July 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
Once again, Blaine is me in this story. The hugging, the flinching, the staring... my family situation is different though. And just like glee, lets pretend that Westerville and Lima arent two hours away.
The big difference is his family situation, though. My parents are still together, for example I do have a sibling, but shes nothing like Cooper. She does keep on showering me in gifts and she does keep on barging in my room, so I made Cooper act a little bit like her.
And the shoulder pat... my friend does that, because she knows I freak out if she hugs me and I like it.
Also, if you are reading this, then thank you for keeping up with my baggage.
July 30th 2011
["Blaine-wave"] Hey yall, Warble On! I hope youre having a great day and if not, you know where to find me.
As you can see, Im shooting this video somewhere else. This isnt my dorm room, but my, well, real room, because it is summer! [happy squeal] That also means that Im back home with my family. Therefore I want to talk about family.
It is no secret that my dad and I arent that close. In fact, after he found out about my channel he started going on how this wasnt a good idea bla bla bla [rolls eyes]
Anyway, I just want you to know that it is okay to dislike your family if you have a good reason for it. I know lot of people out there tell you youre obligated to love them, but if they dont love you, dont feel bad for not loving them too. You are valid...
June 12th 2014
Finals are approaching and the floor is abuzz. The summer students are studying like crazy. No one goes out anymore, except for classes or for the library, and the common has been turned into a study hall. Piles of books are everywhere. The Tuesday dinners have also changed to "study-dinners" and Blaine has participated in some of them –which hes proud of.
As a fall student, he doesnt have finals, but he has midterms. Thats also a lot of work. Due the fact that he has those midterms, Blaine has met a couple of other fall students and apparently, Rebecca and Danny are fall students too.
Hes still not that comfortable being around them, because he still doesnt sit with them when he sees them in the library, but hes improving.
Since Kurt (and also Mercedes) are very busy, Blaine has fallen back into his old routine, but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. In fact, its comforting that he still has a routine he can rely on. The only difference is that he does talk to people.
He still doesnt want to bother them. Now that he knows that people have heard him sing, he tries not to. He never shares his interests. He never shares awesome videos he saw online. He never shares. He doesnt want to annoy people.
Of course, Kurt is an exception, but Kurt is only one person.
"Hey 206!" Leidra yells to him, "Youre the human emotion smart-ass, right?" Hes come to the conclusion that he doesnt mind being called 206. Hes come to the conclusion that Leidra yells a lot. Hes come to the conclusion that he is the human emotion smart-ass on the floor.
Hes also come to the conclusion that no matter how much this entire being social thing confuses him, he can still talk to other people too after he gets to know them enough.
Blaine has other things on his mind. Its almost summer and he doesnt know if he should go home. The last time he spoke to Cooper, Cooper made it clear that he was going home, but this is their first summer without dad.
Blaine sighs deeply. Maybe he should go home after all, to support his mom. He knows that is the reason Cooper is going, even though his older brother pretends thats not the case.
And then again, Kurt and Mercedes are going home too. According to Mercedes, it absolutely kills Kurt that hes separated from his dad, especially after the death of his brother.
There will still be other students of the floor staying, but its not the same. He knows that it might be bad that he depends so much on his friend and Mercedes (hes still not sure about what to call her), but hes not in the mood to seek out for new people anytime soon. Hes happy with Kurt (and Mercedes).
He will worry about this later. First he needs to ace his midterms.
August 3rd 2014
Hes on the plane to Lima after all. Kurt is sitting next to him, reading the newest edition of Vogue and Mercedes has fallen asleep a couple of minutes ago.
The last couple of weeks have been crazy. Everything goes so fast.
When they arrive in Lima, his mom and Cooper are waiting for him. His mother immediately runs over and hugs him. Of course, Blaine doesnt hug back. His mother and Cooper are some of the only people that, well, can hug him. Blaine never hugs back and they know it, but they also know that theyre one of the only ones that can actually hug him.
No one else can (although, Kurt has started patting his shoulder, because Kurt knows Blaine cant stand hugging and Blaine appreciates it).
They usher him into the car before Blaine can even say goodbye to Kurt and Mercedes and during the drive back home, his mother cant stop asking questions about New York.
"Ma, if you want to know so badly, you should move to New York too," Cooper eventually cuts her off. Cooper knows that Blaine cant possibly answer all the questions.
"I am just so excited that the two of you are home! Oh I cant wait till tonight."
"Tonight?" Blaine asks, worried. He knows his mother.
"I dont feel like cooking today, so were going to Breadstix. Just the three of us for a change, wouldnt that be nice." Cooper nods blankly. Everyone knows shes referring to their dad.
Blaine doesnt even react. He doesnt like going out for dinner. Most of the time, it was completely unexpected and it messed with his schedule he made for the day. When he went to Dalton, he didnt have to worry about it anymore. Also, at that moment the marriage between his parents started to collapse, so they hardly went out anymore.
"Arent you looking forward to it, Blaine?" his mother is looking at him through the mirror. Blaine shrugs. "Why not?" Looks like he just has to plaster a smile on his face and then he has to survive the evening.
But he knows that his mother knows better.
