These Walls Are Really Talkative
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These Walls Are Really Talkative: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,882 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jul 23, 2015 - Updated: Jul 23, 2015
190 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:


Actual Kurt POV! Dont get used to it. So yeah, every chapter starts with a Wednesday Well-being video (2010-2013) and every chapter ends with Blaine updating his channel with a Satuday Show video. Gosh, I had the calendars of 2010 till 2014 bookmarked.

Yeah, this chapter reflects on Blaine not knowing what to do when surrounded by people he doesnt know. Blaines biggest problem is that he isnt socially stupid or anything, but he seriously doesnt know what to do. Should he speak? Should he remain silent? He knows the people on the floor arent bad people, but he just cant do it.

January 9th 2013

["Blaine-wave"] Hey guys, Warble On! I hope youre having a nice day, otherwise you know where to find me [points down]

For this Wednesday Well-being, Im going to talk about friendships. As you may know, I have made some great friends here at Dalton, but it hasnt always been this way. [looks sad, like he always does when hes about to say something about his life before Dalton].

Its no secret that Ive been bullied. I used to have one friend, but he abandoned me the minute he found out Im gay [laughs bitterly] I hope hes doing well that that he will never ever attempt to contact me again.

But even though all of that happened, Ive learned how much you can depend on friends. Im not saying its bad to depend on friends- I do too, but stay independent too.

Friendship is one of my favourite things in the entire world. Real friends are here to stay.

Watch out! If your "friends" [uses air-quotes] are either emotionally manipulative, or arent appreciating you, or keep on degrading you, or will never let you have nice things and so on, I strongly advise to you cut them off.

Now, I know that that isnt an easy thing to do, but losing that douche has been one of the best things ever. After he ditched me, I looked back on our "friendship" and realized that it wasnt meant to work out.

About my friends…

March 15th 2014

As hes uploading his video on YouTube, his mind keeps racing. Kurt Hummel seriously just entered his room. No one except for Blaine and his TA has ever set foot in his room. And he asked for goddamn salt. From all people on the floor, he asks Blaine for salt. Blaine barely cooks.

Luckily, there was salt, but still…

He just hopes he wont have to run into him again anytime soon, because he will probably make a fool out of himself and Kurt will think hes weird and he will tell all the students of the floor and people will look at him and will see him as the weird guy and no one will talk to him and-


Blaine shakes his head. He cant keep living like this. His computer is signalling him to tell him that YouTube has successfully uploaded the video and Blaine wonders why hes helping so many people out there, but he cant help himself.

People message him on a daily basis to thank him for helping them, but Blaine cant thank himself. People all over the world are using his tricks to survive the day, while on some days, he cant survive his.

Hes been doing this for four years, with a one-year intermission, and he has helped thousands of people out there, but he will never be able to help himself.

Because someone needs to help him.

He unlocks his phone and he tries not to cry out loud when he sees that no one has texted him. Its not like he wants people to text him 24/7, but he misses his friends. His friends from Dalton were the only people he could depend on.

But graduation happened and theyre scattered all over the country- over the world. Hell, David is in Europe and Thads in Asia.

For a split second, he wonders if he should befriend students of the floor and for another second, his mind wanders to Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones.

But they wont like me, he thinks sadly.

He turns back to his laptop and adds the closed captions and the text in the subscription. At least he can still help all those people out there.

April 1st 2014

He has successfully avoided Kurt Hummel for weeks. Since Kurt himself didnt contact him either, he knew it was for the best. Kurt obviously wasnt interested in someone like Blaine. Why would he befriend him when he has Mercedes and the other students of the floor anyway?

Its a normal Tuesday.

Then he has the amazing idea to do the laundry at the actual laundry room. He never uses it, because he doesnt want to risk running into anyone. But hes in an awfully good mood and hes also too lazy to do it himself. His shower is already packed with clothes that are drying in the bathroom. Theres a washing machine and a drying machine in the laundry room, so why not?

He grabs his phone and puts on his music. With earbuds in his ears and a basket filled with laundry, he makes his way to the laundry room. He lip-synchs for life and for once, he doesnt wonder if people think hes weird.

Then again, Blaine never leaves his room without earbuds. Its a good excuse to keep people away.

Since hes so into his music, he doesnt notice people whispering and staring. Its not because hes lip-synching for life, but because hes outside his room for once.

In the laundry room, he does the laundry (oh shocking!) and since hes still into his music, he doesnt notice someone entering the room.

Till he turns around.

He immediately stops. Kurt Hummel looks amused.

Blaine lowers the volume of his music. Not because he wants to, but its only polite.

"Great song?" Kurt asks. Blaine just nods. He doesnt know what to do. He hasnt really talked to, well, anyone in quite a while. Its not like he doesnt talk or anything, because he still has his job and sometimes classmates need him, but an actual conversation? Nah.

"Musical," Blaine just says.

To his surprise, Kurt looks delighted. "Oooooh!" he coos, "Which one? I need to know, I mean, I study musical theatre and arts so its only good."

Musical theatre and arts.

"Uh, just some Hairspray," Blaine answers awkwardly.

