Ticket To Ride
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Ticket To Ride: Chapter 1

E - Words: 2,370 - Last Updated: Sep 02, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jul 10, 2012 - Updated: Sep 02, 2012
587 0 2 0 0

Chapter 1:

-2 weeks later-

Kurt groaned as his alarm continued to blare from his nightstand. He reached for it and accidentally knocked down the glass of water that rested beside the alarm clock.

"Fuck," he grumbled as he tried to catch it before it fell to the ground and soaked the floorboards, but it was too late.

Kurt grudgingly got out of bed, muttering out curse words as he padded to the bathroom to grab a towel to clean out the mess.

Today was the day Kurt would be moving to Dalton Academy Reform School, and to say he was bitter about it is was an understatement.

He picked up the list the reform school had sent him and reluctantly began to pack.

The school sent a list of things students were allowed to bring along, and a list of things students were not allowed to bring along.

Kurt began picking the clothes he would bring wisely, since he would only be able to wear them on weekends due to the fact that the students at Dalton were obliged to wear uniforms.

Kurt had already researched what the uniform looked like, and was actually surprised at the pictures he had found on the site. He had expected something like an orange jumpsuit,but no, the uniforms were actually quite decent. But still, Kurt hated being dressed in the same attire as anyone else. Hell, he never even wore the same outfit twice.

One thing Kurt was worried about, though, was his roommate. The school had sent him an email regarding the fact that he would have one. And Kurt couldn't help but be a little scared. What if this guy was homophobic? What if he beat Kurt up at first site? What if he spray painted the word "Fag" all over his stuff, just like the jocks at McKinley had done?

Kurt shivered at the thought.

Stop thinking about this, Kurt. It's only going to make it harder for you to accept the situation.

As he finished packing, Kurt reluctantly carried the suitcase out the door with one last glance at his bedroom.

Who knew when he would be able to see it again? On second thought, he put the suitcase down and went back into his bedroom to grab the pictures of his family that hung on the wall.

One has to keep a few memories for the sake of his sanity, right?

He made his way downstairs. As he rounded the corner to the living-room, he saw his family and glee club friends waiting to say goodbye. He stopped at the entryway, keeping good distance from the glee club members.

"We're going to miss you so much, Kurt." Said Tina with tears running down her cheeks, the rest of the club nodding somberly.

Kurt willed himself to look nonchalant about the apology and not cry.

It's not that he hated his friends or that he didn't care about them. It's just that, his friends had ignored his pleas when he was in need of their help. And he just couldn't bring himself to forgive them. Because if he said he did, he would be lying. And Kurt was sick of lies. Lying is what had gotten him to this point.

One would never think that Kurt, with his pristine and slightly flamboyant appearance, would be going to a delinquent's reform school. That he had engaged in something he himself despised.

He nodded nonchalantly in their direction without saying another word and turned to his father. The man who he had tried to avoid hurting by lying to him, by keeping his pain a secret for years, by going through the battle all on his own, but ended up not only hurting him, but also the relationship they had. Oh the irony.

He approached Burt hesitantly, not knowing whether or not his father wanted to speak to him.

When Burt found out about what had happened, he had been so hurt, that Kurt would have done anything to change back time was never on man's side, so he had opted to apologizing and telling his father the truth. He was furious that his son would lie to him about something so serious. When Kurt had told him that it was because he remembered how hurt his father was when an anonymous caller had called to tell him his son was a "Fag", and that he hadn't wanted to put any pressure on his father, his father had looked so guilty, Kurt thought he could hear his heart breaking.

Burt pulled Kurt into a tight hug and sobbed quietly. Kurt allowed a few tears to escape, regardless of the fact that he told himself he wouldn't cry in front of his glee club friends. Were they even friends anymore?

He hugged his father back just as tight, if not more, and reluctantly let go after a few moments of silent tears to say goodbye to Carole.

Carole was crying openly at this point, and pulled Kurt into a love filled embrace the second he left Burt's side.

"We'll come visit you whenever we can, honey. We love you so much and we'll miss you. Please do take care." She said brokenly.

"I'll miss you too," Kurt whispered gently into her neck, where his tears were starting to stain the colar of her shirt.

He slowly let her go and took one last look around.

"Kurt, please just-" Mercedes practically cried, taking a step towards to where Kurt was picking up his suitcase.

He held up his hand, cutting her off.

He picked up the suitcase once again, taking a deep breath, and left without so much as a backward glance towards his old friends.

A car was waiting for Kurt outside to take him to Dalton.

"You're Kurt?" The man standing outside the car asked incredulously.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Yes, were you expecting someone manlier? Well, I'd hate to disappoint you, but if you don't mind, I'd like to leave this place at once." He bit out angrier than intended and stomped his way to the passender seat, not noticing the person already sitting inside. Just as he opened the door, the boy inside gave a low snarl and snatched the door closed again, leaving a dazed Kurt to slowly back away.

The boy had a scar running down from his eyebrow to the side of his lip, with tattoos all over his arms and neck. Not to mention the piercings that decorated his face.

Calm down, Kurt. I'm sure they don't all look like that. He tried himself as he continued away from the window and to the other side of the car to climb into the back.

The man that was waiting for Kurt outside had already put the suitcase in the trunk and was now climbing into the driver's seat gracelessly.

"Kurt, this is Jack. Jack, this is Kurt" The man introduced the two teenage boys to each other.

The scary teenager simply grunted and shot Kurt a dirty look.

"Nice to meet you, too." Kurt mumbled quitely, rolling his eyes.

"Um, alright, let's go. Put your seatbelt on, boys. It's a long ride." The driver said awkwardly, shooting them a sideway glance, and started up the car.