Breadstix hasnt changed at all. The interior is still ugly, the music is still bad and the food is still gross. Still, the entire population of this part of Ohio goes here on a regular basis.
As his mom and Coop chatter excitedly, Blaine just looks around. Hes always done that. Everyone around him talks and Blaine doesnt listen. It is not like hes not interested, but he knows he wont be able to hear most of it due the fact that it is always crowded, so why bother. While his family is talking, Blaine is creating a story in his head as he does so often. Restaurants are the perfect places for it. He likes watching people eat. He likes creating stories about them.
He quickly checks the time. Theyve been here for twenty minutes; its too early to "go to the bathroom" aka to hide away for a good five minutes so that he can think in peace and quiet.
It isnt like his family makes him uncomfortable (okay, his dad did), but he just doesnt like going out for dinner. He doesnt like sitting still, eating and talking. He could do so much more, but hes wasting his time in a restaurant.
"... friends, Blaine?"
Blaine quickly looks back to his mom and brother. Theyre waiting for him to say something. "Im sorry, what?"
His mother looks sad and Cooper sighs deeply. "Blaine..." Cooper slowly shakes his head. Blaine looks down on his plate. He knows why theyre reacting like this. They were probably hoping that New York had changed him, but nope, hes still as anti-social during dinners as always.
Still as anti-social as always and his family knows it. Even on his own birthdays when he was surrounded by people he actually likes, he still preferred sitting in his room on his own. Eventually he started asking Dalton friends to attend his "family" birthday.
Earlier this evening, his mother has slammed the booklet with the menu shut and Blaine shrieked and almost jumped out of his seat. Then, his mother had also said: "Still get shocked every time, uh?" She had tried to joke, but her eyes gave it away that she was sad that he still jumps every time he hears an unexpected sound.
"Mom was asking if you already made friends," Cooper says, looking hopeful and great- he and mom are fishing.
He knows they both think he isnt going to make it in the living world due the fact that he has this weird kind of social anxiety. When Blaine told them (and his dad) a year ago that he wanted to move out and go to another state, everyone was so surprised, they basically shat themselves and Blaine doesnt blame them.
"I have," he lies, not wanting to disappoint them, "There are great people on my floor."
"What are their names, sweetie," his mother asks sweetly, but Blaine knows she isnt convinced and that shes still fishing.
"Uh, Rebecca and Danny and Leidra, uh, Roberto, Michael..." Gosh who else? WHO ELSE? Kurt and Mercedes, obviously, but Blaine doesnt want to share their names. Not yet.
His mother is clearly surprised, but still not satisfied. "How nice, tell me about them."
When Blaine doesnt answer, because he cant, Cooper just falls back in his seat. "I knew it," he says.
"Cooper!" his mom hisses, but Blaine isnt fazed by Coopers reaction. He knows his brother still doesnt fully understand him, even though theyre close, and therefore says insensitive things. Insensitive, but true.
"Mom, dont act so surprised. We both knew this was going to happen."
Blaine looks away and when he hears the door being slammed shut, he almost jumps again. But then he sees Kurt and two adults Blaine recognizes as his parents.
"That is my friend," Blaine says, still looking at them. Cooper and his mom both turn around to follow his gaze. When Kurt spots them, he waves and smiles widely. He then tugs on his dads arm and gestures him to follow him.
"Hey," Kurt pats Blaine on the shoulder.
Cooper tries to hide his surprise –but fails- and his mom looks like shes about to cry from happiness.
August 7th 2014
When Cooper just barges into his room, Blaine tries not to cry out loud. He stops his music (he never shares it, because he doesnt want to annoy people) and turns around. His face mustve shown his annoyance, because Cooper takes a step back when he sees his brother.
"Still, Squirt?" Hes referring to the fact that Blaine always hates it when Cooper barges into his room. Cooper is Blaines opposite. Whereas Blaine wants to be left alone, Cooper craves for attention and especially Blaines.
For example, he keeps asking him useless stuff. He keeps offering him useless stuff. Gosh, he even keeps giving him useless stuff. And Blaine knows he means well - they werent always this close – but it still annoys the fuck out of him. Hes never liked recieving gifts or asking for things.
"Not today?"
"Not today," Blaine nods.
"Oh Squirt," Cooper reaches out to touch him, but Blaine flinches. Cooper sighs deeply. "Still? Youre hurting mas feeling by doing that."
"I know."
"Then why do you do it?"
"… I dont know."
Cooper throws up his hands in surrender and slowly backs away and when he leaves, he closes the door (it took Blaine three years to teach him that). He does it all without complaining.
Even though hes an idiot, hes one of the only people who, in a way, understands Blaine.
August 9th 2014
["Blaine-wave"] Hello-ah, Warble On! I hope youre having a nice break and well, do I really have to say it? [points down]
[looks around him] And, ah, as you can see, Im back in my old childhood bedroom [looks nostalgic]. Anyway, since Im back home, I feel like I should talk about something home-related for this Saturday Show.
[nods] And yep, Im going to talk about this god awful restaurant called Breadstix. [laughs] Wow, it really is awful. You might wonder why Im going to waste my time on that shack, but I dont even know. I should be talking about anything more fandom related. But Im feeling nostalgic…