June 11, 2022, 2:14 p.m.
June 11, 2022, 2:14 p.m.
Ya girl got vaccinated! It was hell, but I did it! I hope the side-effect will be mild to non-existent, but if I don’t update then I’m probably lying down with a fever or something. We’ll see.
Added note 2022: ha, if only I knew back then that I'd have to do it again 😔
Kurt replays the message in his head on his way to school. Blaine really wishes he had a true friend?
He enters the hall of McKinley High and Blaine is the first person he sees. He’s standing at a classroom door and he’s laughing. He’s surrounded by people and a jock even pats him on the back. Kurt feels his blood boil. This has got to be strike three.
First, he thinks he’s better than Dalton Academy.
Second, he think’s he’s a better gay than Kurt.
Third, he think he’s better than his friends.
And sure, most of the people Blaine hangs out with are absolute imbeciles, but they worship the ground that Blaine walks on. The only people who aren’t complete morons are the people who are also part of Glee.
Santana, Brittany, Quinn, Puck, Sam, Finn and Mike sometimes hang out with him too, but that’s because they’re part of the sport teams. They don’t actually care about Blaine. Although Santana once insisted on Blaine being a decent guy, but that’s Santana speaking.
Blaine says something and the people around him erupts in laughter. Blaine grins triumphally when one of his jokes lands. God, Kurt hates him.
“God, what an asshole!”
Rachel rereads the message.
“Him? Lonely? Him? No friends? Gah!” Rachel lets out a bitter laugh. Then, she goes eerily quiet. She shakes her head before continuing: “He has no idea what it’s like to be at the bottom of the food chain. Let him be in Glee for one day and it’s over for him.”
“He clearly is too big-headed to see that he’s got everyone fawning over him,” Kurt mutters.
“There’s got to be something,” Rachel says. She snaps her fingers. “I know what to do.”
She pulls out her phone.
“What are you doing?”
“Eddie needs a friend,” Rachel says. She looks tenacious.
Kurt looks over her shoulder and he sees that she’s creating an account as well. For some reason, that makes Kurt feel uneasy.
“Actually…” he puts his hand on Rachel’s screen, “Leave it up to me, okay?”
Rachel pouts. “But I want to join in on the fun.”
“It might be weird if two strangers try to connect with him, so really, leave it up to me. I’ll keep you updated, okay?”
Rachel sighs and she pockets her phone. “Okay.”
Eddie Andrews: You don’t have any friends?
Blaine Anderson: I do, kind of.
But I just feel like they
don’t actually care about me.
Do you go to McKinley?
Kurt looks up from his screen in panic. How is he going to answer that? Is Eddie a McKinley student? He and Rachel did come up with the story that Eddie is new to the area, but is Eddie already at school?
What if Blaine goes looking for Eddie? But then again, so far Kurt’s only followed McKinley people. There’s a flaw in the plan.
But suddenly, Kurt has a moment of clarity.
Eddie Andrews: Not yet, lol.
I’m about to transfer for next year,
so I decided to already check out the school etc.
Hope that’s not creepy or anything.
Blaine Anderson: Not at all. It’s actually pretty smart.
I wish I had done that.
Jackpot! Kurt might get Blaine to talk about his transfer.
Eddie Andrews: You’re a transfer student?
Blaine Anderson: Yeah lmao.
Blaine Anderson: Maybe you can come find me next year.
Might give you a tour 😉
I’m hard to miss.
Oh, Kurt knows that. Blaine is everywhere and it looks like he likes to flaunt with that. God, this guy is terrible.