Feb. 20, 2012, 10:18 a.m.
Feb. 20, 2012, 10:18 a.m.
Before he could walk away, however, Blaine was pulling him back down to the seat next to him. “No Kurt, I’m sorry. I was surprised. Don’t be sorry, don’t ever be sorry for that.” Blaine said as he pleaded silently for Kurt to open his eyes. He wasn’t sure if Kurt knew the truth or not, but he had obviously assumed correctly. If Blaine was going to tell Kurt it was going to have to be now. “Hey, c’mon open your eyes, please.” Blaine said as he tugged Kurt even closer to him.
Kurt only nodded slowly and willed the tears to stay away as he blinked his eyes open, his lashes already wet. Once he was finally looking him straight in his clear blue eyes, Blaine spoke. “Kurt, I’m gay,” because he figured the beginning was going to be the best place to start.
The tears did come then, as Kurt’s expression became even more pained. If Blaine was gay and he hadn’t reciprocated the kiss he obviously didn’t share Kurt’s feelings, and that was somehow worse. Kurt once again began to stand.
Blaine, frustrated that he couldn’t do this right, shook his head violently. “No Kurt, wait. Please let me finish.” He took a breath, looking for the words to describe how he felt. “I’m not good at romance, obviously since the only guy I’ve ever liked just kissed me and all I did was sit there!” Blaine said with exasperation evident in his voice.
Kurt looked up at Blaine’s words, blinking rapidly as a look of disbelief distorted his features. Blaine wanted to laugh with relief, but he assumed (correctly) that Kurt wouldn’t take that very well. Instead, he reached across the blanket and pulled Kurt to him, kissing him passionately. It was Kurt’s turn to be surprised and it took him a few moments before he was pressing his lips to Blaine’s, returning the kiss with fervor.
When their lips met this time, Kurt realized they had been wrong, it was nothing like fireworks. It was so much more. It was everything hitting him at once; it was peace and the feeling of acceptance. It was the knowledge that Blaine felt at least some of what Kurt did. It was the elation of first love, and it was right.
Kurt wanted to laugh as Blaine pulled back and whispered against Kurt’s lips “that was way better than fireworks.”
Kurt nodded in response, unable to come up with words to describe the perfect kiss. He pressed his forehead against Blaine’s and smiled as their eyes met, “perfect,” he said, and it didn’t even come close.
They sat there for what felt like ages, but was more like fifteen minutes. Taking a breath, Kurt said. “Blaine, were you serious when you said I was the only guy you’ve ever liked?”
Blaine laughed, “of course I am,” he said, “I like you Kurt, probably for a lot longer than you realize.”
Kurt’s gaze met his at that moment, a smirk playing on his lips. “I highly doubt that.” He replied.
“I don’t know Kurt, I seem to remember harboring a crush on a six year old boy who could sing the entire soundtrack to The Sound of Music and made the best toast with raspberry jam I’d ever eaten.” Blaine said with a bright smile.
Kurt giggled and swatted at Blaine’s arm. “Well, I can’t help it that I’ve always been rather fabulous, but I do think I remember falling pretty hard for a little boy with soft curls, the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, and a larger vocabulary than most adults.” Blaine blushed at this, his smile growing bigger.
“So, what I’m getting from this is that I should’ve kissed you all those times I wanted to that summer.” Blaine said before he could stop himself.
Kurt blushed this time, “I definitely wouldn’t have been opposed.” He lowered his gaze quickly, his blush spreading as he processed the information. Finally his eyes met Blaine’s, “So, does this mean, you and me…” He said as he pointed between them.
“Boyfriends?” Blaine said questioningly, unable to hide the hope in his voice.
Kurt smiled wider, “Boyfriends,” he confirmed as he took Blaine’s hand and leaned forward to kiss him sweetly on the lips. Blaine smiled into the kiss and placed a hand softly against Kurt’s cheek, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling away. Blaine was still smiling when the kiss ended. “I guess the rumors are true now, for once Jacob Ben Israel got something right.” Kurt said with a blissful laugh as he lay down on his back, careful to keep his fingers intertwined with Blaine’s.
Blaine looked at him puzzled. “You know, I still don’t know what rumors you’re talking about.” Oh, Kurt thought, a lump rising slowly in his chest, he had forgotten the entire reason he had gone looking for Blaine that morning, the entire reason he had ended up with a face full of ice.
