Sept. 2, 2012, 10:31 a.m.
Sept. 2, 2012, 10:31 a.m.
Chapter 3:
"What's wrong, pixie fairy? Am I bothering you? Don't pretend like you don't like it when I touch you. I know you wait around your locker for me to shove you so you could relish on how good my touch feels." Said Karofsky while dragging the back of his hand up and down Kurt's cheek rougher than necessary.
"Please don't do this. Please, I'll do anything else you want. Just don't touch me, I beg you." At this point Kurt was crying in earnest.
"That's right, princess. Beg for me." Karofsky groaned as he began to unzip his pants.
Kurt was doing everything in his will-power to push him away, but Karofsky was twice his size, and he easily forced Kurt down on his knees and-
"Kurt! Wake up, man!" And with one last shove by the blonde haired boy, Kurt bolted upright and began to back away onto the wall.
"No, please! Don't tou-Oh." Kurt blinked a few times.
"Shit, man. You were practically yelling in your sleep for the past 20 minutes. Must have been one hell of a nightmare."
Kurt's eyes automatically searched the room for the beautiful hazel eyes of his roommate. He found Blaine leaning against the wall by the door watching Kurt with searching eyes and an unreadable expression. He felt an odd flutter in his stomach at the intenseness of his gaze.
Eventually, Kurt had to look away. Finally, he took in his surroundings and noticed that there were indeed three other guys in the room and that one of them had actually just spoken to him.
They were all watching him with semi-concerned expressions.
"You okay, man?" Said the dark skinned boy, before he could question the blonde boy that had woken him up.
Kurt nodded wearily and shook his head to clear his head from the dream that has been haunting him for a while now.
He was getting a little uncomfortable with all the eyes being on him, especially the eyes of a specific curly haired boy that he could feel piercing through his soul.
Finally, Kurt managed to find his voice again and said, "Um, thanks for waking me up…?"
"No prob. I'm Jeff, by the way. We didn't get the chance to introduce ourselves earlier. These are David and Nick." Jeff pointed to the other two boys in the room.
"I'm Kurt, but I'm guessing Blaine already told you that." Kurt said while chancing a glance at Blaine, who was now smoking a cigarette that he had pulled out of his back pocket. Not that Kurt had been watching him the whole time out of the corner of his eye.
"I hope you don't do that every time you fall asleep. If you do, sleeping in the room with you is going to be one annoying adventure." Blaine teased, with that cocky smile on his face.
Kurt's face fell.
Kurt bit out angrily, "Has anyone ever told you that you're an asshole? If you're unhappy with my presence, you're welcome to complain to the Warden and I'll gladly switch rooms."
In his moment of rage, Kurt had forgotten the presence of the other three delinquents until he heard them chuckle.
"Wow, Blaine. Have fun cracking this one." Said the one Kurt assumed was Jeff.
Kurt tore his eyes away from Blaine who was staring at him with a nonchalant expression, obviously not phased by Kurt's little outburst.
Suddenly, Kurt was curious as to why these four boys were here, so he asked, "What are you guys in here for?"
"Well," Nick began. "Jeff and I are here for theft. We broke into a house and attempted to haul the TV out the window when the house owner saw us and called the cops."
Kurt couldn't help the snort that came out.
"And David here, pulled a Grand Theft Auto with Wes and were arrested the next day." Nick continued, ignoring Kurt's snort amused expression.
At Kurt's questioning stare, he clarified. "Oh, Wes is that Asian boy that was with us when we first came into the room before you kicked us out.
"And Blainey here," Jeff continued, earning a scowl from Blaine because of the nickname. Kurt couldn't help but smile a little. "Is here for drug possession and for-"
"Jeff, why don't you take David and Nick to the commons? Dinner starts in a bit anyway, and I'd like to have a moment with little Kurt here." Blaine cut Jeff off before he could reveal the other reason.
And? What else could he have done?
Jeff stared at Blaine hard, as if trying to communicate with his eyes, before finally signaling for the others to follow him outside the door.
Kurt slowly got out of bed and grabbed some clothes from the dresser. He was trying to avoid the eyes burning into his back as much as possible.
