Play Me Softly
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 10

E - Words: 4,961 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
119 0 0 0 0

Over the next week Blaine spent most of his time at Kurts apartment. Staying with Cooper? Who was he kidding? Well probably his mother, every time she called.. and you could argue that Blaine should have already learnt his lesson about lying to his mother and that if he hadnt lied so badly that first time, he may have still been coming to New York for college, completely with his parents blessing. The opposing argument, of course, was that Blaine really had nothing to lose now anyway…. and he wasnt actually lying.. he was just not mentioning the fact that each night when his parents thought he was fast asleep in Coopers spare bedroom, he was actually spending half the night writhing his naked body in Kurts bed sheets.

Blaine assumed his parents probably had a good idea where he was spending his nights while he was here in New York, but like everything else in their lives that they werent willing to face, they stuck their heads in the sand and made out as if every aspect of their life was all sunshine and roses. If they wanted to convince themselves that Blaine was in bed in Coopers apartment each night, wearing his smart pinstripe pyjamas… then it was probably better for everyone…. and if he was going to turn into the rebel Anderson son, he may as well enjoy himself in the process.

Kurt had helped Blaine prepare for his scholarship interview and audition… and unlike when Kurt had been coaching him for his first audition, this time (providing they had the apartment to themselves) they found plenty of distractions. And if Kurt was impressed with any of Blaines performances… well he just had to show him. "Were definitely saving on doing so much laundry," Blaine had laughed, as they lay naked in bed one afternoon, exhausted after rehearsals had ended with Blaines version of You Are So Beautiful…. so wonderful that Kurt had nearly lost his mind, stripping Blaine off at the piano before taking him back to bed.

"Hmm," Kurt had hummed, "dont be so sure… I mean, we may be washing less clothes, but theres certainly more bedding to wash."

"Oh," Blaine had laughed, "I hadnt thought of that."


After his scholarship interview Blaine hung around the NYADA cafeteria waiting for Kurt. The school term was officially over, but Kurt had opted for a few summer workshops and classes to try and enhance his chances at auditions and prepare him for a few other job ideas should all else fail. Not only were they adding a few extra skills to his repertoire, but they would also look good on his cv if nothing else. Of course all this dedication had to be paid for and so while there were no productions or recitals to rehearse for, Kurt had got himself a job in the local diner where theyd been on a number of occasions. The fact that they allowed people to perform there was a bonus… his boss not minding if Kurt took to the stage if things were quiet.

"Hey," Kurt smiled, slipping into the seat opposite Blaine in the cafeteria, "How did it go?"

Blaine looked up from the book hed been reading to pass the time, a broad smile appearing on his face. "Good. I think. I sang a couple of songs… and then the interview.. they asked why I deserved the scholarship above other students. And…" Blaine paused, "that was hard to answer…. but I think I did okay. I mean, maybe I think I deserve it, but no more than a lot of other people."

Kurt raised his eyebrows in question. "You know you were born to perform and to compose. Musics in your soul. Youre just a natural. I hope you didnt sell yourself short."

"Thanks," Blaine smiled, "but youre probably biased… but it was hard to explain how much I want… and need this scholarship without sounding big headed and arrogant. I didnt want to come across as if I thought I was better than anyone else.. because Im not. Theres loads of talented people out there."

"Blaine," Kurt sighed, "You couldnt come across as arrogant if you tried. Sometimes I think you dont realise just how good you are. As well as that, youre such a genuine, friendly person. I dont think you should worry on that front. Did you explain about your parents not funding your tuition and that without the scholarship you probably wouldnt be able to put yourself through college?"

Blaine pursed his lips. "I did," he said slowly, "but I didnt want to come across as a pity case… or someone who is incapable of holding down a relationship with their parents… because thats not me… well.. it hasnt been me in the past... In fact until recently, my relationship with my parents has always been quite reasonable. I mean, theyre quite strict and expect certain standards of me, but I had no idea that they thought my music wasnt good enough for a career… not really."

"Not really?" Kurt asked. "What had they said about it in the past then? I hadnt realised they werent in support of you initially."

"I kind of knew theyd prefer me to take something more… academic," Blaine shrugged. "Most of their friends children went into business, or law or something respectable," he quoted with his fingers. "Although, looking back, they never mentioned to anyone else about the career I wanted… I suspect they were embarrassed by it. I think they just needed an excuse to stop me…. and I gave them one… and I imagine thats why their reaction seemed a bit extreme considering thats probably the first time Ive ever done something that could be construed as misbehaving."

