Go The Distance
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Story
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Go The Distance: Chapter 12

T - Words: 3,625 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 04, 2011
1,267 0 1 0 0

When Kurt got out of the shower a few minutes later, Blaine was just finishing up his phone calls.

"You ready to head out to the airport?" Blaine questioned

"No, not really. But I suppose I have to, don't I. School's waiting." Kurt answered, glumly.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's bags and then, with one last kiss, they were off.

"Now boarding Flight 127 to New York City, New York. Now boarding." A voice called over the intercom.

Blaine was able to go through security with Kurt to see him off at the gate. Being famous had its perks sometimes.

"That's you."

"That's me..." Kurt repeated, stalling.

'I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry.' Kurt thought on repeat. Shit. He was crying.

Blaine saw the tears falling from Kurt's eyes and immediately grabbed his boyfriend into a tight hug, trying to comfort him the best that he could.

"I don't want to leave you." Kurt mumbled in a raspy voice.

"It's not for forever. We'll be together again soon." Blaine reassured Kurt.

"I'll never say goodbye to you." Kurt said, wiping at his eyes frantically with the back of his hand.

And with that, Kurt let go of Blaine and walked onto the plane, not looking back. It would hurt that much more if he did.

Kurt texted Blaine the second he landed in New York City.

I'm here. I miss you already. -Kurt

Blaine replied almost immediately.

I miss you, too. Skype later tonight? -Blaine

Yes please! I love you! -Kurt

I love you, too. -Blaine

And then Mercedes was pulling up to the airport to pick Kurt up, so Kurt hurriedly stuffed his phone back into his pocket, a sad smile on his face. He was back home, but he had never felt so alone. But the instant he saw Mercedes, his smile lit up considerably.

"I missed you! But you need to explain to me what happened to your car. Why was it delivered to the dorm a few weeks ago? And why did you not come home with it? How did you manage to finish the tour without your car?" Mercedes questioned.

But Kurt wasn't ready to explain the whole story. It was still fresh in his mind and it would hurt too much to talk about his summer romance with Blaine. Kurt would tell Mercedes all of the details soon enough, but he just wasn't ready yet.

"I'll explain soon, honey. I promise. Just... not right now. Let's just get back to the dorm. I just want to sleep before classes start tomorrow."

It was now Wednesday of Kurt's second week back at school. He skyped with Blaine every night since they parted ways, texted him throughout the days, and called him when either had a few free minutes to spare. It was difficult to go from seeing Blaine every single day to only talking to him a few times throughout the day. It physically hurt Kurt sometimes.

Just as Kurt was thinking this, he saw that he had an incoming call on his laptop. Blaine was calling him through skype.

Kurt rushed to his laptop, fixing his hair along the way, and quickly answered the call, turning on his webcam so Blaine could see him.

"Hey. I was just thinking about you." Kurt said, moving the laptop over to his bed so he could get comfortable. He and Blaine usually talked for at least an hour when they spoke over skype. It was harder to hang up when they were right in front of each other, so their conversations often lasted longer.

"I was just thinking of you, too. Hence the skype call." Blaine laughed.

"I don't see how you can be so cheery all the time." Kurt said, jokingly.

"Well I'm especially cheery right now because I'm talking to you." Blaine explained. Kurt blushed.

"Hey! Guess what I found today!" Blaine said, suddenly excited.

"What?" Kurt was a little hesitant to ask. Blaine seemed way too excited about this. It couldn't be good.

And then Blaine was lifting up a magazine and putting it right up to the webcam.

"What is that?" Kurt questioned.

"It's us! I was checking out at the grocery store today and looked over and there we were on the cover! Check it out! We're making out at my show in LA!" Blaine said, practically giddy.

"Oh jeez... You are way too excited about this."

"Of course I am! You're totally hot! And now everyone knows that we're together! Not just the people who were at the LA show. Why wouldn't I be excited that everyone can see that I snagged myself the hottest guy around?" Blaine said, sticking his tongue out at Kurt.

"Oh hush, you. Although, that is kind of sweet. But I'm still humiliated. I haven't even told Mercedes about you, yet. What if she sees that? Oh man... she would kill me for not telling her."

"You haven't told Mercedes yet? Are you serious? Why not?" Blaine asked, curious that Kurt hadn't told Mercedes about him. Kurt told Mercedes everything. Blaine was suddenly worried that Kurt was embarrassed of him or something.

Kurt blushed before explaining.

"It just.. it hurts too much to talk about. I miss you so much."

Oh. So Kurt wasn't ashamed of him. The exact opposite. He loved Blaine so much that it hurt him to talk about him. That broke Blaine's heart.

