One Reason to Smile
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One Reason to Smile: Courage

T - Words: 503 - Last Updated: Feb 29, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Feb 07, 2012 - Updated: Feb 29, 2012
777 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Thank you all for reading this story, it really means the world to me that you can spare a few minutes of your lives to read my fanfic. All your reviews are great, but I do have a favor to ask you, I am not a native english speaker, and I had to learn most of it by myself, so if you see any (and you'll probably see many) grammar mistakes, please let me know. Most of the times they'll be silly and I'm sure you'll feel like slamming your head against the keyboard, but please, it would mean a lot to me.I hope you like this chapter! It's shorter but necessary :)

The bell finally rang. Kurt gathered his things quickly and practically ran off the classroom, he couldn't bare another second with that man. He went out so fast he didn't realize there was someone wanting to talk to him. That's why Blaine only sighed in defeat as he saw Kurt rushing out the door. Blaine only wanted to let Kurt know he was there, that he would help anytime he was needed; but he let it go.

"No," Blaine thought, "you can't give up so easily. Come on, Anderson, it's the first day. You can do this!" He repeated to himself that last sentence over and over as he walked through the hallway looking for Kurt. A smile on his face, he was sure of this, for the first time, he felt confident.

Kurt sighed in relief once he was out, and that was only his first class! He still had the whole day ahead of presentations, more future assignments, partners, and a lot of stress, he was sure. Once he was away from the classroom, he slowed his pace as he looked for his locker, he let himself relax a little, he would need it to survive the rest of the day; he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but as he opened his eyes again, he felt the ice cold liquid on his face, all he could see was the red dye number seven, and all he could hear were the laughs of the football players, "Welcome back, miss!" Karofsky shouted.

"Oh my God! Kurt, are you okay?" Mercedes ran to her friend.

"I need a towel...and a moisturizer." Mercedes helped him walk to the girls' bathroom, being used to the "slushie treatment" too, she already had a soft towel in her backpack along with her emergency clothes.

"Did you bring an extra shirt?" she asked as she cleaned Kurt's face.

"Yes, I got everything..." Kurt tried to hide the frustration in his tone, but he failed.

Mercedes caught it and with a shrug said, "There's always the Cheerios." She let that sentence linger there as she walked out of the bathroom, leaving Kurt alone with his thoughts.

Blaine thought he had missed him again, he couldn't find him and he needed to get ready for his next class, he hated being late. But life seemed to smile to him again, right when he was walking to his locker there he was, in front of the announcements board, next to Kurt was a smaller girl with dark hair. Blaine didn't recognize her so naturally he got nervous again and hesitated. That's when the smile vanished; Kurt and the girl were already walking away.

"No," Blaine said, he hurried but came to a stop when he saw the sign-up sheet. It had a very professional design and it was for the cheerleader squad; there were several names listed there already but none of them mattered, only the last one that hit him like a slap in the face bringing him back to reality.  Only those two words: Kurt Hummel.


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