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Mendacious: Churlish

T - Words: 3,541 - Last Updated: Jun 12, 2022
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/31 - Created: Jun 11, 2022 - Updated: Jun 12, 2022
245 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes:

New notes 2022: originally, there was a hiatus announcement here, but that obviously doesn't apply now. The chapters keep coming and they don't stop coming!

Blaine Anderson: Hello.

Kurt hesitates before opening the app. He needs to end this, he really does. The longer he continues talking as Eddie, the worse it’ll get. But on the other hand, Blaine needs Eddie. Blaine finally felt like he had someone to talk to and taking that away feels cruel. So, Kurt types:

Eddie Andrews: Hello.

Eddie Andrews: How formal.

Blaine Anderson: Ha, yes, terrible ice breaker.

Blaine Anderson: I know I’ve been kind
of MIA for a week, so I feel bad
for unloading more on you,
but I had a breakthrough

Blaine Anderson: And a lot of epiphanies
in this past week.

Eddie Andrews: Do tell.

Blaine Anderson: Well, I took the week off,
like I said, and I actually talked
a lot about it with my grandma.
She said that she noticed that I
was different these days, but she
was afraid of upsetting me.

Blaine Anderson: You saw my reaction,
so my gran’s instincts were accurate.

Blaine Anderson: But yeah, my gran and
I talked about it and I also fixed another
family’s home situation by also telling
my story at the PFLAG, because why not?

Blaine Anderson: I’m not entirely sure how
to go on, but I did do something brave today.

Eddie Andrews: Oh?

Blaine Anderson: So, I talked to Kurt.

Blaine Anderson: It was kind of awkward and he
wasn’t sure whether I was really talking to him,
which is fair, but I apologised to him.
I meant what I said. I’m still kind of afraid
to be seen with him, but it’s a me problem.
Besides, I want the two of us to at
least be okay with each other in some way.

Eddie Andrews: Wow!

Blaine Anderson: Yeah. I did immediately
get some nasty comments from my quote
on quote friends about it, but I also told them
to basically go fuck themselves.

Blaine Anderson: One person literally said to me, and
I kid you not: “You gay now or what?”

Eddie Andrews: ðŸ¤¯ðŸ¤¯ðŸ¤¯ðŸ¤¯

Blaine Anderson: I KNOW RIGHT?

Blaine Anderson: Like, yeah, I am not running
around with a glitter rainbow flag, but I always
have been gay. It’s on me for trying
to hide it, I guess, but I also came out in my
first fucking week at that school.

Eddie Andrews: Damn, Blaine.
Good for you!

Eddie Andrews: I’m proud of you.

Kurt couldn’t tell him that as Kurt, but he can as Eddie.

Blaine Anderson: I’m on a bravery roll!
I have years to catch up on.

Blaine Anderson: God, I’m scared shitless,
but this is something I need to do.
Let me be brave.

Blaine Anderson: Fuck.

Eddie Andrews: ???

Blaine Anderson: Sorry, I’m trying to do
another brave thing right now, but it’s hard.
Another secret that I have to tell.

Eddie Andrews: You don’t have to hold
up a façade for me.

Kurt thinks it’s kind of ironic to say that, since he’s the one with the façade. This really needs to stop. He has to end this and all this talk about honesty and bravery and epiphanies makes Kurt feel like a bigger fraud.

Shakingly, he types:

Eddie Andrews: Speaking of bravery…
I have something to tell you as well.
A secret as well. A big one.

He is going to do this.

Blaine Anderson: Thanks, but this new secret
thing involves you.

Kurt frowns at that. Maybe he should let Blaine go first. He can’t bear the idea of taking away Blaine’s trust in Kurt right now. After Blaine tells him his other secret, Kurt will take his turn.

Eddie Andrews: Well, in that case,
you go first.

Blaine Anderson: Eddie, I’ve been thinking a
lot about myself in this past week.
The hurt that my parents have caused doesn’t
just disappear in one week and my gran
is looking into affordable therapy as we speak,
but I want to be brave. I want to be honest.
I also want to be honest towards myself.

Blaine Anderson: And I have you to thank
for that. You listened when I needed someone
to listen to. You didn’t immediately turn your
back on me when I revealed how I looked down
on Kurt. You’re still here.

Blaine Anderson: You are the kindest,
most honest and nicest person that I’ve met.
And this week is all about finally
letting myself feel things that I tried
to ignore, and the way I feel about
you is one of them.

Blaine Anderson: You looked past my façade,
mostly because you don’t go to McKinley and
you don’t know that I am known for being a
churlish, popular, snotty Chad. You were
the first person in a long time that allowed me
to be me. Just me.

Blaine Anderson: And I’m sorry if this
seems sudden, since we don’t actually know
each other, but I think there is something
between us that’s left unsaid.

Blaine Anderson: Eddie, do you think it’s
possible to fall in love with the idea of
a person? Because I do.

Blaine Anderson: I think I am in love with you.

End Notes:

It isn’t a maanorchidee challenge fic without a Little Numbers reference!


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