May 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter 5 sneak peak: Blaine cant sleep and Yuki gets air sick.
Kurt was done listening to some music and wanted to watch a movie next. Just then, Blaine felt a slight numbness in his left leg.
"My leg, its feeling tingly. Babe, please make it stop." Blaine said.
Kurt told Blaine to take off his shoes and to stretch both his legs, his feet, and his toes.
After the tingling weakened, he says to him, "Honey, you cant stay in the same position for too long. You might end up with deep vein thrombosis or DVT."
"Is it fatal?" Blaine asked him.
"Its possible. The best way to prevent it is to move around, like walking in the aisles of the plane and drink plenty of cups of water. I read it in the airline magazine thats in the seat pocket." Kurt said.
After Misaki dropped by to serve their lunches, Blaine asked, "So then, what movie are you going to start off with? That Minion movie was funny."
Kurt was scrolling through the movie selections until he came across a movie that hes familiar with. "Hummmm....ah, Moulin Rouge." Kurt replied.
"Okay, Ill watch it too." Blaine said.
As the two gentlemen were eating their first ever airplane meal while watching Moulin Rouge, Kurt commented to Blaine regarding the food, consisting of chicken teriyaki with carrots and broccoli on white rice, miso soup, a salad, and green tea ice cream, "It feels like having a TV dinner, Japanese style. Its better than the food served from the hospital."
"Dont get me started with hospital food. The taste there feels meh in my opinion." Blaine said as he continued to eat. "This Japanese meal is yummy. I feel like I want seconds."
Sometime after they finished their meal, Kurt started to tear up when he watched Satine and Christian singing Come What May. Blaine, seeing Kurt go teary eyed, embraced and comforted him in a hug. It reminded them of their wedding song when they renewed their vows in New York, in front of their close friends and family about two months ago.
In the rear galley, Misaki was eating her meal when she saw the red lighted interphone flashing. She answers it to hear Asou on the other end. "You called for me Misaki-san?" Asou asked.
Misaki replied, "Yes Asou-san. I was wondering if you have extra slices of Japanese cheesecake and a bottle of champagne."
Asou says to her, "I do have some left, but why do you ask such a thing?"
Misaki answered her, "Its not for me. Its for a couple thats flying to their honeymoon. I wanted it to be a surprise."
"Alright then. Where are they sitting at?" Asou asked her.
"They are sitting at seats 38A-B-C. The married couples names are Kurt and Blaine." Misaki said.
Kurt and Blaine finished watching Moulin Rouge and were about to watch another movie when Asou showed up in front of them, carrying two slices of Japanese cheesecake on a plate with forks while Misaki was holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
Asou says to them, "Im sorry to interrupt. One of my crew members told me that you guys are married and headed to your honeymoon. Is that correct?"
Kurt replied to the flight purser, "Uh, yeah thats right."
"On behalf of the crew, we like to give you guys a special treat to celebrate. Please enjoy some Japanese cheesecake. Its not the same as New York style cheesecake or other cheesecakes youre familiar with." Asou said.
"Thank you very much or arigatou gozaimasu," says Blaine.
"Your pronunciation is very good." Misaki said to Blaine as she served the glasses of sparking apple champagne over to them.
Kurt says to Asou and Misaki, "That was very kind of you guys." He takes a bite of the Japanese cheesecake. "Oh my, its very delicious or shall I say it as oishii."
The flight attendants chuckled.
"You got that right." Misaki said.
"Well leave you guys alone then. So, please continue eating and congratulations to the both of you." Asou said.
The couple thanked them again as walked their separate ways with Asou walking back towards the front galley and Misaki walking towards the rear galley of the plane respectively.
Asou dropped by to see the mysterious male passenger she saw earlier, whos sitting in business class. She asked him, "So, how are you going to surprise Misaki-san? She doesnt have a clue youre here."
The mysterious male passenger turns out to be Shota Nakahara, a close friend of Misaki, now dating each other in a long distance relationship for over 3 years.
He answers Asous question. "I plan to surprise her with this." He then pulls out a small box from his pocket, containing an engagement ring and shows it to her. Asou was amazed at the sight of the ring and tells him, "Its very lovely. Misaki-san for sure will love it."
Close to four hours into the flight, the plane is flying over the rockies and encounters a round of turbulence. The plane starts to get more bumpier than normal and Asou made an announcement on the PA system to remind everyone to return to their seats with their seat belts fastened.