What makes him think I want to talk to him?
"Kurt," Blaine began.
Kurt simply hurried his attempts to pick up his uniform and head to the bathroom, but Blaine was blocking his way.
"Blaine, please get out of my way. I'm seriously not in the mood for your existence right now and I'd like to take a shower before dinner." He said, not meeting Blaine's gaze.
"What did you do to get here?" He asked.
"I told you, it's none of your business. Now get out of my way before you seriously piss me off." Kurt bit out with an annoyed huff.
Blaine slowly stepped aside and heard Kurt shut the door loudly behind him.
Blaine sighed heavily and started for the door to head out to dinner when Kurt burst back into the room.
"I forgot my toiletry bag." He cleared, grabbing the bag and heading back into the bathroom.
The curly haired boy stared at the closed door for a few moments before finally leaving the room.
Once Kurt heard their room door shut, he reached for the razor he had hidden in his bag.
His father had thrown out what he thought was all Kurt had, but Kurt had a secret stash hidden.
He twirled the piece of metal in his fingers before walking to the tub to fill it out.
Just as the tub was filled to the brim, he shed his clothes and slowly sank into the hot water.
He grabbed the razor and stared at it for a few seconds before finally bringing it down to his wrist.
His dad had tried to get him to stop once he found him unconscious on his bathroom floor one day. He had sent him to psychiatrists and therapists, but the thing was, Kurt just couldn't find any other method to make him forget his emotional pain.
He had tried painting, reading, singing, running, studying, practically any activity just so he could get his mind off what happened, but nothing worked. He discovered cutting by accident, actually. He was on a morning jog, and his mind was absolutely racing with the memory of past events, that he hadn't noticed the little rock in the middle of the sidewalk, and tripped. He landed on his hands and knees on shards of broken glass that were caused and left by drunkards, Kurt guessed. The instant the shards of glass broke through his skin, he realized that the physical pain was strong enough to block out any emotional pain.
When he returned home, his step-mother and father had freaked out at the amount of blood that was pouring down his hands and knees. He had brushed Carole's attemps at cleaning the cuts off, insisting he could do it himself. He grabbed the first aid kid and headed up to his room. Once inside, he deposited it on his bed and headed back to Finn's room to look for one of his razors. Kurt didn't shave, so he didn't really own any razors, hence taking one of Finn's.
Upon returning to his room and locking the door, the sane part of his mind was screaming at him trying to convince him that this was a bad idea. But of course, the part of his mind that held all the memories won the battle. He went to the bathroom, locked the door, and took a deep breath before bringing the razor down to his wrist.
As the sharp edge pierced his skin, he hissed at the sudden pain, but immediately began to relax. He sighed contently as he dragged the razor back and forth. Marveling at the contrast of the rich dark red was was dripping onto the white tiles. He had finally found a way to ease the pain.
He hadn't realized it had become a habit until one day he returned home, after a specifically brutal day, and couldn't find any of the razors he had hidden, and went onto full panic mode. He searched frantically for his razors, but found nothing. Before he even realized he was hyperventalating, his brother smacked him hard on the arm to calm him down.
And so, the next day, Kurt went to the drug store to buy more than was really necessary, to avoid the same situation.
So now, as he lay in the tub filled with water that was now a rich red, with the razor slowly dragging through his delicate porcelain skin, he was finally able to relax after a long morning.
Drop after drop, the memories faded to the back of his mind, and he could almost say he forgot they ever happened. Almost.
When Kurt went down for dinner an hour later, he was surprised to see that there weren't as many students as he thought there would be. David had explained to him that it was because half of the students were at home right now since it was the weekend.
He introduced Kurt to the rest of their group of friends, the boys that were in his room earlier in the day. He learned that the other boy with the dark hair was Thad. He also learned that Thad was there for attempting to rob a bank.
Also, they all apologized for their rude comments earlier and Kurt was slowly letting his guard down around them.
Maybe I'll actually manage to make friends here.
The whole time through dinner, Kurt was stealing glances at Blaine, only to find him staring right at Kurt.
