One Reason to Smile
Life Turning Against You Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One Reason to Smile: Life Turning Against You

T - Words: 1,314 - Last Updated: Feb 29, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Feb 07, 2012 - Updated: Feb 29, 2012
694 0 0 0 0

Four months later...

It was a Friday; Kurt was walking down the hallways with his Cheerio uniform and his head up high, unafraid of bullies, slushies or name-callings. He was popular now, untouchable, and that was all that mattered.

He got a text, Party tonight? He smiled at his phone, he had been to so many parties lately, he couldn't even count them anymore, and they actually wanted him there, they practically begged him to go. It was amazing and he wondered why he hadn't joined the cheerleading squad before. He waited until he was near his locker to reply, I don't know if I can, give me the address and I'll see if I can make it. His smile never dimmed, he loved being a diva and he loved that everyone else just played along with him, it was only a matter of minutes till he got the text with the address for the party.

"Anyone interesting?" Kurt looked up to see who had spoken, it was Mercedes.

"Oh no one, just another party invitation." He said like it was no big deal, but Mercedes knew he was so excited he could be jumping up and down and screaming.

"Did you accept?"

"Not yet, I said that I'd go if I could." He said with a smug smile.

"Are you busy?"

"No that's the best part, I'm not actually doing anything!" He was laughing now...laughing alone, "What's the matter?"

"I don't like this, Kurt. That's not who you are."

"Of course it is! I just never got the chance to bring up this side of me." She still didn't look very convinced. "How about this, we show up at the party for a while and then we spent the rest of the night at my place?" Kurt looked hopeful now, he didn't like to see Mercedes like that.

She smiled, "Okay, but won't I look a little funny at this party? I don't exactly fit in anymore."

"Oh nonsense! You were an amazing Cheerio and will always be remembered and're going with me." That did it, she was laughing now with him until the bell rang. They started walking together, "Why did you quit anyways?"

"Couldn't say no to my tots!" They laughed again until they had to part ways, each to their own class.

Kurt sat in the back, where his seat was. As soon as he was seated he took out his cell phone and started texting, he didn't even care Mr. Westfield was already inside of the classroom.

"Good morning everyone," he said as he set his things on the desk, Mr. Westfield was usually in a good mood but he was easy to flip off. "Please everyone take your syllabi, I wanna discuss your next assignment." Everybody obeyed, well everyone but Kurt, he was more into his conversation, but of course Mr. Westfield would notice. "Mr. Hummel I don't mean to interrupt your conversation, I'm sure it's very amusing but must I remind you the class has already started, so if you'd be so kind of putting away your device and take out your syllabus, unless of course, you're looking for a nice time in detention."

"Sorry." Kurt did as he was told, kind of. He did take out the pages Mr. Westfield asked for but he started doodling on them with his pen, he kept the phone on his lap and was more careful when it was his turn to reply.

"Alright, your next assignment consists of reading two books, which is due in two weeks." Blaine knew exactly which assignment the professor was referring to, it was actually the one he'd be waiting for ever since he read the whole syllabus.

The reason why he was anxiously looking forward to this particular assignment was simple, it was a pair assignment, meaning they would have to choose a partner. It was a must, no exceptions, and that's where Blaine came in. He had already many scenarios in his head of how he would ask Kurt to work with him, but it would be tricky since they had never spoken, that kid had gained so much popularity in so little time.

"I'm going to give you two options for this one and then you're going to vote for whichever you prefer. First one is to change it to a solo assignment, which means you'd have to read only one book and write a five page report for it or keep it like it is, with a partner." The class was quiet, they knew the catch was coming, it seemed too easy, "Of course, the first option comes with a pretty and shiny test." A few students grunted, they knew it was too good to be true.

Kurt snorted, "I knew it."

This didn't escape Mr. Westfield, "Problem, Hummel? Maybe you'd like to read two books on your own and still take the test."

Everyone was staring at Kurt now, "No, I'd rather have an enema." Nobody could believe he had just said that, and it hadn't been to any teacher, it had been to Mr. Westfield, the professor that enjoyed the most watching his students suffer.

The professor smiled, that was never good, "Everyone, Mr. Hummel here just made the decision by himself. Please write down, the assignment will be due next week, you'll have to read two books and the bonus test!" He said that as if they had all won a prize, "But just so you don't think I'm the mean guy here, I'll still let you choose a partner."

Blaine celebrated in silence, he was afraid they would have to do it on their own; he still would've been okay with it, but now he could do the report with Kurt, help him study and just spend time with him, that was all he wanted.

"Oh," Mr. Westfield said with another smile, "and I'll be choosing your partners."

After that, Mr. Westfield actually gave them the rest of the period while he chose the partners for the assignment. Blaine didn't care anymore, his dreams were already beyond crushed, it was as if life was against him taking to Kurt, like it would mess with the balance of the planet or something like that...

...or maybe not. There it was, laying there and practically shining in Kurt's desk. Kurt's cell phone. Blaine looked around, no one seemed to notice it; Kurt must've left so fast he forgot his own phone. Blaine didn't know why, he didn't think about it, he just did it. He quickly took the phone and put it in his pocket and left the classroom trying to act normal.

Kurt rushed to Coach Sylvester's office, he had received a text from another cheerio let him know Sue wanted to see him ASAP, it had actually been convenient how Mr. Westfield let them go earlier than usual. He knocked and then opened the door, "You called?"

"Take a seat." She took her glasses off, she must've been writing on her journal, Kurt thought. Kurt sat in front of her desk, "Porcelain it has come to my attention that your grades have been slipping notoriously in the past months."

"What?" Kurt was shocked, how could that had happened?

"According to this report I stole from Principal Figgins' office, you're failing Math, Biology, Chemistry and on the edge of French."

"What, French? But that's impossible!"

"Have you actually attended?" That's when it hit him, he hadn't, because it just seemed so easy to him, he only did the assignments when he remembered.  "Listen, I'm really sorry to do this because I need your lady voice to win Nationals, but if you don't step up your game, I'm gonna have to remove you from the Cheerios."

And just like that Kurt felt his whole world crumbling in front of him, that was the one thing he couldn't lose, he saw it, going back to his old life, to the slushie facials, to being pushed against the lockers. He couldn't accept it, he wouldn't, there had to be something he could do. 

End Notes: I'm really sorry it took me this long to update, next chapter soon!


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