Aug. 4, 2011, 8:25 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2011, 8:25 p.m.
They agreed that Starbucks' coffee was the best, so they went to the closest one a few blocks away and decided to drink it outside, walking around a park that was nearby. Neither man had ever been to Seattle, which is where Blaine's latest show was, and so they wanted to take in the new and exciting sights.
The streets were basically empty since it was now around eleven o'clock at night, so Blaine told his security guard that he could take the rest of the night off and get some rest. Blaine figured they would be safe enough now that they had wandered a few blocks from the arena. Blaine found from experience that fans generally left him alone on the streets, especially if he was with someone else.
As the men began walking down the street, coffee in hand, Blaine asked Kurt to tell him a little bit about himself, but Kurt brushed it off, saying,
"There's nothing really worth telling. I mean, I'm just a plain old college student making his way through life in hopes of one day becoming a fashion designer."
Regardless, Blaine was impressed. Kurt had goals in his life, and Blaine found that respectable.
"Why don't you tell me about yourself?" Kurt asked Blaine.
"Haven't you read all the tabloids? I'd expect that a fan such as yourself, willing to follow me around the country, would already know everything worth knowing." Blaine joked.
"I actually don't read tabloids. I stick to Vogue, mostly. I'm more into fashion than gossip. I mean, I know that you support gay/lesbian rights, which kind of makes you my hero. And I know that you support voting, and, don't hate me for saying it, but EWWWW. I hate politics. It's just so... blah. Boring. But aside from that, I don't really know anything about you. I mean, the real you. I just have a deep appreciation for your voice. You are extremely talented."
Blaine was in shock. A fan who was willing to follow him around the country, all for his voice. Not because he was in love with the idea of all the rumors that spread about him, or completely obsessed with his looks... Oh, but wait. Blaine didn't know if Kurt was obsessed with his looks. And now he was kind of curious as to whether Kurt found him attractive. He secretly hoped that he did.
"Ok. So I have one last question for you. Do you have a poster of me in my room?"
Kurt blushed.
"No. I don't, actually. Not that you're not lovely... because... err... umm... you are. Uh... yeah. But no. Sorry."
Blaine was blushing now too.
"Thanks? I guess. I mean, you're lovely too... I mean... uhhh... Yeah. Sorry if that was awkward of me to ask. I was just curious."
Then Blaine cleared his throat and tried to cover up his awkwardness with a joke.
"Had to make sure I wasn't out with too crazed of a fan."
"Crazed?" Kurt laughed.
"I don't know if I'd call myself crazed. Excited, yeah. But I try not to freak out. I mean. I used to sing too. So I get it. You're a singer. It's what you do. Just because you're famous for it shouldn't make you any different from me. I mean, I'm not assuming we're anything alike. I mean, who knows. But yeah... I don't see why people always have to scream and freak out."
Kurt now officially felt awkward. He didn't know why he kept rambling on and on like that, but Blaine seemed un-phased by it all, which was reassuring.
"So you weren't excited when you met me?" Blaine teased.
"Oh, I was definitely excited. And nervous. You're so talented! I mean, I thought I had an incredible voice, but, wow. Just wow."
"So you sing?"
"I used to. Not so much any more. I mean, I still do for fun or in the shower or whatever, but nothing formal."
"Let me guess... countertenor?"
"How'd you know?" Kurt teased, knowing perfectly well that any one could guess that he was a countertenor just from hearing him speak. Yeah, Kurt's voice had gotten a bit deeper with age, but it was still higher than any other male he had ever met.
"So... back to what I was saying earlier. Tell me about yourself. I don't really know that much." Kurt said.
"Umm... well, I don't know what to say. What do you want to know?" Blaine questioned, not knowing where to begin.
"Tell me about your past. What was life like before you got famous?" Kurt asked, hoping he wasn't crossing any lines, prying into this man's life.
"Well... that's not exactly a fun story. In fact, it's pretty deep for first date material..."
Kurt cut him off, almost choking as he took a sip of his coffee,
"First date? Is this a date?"
"Oh... umm... well, yeah? Yes. I mean, if you want it to be. Do you want it to be?" Blaine questioned, nervously.
