July 18, 2012, 8:56 a.m.
July 18, 2012, 8:56 a.m.
Blaine sat frozen, knowing that Kurt had seen him and there was no getting out of the situation. He put on a fake smile, not fake enough to look fake, but still fake.
"Hi, Kurt." Blaine said trying not to show any enthusiasm. He had just gotten this boy out of his head and now he was, sneaking his way back in.
"Oh my God! I tried calling you like eight million times!" Kurt said, standing up to hug Blaine, but thinking better of it, sat down and motioned to the seat across the table from him.
"Well, did it ever occur to you that, you know, maybe I wasn't in the mood to talk to someone who had just broken my heart into a million pieces within a matter of minutes?"
Kurt stared at Blaine, taking in the sharp tone of his voice.
"I guess...I didn't no. I just, I wanted to know what you meant in class that day. You sort of left me with a cliffhanger. You know how I hate those."
Blaine laughed, remembering how angry Kurt got when 10 Things I Hate About You got cancelled right after Kat and the attractive bad boy hooked up.
"I knew I would be able to get you to smile at some point." Kurt looked up at Blaine like he used to do back in Lima, when things were...good.
"So...I take it you got into NYADA?" Blaine tried to quickly change the subject. You have Sean, Blaine. You don't need Kurt anymore.
"I did! Yes!" Kurt was practically bouncing in his seat at this point.
"...And is it everything you wanted it to be?"
"And more if that's possible! It's..heaven! New York, singing...and now, you being here. Speaking of which, why are you here?"
"I was planning on enjoying dinner with..."
"No, Blaine. Not here, here. New York."
"Cooper came back for me. He brought me here. He has an apartment not far from here. It's small, but it's enough."
"So...were you going to meet Cooper here? I'd like to meet this infamous brother of yours."
"No," This is it Blaine. End the flirting. Set him straight, "I was meeting my um...my boyfriend."
"Oh. Oh my God. Wow. I...uh...I was not expecting that one."
"Yeah, so you can stop acting like we are boyfriends again, because we aren't." Blaine's voice was getting shaky as he tried to keep up the badass facade.
"I didn't mean to...you're right. I was. I guess it's just a habit that I'm going to have to break if I'm ever going to talk to you again, I mean, if you want to talk to me again. I understand if you don't..."
"No! No, no, I mean, yes, yeah, I do. I do want to see you again." Blaine said, possibly too quickly for his liking. Way to sound desperate there, buddy.
"Well...good! I'm glad that we can at least...be friends."
"Or something like that." Blaine finished. He wasn't sure if he and Kurt were going to be able to be friends. How could they be? They were in love. No one is ever friends with their ex. That's the whole point of the ex.
"Do you still have the same number?" Kurt asked snapping Blaine out of his thought.
"Yeah, I do. I'll...I think I still have your number...I can call you or..." Why was he getting so nervous all of a sudden.
Apparently Kurt sensed it, he was always good at that, "There's no need to be nervous around me Blaine. We might not be what we used to be, but we were friends before that, and I'm sure we can go back to that. I just want you back in my life. I missed you more than you know."
How would you know that I don't know? You broke my heart. I missed you too. I missed you...no. Sean. Sean. Sean. He's touching your hand. Blaine pull away before you get sucked in too far...bad choice of words...no...stop it. Sean. Sean. Remember? Hey dumbass? Remember that boyfriend of yours? Yeah, well it's not Kurt, so pull your hand away. It's not that hard...
"I need to go. I'll call you." Blaine pulled his hand from Kurt's grasp.
"I...ok...bye Blaine."
Blaine nearly ran out the door, trying to regain control of his feelings. How could Kurt have been there...of all the places in New York? And why did he feel that way about the boy that broke him?
How could he still love him?
Update now!
Hahahahaha I will try to get the next one up soon!!!! No promises though but maybe by the end of te week or tomorrow...depending on how bored I am :)