Play Me Softly
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 4

E - Words: 3,964 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
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Eventually Blaine escaped to his bedroom, begging the excuse of homework. Hed had to promise to try to arrange dinner with Kurt next time his parents were in the city. Initially hed hoped they might forget (as they did with many things) by the time they next needed to come to New York, but unfortunately his mother had declared excitedly that they were due to come in soon for a business lunch for his father... and she would double check the date and let him know. Blaine could only see disaster looming, which ever way he tried to look at it.

He could just imagine it all now. Blaine would sit next to Kurt and would be too scared to even look at him just in case his parents would be able to read any of his feelings on his face. His mother would be shocked at meeting an openly gay young man and would cover it up with a string of embarrassing questions… most of which would probably have nothing to do with Blaines singing lessons.. and his father.. hed probably subject Kurt to his disapproving pursed lip face that had been directed at Blaine many times in the past. Kurt was a part of his life that he really didnt want his parents involved in.. somewhere he could escape to and have a small glimpse of the future that may be waiting for him.

Before Blaine knew what he was doing, he had Kurts contact up on his phone and was already pressing the call button. He had no idea what he was going to say, but he just needed to hear his voice. It was probably a pretty foolish thing to do with no plan of what he was going to say and usually Blaine had everything he said and did so in control… but thinking about Kurt just left his self control free falling. He really should have thought more about this before hed rashly decided to call, but it was too late now. He could hardly hang up without the whole thing being even weirder than it already was.

Blaine was almost relieved when Kurt didnt answer, having virtually talked himself out of making the call, when suddenly the ringing stopped.. making him jump out if his skin..

"Hello? Blaine?" Came Kurts soft distinctive voice.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, almost deciding to pretend hed misdialled. But he really couldnt lie. "Hi Kurt." Blaine wished his voice didnt sound quite so shaky. "Is it a bad time?"

There was some shuffling on the end of the line.. "Hold on a minute Blaine.." Kurt could be heard speaking to someone else in the background, but was back in no time. "Okay, Blaine.. Im all yours."

"I can call back later if.."

"No. Its fine. Ive just got out of my last class.. So its all good now." Kurt had obviously gone somewhere a bit quieter, Blaine could tell and he tried to picture the other man, maybe on a bench somewhere, long legs crossed as he pressed the phone to his ear.

"Its um.. just about the um... the music for Fridays lesson.."

"Right...." Kurt paused.  "Are you having problems with it? Only I find that hard to believe…."

Blaine couldnt lie. He wished he could. "Look Kurt.. I dont really know why I phoned.. Im sorry to have bothered you. Ill see you on Friday as usual…  when I promise I wont be behaving quite so weirdly..." 

"Blaine." Kurts voice was firm and clear. "Just a minute.. please…  Do you want to tell me whats wrong sweetheart? Im here for you if you do.."

Blaines emotions were in turmoil and now hearing Kurts safe, familiar voice and along with the term of endearment hed just used.. it almost made him feel like crying. That wasnt really an option though, there was no way he was going to cry in front of Kurt. "Really Kurt.. Its silly… and I dont… Look I just had a talk with my mom.. and.. oh god this is embarrassing, but I just wanted to hear your voice.." Blaine virtually whispered the last part, completely sure that Kurt must have absolutely no idea what on earth was going on with him at the moment. 

There was a small pause. "I know we havent known each other that long, but I like to think that were friends Blaine."

"We are. We definitely are.."

"Good. Well.. I want you to know you can call me anytime.. for anything. It doesnt have to be for anything to do with your lesson… or for any particular reason… if you just want to talk.."

"Thank you Kurt.. it means a lot to hear you say that. My school friends are great.. but they really dont understand everything thats going on with me.." 

"Do you want to tell me what happened with your mom… or we can talk about it on Friday?" Kurt offered… "or not at all…"

"Um…" Why didnt his mom just leave him to live his own life? Why couldnt he just stand up to her and say he didnt want them to come and take Kurt out for dinner? Kurt was New York… his escape, his future..

"Blaine…" Kurt cleared his throat, "if it helps.. I speak to my dad nearly every day and whilst we have a different sort of relationship than when I lived at home.. I still get upset if he pulls me up on something Ive done or said… so dont be thinking that Id think its immature to be frustrated by something thats happened with your parents. You and I get on really well, and Ive had far more interesting and intelligent conversations with you than Ive ever had with most of my peers…. so… I want to tell you that age doesnt matter.. what school year youre in doesnt matter.. certainly not to me."

"If everything else fails, you should take up mind reading… only you seem pretty good at it…" Blaine smiled into the phone. "You just really seem to understand me.."