Kurt stopped walking for a minute, silently thinking it over. To be completely honest, he wasn't sure if he wanted it to be a date or not. He barely knew this man. Yeah, he looked up to him and everything, but he didn't know all that much about him. For all he knew, he could be a complete douche bag who was completely full of himself. Of course, Blaine wasn't exactly giving off that vibe, but you never know. And what if he ended up being a complete womanizer? Except... with men. Kurt just wasn't sure.
"I'll let you know." Kurt finally answered, beginning to walk again. Blaine followed his cue and stepped up his pace, falling in line with the taller man again.
"In the mean time... I don't mind deep talk. That is, if you don't mind sharing with me. I'm a good listener. And I promise I won't go blabbing to tabloids." Kurt said.
"I believe you." Blaine answered. And he honestly did. Blaine had no idea why he put so much trust on this man, but he did. He just hoped to god that it didn't come back and bite him in the ass.
"Well... I came out as gay when I was in high school. I got bullied pretty badly because of it. I won't go into deep details, but... teenagers can be pretty violent when they set their mind to it. And being gay in Ohio isn't exactly ideal."
"Yeah... tell me about it." Kurt agreed.
"Wait... you grew up in Ohio too?"
"Yeah. Lima, Ohio, to be exact."
"Oh wow! We were actually pretty close. I grew up in Westerville, about two hours away. At least, I did once I transferred to Dalton Academy."
"You didn't happen to be in the Warblers glee club at Dalton?" Kurt questioned.
"Yeah! I was, actually! Wait... if you went to school in Lima... you went to McKinley. Were you in New Directions? They beat us my junior and senior year of high school! I was crushed!" Blaine said.
Kurt laughed.
"Yep. That was me. Not that I ever got a solo. But yeah, I was in New Directions. The Warblers were fantastic though. Which makes a lot of sense now, considering that you sang with them. I can't believe we actually beat you guys! That's crazy!" Kurt said in disbelief.
"Yeah, well, you must be a damn good singer to have beaten me." Blaine joked, nudging his shoulder against Kurt's.
It was official. Blaine just had to hear Kurt sing. Yeah, Kurt said he didn't sing anymore, but New Directions was amazing, from what Blaine could remember. I mean, for god's sake, they had beat the Warblers! Kurt must be an amazing singer. And now Blaine wanted nothing more than to hear this beautiful man beside him sing. He'd have to make that happen, and soon.
"So, what was life like outside of glee club? I know for me that glee club was my safe-haven. Was it the same for you? I mean, singing must mean something important to you for you to still be doing it professionally." Kurt asked.
"Yeah. The Warblers were like family to me. I was accepted there. I was accepted by everyone at Dalton. But it was a bubble completely separate from the real world, and that hit me hard when I graduated from there. I went to college, and things weren't too bad there, either. I was in California, so everyone was pretty accepting there too. I had a few run-ins with people who spoke their mind to me. Lots of people telling me I was going to hell and that being a fag was a sin. But I just ignored them... even though their comments hurt like a bitch."
Kurt grimaced, knowing exactly what Blaine meant. He had been called a 'fag' way too many times in his life, and while he generally ignored comments like that now, it still hurt every time someone said it to him.
"So then I dropped out of college after I got an offer from a music label when they saw me playing at some local cafe. They said they wanted to sign me, but only under the condition that I pretended I was straight. They said they couldn't have a fag representing them. So, obviously, I turned them down. Luckily, another music label heard about everything that was going on and asked me to come in and play for them. They liked what they heard and told me that I didn't have to pretend to be anything I wasn't. So, of course, I signed with them instead. The rest is history."
"What about your family? Did your family support you throughout all of this?" Kurt asked, wanting to learn more about Blaine. He was completely intrigued by every word that came out of his mouth.
"I guess you could say they were supportive of me. I mean, they let me transfer to Dalton when I needed to. And they supported my decision to follow music as a career. As for being gay, they still supported me, but they didn't really understand it. In fact, my dad spent one summer with me once trying to rebuild a car, in hopes of turning me straight by getting my hands dirty." Blaine broke off laughing at the memory that was anything but funny.
Kurt felt extremely sad for the man beside him.
"I'm so sorry, Blaine. That's got to be tough."
"I assume that your family was supportive of you?" Blaine questioned, hoping to take the attention off himself for a minute.
"Well, my mom died when I was eight years old."
Blaine attempted to cut Kurt off after that statement to tell him how sorry he was, but Kurt stopped him.