"What songs did you sing in the end?" Kurt asked, trying to lighten the mood a bit as he stretched a reassuring hand to touch Blaines which was laying on the table. He rubbed his thumb gently across Blaines knuckles.

Blaine smiled a little mischievously, "Oh the Joe Cocker song… You Are So Beautiful, the one that turns you into a sex fiend…."

"Only when its you singing it," Kurt said softly, wondering if he could get Blaine to sing it for him later, after hed finished his shift at the diner.

"And I also sang one of my own songs…. dont say anything if you think that was a bad idea…. its too late now," Blaine commented, noticing the slightly surprised look on Kurts face.

"Which one?" Kurt questioned.

"Another song that turns you all mushy," Blaine smiled. "I may just have had you in mind when I chose todays performances. I hadnt even given it a title, so I called it Kurts Song, in memory of when I sung it to you and then we were fucking on the couch just five minutes later. Im sure you remember."

"I remember," Kurt said quietly, a small blush on his cheeks. "The song is pretty wonderful… and after… that was pretty wonderful as well."

As Kurts shift was due to start at the diner soon, so Blaine decided to walk the few blocks with him to work. "I was thinking we could invite Cooper round for dinner tomorrow." Kurt said, linking his fingers with Blaines as they walked along. "If thats something youd like."

"Really?" Blaine asked, a little surprised. It wasnt as if they didnt all get together from time to time, but theyd never invited him to Kurts apartment for a meal before. "Why… is there or reason or just…." Blaine shrugged, cutting himself off., "you do realise you may never get rid of him, dont you?"

"Hes your brother, Blaine. You should be pleased… besides its not a generous offer because youll be cooking," Kurt smiled.

"Huh, I knew thered be a catch. But seriously we talk regularly so dont worry from that point of view… but I suppose he has been really good… you know, not mentioning to my mom that Im more or less living with you rather than him…. not that Id change anything even if she did know. Im eighteen now after all… and will probably be supporting myself pretty soon." Blaine was aware he was beginning to ramble, when he heard Kurt give a chuckle.

"Sorry," Blaine muttered.

Kurt just squeezed his hand. "I just thought we could all have a brainstorm and work out a course of action for you… gather some ideas of how you can earn some money. Ill check if Rachel will be home. Annoying though she can be, she actually might have some good ideas. Just dont forget shes vegan…"

"Oh thats sweet….. although… um... Seb did suggest putting a notice in the music store offering piano lessons… it apparently pays quite well.."

Kurt couldnt hide the look of distaste on his face at the mention of Sebastians name. "When was that… when did he suggest that?"

"Um… yesterday. When I spoke to him yesterday…" Blaine said quietly.

"Yesterday? Right." Kurt slipped his hand away from Blaines. They were at the diner now anyway.. and he needed to get to work. "I didnt know. Funny you didnt mention it."

"You were in the shower… and he just called.. and we chatted."

"Well fine," Kurt huffed. "You decide if you want to invite Cooper over… and well, let me know I guess. I mean if youre already sorted… then theres no need."

"Im not already sorted.. I was telling you what he said." Blaine frowned. "Im not stupid… despite what you think, I do quite like him.. as a friend only… and itd never go any further than that. Whatever his intentions… itll never happen because thats not what I want." Blaine reached again for Kurts hand, but Kurt defensively stuck his hand in his pocket instead.

Kurt rolled his eyes, pressing his lips together. "Blaine. This is what he does. He weasels his way into peoples lives… then, oh please Blaine come for a drink with me and suddenly someone you just liked as a friend… whos dying to get in your pants… is well… actually in your pants after an alcohol fuelled night out."

Blaine shook his head. "Im sorry you cant bring yourself to trust me. I hear you… even understand to some degree.. but you cant be serious."

"Ive got to go," Kurt snapped. "Were going round in circles here."

"Kurt," Blaine sighed. "Please dont go to work angry with me. I do need help in deciding what I need to do. It was honestly just two friends talking.. he was trying to be helpful. Im honestly not hiding anything from you. Please at least kiss me goodbye.. I dont want to leave you like this."

Kurt gave a deep breath, shaking his head no.

"Fine," Blaine snapped. "Jealousy really doesnt suit you." He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth, but they were out there now.

"Great… Thanks.. I guess," Kurt said pointedly, opening the door to go inside, his face stoney. "I mean its not like youve ever hidden anything from me before is it?" With that Kurt went inside, leaving Blaine standing on the sidewalk out on the street, fighting off the tears that were forming in his eyes.

