and settled down, Blaine was almost ready to explode. How could anyone think that being gay was just a phase? Did his mother really think his sexual orientation was just a choice for him… especially considering shed now met Kurt and had even seen them holding hands… hed never truly felt so misunderstood.
With anger and frustration bubbling underneath the surface of his skin, Blaine headed up to his room to do his homework. He really wanted to flop on his bed and scream into his pillow, but he couldnt afford to fall behind with his school work… graduating with top marks was key to his future. He knocked off three essays in a row, completely focusing on the task in hand, knowing that he had his nightly phone call with Kurt to look forward to. Kurt had a dress rehearsal for the college production he was in, tonight, but hed promised to phone no matter how late.
Blaine was in his pyjamas watching reruns on netflix when his phone buzzed with Kurts call. "Hi, " He said softly into the phone. Hed had plenty of time to think over the conversation hed had with his parents over dinner while he was waiting for Kurt to call and after calming down from his initial rage, a sense of resignation had seeped over him. No matter how determined he was, he wasnt going to ever be able to make his own choices, was he?
"Hey. How are you?" Blaine immediately felt a wave of warmth wash over him as he heard Kurts voice..
"Fine. Great thanks… How did your rehearsal go?"
"Not too bad…" Kurt laughed lightly. "Actually disastrously… considering were opening in less than a week… but Im sure itll all come together.. it always does, just when you think theres no hope."
"I know youll be great…" Blaine smiled into the phone.
"S.o…." Kurt said carefully, "are you going to tell me whats wrong?"
"Huh?" Blaine said eloquently, after a moments pause.
"Has something happened?" Kurt sounded worried and that was the last thing Blaine wanted. "If you want to talk about it…"
"Its just the usual," said Blaine with a sigh, not wanting to go into details. "And I miss you…"
"Hmmm." Blaine could hear Kurt moving around on the other end of the line. "I miss you too…" he breathed. "Ive just got home… actually, just give me half an hour…"
"Give you half an hour? Blaine repeated, "Yeah sure…?" If Kurt hadnt been ready to talk yet, why did he call him in the first place? Blaine wondered to himself as he agreed to Kurts strange request.
"Ill phone you back…" Kurt explained, smiling to himself as he heard Blaines confusion. "Just… lose a few clothes Blaine and get the lube out ready…."
Blaine lay on his bed, propped up against the headboard, nervous with anticipation. Hed gone all out and stripped off down to his underwear… an impressive erection rather prominent in his snug black boxer briefs he noticed as he glanced down at himself… and that was before anything had even happened. He should have just gone downstairs and got himself a drink or something instead of getting ready for Kurt to call back as soon as Kurt had hung up… but he was new to this.. and now everytime he thought of the impending phone call his cock would show its appreciation, filling out his underwear a little more.
With just a few minutes to go, there was a sharp knock on his door. "Blaine." came his mothers voice through the door. When Blaine threw himself into full panic mode without answering, she repeated his name opening his door as she did so. He just managed to leap underneath the covers when his mom peered at him round the door. "Are you alright in here darling? I thought youd be doing your homework.." she commented, noticeably glancing at his bare chest as he sat in bed, thankfully his cover pulled up to his waist.
"Um.. oh… finished," Blaine managed, trying to sound nonchalant, "watching tv now."
She nodded, "Okay. Good. Im just letting you know that your father has clients over to dinner tomorrow evening and wed like you to be there. Its time you started to learn how to conduct yourself in company… so please wear a shirt and tie, and Id like you to be on your best behaviour…" Blaine knew what this was… hed had to meet plenty of his fathers business associates in the past and was perfectly aware of how to behave. As soon as his parents had given up any notion of Cooper following in his fathers footsteps theyd decided to focus their attention on Blaine instead, so yes, hed had plenty of experience with business dinners. This was just his parents flexing their muscles, their way of reminding him what was expected of him. The whole thing made him feel sick.
"Thanks for letting me know," Blaine said rather stiffly, wishing shed just go.