"Don't tell me you're sorry. I know you are. It's fine though. It was a long time ago. And I have an amazing step-mother now who I love very, very much. She accepts me for who I am. As does my dad. We actually used to work on cars together too, so that's something else we have in common. But we built cars together because we enjoyed it. I worked on cars with my dad because I love him. I'm sorry that you couldn't have that with your dad." Kurt said, reaching out in a moment of bravery, squeezing Blaine's hand gently before letting go just as quickly as he had reached out, blushing at his act of boldness. But Blaine didn't seem to mind.
In fact, Blaine was blushing at the contact with the beautiful man beside him too, and had to stop himself from staring into the man's eyes beside him. Kurt was quick to continue speaking, in order to get rid of the tension in the air.
"I mean, I never dated anyone in high school, so my dad didn't have much to worry about as far as me acting on being gay. I was the only out guy in my school. I mean, it is Ohio. And then when a guy did come out, he took advantage of me, so, of course, he was out of the picture." Kurt shrugged.
Blaine couldn't believe it. How could Kurt talk about being taken advantage of so lightly. I mean, sure, it may have happened years ago, but still. Kurt was strong. He just brushed off his tragic past like it was no big deal. Blaine wished he could be as strong and mature as Kurt. And then Blaine realized that he didn't even know how old Kurt was.
"How old are you, Kurt? I just realized we've been talking all this time and I don't even know how old you are. I mean, I assume you're legal since your in college, but you can never be too safe." Blaine joked, winking at Kurt.
"I'm nineteen." Kurt answered.
"Oh! Cool! Me too! Cool..." Blaine said, blushing again. Why couldn't he stop blushing around this guy?
"So... I have another question for you, Blaine."
"Shoot." Blaine responded.
"Do you normally take your fans out for coffee?" Kurt asked, a smirk on his face.
But Blaine responded seriously.
"No. Never. Only you."
"Why is that? Why me?" Kurt couldn't help but ask.
This time, Blaine was the one to stop walking, pausing to think over his answer. He couldn't come up with one.
"I don't know." Blaine responded, honestly.
"I never do this. I'm very careful with my heart. I've had some bad experiences in the past with my "friends" using me for my fame. They make sure the paparazzi get a good shot, and then they're done with me. I make it a rule to never date fans... but then again, we're still not sure if this even is a date, so I guess that it makes it okay. But fans don't really know me. They think they do, but they don't. They know me as who they want me to be for them. But I'm not all that great. I mean, I like who I am, and I like where I'm at in my life, but I'm not who everything thinks I am." Blaine explained.
"Well, I think you're pretty great. And that's after a night of talking to you, so does that count?" Kurt asked, completely serious, not understanding how Blaine could not see what a great guy he was. Kurt completely understood why his fans looked up to him so much. Blaine was genuinely a great, interesting, fun guy who was extremely passionate about the things he loved.
Blaine smiled at Kurt.
"Yeah, I guess that can count."
When Kurt and Blaine looked away from each other, they suddenly realized that the sun was beginning to rise.
"Holy shit. It's morning. I have another show tonight in another city. I should get back to the tour bus." Blaine checked his phone and, sure enough, he had 17 missed calls from his manager.
"Yeah. I should probably hit the road too if I want to make it to your next show." Kurt said, winking.
The boys walked back to the arena together, chatting along the way about anything and everything. When they got to the arena, Kurt said,
"Well, that was a really great date. Thanks for buying me coffee."
"So then it was a date?" Blaine questioned, a huge smile on his face
Kurt just smiled back before saying,
"I'll see you later tonight, Blaine."
Then Kurt made his way across the parking lot to his car, smiling to himself as he walked away.
Kurt got back to his car and sighed. He had no idea what had just happened, but he had really enjoyed it. He had always claimed to be in love with Blaine Anderson, but that was just a manner of speaking. He never actually thought that he was in love with the man. He didn't even know him. But now that he had spoken to him and gotten to know him, he couldn't stop the butterflies that were flitting around in his stomach. Shit. He was in some serious trouble.
Little did Kurt know that Blaine was currently sitting on his tour bus, going through the same dilemma. It appeared that Blaine was falling head over heels for one of his fans.
if only I could meet Darren Criss and have this happen to me... :)