Kurt would blush and look down at his food. Which, shockingly, was actually really good. Of course, the little exchanges didn't go unnoticed by a few delinquents from the little group of boys around them.
Wes and David shared a knowing look. They were used to Blaine taking interest in basically anything that moves.
Not an innocent interest, of course.
But he usually just went for them without consent. What was holding him back?
Blaine got up from his seat across from Wes who was sitting next to Kurt, and went around the table to sit right next to the countertenor. He could feel Kurt tense up at the close proximity of their bodies and the curly haired boy smiled to himself.
When Kurt turned around to question the curly haired boy's actions, his breath hitched at how close their faces were. He could practically feel Blaine's warm breath on his face, and smell his delicious cologne and body wash.
Kurt flushed a deep red and got up abruptly, nearly knocking his chair back from the force.
"I, um, I-I need to go.." Kurt fumbled with his words. "Need to go call my dad! Yeah, I need to call my dad." And basically bolted for the door without a second look back.
Blaine watched the whole scene unfold with a mischievous smile.
The curly haired boy got up to follow Kurt when his David put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
"Listen, B, I don't think you should treat Kurt the way you usually treat your other boy toys. Kurt seems… delicate. And I'm pretty sure your attempts at seducing every living boy are not what he needs right now."
Blaine snorted and looked down at David. "I'm pretty sure a good fuck is enough to make him loosen up. The kid's screwed really fucking tight. A little seducing won't harm him. It's not like I'm going to rape him." Said Blaine, with a roll of his eyes.
The group of friends shared a worried look, but let Blaine go. They all knew better than to get on his bad side. They just hoped Blaine wouldn't harm Kurt.
Kurt practically ran up to his room and shut the door before falling back against it.
Why does my stomach keep doing weird ass shit whenever he comes near me? Okay, I admit that he's hot, but that's it… right?
Kurt was too busy trying to convince himself that the fluttering in his stomach was nothing by chanting 'You don't like him. You don't like him. You don't like him.' that he hadn't noticed Blaine entering the room behind him.
He yelped when he turned around and found him staring at him with an odd expression.
"Damn it! Would you stop doing that? This is the second time today!" Kurt practically yelled, the pitch of his voice higher than usual, while he clutched at his heart and panted heavily.
I wonder how hard he'll be panting once I'm done having my way with him.
Blaine simply let out a half-hearted chuckle and took a few steps forward until he was standing a few inches away from Kurt.
Kurt noticed the movement, and his hands started to get clammy. Not to mention his heart rate increased 100%.
He looked down to avoid the intense stare of the once hazel eyes that were now a deep brown, filled with lust.
"Wh-What are you d-doing?" Kurt stuttered, trying to take a step back, but being prevented by the arm that has snaked its way around his waist.
The curly haired boy gently lifted his chin up and began to slowly run his fingers up and down his cheeks.
This was all too familiar. Fear started to claw its way into his chest.
"Don't act like you're not attracted to me, Kurt. You don't have to play hard to get. I see you staring at me out of the corner of your eye."
"You know you want this. Look at how you're shivering from my touch. You're a dirty little slut, you know that?" Karofsky said, stepping closer and gripping his arm before pushing him onto the bed.
"Please stop doing this. I won't tell anyone if you would just stop, I beg you." Kurt kept pleading with tears running down his face.
"Are you saying you would tell someone if I didn't stop?" He growled menacingly, pinning Kurt's arms over his head as he started to take his clothes off. "You wouldn't dare tell anyone. And if you do, I'll find you, and kill you."
Unaware of his actions because of the flashback that hit him, he started pushing roughly and backing away as fast as possible. Just as he stepped back, his foot caught on the corner of his suitcase and before he knew it he was falling back and landing harshly on his back with his head hitting the sharp corner of the bed.
The impact was strong enough that the ringing in his ears blocked out the frantic calls of his name, and before he knew it, everything went dark.
Gosh, I hate Karofsky so much right now! Please, make my Kurtie happy! ;( x
I hate Karofsky too! Although I told Blaine not to approach Kurt but he just didnt listen smh. Don't worry, Kurtie will be happy at some point!