Kurt laughed. "Oh I think were a lot more similar than you realise.. Im really not that clever.  Im sure that well remain friends when you do come here for college.."

"Hmm.. you might change your mind when you find out youre coming out for dinner with us next time my parents are visiting the city, or at least thats my moms plan."

Blaine felt nervous as Kurt was silent for a moment. "Hmm… youre not worrying on my behalf are you? Only I assure you I can more than handle myself.. and whatever happens.. it wont affect our relationship.. I can promise you that.."

Blaines stomach flipped when Kurt talked about their relationship. Kurt was only talking about friendship he knew.. but even just the fact that he talked about it like their friendship was special had his heart beating a little bit faster. One day, without the constraints of home and parents, he was going to take Kurt out on a date. Definitely… if he wasnt too late.. and Kurt was still single… Maybe all this bravado would fail him when he was face to face with the other man, but it was a nice thought.


Things had taken a dramatic turn after Blaine had spoken to Kurt earlier in the week.. And as he knocked on Kurts door for his usual Friday lesson he couldnt help the broad grin which appeared on his face, despite the flutterings of uncertainty and excitement which had taken him over. 

His mother had announced a couple of days ago that Cooper was going to be away for the weekend.. A last minute job.. So shed called Kurt to cancel this weeks lesson... Or at least see if Kurt could see him back on the train home so he could be met the other end. Blaine managed to swallow down his slight annoyance at his mother, treating him like a child, when he found out that somehow Kurt had risen to the occasion, inviting Blaine to stay overnight  at his apartment. 

They were going to go to the diner so that he could know what to expect when he performed there in a week or two and so Blaine, armed with his new jeans and one of his new shirts, chosen by Kurt of course and the best thing he had for a night out, arrived full of anticipation. 

Kurt was as bright and breezy as ever when he opened the door. "Hey. Come in Sweetheart," he offered giving Blaine a kiss on the cheek. "Thought I wasnt going to see you this week at one point, so Im really glad we sorted things out..."

"Thank you so much for that Kurt...," Blaine smiled, "Im absolutely sure I could have stayed at Coopers on my own. But my mom... She forgets that in a few short months Ill probably be here in New York, fending for myself. I really am quite capable."

Kurt shook his head, "Dont worry, my dad would have been just the same. Still is sometimes, even now. I think thats the job of a parent.. To worry about their children." 

Blaine laughed. "Its just embarrassing."

"Dont worry," Kurt smiled, "Ive been there." He headed off to the kitchen. "Just leave your stuff in my bedroom for later.. And Ill put some coffee on."

"Oh." Blaine hesitated. "It is still okay for me to stay isnt it..? Only I thought my mom said Rachel wasnt going to be around this weekend.. I mean if thats changed.." Blaine fiddled nervously with the strap of his bag.

Kurt was back by his side immediately, his cheeks a little pink, "I um.. I should have mentioned... I just thought your mom might not agree otherwise... But I have a huge bed or I can take the couch... I mean Id no way advocate lying as such.. Im probably setting a terrible example."

"No Kurt, no... Its fine," Blaine grabbed Kurts hand without really thinking, squeezing gently. "Youve already done so much for me Kurt.. I dont want to be a lot of trouble... Thats all."

"Ok..ay," Kurt breathed, "lets just have this conversation once.. I really would like us to be friends Blaine... Just as if wed met at the coffee shop or the library or anywhere really. I think we get on really well.. I wish Id had a friend like you in high school. It might have made my life a lot more enjoyable. If I offer to do something for you itll be because I want to.. Because, trust me, no one can make Kurt Hummel do something that he doesnt want to. So..."

Blaines eyes shone brightly, unable to escape the huge smile which overtook his face. He glanced down at his hand still holding Kurts. "Okay.. Thank you.. Ill just put my bag in your room then.." He pulled Kurt into a hug before finding his way to Kurts bedroom to put his bag down.

Hed never been in Kurts room before, but it hadnt escaped his notice where it was. It was like the forbidden fruit and yet now, in a few short hours hed be sleeping in there, sharing a bed with Kurt.. And his mind nearly went numb with the thought.

He put his bag on the floor, unsure which side of the bed Kurt preferred to sleep on, glancing around the room to see if he could tell just by looking. He got a bit caught up as he stared at Kurts pinboard packed full of photos and memorabilia, mesmerised by several of Kurt with his high school friends, probably his glee club friends Blaine deduced, judging by the looks of the room the photos were taken in. He was a gorgeous individual, even back in his school days, but that was nothing compared to the stunning man he was now. Blaine ran a finger reverently over another photo of Kurt taken around the same time by the looks of it, this time with an older man in a checked shirt, probably his father.

