Come What May
Your Song Previous Chapter Story
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Come What May: Your Song

E - Words: 1,312 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 04, 2011
359 0 0 0 0

I had no idea what I was doing. Lights were flashing all around me, music was thumping through the sound system and bodies were throbbing on the dance floor.

I had come here to be a writer, yet somehow here I was on the dance floor of a high end gentlemen's club, dancing with their star. Porcelain whirled and twirled around me, the diamonds embedded in his waistcoat shining in the lights. A grin lit up has face as he danced against me, his arms sliding along my arms and back. I watched him as he moved his lithe and graceful body around the dance floor, his skin changing hues as the lights flashed from one color to the next.

"Sue says you are here about the movie." Porcelain's words landed on my ear soft and quiet, surprising me and sending a slight shiver down my spine.

"Y-yes" I stammered, caught off guard by the blue eyes gazing down at me.

"Then I will see you tonight dear Duke. Au revoir." With those words Porcelain turned on his heel and walked away, slipping between a couple of people.

"Wait!" I cried, reaching out to try and stop him before he left. "I'm not a Duke!" I pushed between people on the floor, trying to find the way that Porcelain had went. It seemed it was too late; he was nowhere to be found.

The music quieted as the lights dimmed and a strong countertenor rang across the room. Diamonds!

Everyone turned towards the voice that was coming from the center of the room. There Porcelain sat on the black velvet swing, being slowly lifted to the ceiling as he continued to sing.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend! Porcelain grinned as he rose higher and higher, the crowd awestruck in his presence. Suddenly his eyes went wide as he lost his balance and fell, tumbling backwards off the seat. Two of the Dolls caught him before he could hit the floor and carried him backstage.
"Out of the way, out of the way!" Sue yelled, pushing stagehands aside as she rushed towards Porcelain. She knelt next to the couch he had been laid upon where Quinn was patting his forehead with a damp cloth and checking his heart rate.

He took in a shuddering breath as he came to, his eyes slowly focusing on the faces in the room with him. "I swear to god Sue, these men are going to kill me" he groaned, propping himself up on one arm.

"My god Kurt" Sue replied, so worried about him that she dropped his stage name. "You scared me to death!"

"It's these damn heels" he complained, rolling his eyes. "They make my ass look good but I swear they cut off my circulation."

"Take them off then, don't wear shoes for the Duke, I'm sure he won't mind."

Porcelain smirked up at her. "He'll be too busy looking at the rest of me to even care what's on my feet."

"That's what I like to hear! I've got to go take care of the ravenous men on the dance floor; you go get ready for the Duke!"
We watched as Sue walked back through the curtains behind the DJ. "You've scared him off" she explained, her words followed by complaints from the people on the floor. "Don't fear though, there are plenty of Dirty Dolls and Fallen Angels to go around!"

With those words, the DJ promptly began to play music, attempting to entice people back out onto the dance floor.

I turned around when I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. "It's time" Finn grinned at me. "Go woo Porcelain, get him in line for the show!"
Porcelain lived alone in the penthouse which was located in the top of the oversized top hat that was perched on the top of the club. I had quickly found my way to his room; it was quite simple once I realized it was at the end of the only corridor back that way. I had quietly entered his room and stood there waiting for him to arrive. I used this time to look around his room. A clich�, heart-shaped bed sat in the corner and appeared to have white silk and black velvet sheets. The curtains were red velvet and hid a balcony that held a gorgeous view of the city. A white leather couch sat against the west wall and opposite of a large, flat screen TV.

As I was inspecting the Warhol paining on the wall I heard a door click close. I turned to see Porcelain standing there, a vision that set my heart beating faster. He was dressed in red shorts and had traded his black waistcoat for a red one. His hands were covered in white gloves and a black top hat sat on his head. His eyes glittered dangerously as he fixed the red bowtie around his neck and stepped more fully into the room.

He picked up a glass of champagne from the table, offering one to me as well that I politely declined. Best to keep my wits up about me, I thought. "Shall we begin?" he asked, raising an eyebrow seductively.

I cleared my throat as a new wave of panic set in. "Right, so um, over here is fine?" I asked, gesturing to a corner of the room. "You-you can sit if you like, it's quite long."

Porcelain opened his mouth but promptly closed it again, apparently deciding to keep his thought to himself.

I took in a deep breath before I began. "It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside. I don't have much money but boy if I did, I'd buy a big house where we both could live. If I were a sculptor, but then again, no. Or a man who makes potions a traveling show. I know it's not much, but it's the best that I can do." I stole a glance at Porcelain who had a confused look on his face before I began again.

My gift is my song, and this one's for you. Porcelain slid to the edge of the bed, leaning forward on his hands.

And you can tell everybody, that this is your song. It may be quite simple, now that it's done. I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words, how wonderful life is, now you're in the world.

At that moment I realized how much those words were true. I was supposed to woo Porcelain, yet sometime during the night I had fallen hard for him.

Suddenly Porcelain was standing, taking one of my hands as I continued to sing.

Sat on the roof and I kicked off the moss. Some of these verses, well they've got me quite cross. But the sun's been kind, while I wrote this song. It's for people like you that keep it turned on.

Slowly we began to waltz around the room, neither really leading the other, simply doing what felt right.

So excuse me for forgetting, but these things I do. You see, I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue. And well the thing is, what I really mean, yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.

At that moment Porcelain's bright blue eyes locked on mine and I felt as if my heart had stopped. A man could get lost in those eyes.

And you can tell everybody, this is your song. It may be quite simple, not that it's done. I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words, how wonderful life is now you're in the world.

I leaned towards him, lips nearing, the moment perfect when suddenly a loud knock came at the door. "Porcelain? Are you in there? The Duke is here to see you!" Sue yelled through the door, startling us both.

Porcelain pushed away from me frantically. "If the Duke is out there then who – oh god, you're one of Finn's writers aren't you?"


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