Jan. 6, 2023, 2:50 p.m.
Jan. 6, 2023, 2:50 p.m.
Happy 2023! How is the new year treating everyone? Here it’s so far so good.
I am still writing the later chapters of this fic, but chapter 9 came to me in a dream! Well, not really. But it’s here! Thanks for sticking around.
Kurt’s in Blaine’s kitchen, in his underwear, making scrambled eggs. Kurt stayed over, since the rain wouldn’t stop and by the time they’d finished the fourth movie, they decided that it’d be better for Kurt to stay. So they ordered food and Blaine gave him a pillow and a blanket for the couch.
So when Blaine woke up and walked out of his room, the sight of Kurt in his underwear greeted him. Well, okay, Kurt’s wearing a t-shirt as well, since Blaine gave him one. Blaine already knows what he looks like underneath, since he stripped yesterday.
Kurt’s currently wearing Blaine’s t-shirt and Blaine cannot stop looking at him. It looks good on him, even though it doesn’t really fit. Blaine should probably get Kurt’s clothes. They’re dry by now. The longer Kurt walks around like this, the more distracted Blaine gets.
Blaine tilts his head. He really hasn’t stopped looking at Kurt. But can you blame him? Kurt is incredibly handsome.
Blaine realises what is going on.
He’s jealous.
Of course he’s jealous of Kurt’s looks. What man wouldn’t be jealous of that flawless skin and the somewhat muscular arms (does Kurt work out?) and the long legs. Blaine frowns. It’s been a while since he had self-esteem issues like this. In high school, he was in an all boys’ school, so it was hard to ignore that a lot of guys were good looking and it always made Blaine somewhat uncomfortable.
Blaine pushes his uncomfortable feelings away, because Kurt’s made breakfast and he deserves the attention. They talk about the storm and about the movie, but they get interrupted by Kurt’s phone.
Kurt looks at the screen.
“Sunil is asking if I’m awake and if I want breakfast.”
Right. Sunil. Fuck, Blaine feels the discomfort about that as well.
“Lemme tell him I crashed at your place,” Kurt taps the screen and Blaine decides to get over his messy thoughts and be supportive.
“Uh, you and Sunil would make a nice couple.”
Kurt glances at Blaine.
“I mean, it’s okay if you are!”
Blaine is totally fucking this up.
“We’re not dating,” Kurt says, “Just because I’m gay and he’s pan doesn’t mean we’re dating. Besides, I think I like someone else.”
“Right. Sorry. I didn’t want to assume. It’s true you can also have breakfast with friends.”
“Like this.”
“Yes. Like this.”
After breakfast, Blaine practically throws Kurt’s clothes at him.
“I’ll just get changed in my room,” he says.
Once he’s in front of his wardrobe, he doesn’t know what to do. Kurt likes his outfits. He said it during their trip to Koper and Piran and ever since then Blaine has been putting more thought in his outfits.
In the end he decides on a navy blazer, some dark jeans and a green bowtie. Kurt compliments him when he gets out of the room. Great! Together they leave the apartment. Kurt’s on his way to class and Blaine has a meeting to attend.
“Thanks again for letting me crash,” Kurt says when they part ways and they hug. It’s nice.
“Can I ask you something?”
Blaine lies on his couch with the phone at his ear. He takes a breath.
“Do you think I’m handsome?”
“Blaine, you’re my boyfriend! Of course I think you’re handsome!” Quinn answers with a laugh, “What’s brought this on?”
Blaine wraps his free arm around himself.
“Remember that I told you that I used to be a bit insecure at Dalton?”
“… Yes.”
Blaine bites his lips and even though he’s alone, his eyes dart around the room. Eventually, he tells Quinn everything. She’s his confidant, after all. He tells her how handsome Kurt is and how he can’t stop looking at him, because his mind is constantly comparing himself to Kurt.
“But you should see him, Quinnie!” Blaine continues, “No man should look that handsome! And his body! Should I work out more?”
“You have a nice body, Blaine. You should value your body, you only have one!”
“Yeah, but Kurt’s nicer! His chest, Quinn! His chest!”
“Have you seen him shirtless?”
Blaine quickly explains what has led to this. Quinn hums in understanding and she tells him that he’s a good friend. Blaine hopes he is. He did make it somewhat awkward this morning by bringing up Sunil.
“But Blaine, you look great. Even if you don’t look like Kurt,” Quinn reassures him, “It’s hard to believe it, but Denise actually told me about something new the other day.”
“Oh, that’s senator Jackson-Smith’s daughter’s first name.”
“She’s still in LA?”
“Yes, we’ve been hanging out and today we talked about this thing called body neutrality!”
Blaine sits back on his couch and he listens to Quinn explain this entire concept. He comments every now and then and he makes affirming noises. It does sound interesting and Denise has the right idea. He doesn’t know if it will work, though. He wants to believe in it, but then he thinks about Kurt in his underpants and t-shirt, or Kurt without the t-shirt and that’s not an image that will leave is brain any time soon.
He feels restless, so he gets up from the couch to pace around. Quinn’s voice is still in his ear. She’s talking more about Denise now and Blaine’s happy to gradually change subjects.
Maybe he shouldn’t have let Kurt stay over. That started the whole thing.
“Blaine? Blaine! Are you still listening?”
Blaine blinks a couple of times.
“Huh. Yes.”
“Liar,” Quinn says, but Blaine can hear the joking tone in her voice. He smiles. “It’s late at yours. We can talk some more tomorrow.”
Blaine agrees. They say their goodbyes, and goodnights in Blaine’s case. Blaine needs an evening to himself. He might brew a nice pot of tea and curl up on the couch underneath a fluffy blanket so that he can read. He bought some new books from Mladinska knjiga and he’s been waiting for the right time.
Yes. This is a great idea. Blaine puts on the kettle and he walks to his room in order to get changed into something more comfortable. That’s when he sees the t-shirt that Kurt wore in the morning.
He picks it up.
“Snap out of it,” he says to himself.