Blaine blinked rapidly, taking a few shaky breaths. Okay? What had just happened there? They bickered from time to time, of course they did, but then every now and again Kurt would fly off the handle. Blaine knew it was only because Kurt was feeling insecure that he blew up at him at things like this… and if the shoe was on the other foot, Blaine was pretty sure he would be feeling jealous too. In fact the thought of Kurt being pursued by another man made Blaine feel sick to the core…. but he trusted Kurt, knew him… and for Blaine that was enough. He wanted to be able to prove to Kurt that he was only his… thered been a special connection between them from when theyd first met at his very first singing lesson… and he didnt think hed ever find that with anyone else. Or want to for that matter.

Five minutes had probably passed since Kurt had left him alone and Blaine was still standing outside the diner, trying to gather himself together. Not long ago if this had happened he would have run off, gone back to Coopers apartment and sulked for a few hours… but he wasnt going to be that person any more. He was an adult now, in an adult relationship… and he needed to behave accordingly….

Blaine pushed open the door of the diner and went inside, seating himself at a table tucked in the corner, careful to select the section he knew Kurt would be covering this afternoon. He wasnt sure if Kurt would be pleased to see him, but it was quiet in here at the moment and he didnt want to go several hours without speaking to Kurt, where this whole situation could escalate into something much bigger than it really was.

A few moments later Kurt appeared from the back of the restaurant, smartly dressed in his uniform red polo and black pants, looking stunning with his hair freshly swept up high, his smile bright as he said hello to a passing coworker. Only Blaine could notice the sadness behind his slightly red rimmed eyes… and he didnt want to be the one responsible for this beautiful man being upset.

It took another couple of minutes before Kurt actually noticed him sitting at the table, biting his bottom lip between his teeth before grabbing his order pad out of his apron pocket and heading over to Blaines table. "Did you actually want something?" he asked, his voice a little unsteady.

Blaine looked up at him, a soft smile on his face. "I love you… I know Im not perfect and I will make mistakes… probably more often than either of us would wish for… but I love you… only you… I just wanted you to know…. and Ill have a coffee please…"

Kurt nodded his head, his eyes a little watery, still worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. "Anything else…? Anything to eat?" he asked, writing down Blaines order.

Blaine shook his head. "Maybe later," he said slipping his notebook and pen out of his bag, "I might be here for a while…"


"Let me know when you want to order something else… or if you need a refill," Kurt said gently, putting Blaines coffee down on the table in front of him, "And Ill make mistakes too, for the record, more than you probably… just so you know…" he added before heading off to serve some new customers whod just been seated.

"Thanks baby," Blaine said quietly, for only Kurt to hear.

Blaine clicked his pen thoughtfully, opening his notebook. Hed been a bit stuck on some lyrics he was trying to put together for the latest song he was writing. Maybe hed find a bit of inspiration with a change of scenery… watching Kurt work. He eyed the piano up on the small stage… maybe hed perform something up there later.. he had a few ideas…..


"I take it youre not going to be hungry for us to cook later… you know, our original plan," Kurt said as he placed Blaines burger and fries that hed ordered on the table, unable to hide the slight edge in his voice, even if detectable only to those who knew him well.

Blaine looked up from his notebook, stopping writing for a moment. " Kurt… why dont you just grab yourself something to eat at the end of your shift… before we head straight home?" Blaine smiled. "We can cook tomorrow instead…" He gave Kurt a wink, causing the other man to blush. Blaine loved that he could do that to Kurt while he was working and the other man had to be on his best behaviour… unable to reply with his usual dose of sarcasm that he would have normally offered. Blained probably pay later… but that wasnt always a bad thing.

"I could do that I suppose…. and what do you mean before we head home? Youre not planning on staying here for the whole of my shift are you?"

"Yup." Blaine picked up a few fries with his fingers, shoving them into his mouth.

"Youre ridiculous. Why would you even want to do that?"

Blaine glanced over to the stage…. and the piano. "I might just have some plans…"

Kurt followed Blaines line of sight. "Yeah? Right… oh... good idea," he said, realisation setting in for what Blaine wanted to do. "Its a quiet night up there…. go for it." He nodded towards the piano, adding a soft, "please."


Blaine scrolled through his iTunes on his phone as he ate… he had a few ideas, but he wanted to make sure he had the right song… he knew with all his current problems he had going on, he wasnt making life easy for either of them… but he wanted to let Kurt know how much he meant to him…..