"Where are your pyjamas?" his mom asked as she started to turn to leave.
Blaine prayed Kurt wouldnt phone until his mom left the room, but unfortunately she didnt seem in a hurry to go. "I was hot… Ill put them on in a minute."
"Right. Sleep well then…" Blaines phone began to buzz, Kurts picture flashing up on the screen. Blaine grabbed the phone off the bedside table, lingering slightly, preferring to be alone when he took the call He hoped his mom hadnt noticed the lube sitting next to the phone, although Blaine had a feeling she was too busy trying to peer at his caller id.
"Tina," Blaine lied, nodding at the phone. "Were doing a project together at school."
Happy with the explanation his mom left the room with a smile, closing the door behind her. It seemed he was getting good at lying.
He accepted Kurts call. "Hi," he said breathily, knowing he needed to calm down a bit. Itd taken most of the evening from him to stop feeling angry with his parents and now, just one visit from his mother and he was annoyed all over again. He hopped up to lock his door. He certainly didnt want any more interruptions.
"So…o," Kurt drawled, his voice sounding gloriously gravelly and sexy, "Im all yours now."
"And Im all yours too," Blaine whispered climbing back on to the bed. He so needed this time with Kurt right now. His previous erection had gone the minute his mother started talking about business dinners and all he had to show for it was a small wet spot in his underwear. He shifted his underwear down round his thighs with one hand while he pressed his phone close to his ear with the other.
"What are you wearing?" Kurt asked. After a moments pause they both burst out laughing.
"That sounds like a bad porno…" Blaine giggled. He took a deep breath. "Sorry… um… just my underwear pulled half way down my thighs," Blaine glanced down at his cock which had regained its previous size with just a few words from Kurt. "And… the leather bracelet…" Blaine glanced at his wrist.. hed put the leather band straight back on as soon as hed got back home at the weekend and hadnt taken it off since.
He could hear Kurt breathing into the phone. "Hmmm," Kurt hummed, "gorgeous.. I wish I could see you."
"Um.. Kurt?" Blaine began, a small tease in his voice, "Can I touch myself please… only Im already hard for you… tell me what to do."
Kurt gave an audible groan, kneeling up on his bed and spreading his thighs wide as he sat back on his haunches. Hed had his own hand wrapped his cock as soon as the image had shot in his head of Blaine pulling down his underwear, too desperate to take them right off… and now the vision of Blaine wearing that damn bracelet... Kurt almost shocked himself… he certainly wasnt a prude when it came to sex, but the almost, carnal desire that seemed to running through his body, wasnt something he was familiar with. "Sweetheart… touch yourself for me.. wrap your beautiful hand round that gorgeous cock. Start off slow… so you can feel every sensation. Use some lube if you want to…" Kurt could hardly recognise the deepness of his own voice.
Blaine moaned unashamedly into the phone as his hand followed Kurts instruction. He wasnt about to stop for lube… he couldnt... he didnt need it after a couple of strokes anyway. "Kurt…. please…" Blaine had no idea what he was asking for, but he didnt care… and it seemed to turn Kurt on, quite a lot."
"Oh… youre such good boy for me… Blaine… I want.. I want.. you.. to fuck me over the desk. I want you to open me up… want to feel you inside me. Go faster now… Blaine… Im.. very… close…" Kurt was panting fiercely.
Blaine strengthened his grip, quickening his hand.. up.. down… up…down. He wished he could just go round to Kurts apartment right now and give him his desires. A few more strokes and Blaine was coming over his hand, Kurts name spilling from his lips over and over.
There was silence for a few moments as they both breathed heavily. "Wow," said Kurt eventually, "That was… that was really special.."
"We have to do that again.." Blaine sighed.
"Oh.. only… if youre thinking of right now…" Kurt tailed off as Blaine laughed softly in his ear.
"Next time I come to visit you I want to clear that desk off ready…"
Suddenly Blaine was shaken from his euphoria by yet another knock on his bedroom door. "Blaine." This time it was his father. "Whats going on in there? Is everything alright?" For the love of god!