“Blaine, I have to tell you something.” Kurt said as he chewed at his bottom lip. Blaine looked at him with wide, innocent eyes, and Kurt worried that what he was about to say was going to be the final straw, the terrible thing that pushed Blaine out of his life just as they had finally opened their eyes to what they had. “Jacob Ben Israel saw us at the Lima Bean and he told the whole school we were dating.” Blaine laughed at the utter ridiculousness of it, before Kurt quieted him, “he found me in the hall before school and asked me about it, and my reply wasn’t exactly kind.” Blaine stiffened at Kurt’s words, his eyes narrowing slightly.
“And what did you say Kurt?” He asked hesitantly, unsure if he was ready to hear the response.
“I said there was absolutely nothing going on between me and that nerd.” Kurt said in one long winded breath. Blaine’s hand went limp in Kurt’s at that, his disappointment obvious. “Blaine, I didn’t mean it I swear, I just, I had to protect myself and you! I mean the jocks don’t even really know that you’re gay, but I don’t think they’d take too kindly to us dating…” Kurt rambled before Blaine slipped his hand out of his grip.
Blaine’s eyes were downcast, unable to meet Kurt’s. “So, does this mean we can’t be together?” Blaine asked slowly, his voice breaking a little as his shoulders slumped and he brought his knees up to his chest.
Kurt’s heart broke at Blaine’s words; he reached for Blaine’s hand, but thought better of it as he sat up to face him. “Of course we can be together Blaine, just not at school. I can’t even imagine what we’d have to endure if this came out.”
Blaine was suddenly standing, his eyes blazing as he spoke, “oh, so you like me, just not when other people can see? It took a lot for me to forgive you for not saying anything after what Azimio did and the next thing I know you’re denouncing even our friendship in front of the entire school. Why do I get the feeling that you’re ashamed of me Kurt? Y’know, I knew things would be harder once we started dating, but I thought you’d at least be brave enough to deal with it if you had your boyfriend by your side. I didn’t realize that boyfriend meant you were too scared to be seen with me in public. If that’s really how you feel Kurt, I don’t think we should be boyfriends after all.” Blaine said before turning around feverishly and heading back to the car. Tears were already overflowing from his eyes, as his body tensed with anger.
Kurt was a mess. He was left wide eyed and open mouthed on the blanket, his heart shattered to a million pieces. Way to go Hummel, he thought, you finally snag the guy of your dreams and you already screwed that up. Before he knew it, he was crying as he gathered the blanket from the ground and followed Blaine to the car. He was at a loss for words as he got closer, “Blaine, I…”
“Save it,” Blaine said, his eyes hard, “I think I need to go home now.” He handed Kurt his keys as he got into the passenger seat.
Kurt nodded and wiped his tears with the sleeve of his already-ruined Cheerios uniform. He turned the ignition and drove away, a heavy silence filling the car as Blaine glared at the road ahead, his arms tight against his chest, and Kurt wondered how in the world he was going to make this up to the beautiful boy sitting next to him.
Rachel peered around the corner as the football players exited the locker room. Many of them left in packs, rowdy boys laughing as they tossed a water bottle between them. Boys patting each other on the back and talking about the Buckeye’s game on Monday.
She observed as Karofsky and Azimio were the last to leave, their shoulders squared and their eyes sinister as they walked solemnly down the hall, students scrambling to get out of their way. Rachel narrowed her eyes at the way the other students were reacting to the two boys.
Rachel had endured her fair share of bullying of course; being a part of New Directions meant you were automatically at the bottom rung of the social ladder. Sure, she had been on the wrong end of a few slushy facials and had put up with some fairly ridiculous taunts that the random classmate would shout from across the hall, but she had never been physically assaulted. She was beginning to think that Kurt had, and she was quickly figuring out who was behind it. Still, she needed cold, hard facts before she could present her plan to the New Directions, especially after they had all chastised her for approaching Kurt that day in her kitchen.
Her eyes narrowed as she watched Karofsky shove a freshman into the lockers, Azimio laughing beside him. Before anyone noticed her, she was gone, rushing towards the choir room to process the information that she had gathered. She was almost ready to approach the glee club with her plan.
She just had to talk to Jacob Ben Israel first.