A few cheers erupted from the half empty diner when Blaine took his place at the piano on the small stage… everyone glad of some entertainment while they passed the time. Blaine started with a few of his old favourites, mainly songs he could literally play and sing with his eyes closed. Songs that he knew most audiences would enjoy in a venue like this… relaxing background ballads… Blaines smooth voice washing over the room.

Only when Kurt appeared from the back, dressed in his own clothes again, did Blaine change from his original playlist, breaking out into Billy Joels Just the Way You Are, as Kurt sat himself on one of the high stools near the stage. It was one of Kurts favourites that theyd even sung together a couple of times. A different day, Blaine may have tried to persuade Kurt to come up on stage and join him, but today he just wanted Kurt to listen… listen to the words and feel how much Blaine meant them.

As the song drew to a close, Blaine could see Kurts watery smile from where he was seated at the piano, directing his gaze as he sang to Kurt and no one else. He ran the piano keys straight into his next song… his last song of the night. He was pretty sure that Kurt would be keen to go straight home after this song, if his previous reaction to it was anything to go by. Blaine watched as Kurt bit his bottom lip as he began to sing You are so Beautiful, knowing that it definitely turned him on. He wasnt quite Joe Cocker, but Kurt didnt seem to mind.

Kurt came up to meet him as he came off the stage, pressing his lips as hard as he could against Blaines, without involving them both in a full make-out session in front of everyone at the diner. They had a tendency to forget themselves once they started kissing and now wasnt the time or place. "Do you want to get some food before we go?" Blaine asked softly. "Weve got time."

Kurt shook his head, no. "Im not that hungry. Ill find something later." They both looked up as a small group of three guys came in through the door, Kurts breath hitching when he noticed one of them was Sebastian. Blaine held Kurts hand reassuringly, smiling softly as Sebastian spotted them and began heading over to see them. A quick glance at Kurt told Blaine that the smile Blaine could see on his face was fixed, rather than natural, but all Blaine could do was squeeze his hand to show his support.

"Fancy seeing you… coffee only a few days ago… a long phone conversation yesterday… oh we must stop meeting like this," Seb began, looking at Blaine and ignoring Kurt… laughing in that way that made Kurt want to punch him on the nose. Blaine thanked his lucky stars that hed told Kurt about their conversation yesterday, or that couldve been a whole heap of trouble. that he didnt need.

"Hi Seb!" Blaine said cheerfully. "Great to see you.. again.. although I think we might be going. Kurts just finished his shift."

"We are going," Kurt muttered, "Not might be."

"Ah… thats so sweet," a grin appeared on Sebastians meerkat face (Kurts opinion), "Coming to meet your boyfriend from work… the things we do when were in a new relationship, huh?" They both decided not to mention the fact that Blaine had been there for the whole of Kurts shift.

"Well as nice as this," Kurt clipped, causing Seb to look at him properly for the first time, "Im afraid we have to get going."

"Ooh… Blaine. I think Kurts a little keen to get you home… you lucky boy…"


"Is Rachel home?" Blaine whispered hotly in Kurts ear, distracting him from getting his key in the lock to let them in the apartment.

"Oh.. uh. I dont know… we wont find out if we dont get inside though," Kurt smiled, "Just keep all your clothes on until Ive checked… although Im sure well hear her before we see her, if she is home."

Blaine laughed as Kurt eventually swung the door open. After a quick check around the apartment, Kurt crowded Blaine against the wall. "I think youre in luck, lover boy… were home alone and Im planning on riding your cock. Hard." Blaine swallowed heavily as Kurt sucked softly on his neck.

"Uh… here?" Blaine managed to squeak out as Kurt pressed up against him, his breath ghosting across Blaines lips.

"Bedroom." Kurt breathed, reluctant to move where he had Blaine pressed against the wall in the hallway. "I dont want to scar Rachel for life if she does arrive home… plus Id never hear the end of it."

"Come on then," Blaine smiled, tugging at Kurts hand. "What are we waiting for?"


"I still feel emotionally sore from earlier," Kurt sighed, sliding himself down slowly onto Blaines cock, his muscular thighs flexing in that way that Blaine loved to watch. "Im sorry… so sorry... oh.. that feels nice," Kurt settled onto Blaines thighs, with the other man fully sheathed inside him.

Blaine ran his hands up Kurts thighs, finally resting them on his hips. "You really want to talk about this now?" he asked, a little dizzy with how tight Kurt felt around him.

"Yes... No… I dont know." Kurt stuttered slightly as he began moving his hips. "I badly needed this… I need you. Dont give up on me will you?"

