June 11, 2022, 2:16 p.m.
June 11, 2022, 2:16 p.m.
I don’t always know how to use these words in sentences, so I hope I’m doing it correctly.
Photos. It’s a thing. They send each other photos now. They never share photos of themselves, and that is something Kurt’s very grateful for, but they share little snippets of their lives. Kurt sends Blaine a photo of his notebook with lyrics, Blaine sends Kurt a photo of his messy desk. Kurt sends what he’s cooking and Blaine sends photos of Breadstix food. Those kind of photos. It’s weird, but it’s strangely nice.
Kurt does have to triple check to make sure that Blaine can’t see that he’s in Lima, since Eddie “hasn’t moved yet”.
They talk more and sometimes Kurt forgets that there’s an ulterior motive here. He still has to find something to expose. This was always the plan: Blaine is going to trust him, Blaine is going to reveal some dark secret, and then Kurt will make it public.
But when Blaine sends a photo of a dog that he met on a walk, the plan feels tedious. The bonding was always part of the plan, but Kurt didn’t expect it to affect him so much. He wonders if he’s has a lot of hubris. This whole plan must work out in his favour, so he cannot afford to fail. He isn’t being blinded by reality, right? Kurt just has to turn off the ever growing guilty side of his brain and he needs to keep going.
Blaine Anderson: [image of an old
and used copy of the book
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen]
Eddie Andrews: Oh, you’re reading?
Blaine Anderson: Don’t sound so surprised.
Blaine Anderson: Can’t I, a lone gay, read
about the fantasy of having the love
of a very respectful gentleman?
Eddie Andrews: Tell me, Blaine, is Darcy your,
how do I put it, teenage crush?
Blaine Anderson: Edddddieeeee!!!
Blaine Anderson: Is this to shame me for
admitting my childhood crush on the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Eddie Andrews: Lmao you called Leonardo
“a hottie” don’t come at me.
Blaine Anderson: 😳😳😳
Blaine Anderson: Look at this face,
can you blame me?
Eddie Andrews: What do you look
for in a man, Blaine?
Don’t say a turtle.
Kurt decided to ask that out of politeness and to keep the conversation flowing, but now that he’s hit sent, he really wants to know. It’s nothing, probably. Kurt needs to know more about Blaine, that’s all.
Blaine Anderson: Are you asking me out? 😉
Eddie Andrews: Hah, you wish.
Blaine Anderson: Do I?
Kurt looks at the screen in shock. Since when did Blaine became so bold, almost flirty? Kurt must be seeing things.
Blaine Anderson: To answer you question,
I just want someone to love me.
Does that sound sad?
No regrets. Just love.
Eddie Andrews: Doesn’t sound sad.
I get that.
Blaine Anderson: How about you?
Eddie Andrews: I just want someone
who loves me for who I am.
Who loves all of me.
Even the parts that don’t
always feel worthy of love,
but that are still part of me.
Blaine Anderson: Yeah.
Blaine Anderson: I wish I could say
that as well, but I guess I first
that to figure out who “all of me” is.
Eddie Andrews: Oh?
Blaine doesn’t react for quite a while. Is this the thing that Kurt’s been looking for? Is Blaine going to reveal what is wrong with him? After all, that is the only reason Kurt is interested in Blaine’s life.
Blaine Anderson: Another day, maybe.
Kurt feels disappointed, but he doesn’t want to dwell on it. It’s clear that there’s something that Blaine is not telling. Instead of trying to force Blaine to talk, Kurt writes:
Eddie Andrews: What’s your favourite
quote from P&P?
Eddie Andrews: Mine is “Angry people
are not always wise”.
Blaine Anderson: Wait, mine is a long one.
I am not as concise as you.
Blaine Anderson: Let me copy paste it from
a book quote website.
Blaine Anderson: “Vanity and pride are different
things, though the words are often used synonymously.
A person may be proud without being vain.
Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves,
vanity to what we would have others think of us.”