"I'm sorry... I- I'm just so sorry. I promise I'll make everything better soon. Sooner than you think." Blaine said, a fire burning in his eyes.

"Blaine, I appreciate it... but don't make a promise that you can't keep." Kurt said, sighing.

"I'll keep this promise. Trust me. But for now, I need to go. I have some stuff to take care of. I'll see you soon. Love you." Blaine said.

Kurt barely had time to say 'I love you' back before Blaine had ended the call and disappeared from his screen. Kurt missed him instantly. He had no idea how he would make it two more months before he saw Blaine in person again. He truly hoped that Blaine would somehow find a way to keep his promise to make everything better.

Later that day, Kurt was hanging out with Mercedes between classes. They were eating together outside at a picnic table, enjoying the warm summer breeze. Mercedes was going on about some cute boy she had seen on the street the other day, but Kurt wasn't really paying attention. He was in his own world again, thinking about Blaine.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a slap on the arm from Mercedes.

"Boy, what is wrong with you? You've been mopey ever since you got back. Please don't tell me you're all heartbroken because you and Blaine Anderson didn't end up falling in love or something. I mean, you know the chances of someone famous falling for one of their fans is like, one in a million, right?"

Kurt couldn't help but laugh at the irony of what Mercedes was saying to him. He still hadn't told Mercedes about his crazy summer.

"One in a million... right."

Kurt figured now was the time to tell Mercedes the truth about his relationship with Blaine. He figured it couldn't hurt any more than it already did to talk about it out loud. Besides, Mercedes was his best friend and deserved to know what had happened to him.

"Mercedes, it's time I told you about what happened to me this summer."

"It's about time, boy. Go ahead, dish the deets."

"Ok... well, you already know that my car broke down, but I was still able to finish the tour. Well, that's because I rode on the tour bus with Blaine."

"Blaine Anderson? Shut the fuck up! No you didn't!"

"Yeah... Blaine Anderson. After we met at his show here in New York, he apparently developed a crush on me. He asked me out a week later after one of his shows, and then we started hanging out after every show, so when my car broke down, he asked me to ride on the bus with him."

"You're friends with Blaine Anderson? No way. I'm not buying it. We need to get you to a doctor or something, because you are seriously losing it."

"I don't need a doctor. I'm perfectly sane, thank you very much. And we're not friends..."

"Kurt, what? I don't unders-"

But Kurt cut her off and pulled the magazine that Blaine had showed him over skype out of his backpack. Even though it was still kind of odd to see himself on the cover of a magazine, kissing his boyfriend, of all things, he wanted a copy of the magazine for himself, as a reminder that, yes, that really did happen, so after he ended the call with Blaine, he walked down the street to the nearest convenience store and bought himself a copy.

Kurt shoved the magazine in front of Mercedes' face.

"Understand now?" Kurt questioned, a smile on his face, trying not to laugh at his friend's reaction.

"HOLY SHIT! Is that you? Oh my god, that is you! You're not friends with Blaine... you're dating Blaine!"

Kurt nodded, confirming her exclamation.

"How could you keep this from me, Kurt? This is huge! Oh my god! You're dating Blaine Anderson! And that's why you've been so sad! Because you miss him! Oh my god! I can't believe this! This is incredible!" Mercedes went on and on describing how awesome it was.

"That's not even the whole story, Mercedes. I sang with him at his last show in LA. In front of everyone. That's where they got the picture for this magazine. It was amazing. I hadn't done something like that since high school. It just felt... right, I guess." Kurt said, thinking back to that amazing night.

"I am so happy for you, Kurt! You deserve something good in your life!" Mercedes exclaimed, pulling Kurt into a tight hug.

"So I have one question for you: Can I talk to him?" Mercedes questioned, a hopeful smile on her face.

"Who? Blaine?"

"Yes Blaine! He may be taken now, but the boy is fine. Plus, I have to give him the standard I'm-Kurt's-best-friend-hurt-him-and-I-cut-you speech." Mercedes said, a serious look on her face.

"Ugh, fine. I'll call him. Hold on."

Kurt laughed, but knew better than to deny Mercedes, so he pulled out his phone and, reluctantly, gave in to her demand. He quickly dialed Blaine's number, which he knew by heart by now, and only had to wait a second before Blaine hurriedly answered.

"Hey baby." Blaine answered, knowing it was Kurt calling him.


"I get to talk to again so soon? I can't believe my luck!" Blaine joked, even though he really was excited to get to talk to Kurt any chance he got.

"Yeah, yeah... there's actually someone here who wants to talk to you. First, can I just say I'm sorry."