"Coffees on." Blaine hastily jumped away from the pinboard, spinning round to see Kurt smirking at him as he leant on the door frame of the bedroom, watching him. He wondered how long Kurt had been there.

"Uh… oh sorry.." Blaine blushed at being caught, but he felt an overwhelming need  to know absolutely everything there was to know about Kurt.. and every little snippet of information or picture of his past was like nectar to his enquiring mind. "I wish Id known you in high school," Blaine said quietly, looking up at Kurt from beneath his thick eyelashes, "You looked adorable."

Kurt shook his head, coming into the room and standing behind Blaine as he stood in front of the collage of snapshots. "I wasnt in a good place then," Kurt said softly, his hot breath on Blaines neck tingled as he spoke. "Glee club was my salvation.. and I made friends there that Ive still got now, but the rest of school was pure torture. I survived it… but I dont think I was a very nice person in those days.. It forced me to be closed off.. I had to be just to survive. I counted off the days until I could come here to New York for college.. and really start living the life I want to live." 

"Hmm," Blaine hummed. "Its obviously lived up to expectations.. living here.. you seem happy."

Kurt smiled wryly. "Yes.. and no." He elaborated as Blaine turned to give him a questioning glance, "I mean.. yes I love it here, but maybe my expectations were too big. I wanted a loving relationship somewhere along the line… and thats not to say it wont ever happen… but whilst theres no shortage of male admirers, Im just not interested in the casual friends with benefits or nightclub hookups that everyone else seems to want. I really dont want relationships that are only about the sex.. I want sex within a loving relationship." Kurt took a moment to look at Blaines wide eyes. "Im sorry.. Too much information?"

Blaine laughed. "Not at all. I cant believe that you havent got a boyfriend Kurt, thats all.. I mean just look at you."

It was Kurts turn to laugh. "Ive been on plenty of dates, trust me.. and theres been a couple of guys where things have been hopeful, but whenever things start getting serious.. well, thats not what anyone else has wanted. More recently Ive given up trying.. just decided to get on and enjoy all the other things I love about living here. If it happens then it happens, if not, then Ill deal with it. You know.. its the dreams you have growing up and realisation that here in the real world, theyre probably never going to happen. Ive kind of reached an acceptance now."

"Thats what I want too.." Blaine said quietly, "its all I want…. a loving relationship.. romance.. youre not alone in wanting those things. I want career in what I love doing too, but the thought of having that without someone to share my life with sounds like a pretty empty life to me."

"How did you get to be so wise?" Kurt smiled, threading a finger through one of Blaines curls and watching it spring back into shape once he let go. "Come on… this is all getting far too serious. Were going to have a fun evening… starting right now. Ive even made some cookies to go with the coffee.. so lets go get."


The diner was like a second home for Kurt. Apparently he worked a few shifts there every week so basically knew all the staff and the place was full of his friends, half of who seemed to work there as well. There were whoops and cheers as they both entered the restaurant which was already buzzing with activity, a space at a busy table quickly found for them both. Someone was already belting out a show tune up on the small stage, everyone joining in with the well known chorus.. and Blaine couldnt help but love the raucous atmosphere in the place.

Kurt bought him a ginger beer (no alcohol yet Blaine) and he was introduced to several of Kurts girlfriends who all seemed to know who he was despite never having met him before. In no time at all, Rachel was dragging Kurt up to join her in a duet from Wicked as Blaine watched open mouthed from his seat. They were both amazing… but Kurt.. just how did he hit those high notes? He was so enchanted with the performance that he didnt notice someone else slip into the chair next to him until he heard a smooth sexy voice close to his ear. "Id definitely have noticed if Id seen your handsome face in here before."

Blaines head spun round in shock to see a bright smiling face looking right at him. "Huh?" Blaine said eloquently, as he took in a tall good looking guy looking right back at him.

"Let me introduce myself.." Good looking guy offered Blaine his hand to shake, "Sebastian Smythe… and I would certainly have remembered if Id seen you around before.."

Blaine shook the strangers hand.. it seemed rude not to… "Blaine Anderson.. and you probably havent seen me before.. um its complicated.." he smiled as Sebastian looked on, "but nice to meet you."

"Well the pleasures all mine," Sebastian purred, leaning in towards Blaine.

"Didnt take you long to move in there, Seb," came Kurts voice behind Blaine. He placed a hand on Blaines shoulder as he spoke. "Ive only been gone five minutes.." he smirked. "Im supposed to be introducing Blaine to the finer side of New York.. and protecting him from predatory guys like you.." Kurts fingers moved from Blaines shoulder to play with a few loose curls at the nape of his neck, causing his whole body to tingle as he listened to the two mens exchange.

