Play Me Softly
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,567 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
113 0 0 0 0

It turned out that shopping with Kurt was like nothing Blaine had ever experienced before. For starters, the Kurt that stood waiting for him at the entrance to the shopping mall dressed nothing like Kurt the singing teacher who was giving a lesson in his own apartment. He was wearing skin tight jeans (which immediately made Blaine think of the Katy Perry song that hed now sung twice to Kurt) tucked into calf high, shiny lace up black boots. There was a button down shirt, vest, scarf, jacket combination  going on on top that Blaine could barely get his head round, but all he knew was that it looked good, as if Kurt had just arrived at the mall straight from the catwalk. He looked down at his own jeans and sweatshirt that he was wearing, feeling woefully underdressed. 

Kurt didnt seem to mind though, smiling broadly as he spotted Blaine. "Hey," he said kindly, linking his arm through Blaines as they headed off into the mall, "Your parents dont mind me taking you clothes shopping do they? I probably should have asked before now.." Kurt laughed lightly.

Blaine tried to ignore the thrill running through his body at the feel of Kurts arm tucked into his. When he came to live in New York, thered be no more hiding. Hed be free to walk arm in arm with whoever he pleased without fear of aghast faces staring… he could get used to this. "Oh no, thats fine.." said Blaine, suddenly remembering Kurt had asked him a question. "Spending money… theyre fine with. Especially when its in any way connected with me getting in to a good college.. which in effect it is. And anyway, they trust me.. I have my own credit card…."

"Right.. good." Kurt put a bit of bounce in to his step. "I think breakfast…. and coffee first. Youre going to need some sustenance to shop with me… My shopping trips are legendary…"

Blaine raised his eyebrows, feigning horror, "Should I be worried?" Usually shopping trips for Blaine were more out of necessity than anything else, but it looked like today was going to be an education for him. Not that he was complaining. It was a good feeling, Kurt taking this much interest in him.. something he could get used to.

"No need to worry Blaine," Kurt said softly as he whisked Blaine off towards the food court. "Ive got lots of ideas for you…. Just leave it all to me and Im sure well still be the best of friends at the end of it all."

"Right. Got it." Blaine grinned, "Do what Im told.. and Ill be okay."
They reached the coffee outlet, joining the line. "Im pleased to see youre a fast learner." Kurt placed a hand in the small of Blaines back, gently guiding him in front of him in the queue. "…. and youre going to look gorgeous by the time Ive finished with you."

Blaine was beginning to wonder if he was even going to survive his trip to the mall, unable to even remember his usual coffee order when the barista asked him what he would like.


When Kurt announced that Blaine just needed new jeans and a few smart button down shirts for his (hopefully) upcoming performances, it all sounded very simple. In fact, to be fair, it only took four or five different pairs of jeans before Kurt nodded his approval. They were a lot more fitted than anything else Blaine already owned, but after having to parade up and down in front of Kurt with each pair he tried on, he lost his embarrassment with how tightly they hugged his legs and ass… He actually felt good in them. After all, this was New York, and he needed to start dressing like he belonged here.

The shirts… not so easy as hed thought…. he raised his eyebrows at the huge number Kurt sent him in to the fitting room with. It  was going to take a all day to try those on, but hed had fair warning that shopping with Kurt wasnt going to be quick, so he wasnt about to complain. "Its no good pulling faces like that Blaine," came Kurts voice from the other side of the curtain, "we have to find the right look for you.. and were definitely not going to settle. The faster you try them on, the less time its going to take."

"Okay," Blaine mumbled, rushing to pull his sweatshirt over his head. Was it his imagination or did Kurt sound a bit scary? He obviously wasnt joking when hed told Blaine how seriously he takes clothes and fashion. He put on the first shirt from the pile, coming out to show Kurt who was sitting waiting, looking at something on his phone. He looked up as Blaine came out, giving Kurt a small twirl to show off the green patterned fabric. This was greeted with a small huff and Blaine was promptly ushered back into the fitting room followed by Kurt who pulled the curtain firmly closed behind them both.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Youre such a boy," he said softly, rolling up the sleeves on the shirt and undoing a couple of buttons at the neck. When he was satisfied, he stood back, nodding approvingly. "Its lucky youre cute…  hmm… this looks really good on you actually." He turned Blaine round to look at himself in the mirror, and it did look good he had to admit. What also looked good was Kurt standing behind his left shoulder, his hands on Blaines shoulders from where hed spun him round to look in the mirror.

Their eyes met in the reflection, and held for a few long seconds before Blaine was the first one to break, blushing as he looked away. He may have a bit of a crush on Kurt, but he definitely didnt want him knowing about it. He was lucky that he and Kurt hadbecome good friends and he wouldnt want to lose that for the world.


Kurt hadnt really thought it through when hed rashly decided to come in the fitting room with Blaine. At the time hed just been intent on creating the look he knew Blaine could carry off with ease, the one hed pictured in his head so many times when the boy had turned up for his lesson dressed in his standard school pants and crisp white shirt, his tie loosened at the neck. But now here he was, undressing someone who was unbelievably still only seventeen, in this confined space of a fitting room. He pulled him into shirt after shirt, skimming his fingers over Blaines olive skinned, toned torso as he buttoned each one, smoothing down the fabric, soft beneath his fingers. He could hear Blaines soft little breaths each time his fingers touched his bare skin, wanting more than anything run his hands over the firm lines of his body, knowing that Blaine wouldnt say no to him. But he had to be the responsible one here : he was in a trusted position. It had just been such a long time since hed liked anyone as much as he liked Blaine. 

"I think weve found two or three here that will be good… " Kurt began hanging shirts back on their hangers, leaving Blaine to get dressed. "We should really get you shoes.. and maybe some accessories… what times your train back?"

"Oh its fine. My parents are coming into the city tonight for some function or other… some work thing for my dad… theyre staying in a hotel overnight so theyll be driving back in the morning. They dont see much of Cooper so well probably just all eat breakfast together in the morning and then head back home after that." Blaine began to help Kurt with the shirts. Had he really tried on this many? Blaine gave a small laugh, "I think my mom wants to meet you too, but luckily I dont think theyll  have time this visit…"

"Goodness!" Kurt smiled, "I hope youve been saying nice things about me… or should I be worried?"

Blaine was silent for a moment, causing Kurt to stop what he was doing and look up at him. "What?" he asked, noticing Kurt staring at him.

" your silence is making me nervous.." 

Suddenly the floor became increasingly interesting. Blaine cleared his throat, finally sinking down on to the bench in the fitting room. "I havent said anything bad." A small smile appeared on his face. "Its um… just.. well you know how I told you I hadnt originally wanted to have vocal lessons..?" Kurt nodded. "So I may just have not let on to her exactly how much Im actually enjoying them… Nobody likes to admit their parents are right do they?"

"Hmm. Naughty.." Kurt ruffled Blaines hair. "…I was going to suggest going for ice cream, but I"m not so sure you deserve it.."

"Oh." Blaines eyes lit up.  "Please Kurt, please. Im sure I do deserve it.." he teased.  Kurt took a deep breath.. he hadnt realised what hearing Blaine beg would do to him. "I promise Ill tell her tomorrow…"

"Maybe then…" Kurt wasnt sure he could deny Blaine anything right now.




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