Play Me Softly
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 14

E - Words: 1,561 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
116 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Thank you for reading... and thank you to everyone whos taken the time and trouble to review. x

The Future : -

Everyone said you were lucky if you found a secure job straight from college… especially when you were involved in the arts. It was such a fickle business… show business… that often even the very best graduates would spend years taking small low paid jobs, just slowly and surely building up a reputation until one day, hopefully, all the years of struggling would pay off. New York was full of waiters and waitresses, all waiting to hit the big time.

When, mere weeks after graduating college, Kurt landed himself a job as assistant to the elderly gentleman in charge of the theatrical costuming for a large New York theatre company… well that was just probably luck, because thats where Kurt had spent much of his college breaks interning the previous year. The role had fitted him like a glove and the elderly seams master had taken him under his wing, grateful for another pair of willing hands. The theatre company was in charge of running several productions that were currently showing in the city, so it was a gift for the costume department to have found such a capable person in Kurt who not only loved the work, but also had many creative ideas of his own. His graduation was barely out of the way when Kurt had a lucrative job offer on the table…

Kurt had once had dreams of performing… and whilst he still loved the idea of it, experience had taught him that with his looks and vocal range, roles would be limited. Theatre was in his blood… and this job had meant he could still be involved in an industry he loved, doing something he loved. How many people could say they looked forward to going to work each day? Kurt considered himself very fortunate indeed.

Of course, Blaine, now a top NYADA student had slotted into Kurts life…. and apartment… with creating so much as a ripple. Once Kurt had made that all important decision to let Blaine move his things into his home… and more importantly, share his bed… there had been no looking back. There really was no down side to their living arrangements as far as Kurt was concerned… Blaine was such a sweet, attentive lover and since living together, Kurt was more crazily in love with him than ever. He considered himself very lucky to go home to Blaine at the end of each day… and was happy to show him how much in love with him he was before they fell asleep in each others arms every night.

Kurt just couldnt believe how perfect his life was.


Blaine would often visit Kurt at work… and with an enviable ease, managed to be loved by everyone who worked there. He had a natural ability to remember names and small details about everyones lives… always asking other workers how their families were or some other event they had happening at the time. Kurt sometimes wished he could have Blaines ease and charm… but he couldnt be jealous, either of Blaine or the people he gave time and attention to, because he was the one that Blaine let touch and see his naked body… and do naughty things to… very naughty, sexy things. He was the only one whose name Blaine cried out in ecstasy when he came… often more than once a night.

Again it could be luck, but close to Blaines graduation, the latest show the company was putting together… a musical adaptation of a childrens book…. suffered a major setback. The volatile music composer had a major fall our with the production staff, and unable to accept any criticism of his music, walked out on the job, leaving for good with the rights to his own music. With little time to spare, Blaine had been offered the chance to write some original music for the show. The first two songs Blaine had presented to the producers had been so well received, that hed quickly been offered that chance to write all the music, a hefty bonus if he could keep the show close to its original time schedule.

Writing an original score for a musical was one of Blaines dreams and he was ecstatic to have been offered the chance so soon out of college. The day Blaine had been offered the job, Blaine had fucked Kurt for the first time at work… bent over the table in his small sewing room…. hoping that the music from Kurts iPod would cover their muffled cries when they came together.

Suddenly there they both were… young... with well paid careers, living the dream. Everything was almost too good to be true.

Kurt was so happy with their life…. secure in the knowledge that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Blaine. Something theyd both known early on.. when it seemed too foolish to admit it to anyone but themselves…. but they both wanted something more. So Kurt bought the rings, planning the perfect proposal in his head, wanting to choose that perfect occasion.

In the end the perfect moment turned out to be when Kurts cock was slipping in and out of Blaines warm, sexy mouth. "Please marry me Blaine… please," hed begged as he came down Blaines throat.

Blaine had nodded his agreement, too sated to speak, as he had tiredly rested his head against Kurts thigh.

Kurt had tried again some time later…. down on one knee, in the shower of all places. It turned out that Kurt and Blaine should not try to do anything this serious, whilst naked. After popping the question, Blaines erect cock right next to his face had been too much for Kurt to cope with… and hed found himself sinking his mouth down over the offending body part, wanting nothing more than to feel Blaines pleasure.

On the positive side, this time Blaine had been able to answer Kurt….. chanting, "yes… yes… yes," over and over as Kurt sucked his cock and massaged his balls. There had been one last, unhesitant, loud firm yes when Kurt had sneaked his hand to Blaines crack, one finger breaching his entrance.

Theyd laughed about it later as theyd fed each other take away pizza in bed, their still naked bodies pressed close together. Theyd planned on phoning their families to tell them the news.. as soon as theyd finished eating. Their phones had sat beside them, ready to make the calls. After theyd become distracted and Blaine had ended up riding Kurt hard into the mattress, theyd decided to declare this their day…… and everything else could wait until tomorrow.


When it came to making tentative plans for their wedding, there was only one stipulation. As soon as possible. Kurt Hummel whod had been planning and plotting ideas for the grandest wedding in history, basically since childhood, suddenly would have been happy to get married in a garden shed if it meant he could be married to Blaine sooner, rather than later. Burt had been unable to hide his smirk when hed come to visit soon after their engagement, armed with Kurts wedding scrapbook that hed made in senior school, when Kurt had shaken his head and informed him the wedding was going to be small and informal… in two months time.

Kurt had taken one look at Burt and sighed, "Well I love him too much to care what sort of wedding were going to have…"

Burt wouldnt have wanted to choose anything else for his son.


They couldnt fit in a proper honeymoon… that would have to come later, when they could afford to take the time from work. Instead, Blaines parents had offered to put them up in one of Manhattans finest five star hotels, honeymoon suite and all. Blaine had always loved staying in hotels. Especially as a child, he used to be ridiculously excited whenever they went on one of his fathers business trips with him which involved staying in some swanky hotel somewhere. They always laughed at him when he used to tell everyone how, when he grew up, he wanted to live in a hotel.

Therefore his parents had both stared at him, open mouthed when Blaine had told them, thank you very much, but they wanted to spend the weekend after their wedding, at home, in their own apartment.

Theyd heard all the arguments and read all the blurb about how luxurious the beds were in the hotel… they must be.. the mattresses were stuffed with only the finest feathers. But they had other plans. Namely making love on every available surface in every room in the apartment. Not something they hadnt done before… but something they definitely hadnt done as husbands before….

…..And Blaine wasnt about to tell his parents how great that desk chair was for riding Kurt.


At the end of the day, all they both wanted was each other… and nothing else mattered.



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