March 11, 2012, 3:52 a.m.
March 11, 2012, 3:52 a.m.
“Blayne,” She said, patiently. “You’re not dying; you’re just on your period. It happens every month.” Blayne whined into her pillow, curling her body into an even smaller ball.
“And I’m never going to get used to it! I feel like my fucking womb is eating itself.” He peered up at Kate through her hair. “And fuck knows what my ovaries think they’re do- Oh!” She winced, shuddering as her face contorted in pain. “Holy fucking shit I am never getting pregnant.”
Kate took pity on her poor, suffering girlfriend. “I’ll go and get a heat pad from the bathroom. When was the last time you took painkillers?” She asked as she rubbed Blayne’s exposed ankle comfortingly.
Blayne mumbled something into her pillow and Kate stifled a laugh. “Blayne, sweetheart, I can’t hear you if you talk at your pillow and not to me.” Slowly, Blayne rolled over, hair strewn across her face. Kate gently brushed them out of the way.
“Like,” Blayne thought, hard. “A couple hours ago – I took paracetamol.” Kate nodded.
“You can take ibuprofen, then.” She pressed a kiss to Blayne’s forehead and got up. “Do you want anything else? Tea maybe?” Blayne shook her head miserably.
“I want my body to stop trying to make me have babies at seventeen years old.” She groused and Kate shook her head, disappearing into the bathroom.
The pack of heat pads was almost empty; Kate took out the second-to-last one and searched amongst the bottles in the medicine cabinet for the ibuprofen. She found it, hidden behind the Night Nurse and flipped it open to check that it wasn’t empty. Carefully balancing the heat pad, painkillers and a glass of water from the tap in her hands, she made her way back into Blayne’s bedroom. Blayne looked up as she came in and made little grabby motions with her hands.
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best girlfriend ever and I love you so much?” She asked, knocking back the pills and half a glass of water. Kate laughed as she snapped the little metal disk, watching as the transparent liquid slowly turned opaque and solid. She handed it over to Blayne, who pressed it low on her abdomen and sighed happily. She looked up at Kate again and stroked her thigh. “Thank-you for putting up with me while I whinge.” Kate smiled and took her hand.
“Part of the job description; you can do the same for me when I get sick.” Blayne grinned.
“Cuddle?” She asked and Kate rolled her eyes again.
“You don’t need to pull the puppy eyes on my, Blayne. Of course I’ll cuddle. Do you want me to rub your back as well?” She asked and she lay down next to her girlfriend. Blayne nodded and Kate reached carefully over her and rubbed circles into her back gently. Blayne sighed contentedly.
“Best girlfriend ever.”
“Shut up and nap, Blayne.” Kate replied, pressing her lips to the crown of Blayne’s head as Blayne slowly, slowly relaxed into sleep. Later, Blayne would wake up feeling slightly more human and venture downstairs to have some food. But until then, Kate was content to lie there with her girlfriend in her arms and the sun shining in through the curtains.
poor blayne. at least she has kate to ease the pain.