"Kurtie.. Im hurt that you think I had anything but honourable intentions towards Blaine here.. gorgeous though he is.." Seb looked pointedly at where Kurts fingers were entangled in Blaines hair, "Although Im thinking youre not going to share… I know what a possessive little bitch you are…" Blaine could hear a slight tease beneath Sebastians cutting words, but he couldnt believe that there was this whole conversation going on about him… it was so surreal… as if he wasnt even in the room.

Blaine looked carefully at Sebastian, he actually did look a bit familiar… "I um… I think.." Blaine interrupted, "Did you maybe go to Dalton Academy? My old school.. Im sure Ive seen old photos of the Warblers and Im sure I recognise you.." Sebastian made a gleeful squeak at Blaines recognition.

Kurt rolled his eyes, dragging another chair over so he could sit and join the other two, pointedly squeezing it in between Blaine and Sebastian. "Oh my god," he sighed, glancing at Blaine, "another reason why I should have kept Seb well away from you." He turned to Sebastian, " I think that calls for you getting us all a drink Seb.. I think I need something alcoholic to cope with this."

"Sorry," Blaine whispered to Kurt when Sebastian stood to order them all a beer from a passing waiter, not really sure what he was apologising for. He looked down where his and Kurts thighs were pressed close together due to their crowded chair arrangement, his thrill at the sight making him blush. Kurt followed his line of sight, reaching to touch Blaines leather band before he spoke.

"Blaine.. you can talk to whoever you like… no need to apologise. I didnt know you used to go to school in Ohio, though, or I might have made a connection." Sebastian chose that moment to place three beers on the table, glancing over just as Kurt hooked his finger beneath the leather of Blaines band… Blaine suddenly overcome with an urge to have Kurts fingers running through his hair.. maybe while he was on his knees with his head in Kurts lap… New York was going to be the death of him… possibly before he even got here for college.. He really had to stop these thoughts running through his mind.

"Well…" Sebastian said, a little louder than necessary, picking up his beer, "I may be the third wheel here, but Id like to propose a toast.. to my new friend Blaine."


Several hours, two beers and not enough food later, Blaines mind felt a little hazy. He really was a lightweight when it came to alcohol. He leaned in to the chair next to him to whisper, "Dont let me drink next time will you… not if Im performing." Hed thought it was Kurt sitting there next to him, but instead it was Sebastian who chuckled at his words.

"Youre adorable when youve been drinking though… but I also want to hear you sing, so Ill bear it in mind." Sebastian was actually really nice Blaine decided. Eventually Kurt had left them to talk together while he mingled with his other friends, always keeping an eye on him though. Blaine pretended not to notice, all the time enjoying Kurts secret attention…. and then every now and again Kurt would come back to him, making sure he was okay… happy. Blaine was out with Kurt.. of course he was happy.

It turned out Sebastian was easy to talk to, at least after Blaine had got over the idea of being hit on by another guy - at least he thought he was probably being hit on, not being vastly experienced in such matters. The beer helped.. softened the wonder of it all so that the whole evening was just a crazy magical event. After theyd reminisced about the Warblers they moved on to Blaine basically telling Sebastian his life story, Sebastian lapping up all the details. In return, Blaine found out that Sebastian was studying law at NYU and was planning on going into the family business. He and Kurt had met at a mutual friends party when they were both college freshmen, and now shared a large group of friends many of whom met regularly at the diner.

Blaine had a rather wobbly trip to the bathroom and was relieved to see that Kurt was saying his goodbyes to everyone and preparing to go when he returned. He was fine really but some fresh air wouldnt do him any harm, although there was the sobering thought that all these people they were saying goodbye to were planning on coming back next week to watch him get up on that stage and perform.

"Sebs nice.." Blaine commented, his brain still a little fuzzled, as Kurt tried to hail them a cab outside. 

"Mmm," Kurt nodded a little distractedly, "Did you give him your number?" He glanced over at Blaine as he asked the question.

"Yeah," Blaine smiled brightly, "..he asked me.. we might get coffee sometime.."

Kurt took Blaines hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Ok…ay.. Just be careful… alright? I know hes charming.. and I can see he likes you…"

Blaine shook his head frantically, "No no no Kurt. Its not like that.... Im not…Its not.. " He took a breath. "Im yours.. arent I?" 

Kurt smiled softly, knowing Blaine wouldnt normally talk this freely. His heart clenched a little at just how honest and trusting Blaine was with him. Kurt leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek before guiding him over to the cab which had drawn up along side them. "Yes Blaine," he said kindly, "youre mine.. definitely mine.."


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