Kurt isnt fazed by his awkwardness, which is a relief. "Ive always liked that musical. Both the musical and the movie." "Yeah, Link is good-looking," he regrets saying it immediately, "I- uh, yeah."

"Ah, I understand," Kurt says. It falls silent and Blaine is freaking out. Is he supposed to talk now? Or will that annoy Kurt and should he remain silent? But isnt that rude? Oh god he hates this. What do I do? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fu-

"Hey, I kinda want to ask you something," Kurt suddenly says, "On Tuesday, everyone gathers in the common room to have dinner together, but youre always absent. Do you mind joining us? Mercedes is the chef this week and she promised us her famous spaghetti."

Blaines head is spinning, looking for a good excuse.


He decides to weigh the pros and cons.

Pros: free food, which is good because he hasnt had a decent plate of food in ages since he cant cook. He cant keep living on instant noodles, take out, pasta and ready-meals.

Cons: people.

Its the only con, but its also the biggest. People will talk to him and they will expect him to talk back. People will acknowledge him. People.

But looking at Kurt, whos incredibly hopeful, he decides to say yes.

And he regrets it immediately.

"Hand me that plate!"

"Jesus, Rebecca, calm down!"

"I need the cheese! Who has the fucking cheese, people!"


"Im sorry Adrianna, woah, dont kill me."

Mercedes is exhausted, but Kurt knows she loves doing this. "Another plate!" she shoves it in Kurts hands, "To Leidra, I think. Or wait- no, I already gave her a plate, its for Michael. Now go!" Kurt dramatically rolls his eyes before handing the plate with food to Michael.

As he walks past all the other students, his eyes fall on the closed door next to his several times. Blaine promised hed be there, but hes already twenty minutes late.

Then, the door to room 206 finally opens. Blaine is standing in the doorway, looking right into the common room. With his phone and earbuds still in hand, he closes the door behind him and he takes a deep breath before making his way to the common room.

"Holy shit, what is 206 doing here?" Tamara whispers frantically.

"No way, is that 206?" Kurt hears everyone talking. He had forgotten that basically no one knows Blaines name and that everyone had reduced him to 206.

Blaine doesnt seem to notice, but he still looks very afraid and unsure. He is scanning the room quickly, like hes hoping to see a familiar or friendly face.

So Kurt cracks a big smile and greets him warmly.

He can see the relief on Blaines face. He guides him towards Mercedes, who is very surprised to see him. "Mercedes, this is Blaine Anderson. Blaine, Mercedes Jones," Kurt introduces them to each other.

"Oh my god, our neighbour in the flesh! Welcome, welcome, have a plate of spaghetti à la Mercedes!" she sing-songs happily.

Whereas Mercedes is very open and extrovert, Blaine clearly isnt. He shoves his phone and earbuds in his pockets and accepts the plate with a nod.

Then, he just stands there, looking lost.

"Come sit with me," Kurt decides to help him out, "Mercedes is almost done, right?" Mercedes hums in agreement.

Kurt takes a seat next to Rebecca and Roberto. Its no surprise that Rebecca automatically starts talking to Kurt about their dance classes.

Blaine settles down next to him and he doesnt make eye-contact with anyone. He did acknowledge everyones presence with a single nod. Mercedes joins them a couple of minutes later and everyones chatting idly.

Except for Blaine.

He seems to listen cautiously, but he never jumps into the conversations. After hes finished, he slowly excuses himself, thanks Mercedes for the free food and leaves.

All eyes are on him. When he shuts the door behind him, everyone obviously starts talking.

"Okay, what on earth is going on with that guy?" Roberto says immediately, "He finally joins us on our Tuesday evenings and he doesnt do a shit."

"What was he doing here anyway?" Leidra wonders.

"I invited him," Kurt confesses, "I hoped he might like it."

"Didnt look like it," Michael says, "He didnt say a thing. He just sat there and ate."

"He nodded on occasion," Mercedes points out, "At least that is something and he seemed to really listen to our trash talks." Some people chuckle, but they really did trash talk the entire time.

"But still, does anyone even know 206s name?" Danny asks and people shake their heads.

"Blaine," Kurt eventually says, "As you might know, he lives next to me and Mercedes so it was kinda obligatory to know his name." Mercedes nods in agreement. "He seems like an okay dude to me," she adds, "A bit shy, but thats it."

"He looks crazy to me," Adrianna says, looking uninterested, "Hes been here for- how long? Hes a fall student, right?"

"February, I think," Thomas answers.

He tries not to freak out, but he cant. Technically, it wasnt that bad and the food was amazing, but gosh, why did he do this?

Because he needs a friend, thats why.

He can hear the others talk and he promises himself to go out more, but he also knows its a promise he cant keep.

April 5th 2014

["Blaine-wave"] Hey everybody, Warble On! I hope youre doing well, otherwise… you know where [winks].

So, for this Saturday Show, Im [laughs] oh god, this is so ironic, but Im actually going to talk about food [surprised] I hate cooking, oh my god.

But no really, this is going to be a mix of Saturday Show and Wednesday Well-Being, because I want you to think of your favourite food- or restaurant or anything that instantly makes you feel better.

If food isnt an easy subject for you, thats okay, because the feeling of happiness, of wanting something, is more important…



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