"Wait, Kurt, what?"

But Kurt had already passed the phone to Mercedes, who was now threatening Blaine in her most intimidating voice.

"Listen up, Blaine Anderson. You may be famous. And you may be super fine. But same rules apply to you that would apply to anyone else dating Kurt. You better take care of my boy. Break his heart and I break you."

"Ummm... Hey Mercedes. And... ok. I mean, uh, yes ma'am. I won't break his heart."

"Good. Now, with that said, I'M SO HAPPY THAT YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER!" Mercedes squeeled into the phone.

Blaine laughed.

"I'm glad you approve. Hey Mercedes, while I have you on the phone, can I ask you a favor? Kurt can't hear you right now, right?"

"Nope, he can't hear me. What's up?" Mercedes responded, shifting away from Kurt, to make sure that he couldn't hear Blaine through the phone.

Kurt looked over at Mercedes with a questioning look on his face. He got even more confused as Mercedes' face lit up. She kept nodding her head, mumbling "yes" and "okay, I can do that" and "oh my god!" Kurt had no idea what Blaine was telling her, but he wanted to find out.

A few minutes later, Mercedes was handing the phone back to Kurt, a smug smile on her face.

"What was all of that about, Blaine?" Kurt questioned once he had the phone back up to his ear.

"Don't worry about it. Just had to talk to Mercedes about a few things. But anyway, I need to go. I have a busy day ahead of me. I love you!"

"I love you too!"

And with that, both men hung up the phone.

Kurt immediately turned and attacked Mercedes with questions.

"You gonna tell me what all of that was about?" Kurt asked Mercedes.

"I won't say a word. Now come on, we're going to be late for class." Mercedes said, and with that, she stood up and began to walk away, leaving a dumbstruck Kurt behind her.

It was now Friday afternoon, and Kurt hadn't heard from Blaine all day. Kurt had texted Blaine a few times that day, but Blaine never responded.

It was odd for Kurt to go so long without hearing from Blaine. To be honest, he was beginning to worry about him.

Kurt was about to go off campus for a little while and just walk around Times Square to take his mind off of things, but then Mercedes came bounding into his room.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Mercedes questioned him, blocking his door, not allowing Kurt to pass.

"I was about to go to Times Square and walk around for a bit, to get my mind off of Blaine. I haven't heard from him all day. Want to join me?"

"Nope. You're staying right here."

"What? Mercedes, come on. What are you playing at?" Kurt questioned his friend's odd behavior.

"Nothing. I just want to hang out in your room. Let's watch a movie or something."

"I don't feel like watching a movie. I feel like walking around New York City. What has gotten into you? Jeez!" Kurt was beginning to get frustrated now.

"I don't care what you feel like doing. You are not leaving this room." Mercedes said, her bitch-face on.

Kurt knew not to mess with that face, so he gave in, sitting down on his bed with a huff.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be happy about it."

"Trust me, you'll be happy soon." Mercedes mumbled under her breath, but Kurt didn't hear her.


"Nothing! So what do you want to watch?"

An hour later, in the middle of watching Moulin Rouge, Kurt finally got a text from Blaine. His face instantly lit up.

Hey! Sorry I haven't texted you all day. I've been preoccupied. What are you up to? -Blaine

Hey! Nothing at the moment. Just in my room. Mercedes has me practically locked up in here -Kurt

Good. You should go outside. -Blaine

Kurt was confused. 'Good'? Why was Blaine happy about Mercedes locking him up? This day was just getting more and more confusing. And Kurt knew that Blaine was busy, but he had never been too busy to just send him a quick text before. And why did he want him to go outside? Kurt had so many questions.

What. Why? -Kurt

But Kurt didn't get a chance to hit send, because, suddenly, he heard the sound of a guitar being played right outside his bedroom window. Kurt glanced over at Mercedes, who was smiling over a him, a knowing look on her face, motioning with her hands for Kurt to go to the window and investigate. So Kurt went to the window and peered down the two stories. What he saw, nothing could have prepared him for.

There was Blaine Anderson, standing outside his window, playing the guitar. Oh, and now he was starting to sing. It was a total Say Anything moment, minus the boombox. And it was the most romantic thing Kurt had ever seen. Even better than the times Blaine had sung to him in front of sold out crowds, because, this time, it was just Kurt and Blaine, and Blaine was in New York City, singing only for him.

"What are you waiting for? Your man is waiting for you. Go get him." Mercedes told Kurt, pushing toward the door.

"Wait, you knew about this?" Kurt questioned, pausing at the door in shock.

"Yes! This is what Blaine and I planned over the phone the other day. He's here for you, Kurt. So stop talking to me and go outside and get him!"