Great, what if this guy's my roommate? He already looks like he wants to pound my face in.

Ha, he probably is my roommate. Seeing as my luck hasn't exactly been on my side lately, my roommate is probably going to be even worse. I hate the school already, and I haven't even set foot in it, yet.

One hour and a half later, the driver was pulling up to a large black gate. He could see the outline of a few buildings beyond the high electric fences and barbed wires.

As they passed the gate, he could finally see a train of buildings. The buildings were made of gray brick, with vines growing around the edges. They resembled medieval castles, with their high pillars and high double doors. There were a few teenagers hanging around the walls, huddled into groups, laughing loudly and talking just as loud. That is, until they noticed the car, and immediately quieted down. Kurt could see them whispering to each other and pointing in his direction.

Kurt sighed heavily as the driver and Jack began to exit the car. He grabbed his shoulder bag and slowly made his way out to the trunk to grab his suitcase, purposely avoiding the eyes of the few delinquents outside that were burning into his back.

The driver held his hand up. "Leave the bags to me. I need to take them to the guards to do an inspection of the things inside before sending them up to your rooms"

Kurt nodded and clutched his bag tighter to his side and slowly began to make his way towards the double doors, where a man and woman were waiting patiently. As Kurt and Jack stopped right in front of the two people, the man stepped forward, holding his hand out to shake both of theirs. He looked like he was in his 50s, with a balding head and a few wrinkles that littered his forehead. He was dressed in a black tailored suit, with thick rimmed glasses.

"Welcome to Dalton Academy Reform School. I'm Dean Parker, and this is Mrs. Riley, the Warden." He began, gesturing to the impatient looking woman on his right.

The woman, on the other hand, looked fairly young. She had long black perfectly coifed hair, with lightly tanned skin. She wore a black pencil skirt with a tight white shirt that showed a little cleavage, which Kurt noticed that Jack definitely hadn't missed. She wore blood-red platform heels that that matched her lipstick. If it weren't for the bunch of keys hanging from her waist, Kurt would have thought she was one of those secretaries that affairs with their bosses, instead of a reform school Warden.

Kurt smiled inwardly. That's probably the case here too.

She nodded in their direction, and turned to the Dean and said impatiently, "If I may, Dean, I will show them around now and explain the rules, then proceed to show them their dorms."

"Yes, of course. Well boys, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to come find me in my office. I hope you stay out of trouble."

With one last nod, the Dean turned around and left.

The Warden gestured for them to follow her and began explaining the rules, "As you both know, you've both been assigned a roommate randomly. As well as the groups you will be joining."

The two teenage boys nodded as Jack continued to look at her cleavag as Kurt took in his surroundings. The inside of the building was absolutely beautiful, to say the least. The ceilings were high, with beautiful chandeliers hanging from them. The doors and were all mahogany, and the walls were Bordeaux covered with expensive looking paintings. The curtains that surrounded the wide windows were a rich gold with red trimming. Kurt also noticed that the windows looked onto a beautiful field that had practically every flower, with stone paths. He also noticed that on the far left, there was a track field. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows.

Why would there be a track field? I'm pretty sure the boys here didn't choose to go run every morning.

The Warden seemed to read his mind, "Ah, every group has a specific time during the day where they're obliged to run around the track field for 45 minutes."

Jack groaned.

Kurt nodded and tore his eyes away the window, only to notice that every pair of eyes in the hallway was directed at him. Maybe wearing skin-tight jeans wasn't exactly my best idea. He lifted his chin haughtily and willed his inner-diva to reflect onto his outside. He got the feeling that if he showed any weakness between all of these teenage boys, he would get beaten within the first minute the Warden or guards left his side.

Of course, no one gave Jack any looks. Some were actually inching away from him as he passed by. Kurt didn't really blame them, he really did look scary and dangerous.

They halted to a stop in front of a wide spiral staircase, and Mrs. Riley handed the each of them a pair of keys, tags, and manuals.

"The keys are for your room. Do not lose them, you only get a main one and a spare. If you lose them both then you will have to ask your roommate to lend you one of his own." She said firmly.

"The tags have your room number, your name, date of birth, place of birth, and group number. Don't loose those either. As for the manuals, those are for you to read so you can know the rules and regulations we have here at Dalton. Your school books and bags are already up in your dorm rooms. Now, missing class is definitely out of the question unless you're sick. The guards will make weekly inspections to make sure none of you have any drugs or weapons. Last time a student had a weapon, two students were killed." She laughed hollowly.


Jack grinned evilly in his direction.

Kurt gulped.

"Also, if you're well-behaved, you will be allowed to go home for 3 days every 2 weeks. But any slip up, and that privilege will be taken away until we deem you fit to be able to leave once again."

Kurt is mildly surprised about how the idea of being able to go home isn't very appealing to him. If he can even call it a home anymore. What with him not being able to tolerate the presence of any of the glee club kids at the moment, and with his father being disappointed with him. He shook his head and continued to pay attention to what the Warden was saying. Now was not the time to think about home.

"Well then, I have work to do, so I will leave you both to go settle into your dorms. Dinner is in two hours, so you have time to unpack and get to know your roommates." And with that, she turned around and clacked her way to who knows where.

Kurt purposely ignored the evil stares he was getting from both Jack and the students in the hallway and made his way up the stairs with his head held high.

He rounded a corner and halted to a stop in front of his supposed room. Well then, this is it.

He inserted the key, and with a deep breath, turned the knob and entered the room.




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Looks promising so far. Keep it up ;) x

Thank youu! <3