For Kurt and Blaine, it was their first time experiencing the turbulence. They were in the middle of watching Tangled when both of them felt startled by it.
Kurt said to Blaine, "We never experienced something like this before. It was not like this whenever we flew from New York to Lima."
Blaine said to him as he held onto the armrests, "I know right. I read that turbulence is caused by something strong, like winds or stormy weather."
The plane continued to shake very hard and Kurt started to panic and asked him, "Are we going to crash Blaine? Im freaking scared right now! Did your brother encountered this kind of turbulence on his way to London?"
Blane replied to him, "Please dont say that. Sweetie, this plane is not going to crash and I assure you its not going to happen. I forgot to mention about this to you during the taxi ride earlier. Sorry babe. If I had told you, you would have been more afraid to fly. What my brother did when he encountered turbulence over the Atlantic Ocean on his flight to London is that he watched a movie to get through it. Just relax, were going to continue to watch Tangled and were going to give each other a comfort hug as we get through this."
"Okay. Thanks honey. Im not ready to die just yet. We still have a lot of years to spend together." Kurt said. "I know babe." Blaine said as he lied onto Kurts head while continuing to watch the movie.
About ten minutes later, they felt more relaxed when they were watching the lantern scene of Rapunzel and Eugene/Flynn singing I See the Light.
At the back of the plane, Yuki pushed the assistance button Misaki mentioned earlier before takeoff. Hirota came by to check on the young boys request.
Yuki asked her, "Where is Misaki onee-san?" Hirota replied to him, "Shes busy checking on the other passengers. Oh, here she comes now."
Misaki arrives in front of them, after checking to make sure the passengers fastened their seat belts.
"Hirota-san, Ill take care of this." Misaki said as Hirota bowed to Yuki and went to her jump seat. Misaki sat next to Yuki.
"Misaki onee-san, why is the captain making the plane all bumpy? Im really scared." Yuki asked her.
"Please do not worry Yuki-chan. The captain is trying to find a way to make the flight less bumpy and more smooth. As long as you wear your seatbelt, everything is going to be alright. Ill sit beside you until the shakiness has lessened. Lets say we watch a movie. Okay?" Misaki says.
"Okay. Misaki onee-san. Lets watch The Lion King." Yuki said as Misaki smiled at him.
Kurt and Blaine finished watching Tangled when the turbulence ended and the cabin lights have dimmed for the passengers to rest. They decide to watch a TV show before going to sleep. It was titled Just for Laughs Gags. Both of them were laughing constantly, laughing at each skit that appeared in the screen shown in front of them.
After the show was done, Kurt said, "That was just ridiculous and funny. Anyways, nows the time we sleep."
He took off his headphones, turned off his TV screen, and then he wrapped himself with a blanket and reclined his seat.
Blaine did the same and said to Kurt, "I agree with you babe, but first, we need to kiss."
"Are you kidding honey?! Were not at home and besides, it would be so awkward to do it in front of the other passengers." Kurt says to him.
"Just so you know, the cabin lights are off and mostly everyone around us is asleep. I want to do it so badly sweetie." Blaine said.
"Youre so crazy Blaine." Kurt said as he shook his head. He paused for a moment, and then, he eventually decided to. "Okay, okay, lets do this, and then we sleep alright?"
The two briefly turned on the reading light to allow Blaine to cover his blanket over Kurt as if they were ghosts in the dark. Once they were looking at each other face to face from under the blanket, they turned off the light and went for it.
"Bring it on! I love you babe." Blaine says as he kissed him passionately and held on to his arms. At the same time, Kurt wrapped his arms around him just as he did during the time they were rehearsing for West Side Story. The kiss lasted for about 30 seconds.
"That was a good one." Kurt said as he lifted the blanket off to get some air. About a minute later, he says, "Lets do this again honey. I love you too."
They kissed once more, this time without the blanket above their heads. It was almost similar to the kiss they did in the fake elevator Sue had set up to get them back together. It went for 45 seconds this time.
After they kissed, Blaine said to him, "Ahhhh....looks a new kiss record for both of us."
"Yeah....thats enough kisses for today. Lets go to sleep now honey." Kurt says.
"Alright, sweet dreams babe." Blaine said.
"Sweet dreams to you too honey." Kurt said as the couple lied on each others heads and covering themselves with each others blankets.