With that, Kurt took off running down the stairs and out the door, standing right in front of Blaine as he sang his song to him.

Baby I want you
Baby I want you
Baby I do

Darling I love you
Darling I love you
Know that it's true

Don't leave me here out on my own
Don't you know how I hate to be alone
I just want to be a part of your home

Baby I want you
Baby I want you
Baby I do

Darling I love you
Darling I love you
Know that it's true

Don't leave me here out in the cold
Don't you know that it's your hand I want to hold
As these days fly past and unfold

Baby I want you
Baby I want you
Baby I do

Darling I love you
Darling I love you
Know that it's true

By the end of the song, a large group had gathered around the couple standing outside. Everyone knew who Blaine was, and a lot of people had heard rumor that a student at NYU was dating him. Now it was confirmed. It was kind of obvious that Blaine was there for Kurt. That he was in love with Kurt. He never once took his eyes off of him as he sang.

"Kurt, I hope you don't mind me coming here." Blaine said, setting his guitar down on a picnic table next to him when he finished the song, slowly making his way closer to Kurt, until he finally reached him and took his hands in his own.

"Mind? Of course I don't mind! I'm just confused! What are you doing here, Blaine? I thought we weren't going to meet up until Thanksgiving in LA!" Kurt said, confusion visible on his face.

"I couldn't wait that long. I had to see you again. I had to be with you. I love you, Kurt. More than I could ever tell you."

"I love you, too." Kurt replied, quickly leaning down and planting a kiss on Blaine's lips, reveling in the taste that he could never forget. It tasted distinctly of Blaine. Kurt loved the familiarity of it all.

"But I still don't understand what you're doing here..." Kurt said, as he finally pulled away, not wanting to make-out with Blaine in front of his classmates. No, he would do that later, in the privacy of his own room.

"Well, my flight landed here about an hour ago, and I headed straight here, to you. I can hang out with you on campus for a bit, but then I'll need to head over to my new apartment to meet with the movers." Blaine explained, a large smile on his face.

It took Kurt a moment to comprehend what Blaine was saying.

"Wait... movers? What? Blaine, are you saying..." Kurt was at a loss for words.

"Yes, Kurt. I'm moving to New York City. Four blocks from NYU, to be exact. I'm a singer. I can do that from anywhere. I don't know why I didn't realize that earlier. I guess I just though LA was my home... but I was wrong. You are my home now, Kurt. Wherever you are is where I want to be."

Kurt was crying now. Blaine pulled him into a tight hug, resting his head against Kurt's chest, not letting go as he finished explaining.

"I called my agent when you were in the shower in LA and asked him to do me a few favors. He helped me move out of my apartment and find a new one here in the city. Also, I talked with my manager and record company, and they okay'd me recording my next album here. Besides, there are tons of little venues for me to perform at here, too, so it's kind of perfect. And when I told them that my new fashion designer lived here and it would be more convenient for him to measure me for fittings and stuff like that, they were all for the move."

Kurt was speechless.

"Say something, Kurt. I love you. I hope that me doing all of this is okay with you."

And yep, that got Kurt talking.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I'm okay with this! I'm more than okay with this! I'm ecstatic! You're moving here! You are going to live here! We can be together! I'm so happy, Blaine, I don't even know what else to say! I love you!"

And now they were kissing again, much more passionate than the kiss they shared a moment before. But Blaine and Kurt didn't care who was watching anymore. The whole world could be watching them and they wouldn't care. They were totally and completely happy.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I have one more thing to tell you!" Blaine exclaimed, eventually pulling away from Kurt, but still holding him close in his arms.

"What is it?" Kurt questioned, wondering what else Blaine could have to tell him when he had already given him the world.

"I want you to move in with me."

Kurt gasped.

"Of- of course I'll move in with you!"

This was all more than Kurt had ever dreamed of. Kurt thought when he set out on his adventure at the beginning of summer that he would have a fun time following his idol around the country. He never could have guessed that he would end up finding his one true love.

Blaine was thinking the same thing as he and Kurt made their way up to Kurt's room to "catch up" for a few hours before heading to Blaine's new apartment.

Blaine couldn't believe his luck, finding the love of his life and having the most incredible summer he could ever remember having. And now, his life would be better than ever, because he had Kurt. Blaine had made the right decision in moving to New York. He had no regrets. And he knew he would never have any regrets as long as Kurt was by his side- just love.

The End.
End Notes: Song is Baby I Want You by Amos Lee


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Aw. This entire fic was super sweet! Any chance you'll revisit this verse? Anyway, thanks for sharing! :]