"Im not planning on going anywhere," Blaine groaned, sliding his hands to Kurts ass, running a finger along his crack repeatedly, enjoying Kurts shaky gasps. "Why would I? Plus I love it when you go all possessive on me.. youre so sexy…"

Kurt was silent for a moment as he concentrated on sliding up… and down, still slow and controlled at the moment. "This wont last long if you keep touching me… there," Kurt commented as he rolled his hips. "Blaine... it really… wont"

Blaine thrust his own hips up to meet Kurts. "Want you to come.." he breathed, grasping hold of Kurts dripping cock… and believe me, if I was more flexible Id put your gorgeous cock in my mouth…. I really want to taste you…"

"Oh. my . god." Kurt huffed out a small laugh, "What are you trying to do to me?" Kurt shifted his position, throwing his head back with a loud cry as soon as he managed to hit his prostate. Blaine sat up, holding a steadying hand around Kurts waist, his other hand moving faster over his cock… desperate to feel Kurt clenching around him when he came.

"Come on baby… are you going to come for me?" Blaine whispered, leaning his forehead against Kurts shoulder. "I want you to come for me…. come on baby.. please."

"Begging will get you everywhere," Kurt groaned. "Im going to come so hard for you.. so hard…ugh." Kurt spilled over Blaines tight fist, sinking against Blaines chest as he came down. Feeling Blaine still hard inside him, he climbed off of the other man, peeling off the condom. He bent down to suck softly on the head of his cock. "I really want to taste you…."

"Oh… oh… thats gonna be really soon," Blaine sighed.

"Good." Kurt took Blaine further into his mouth… Blaines legs quivering with the hot heat surrounding his cock. Gentle fingers rolling his balls… and he was coming down Kurts throat without any further warning.


Ignoring the need for a clean up, they snuggled together after, silent and sleepy for a while. "Do you want to talk?" Blaine asked eventually, kissing Kurt softly on the lips.

"Not really," Kurt sighed, kissing him back, "I just know Ill drive you away if I carry on the way Im going.. I need to stop being jealous… and grow up."

"You really wont… I mean I know Im probably a bit flirty with people at times… but you seriously are the only person I want anywhere near my cock." Blaine ran his fingers through Kurts bed hair. "My cock is definitely just for you… every time I as much as think about you it stands to attention.."

Kurt choked out a laugh. "Youre ridiculous… but I love you… and I love your cock… a lot."

"I love your cock more….." Blaine smiled.

"Were both ridiculous," Kurt smiled, shaking his head.

"Our mutual love of each others cocks is something others can only dream of…. With that in mind is there any chance of another round before dinner?" Blaine pressed himself up against Kurt, in case he had any doubt that Blaine was ready for a bit more fun.

"If youre lucky…" Kurt pushed Blaines arm fondly, "but Id like to remind you that youve already had dinner."

"Sex makes me hungry," Blaine grinned, giving Kurt his best puppy eyes.

"No need to look at me like that," Kurt said wrapping his hand round Blaines cock… admiring how fast it was growing inside his grip. "You know Id never deny you anything… especially not the chance for you to give me another orgasm."

Blaine rolled them both over, straddling Kurts thighs… leaning down to suck one of Kurts nipples into his mouth. "Blaine… oh.. " Kurt startled as they heard the front door slam closed. "Shit," Kurt gasped, "thats Rachel… her personal boundaries dont extend as far as closed bedroom doors… at least not when she has something she wants to say."

Blaine just managed to grab the sheet and pull it up over them both when the bedroom door began opening. "Youll never guess what happened to me today…" came Rachels voice as she entered the room.

"This had better be good," Kurt said drily, glancing up at Rachel.

"Oh… Hi Blaine," Rachel breezed, completely missing Blaine blushing to his roots, cuddling up to Kurts side, as she carried on talking to Kurt. "Exciting news… I saw the casting director for Wicked when I was having lunch with Jesse today… and I just had to introduce myself…"

"Thats great, Rachel… well be out in a bit.. and you can tell us all about it. I was just about to fuck my boyfriend… and you know how difficult I can be when Im sexually frustrated…. so… if you dont mind…"

"He was really nice to me.." Rachel carried on, "Oh. Right. Yes. Ill leave you two to.. you know…alone... sorry."

"World class cockblock… " Kurt muttered, "She could add that to her list of achievements…. the trouble is Im not sure Im in the mood now… she has that effect."

Blaine cuddled into Kurt a little tighter. "Come on… how about a nap. I love just being with you… whatever were doing…. and it might put you in a better mood for facing Rachel later."

"Why do I get the feeling youre treating me like a toddler," Kurt huffed, "although youre probably right."


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